Shenmue III mentioned

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Postby Nortisan » Mon Oct 04, 2004 12:40 am

Hopefully it will be built in flash memory...It's fast and like we both said...less moving parts = longer life.
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Postby Skillz » Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:46 pm

it would not make no sense to do what they did and cancle it it was ms fault either way nortisan they cancled it, like i siad makes no sense to cnalce it. look at ffxi online on ps2 did they cancle it but for some reason i bet u cna play ot on ps3 right?. so what was the reason for them to canlce tflo thus because it would still and could get to everyone in time for xbox next to come out and people cna start playing on thier, so thus i say it might not be backwards compatibles u cannot boss me around and tell me what i tihnk its my opinion in my sense ur being rude and immature and baish for yelling at me like u did and for saying this is like like this thi is how its going to be.

i remember the dude that had the bart simpson avitar said to mike silva something like i thought u did nto care for shenmue get out of hr eu said it wa simmature what u did was worse. my opinion is worth it and needed here too and like i sai dit might not be abckwards compatible, they way they had acted was like it wasnt and i can say as i please.

u over reacted back there and snapped at me for what get a life dude. :roll:
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Postby Skillz » Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:54 pm

also thi si the first time i have double posted.. so do not flame me but i remember and saw what was said after that and on the rest of page three but still like it was said allis speculation and rumors and thus this does not concern the compatiility righ tnow if they show and reviel xbox and ps2 next yr.... would i be right that itsnot 2005 becuase it s too early like i siad, so id say 2006 so it is still a rumor? and flash memory..... ar eu sure it could hold as much stuff as xbox could with the other thing i mean the other had 50k blocks.. what would this do... and i sitll say it made no snese what they did with tflo it was a biiig mistake. :roll:
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Postby Nortisan » Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:11 pm

I could barely read a word of either posts. TRY AGAIN!

EDIT: OK. Well, I understand the flash memory part...Yes it could hold as much. The Xbox hard drive is 8GB. They have USB storage devises that have 120GB. So, yes, I'm sure it could hold as much.
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Postby Skillz » Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:43 pm

well a specific type of drive need sto be put in it ok? it can burn out and u cannot stick an orginal flah or usb drive thingy in it. i bet it is going ot be made thus a special amde xbox flash drive with wha eve rmuch space and itll probably make the xbox cost more at launch... i hope not :roll:
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Postby Nortisan » Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:08 pm

No, like I said before, flash drives last much longer than hard drives (NO MOVING PARTS = LONGER LASTING). Flash drives have no moving parts, but hard drives spin, therefore, flash drives last much longer. And, besides, just because it is flash memory doesn't mean that it is external. They can/will make an internal flash memory unit. So, there IS a specific type of drive in the Xbox 2...It's called a flash drive!!!!!

Holy crap! You just want to argue! I state clearly (multiple times), with evidence to back up my statements, that flash memory lasts longer, can store as much as/more than hard drives, and that it will be internal memory!!!!! Yet you come back in here and argue with me, when everything you say has already been proved WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, what about the rest of the jumbled up text you posted????!!!!!!! Fix it!!! Or get the Hell out of the forums!!!! There is no point in posting anything if no can tell what the Hell you are talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skillz wrote:it would not make no sense to do what they did and cancle it it was ms fault either way nortisan they cancled it, like i siad makes no sense to cnalce it. look at ffxi online on ps2 did they cancle it but for some reason i bet u cna play ot on ps3 right?. so what was the reason for them to canlce tflo thus because it would still and could get to everyone in time for xbox next to come out and people cna start playing on thier, so thus i say it might not be backwards compatibles u cannot boss me around and tell me what i tihnk its my opinion in my sense ur being rude and immature and baish for yelling at me like u did and for saying this is like like this thi is how its going to be.

i remember the dude that had the bart simpson avitar said to mike silva something like i thought u did nto care for shenmue get out of hr eu said it wa simmature what u did was worse. my opinion is worth it and needed here too and like i sai dit might not be abckwards compatible, they way they had acted was like it wasnt and i can say as i please.

u over reacted back there and snapped at me for what get a life dude.


