Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Re: Team Yu needs you!

Postby blackcar » Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:57 pm


i never blog in fact this is my first ever time, some would say a blogging virgin.

As for the above question will it happen?

Every month or so for the past 10 years I have been asking the same question, like millions of others across the globe. The thing is I believe it can but for it to happen we need to up our game!! This game means so much to me, it was beautiful a stroke of genius some would say. It sucked me into a world i never thought was possible and i have never forgotten. I have been fortunate to have many games consoles and many games over the years but nothing has come close to this series, nothing have i yearned for more than to play the 3rd.

To get Shenmue 3 in development i feel we have to take some steps and take the fight to sega. Firstly if it has not been done already we need an online petition. We need to get millions to sign it that way we could justify to Sega that making the game could be profitable. By doing this we could use the power of facebook. Then each and every Shenmue fan could sign it also we could get non shenmue fans to sign it (play dirty). Everyone who is a fan to send a message to each and everyone of their friends asking if they could also sign it. We could also post the petition on you tube.

Then when we have reached a certain amount of people signed we would go to japan and hand it over to Sega in person. Whilst demonstrating outside with banners and plaques, with a slogan like "what do we want ?" "Shenmue 3" "When do we want it NOW" i know it sounds a little crazy to go all the way to Japan to demand this game, but i would do it. i would buy the ticket and fly all the way from the UK to be there, i know thousands would also join me. We deserve this game people like us made Sega and lets not forget we owe this to Ryo.

I think that Sega has forgotten that someones father died here? We need an explanation, I want to get my hands on that Lan Di and give that Bas***d what for. i also want to drive another fork lift.

So lets get this game rolling lets quit all this will it happen? Wont it happen business and get down to business our selves. We need hand written letters by every fan to be sent to Sega Japan. WE NEED FLYERS, COMMERCIALS, TV SLOTS, WE NEED MONEY!!!

Whos with me to get this show on the road? And to take the fight to sega? if we get enough people like i said i will fly to Japan.


p.s i miss Fuku San.
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Re: Team Yu needs you!

Postby Bluecast » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:11 pm

Tee hee look a virgin!

Nah. Seriously tho welcome. Everytime I see a new Shenmue fan I get a little giddy. Been happening more which is fantastic. I keep thinking no one will be new to it anymore or think they don't want to talk about a "dead" series.
I keep being wrong and I love it. Good. Stick around.
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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby goaliefrk » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:38 pm

As long as Yu Suzuki is alive, so is Shenmue .
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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby blackcar » Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:49 am

thanks for your warm welcome, i did not expect anything else from amazing shenmue fans. and you are right @goaliefrk as long as hes alive so is shenmue. i think we just need ti sit sega down and watch the movie Field of Dreams! If you build it they will come!!!

God i want this game, im not even religious but have said the odd prayer in hope over the years (true story).

Its good to be surrounded by people who share my love for a very special game.
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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby AdamKoralik » Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:30 pm

I don't know how many of you saw my Shenmue III Rant, but I talk about how to make it feasible.

Be warned, it's 29 minutes, so I fully understand if people aren't interested.

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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby Steenkoud » Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:06 am

You have a great Shenmue collection bro!
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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby Master Kyodai » Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:01 pm

Shenmue 3 - if it ever comes out - will prolly be like "Walking dead: Survival instinct" a technically unimpressive and boring game to mooch off money quickly from an IP.
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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby RyoHazuki84 » Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:27 pm

well, who will be a good parter for suzuki? that is one of his concerns in making shenmue 3. hell, if i won the power ball, i would donate that money to get shenmue 3 made. getting shenmue 3 funded is why i bother playing the powe ball or lottery these days
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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby AdamKoralik » Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:47 pm

Steenkoud wrote: You have a great Shenmue collection bro!

Tip of the ice berg there sir. But thank you.

RyoHazuki84 wrote: well, who will be a good parter for suzuki? that is one of his concerns in making shenmue 3. hell, if i won the power ball, i would donate that money to get shenmue 3 made. getting shenmue 3 funded is why i bother playing the powe ball or lottery these days

I maintain Mark Cerny would be a good fit.

I will once again shamelessly plug one of my videos explaining this. Please note, it's 54 minutes long.


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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby Jeff » Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:45 pm

No. The only way I could see that happening is like 20 years or more after original release, either SEGA assuming their viable at that point can do a remake, starting from scratch and tweaking some things. But when you remake a game, or a movie for that matter, nobody' who played the original will be satisfied by it because it's not exactly like the original, different scenes, different voice actors, etc. I wouldn't mind if they created a game with the feel of Shenmue, but a different story. Not flashy, but detailed, not magical, but deep. Immerse the player into a different world. Only problem for someone like me is that I don't have time anymore for that kind of time dedication to focus on a game I did 12 or so years ago.
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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby Luvly KM » Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:04 pm

realistically no. But as a graphic novel or something else: Yes, one day.

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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby Perfect_Chaos » Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:18 pm

FUUUUUUUUUUUCCKKK NO!!!! people people people. get a grip and come down to earth.......aint happenin....
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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby sylentknyte » Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:58 pm

I feel that we will get Shemue 3 in some respect, just not a game. I imagine they'll make the script or story public after Yu dies.
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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby Stocke » Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:56 pm

This year's E3 guys.
This is the year.
Seriously guys.

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Re: Realistically, do you think Shenmue 3 will happen?

Postby Perfect_Chaos » Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:50 pm

Stocke wrote: This year's E3 guys.
This is the year.
Seriously guys.


Your joking right?
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