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Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:58 pm
by Peter
Time heals all wound guys, this will pass. Keep the faith.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:31 pm
by punkmanced
Peter wrote: Time heals all wound guys, this will pass. Keep the faith.

My faith in Shenmue 3 being an awesome game is unwavering :)

That being said, ignoring AJ’s incompetence hasn’t done anyone any favors. They’re literally the largest source of strife surrounding the project, and they’re bound to f*ck up again in the future if given the chance.

I suppose the only valid question at this point is: could things still be different if another company was to run the campaign tomorrow? …Or are we way past the point of making any real difference (aside from preventing future fiascos)?

I‘m not so sure anymore, to be honest, though if I were in your shoes I would definitely bring up the general topic of “AJ” with Cedric. Don’t be shy: you’re one of the game’s biggest individual backers inquiring over a legitimate concern. Nothing strange there. Unless you end up tripping on something whilst running up to him with your handshake out.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:25 pm
by Superrayman3
punkmanced wrote:
Peter wrote: Time heals all wound guys, this will pass. Keep the faith.

My faith in Shenmue 3 being an awesome game is unwavering :)

That being said, ignoring AJ’s incompetence hasn’t done anyone any favors. They’re literally the largest source of strife surrounding the project, and they’re bound to f*ck up again in the future if given the chance.

I suppose the only valid question at this point is: could things still be different if another company was to run the campaign tomorrow? …Or are we way past the point of making any real difference (aside from preventing future fiascos)?

I‘m not so sure anymore, to be honest, though if I were in your shoes I would definitely bring up the general topic of “AJ” with Cedric. Don’t be shy: you’re one of the game’s biggest individual backers inquiring over a legitimate concern. Nothing strange there. Unless you end up tripping on something whilst running up to him with your handshake out.
I agree with punkmanced you really should bring the general topic of AJ up with Cedric, Peter, because if anyone deserves to know anything from inside in a situation like this, it should be the highest backers.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:56 pm
by Snakiest
Whenever we run polls or do surveys in my company, I always avoid putting neutral reply options to avoid this kind of vague results.

While I voted yes and, in fact, didn't care much about it all (so I could easily go for the neutral non-answer), I really don't get whoever voted against it. I just don't understand why they would, especially if they really wanted the PayPal support to be more successful.

In Yu we trust.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:11 am
by Yokosuka
We can expect a new update in the coming times as AJ sent me an email :
Hello Yokosuka,

Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention.

We will do our best to clear up this misunderstanding as we are certainly not retiring any existing Paypal rewards.

Thank you very much for your support and for keeping an eye out for us.

Best regards,

Oscar &
The Shenmue 3 Team

Could you slip in a new screenshot or something related to Shenmue III AJ ? That would be too bad to make an official update to thousands of backers just for this. :)

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:47 am
by Yokosuka
Here we go :
Shenmue 3 Kickstarter rewards won't be available to PayPal backers

The Shenmue 3 Kickstarter campaign offers backers a plethora of exclusive rewards for contributing, from physical copies of the game in unique cases to specially engraved plaques. None of these gifts, however, will be available to those who donated via PayPal, according to the campaign's latest update. ... al-backers

Damn fuck off ](*,) Idiotic journalism makes me sick

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:20 am
by VukBZ2005
The "clickbait" is starting to go into the fantastical on this one, but that is why AJ should have been more cautious. Now I'm worried that the weakhearted will join the Anti-Shenmue Gaming Media and Troll Brigade and make the perception worse. The best thing we can do to blunt this is just accept the "L", make sure AJ is held to a certain standard so this isn't repeated and move forward.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:36 am
by Yokosuka
I begin to read comments from people who were going to back on Paypal before giving up. Real shame.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:57 am
by Spaghetti
This has completely run away from Awesome Japan and yet again damaging the campaign. Over a poll. A fucking poll.

Fire Awesome Japan. They are useless.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:01 am
by Monkei
Reprise wrote:Sigh. I just need to stay away from Shenmue related stuff on the internet and wait for Shenmue 3's release haha.

I kinda feel like that, too. But it's good to see at least some people thinking about things in a reasonable way, even if it's only a handfull of you guys. I guess there are more, but they probably decide to stay out of stuff like this or simply don't care. Which might actually be the best approach to it.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:24 am
by Spaghetti
So unsurprising Polygon is one of the larger sites running with the same story the smaller sites who didn't fact check did earlier.

Christ, being a games journalist at Polygon must be the easiest job on the planet.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:25 am
by Yokosuka
Good link to spread out : ... 15/?_rdr=p
Team Yu
19 hrs ·
Yesterday we posted our thoughts on the recent poll for Kickstarter backers of Shenmue 3. Today we want to address a surprisingly common misinterpretation of the poll question that appears to have panicked a number of PayPal backers, thanks in part to some equally (and typically) confused media coverage.
To clarify, all existing PayPal Slacker Backer rewards remain unaffected by the poll, which was only to decide whether rewards that had been omitted (but previously available through Kickstarter) should be added to the line-up.
That's it. That's all. If you've already backed through PayPal, you'll still get your rewards. If you haven't yet backed through PayPal, you still have the choice of all the same rewards that have been available to Slacker Backers since the option was launched in September.
The only rewards that Slacker Backers don't have access to, and this has always been the case, are those that were never carried across from Kickstarter in the first place. They were never listed on the Slacker Backer page, and now thanks to this poll, they never will be.
So nothing has changed. There is nothing to panic about.
We made our feelings known yesterday about the outcome of the poll, but that has nothing to do with this misconception about PayPal rewards disappearing. They're not. Everything's just as it was a week ago.
Despite whatever the gutter press might think.
For more on the media's history of misrepresenting any and all news connected with Shenmue 3, we discussed a few examples with SEGA Nerds in October:

today media talking about Shenmue ... &tbs=qdr:d

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:42 am
by Spaghetti
For all the (mostly unfounded) shit we get about being insane fans, the Shenmue community has proven itself at being mostly rational and constructive in the face of PR messes and lying journalists.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:09 am
by shredingskin
But also a lot of "no" voters.

I think the results would have been SO MUCH different if they didn't put the I don't care option (and not being run on holydays).

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:18 am
by ShenSun
Wow, this has blown up alot more than i originally thought. I had no idea there was a neogaf thread or more outlets reporting the news in an obscure manner.

As mentioned before, its up to you Peter if you want to bring it up. I can understand if you want a 100% pleasurable experience without diving into the negatives. Me personally, id bring it up. Cedric has invested millions and these fools are damaging the product.

With that said, this issue should be addressed alot sooner and should not be placed solely on your shoulders. We should all just email or tweet him this thread link. He's a business man after all. This company is clearly bad business for the project and is costing them time and money, not to mention bad PR.

I have full faith in Shenmue 3. I think Suzuki will deliver a magical experience and all of us will love it. My problem is Awesome Japan. I can't even get mad at game journalism anymore since AJ are indirectly giving them all the ammunition they need.

They take no responsibility for their actions ever. We've waited 14 years for the dream to come true and these incompetent people are ruining our game.

This next point is sure to be controversial, but i think there's also a segment of the fanbase that refuse to acknowledge the problem we face and simply turn a blind eye to it or downplay the damage that its doing. Possibly out of fear that it may draw attention or may come across negative.

Like i said before, this problem is going to continue to happen and they will also do fuck all to help the campaign (promotion, marketing, deals, etc etc).

I just hope to god, no one withdraws their donations from the paypal campaign. Ive already seen comments suggesting people to do so.