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Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:32 am
by fittersau
Do not expect Polygon to give a PS4 exclusive Shenmue 3 a good review.

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:22 am
by Zoltor
fittersau wrote: Do not expect Polygon to give a PS4 exclusive Shenmue 3 a good review.

I wouldn't find that surprising one bit, other so called professional review sites have been bought out/bribed, so why not them. It's actually very common sigh, It's why I never read reviews written by major review sites.

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:43 am
by shredingskin
It's funny how they are called polygon but only have one angle.

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:20 pm
by Sonoshee
I honestly think that any team member working under Yu will have a passion for helping to create a very living, breathing world in the tradition of Shenmue. I remember an interview with an old AM2 employee who worked on Shenmue and that he'd often stay in the studio hours after other team members had gone home, just so he could put details in to the smallest of things; such as working lights on the cars that passed by Dobuita. It's just attention to detail and the driving passion to create something special. I have no doubt Yu will be looking for this talent again for Shenmue 3. Even better, is if he can get a good majority of the original AM2 development team back at YS Net.

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:47 pm
by Shibiryo

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:58 pm
by Gen
^ Perhaps you should mention that you're quoting a post from the Neogaf thread.

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 2:30 pm
by Shibiryo
When this game comes out how much do you guys wanna bet these people all double down because that's all gaming journalists seem to know how to do. Double down when they're wrong instead of just being a man/woman and saying "Hey you know what? I was wrong. I've learned something from this." I really hate the ego/pride that it seems like a majority of the gaming writers seem to have. I mean shit, it's not the end of the world to just say "I don't know" or "I was wrong".

It's not journalism people, don't expect it to be what it'll never be. Good coverage about a wider range of games, without bias and a constructive opinion is the best we should expect. And clearly if there's good journalists out there I really hope they'll cover something else than gaming (world news is lacking good journalists and it's way more important). This said, it's sad for Shenmue and our community because I always had the impression a lot of "gaming journalists" were sharing the same enthusiasm regarding some anthological games revival or hommage.

Why does this even matter though? All I care is I get what's promised (the game) for contributing. How they allocate my contribution, what other funding they receive, etc is not relevant. Just like any other product from a store, I'm paying money to own it and that's where my inquiry ends.

Only difference is that I'm paying for this in advance. If someone is not comfortable doing so, nobody is forcing them to back it. But playing misguided detective while pretending to white Knight gamers and consumers is really insulting and frustrating as some of us have waited over a decade for this pipe dream of a game to happen. Who knows what hoops needed to be jumped through to even get this project off the ground. If someone's not interested, that's absolutely fine, but shitting on the parade under the facade of "fair investigative gaming journalism" is bullcrap.

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:38 pm
by elmatto
Journalism isn't journalism anymore.

It's blogging with a paycheck.

That's why these people insert their crappy opinions like it's fact.

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:51 am
by shredingskin
I'm the only one that thinks that YS wants to rewrite the SII ending and he made that to make a bigger cliffhanger (flying swords and stuff).

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:55 am
by Yokosuka
shredingskin wrote: I'm the only one that thinks that YS wants to rewrite the SII ending and he made that to make a bigger cliffhanger (flying swords and stuff).

I think yes. All his claims seem to show the otherwise.

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:06 am
by shredingskin
Which ones ? We are going to start in the road to shenhua house and not in the cave.

Maybe he'll remake as the same, but I think he'll tweak it a bit.

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:17 am
by Yokosuka
Make Shenmue II a non-canon story would be a crazy idea, he's just going to make a stylistic ellipsis imo. Maybe Ryo and Shenhua plan to warn some villagers before investigating the cave further or something else ?

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:21 am
by south carmain
Just thinking about doing the guilin section again with modern graphics is making me tingle inside.

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:22 am
by Hanzumon
The main Question is: "Why Ryo and Shenhua get the sword?"

Will Ryo fight with this sword against Lan Di in the big fight in the end? Will Ryo kill the "chinese dragon monster" with the sword? Or ist the sword another key for something in Shenmue III or Shenmue IV?

In my optionen, we will learn the secrets of the sword and the two mirrors in the end of Shenmue III. In the end of Shenmue IV, Lan Di gets the phoenix-mirror and will do something very bad and in the last game, we defeat Lan Di.

If Shenmue III is ja commercial failure, YS will end the Series with Shenmue IV and a short version of the last parts. If the next Game is a success, then Sega will produce Shenmue IV and Shenmue V in the end. :king:

But I also believe, that part III doensn´t have much fantasy content like the end of Shenmue II in the next game. I like Shenmue II more then the first game, but the last scene with Ryo and his friends learn about the backstory of the fathers of Lan Di and Ryo was a better ending then the mystic end in the cave with the sword. I love the part with Shenhua and Ryo in Gulin, but the end of the Game wasn´t a great cliffhanger, like the Information about Iowa Hauzuki. Maybe the story is true, mabe not. But that creats entsion for the next Game. More like a mystic flying sword and Ryo und Shenhua in a cave for the next 15 years ;)

Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:32 am
by shredingskin
Just from a writing perspective is kinda hard to follow up.

Yeah, flying swords and magical lasers... Where's bailu village ?