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Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:02 am
by Yokosuka
Cédric Biscay interview at MAGIC Monaco 2016 by ... edric-bisc
(read Yu Suzuki interview here)

Julien: Beyond the great spotlight they put on you at the E3, what is the Sony's role?
Cédric Biscay: First of all, they're "facilitators" for the PS4 release, which is a console exclusivity, so it's Sony who will manage the Shenmue III release on that machine.

So is that about marketing means?
CB: Yes. A lot of marketing means.

So that's their financial investment. Is that all?
CB: No but I can't tell you just like that.

But Sony has also a "direct" financial investment there, hasn't it?
CB: I can't tell you neither, sorry! Really, what is certain and what I can confirm is that their marketing investment is true.


All right. So since the tremendous hype has been generated by the Shenmue III announcement, are there new publishers or investors who came forward to join you?
CB: There are people who came up yes but anyway, we have already a team in place. There are interests, indeed, because there was a lot of hype but I cannot disclose this kind of information.

So, beyond the media hype, do you confirm there is a business hype too?
CB: On the business side too, yes absolutely.

Do you still receive requests on your side ? Additional financial means? A support in other areas?
CB: No there aren't specially requests. There was a request for a second campaign (Paypal) because that's the wish of the fans but originally, it was not ever planned. We really followed the fans request since they wanted to back more. Yu also said more he gets funds, more he can make a bigger game but really it's the only reason of why this second campaign exists.

Well in any case, Shenmue III is fully funded now, isn't it?
CB: Yes.

Then the release is still planned for December 2017, do you confirm again?
CB: Yes. In any case, that's what is planned at the present time.


After 14 years of waiting, all the fans are happy but keeping ask themselves about the following story since Yu stated clearly that Shenmue III will not be the story end, meaning the necessity to make at least Shenmue IV, maybe more... So I ask: Is a new Kickstarter campaign going to be needed or a relative success of Shenmue III might be enough to fund it?
CB: I will talk very personally and independently from the Yu Suzuki's opinion. In my opinion, if the game is a big success, obviously there won't be troubles to get the sequel. Obviously if it's not the case, chances to get that sequel will really grow slimmer...

When you said "big success", do you mean a lot of sales plus the kickstarter ones?
CB: Yes, exactly.

So what is the goal in concrete terms ? Business side, you have obviously an idea of what you need to reach, haven't you?
CB: Yes I've the idea. Obviously, I can't share you the information but we have to sell it as a "normal" hit.

Do you mean like an "AAA"?
CB: Hmmm, I would say like a good game.

Globally, at least one million sales worldwide?
CB: Ah, that would be cool yes. It's a friendly target for us.

Enough to say "it's certain, Shenmue IV is happening"?
CB: No, I can't tell you just like that. But we would really like to reach that one million sales level, that's for sure.

It's clear this adventure represents a risk for you since the IP does not belong to you but Sega. And considering they lend you the IP, they obviously expect some result too. So, are they involved that much?
CB: They're not specially involved. They give us the IP so we are committed to release Shenmue III, and that's all actually. They indeed own the IP but we earn a return from the sales. It's licencing so a part of the sales is intended to them, logically.

By the way, I believe there is a subject that is dear to you. It's the Saturn version of Shenmue which really exists and is partially playable. I was told that you're personally involved to make the Saturn version a kind of bonus...
CB: Infact, what I would really like, it's not specially Shenmue Saturn as a bonus. My real dream - and I'm not saying that's impossible but I'm aware that's complicated - it's to make Shenmue III on Dreamcast. That would be awesome. Can you imagine this, in your collection? It's one of the first things I told to the team, and they stared at me saying "are you crazy ?!". Because obviously it's difficult in regards of the Dreamcast technology, the IP rights. It's really complex but If I would have a dream about Shenmue, that's it. But it's really hard to set up something like that.

Despite what you said, could it be ever possible ?
CB: For now... I don't feel any particular enthusiasm ! (laughs) That's something I want but it's a fan's fantasy I must admit. After all, you can see how we really are. Above all, we are enthusiasts. Look, I organize the MAGIC and I made the entrance free. We really want that people enjoy themselves. Same here, I want people pleased with Shenmue III on Dreamcast. That wouldn't be a question of business, because if we produce a Dreamcast version and sell 3000 copies, no money can be earned, or you would have to sell it as 150 euros per copy.


To quickly focus back to my question about Shenmue Saturn, it's about the assets owned by Sega. I wonder if they really open their door for you?
CB: Yes of course thanks Yu Suzuki. They opened their door but obviously you cannot make everything you want. You have to negotiate with them to know what can be used or not, and goes on.

So you logically talked to them about Shenmue 1 & 2 HD... What can you tell us about that?
CB: I can't tell you much about this. What is certain is that Sega can make it. They're aware of the Shenmue III campaign success, so I'm telling myself, as an independent businessman, with all the hype, releasing the HD versions would make sense. But again, it's only my opinion. They told us nothing special. It's not like they're showing little enthusiasm, it's just a different topic than Shenmue III. Sibuya Productions is charged of the Shenmue III production and we have no relation with what it remains. We don't have any information with extra Shenmue III stuff neither.