Oh and...OVER REACTED??!!!!!! I think that my reaction THEN and NOW are greatly justified!!!!! You come in here and try to argue with whatever anyone says, but no one can even try to dispute/discuss what you said, because no one can read/understand it!!!!!!!! And, what the Hell does that have to do with having a life or not?! Which, by the way, I do, and it doesn’t involve computers, or gaming! So, don’t tell me to get a life, ‘cause I already have one...Thanks!!!!

Danielalan asked you very nicely to clean up your typing...And you did, for ONE post. Then you actually got worse than before you cleaned it up!!!!! I'm just curious...Can you even read what you type?! Or did you not even try to re-write those last 2 posts because you don't know what you were typing either? That post, quoted above was worse than anything I have seen you post before. I refuse to analyze your posts for hours trying to make some sort of sense out of them, after this, and no one else should have to either!

This is the last time that I will do this...I read and re-read your post trying to make sense of it...

So, your saying that it is your opinion, and so I should just respect that? There’s just one TINY problem with that (Oh, if you could only here my sarcastic tone)...This is not a matter of opinion, I have given you given you reason after reason, why they wouldn’t do that. INCLUDING A NEWS ARTICLE, that stated that Microsoft has resolved the backwards compatibility issue!!! Again, this is FACT. Opinions only count for something when you have analyzed the FACTS, and then come to a conclusion. You have just disregarded any and all truth so that you can stick to your theory!!! That’s RIDICULOUS!!! I am not being bossy, I’m being intelligent. You should try it. It’s nice.

As far as that conversation that your trying to bring back up...Why don’t you go and re-read that????!!!!! I told you over and over that I was not the one that said that!!!! It was someone else!!!! It is completely ludicrous for you to try to say that I said that, when everything is in writing here, with the person’s name attached!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You came in and started arguing with me (once again), trying to say that I was being, harsh for saying that I didn’t like Shenmue Online or maybe it was the Shenmue series in general...I can’t remember. But once again, there was just one TINY, LITTLE problem with what you were saying...And that problem would be...*drum roll* ...I never said anything that could even confuse someone into thinking that I disliked Shenmue or Shenmue Online.

Go back and check the facts (for once)!!!!!!!!!!

I am sick of arguing with you, when you blatantly disregard any fact that might possibly disagree with the ignorant theories that you have formed, without any reasonable evidence to back them up, other than, “they canceled tflo!” which by the way doesn’t prove your point. Especially when I have given tons of reasons/evidence to disprove your “theory”.

I am not being immature. Anyone would have trouble reading your posts, and finally snap, after asking for you to clarify, and only receiving sarcastic remarks and refusals (you have smilies with rolling eyes in almost all of your posts, but I can’t tell what you’re rolling your eyes about), and after you argue against fact, calling them immature, bossy, and stubborn, saying that they have no life because of a so called over reaction, and trying to tell them that they said something in another topic which they clearly did not (all you have to do is look at the username!!!! It doesn’t say Nortisan!!!). My anger, and my reactions, are clearly justified!!!!
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Postby -Evil- » Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:17 am

Nice :)
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Postby Capsule Toys Maniac » Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:08 am

Just to let everybody know.
They took away Shenmue III from the pre-order list.
It now says (translated to english) "Isn't in development anymore"

I don't think this means something though.
I guess They they heard of Shenmue Online and decided to take away Shenmue III from the pre-order list.
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Postby Skillz » Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:05 am

1. you are not the boss of me nortisan, icna stay here when ever i please as long as i do not start trouble which i do not.

