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Re: shenmue 3 kickstarter result (vote)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 3:02 pm
by Jackie Fhan
Esppiral wrote: 4,5million at best, let's be real IMHO.

I don'tthink it is a bad amount considering is more than twice the minimum required by the KS.

Lol at those who voted for the 10+ million. :rotflmao:

2 million was just a goal set by the KS and YS teams. I don't think it's a good way to weigh interest since it only hurt the KS more than anything.

I hope it does get closer to 10 than 5, just to put a few people in their place about the power of the human spirit and SH \:D/

Saying 4 million at best is almost as silly as 10. Not quite, but close.

pledged of $2,000,000 goal
days to go

If it really only makes 362,911 over the next 22 days including the last day which should be its top 3 or 2 biggest days, i'll eat my socks.

Re: shenmue 3 kickstarter result (vote)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 3:18 pm
by Reprise
What I will say, is when (OK, if) they do add more reward tiers, they need to actually update the front page of the campaign!!!

Re: shenmue 3 kickstarter result (vote)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 3:23 pm
by Jackie Fhan
Reprise wrote: What I will say, is when (OK, if) they do add more reward tiers, they need to actually update the front page of the campaign!!!

they just made me feel tired with thier tiers and look. Really hoped they used something cool and gave away just a hint of new tiers.

As it is though, their current teirs are just vague and no one can care about them.

Needed jobs, games, sh 1/2 as stretch goals. I think we all knew that though.'

Sadly, it seems all the cool stuff is probably after 5 million somewhere and we will never know.

Re: shenmue 3 kickstarter result (vote)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:12 pm
by Jackie Fhan
Welp, socks are bag on the feet.

Now we just need to try to go for those job tiers and beyond. I am glad no one I giving up on the10 million dream, especially Yu and co!

Re: shenmue 3 kickstarter result (vote)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:15 pm
by johnvivant
'Shenmue 3 has now surpassed Mighty No. 9 to become the 4th most funded game on Kickstarter.'

Re: shenmue 3 kickstarter result (vote)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:18 pm
by Jackie Fhan
Time to head to 10 million.

Still hoping for that dreamcast case edition now :)