2. who are you do boss people around for no reason, and it always have to be your way, like your a mr.know it all? and you did over react want to know why? ok i wa snot arguing with you this is the way i am i wante dinfo on the subject and to hea rpeoples opinions so i jst type, and i was wondering about how flash memory would go inside the game unit. and you told me. and before i sai dthe xbox was not backwards compatible it is what i have been hearing it is my mouth i mean fingers and i cna type it when i want. it was still a stupid reason for xbox to cancle the game tflo. on gamefaqs people were giving opinions and someone stated that as one of them. cuz it made noense to do what they did. so but still it can be put on xbox 2. why? because most games that get cabcked might end up some where for instasnce halo was to go to pc firt beofre 2000, they said they had no right technology to accomplish what they wanted in the vision of halo so they cancled it years later it ends up on xbox as an exclusive title then back on pc. so yes i think tflo is going to go to xbox 2 if you read what people from both companies said well.. one it wa shino form level 5 who hinted at what went wrong. and it is what started the wording of WHY the xbox 2 might not be backwards compatible. see i like typing like this i was not arguing this is the way i was typing it is my thoughts this is what a shenmue forums is about right? i explaine dmy theory on the xbox which shenmue is currently on. and you ahve to be right?

oh i am arguing with you?
i am looking for trouble?
i do not know nothing, and i keep talking?
only what i said has to be right no other opinions?
only my wordings are welcome here (this is a forum remember fool?)cuz i am the only one who can express what i can say cuz i am god all mighty?

those whole impressios describe you to me ass a concieted prick, and more immature than i have ever seen, cuz i wa snot arguing with you, i wa styping and expressing until i see xbox 2 or hear stuff on it i can shut up until then i will listen to all that has been said and spread around the world and on the net.

immature? contradicting your self..? hippocrite remember when mike selva posted a topic on shenmue and this guy with a bart avitar flamed him and said to leave the forums that he thought he hated shenmue and said it wa sdead? thne you told th eother dude that what he said was immature? you are no different and are an hippocrite and much more your true colors showed. you did the same thing as him and far worse?
cuz it was far worse to go and tell someone about laving for some stupid thing like them disagreeing with you on something (which i was not i was explaining what i heard) so you little kid why dont you grow up?

4. if you think you scared me one bit or made me leave the forum thus for my abscense nope i was just busy and i notice dojo down when i was active waited got back on when it wa sup, and checked the board one day last weeka nd now i am fully active. oh yeah :roll:

bye ;)
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Postby Kenny » Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:17 pm

ys wrote: He said an large amount of people mailed them about it so they decided to put it up there because of these two combined factors.

At least it's good to know there are actually ALOT of people out there who give a damn. 8)
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Postby Skillz » Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:11 am

no backwards combatibility what so ever... unless they decide ot have it. from what mike said.
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Postby VGAce » Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:23 am

Was it necessary to bring this back up after two months?
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Postby ShenmueIII » Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:04 am

Well, I hope Shenmue III will be on the X Box because it would make no sense for them to switch systems, but, if they do switch, i think playstation should run the game.
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Postby changed my mind » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:35 am

Skillz wrote:it would not make no sense to do what they did and cancle it it was ms fault either way nortisan they cancled it, like i siad makes no sense to cnalce it. look at ffxi online on ps2 did they cancle it but for some reason i bet u cna play ot on ps3 right?. so what was the reason for them to canlce tflo thus because it would still and could get to everyone in time for xbox next to come out and people cna start playing on thier, so thus i say it might not be backwards compatibles u cannot boss me around and tell me what i tihnk its my opinion in my sense ur being rude and immature and baish for yelling at me like u did and for saying this is like like this thi is how its going to be.

i remember the dude that had the bart simpson avitar said to mike silva something like i thought u did nto care for shenmue get out of hr eu said it wa simmature what u did was worse. my opinion is worth it and needed here too and like i sai dit might not be abckwards compatible, they way they had acted was like it wasnt and i can say as i please.

u over reacted back there and snapped at me for what get a life dude. :roll:

Sorry, but Nortisan was spot on when he said:
I don't think I've ever read as much jibberish as that, worst thing is it is impossible to decipher 90% of it. I'm sure you don't have a problem it's just you rush when you are typing and don't check what you have typed. Please, please,please for the sake of my eyes, my brain and my sanity, please, please learn to type a comprehensible sentence.
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Postby Bane » Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:17 am

Sega Braz wrote:Yeah, lets hope I ain't 18 by the time its released.

Why? How old are you now?[/quote]

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