We can also imagine that Sega is awaiting the result of your work on Shenmue III, to note the good sales and finally come forward to say "Ok guys, let's go together!"?
CB: We can imagine everything but we're building castles in the air, really we know nothing.

Did they ever tell you "if you reach some goal, we invest with you about such and such subject"
CB: No, we never have discussions like this.


We recently have an interview with Phil Spencer. He told us that he met Yu Suzuki before things have been settled with Sony, that some things happen and some other ones not, that all cannot be done. Then you reacted pretty curtly on Twitter. Can you tell more about what happened?
CB : What it made me a bit annoyed is that he was like to say it was our fault. But it's not. Things haven't been made because he didn't have the arguments which would have make this possible. He didn't have the adequate offer to be considered.

So, he made you an offer but you found it inadequate?
CB: Well in any case, the content of the discussions was not enough. At the timing level, they also woke up a bit late.

Then while you're discussing with Sony, you felt a lot more of enthusiasm?
CB: Sony has immediately been a super partner. They wanted to do it. They proposed to do something exceptional at the E3. Like them or not, they really support Shenmue III.

Getting back to Kickstarter, how the backers from the outset are going to chose between the PC and PS4 version? Will the procedure take place shortly before the release of the game?
CB: Sorry I can't ask you because I'm not in charge of this.


Concerning the Kickstarter rewards, the figures, etc., do you know when we're going to see them? Are the designs been validated?
CB: Yes of course. All the Kickstarter rewards have been validated before. We can't propose things that are not possible to make.

But concretely, are these prototypes real?
CB: Yes, yes of course.

Did you have a look at the figures yet?
CB: Yes obviously, we have private informations right now.

For instance, why not to share some photos with the backers then?
CB: For now, we don't think it's the right time to do so but the time will come.

What are your next communication plans? Are we supposed to expect a dead time until E3 2016?
CB: We do like to please the fans. For now, nothing definite has been done until the E3. I can't even tell you whether something will happen at E3 but perhaps we'll decide to show something new. We really intend to maintain the contact between us and the fans. They're important for us so the desire is strong. It's like the MAGIC which is specially made for the fans. We really want to show up stuff. Same intention for the big international events like E3. Here it's a very little exhibition but it's ours, so we enjoy ourselves!

By the way, are you happy to see all these people here, who come from everywhere?
CB: Oh yes completely, we have 50 people who come from United States. There are also the media, the great newspapers...

And Gameblog!
CB: Yes, and Gameblog! It is busy and we can feel a real excitement.

Is it the beginning of a great move upmarket for MAGIC?
CB: Yes because last year was the first edition which needed 5 months to be made and we had great guests like Yuji Naka, Yoshitaka Amano, Shinji Hashimoto from Square Enix... Now we're really focusing on Shenmue - and Life Is Strange too - but for the following year, yes, perhaps we'll get even more stars from video game world... Each year we try to upgrade the formula. Anyway, we have already announced great things.

Alright, see you in the next year and thanks you for your time.
CB: Thank you!

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:25 am
by Kiske
Thank you very much Yokosuka, great translation =D>

A lot of informations in this interview.

I feel kind of confident about the Marketing of the PS4 version, I'm sure Sony can manage a great campaign for Shenmue 3 launch... if they feel confident in the game qualities.

According to Cédric, an appearance of Shenmue 3 at E3 2016 is not totally out of the question!
Let's hope they manage to show something new... (Shenmue HD [-o< :mrgreen: )

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:57 am
by Hanzumon
I hope, that we will get a huge Shenmue III trailer with Ryo and the announcement of the Shenmue HD Collection for PS4 and PC on the next E3 in June.

And Sony still needs a few famous games on their Playstation-Event to beat Microsoft and Nintendo every year ;)

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:31 pm
by Giorgio
Thank you for the translation, Yokosuka!

I believe Shenmue III will sell more than one million copies, provided Sony will really do a good job with the marketing. For example, Quantic Dream's interactive movies, the resent Life Is Strange interactive storytelling, have sell one million plus copies, so why not SIII? The hype and intrigue is there already.

But, for the true empowerment of the chances to sell in a decent level, the HD versions of Shenmue I & II are truly needed; and SEGA shouldn't do that just to help SIII's sales, but because they will make a big earn back to them. They would be blind if they don't see that (as they were all those years, either with HD versions of with SIII's case).

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:33 pm
by drunkensailor
great interview! especially the bit about shenmue 3 on dreamcast! I really wish for that

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:44 pm
by Shenman
drunkensailor wrote: great interview! especially the bit about shenmue 3 on dreamcast! I really wish for that

Well I think it would be great to have Shenmue Saturn, We all know Shenmue 3 on DC is not possible ^^

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:48 pm
by Rikitatsu
Shenmue 3's sales will depend entirely on the existence of Shenmue 1&2 HD.
If they do release an HD remaster, I can see it doing 1M+ easily (Especially if they went on PS+).

If not, only the fans would buy it.

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:19 pm
by James Brown
Rikitatsu wrote: Shenmue 3's sales will depend entirely on the existence of Shenmue 1&2 HD.
If they do release an HD remaster, I can see it doing 1M+ easily (Especially if they went on PS+).

That is literally the perfect outcome! I forgot about the potential of PS+. Sega are literally missing out on free money. They release 1 and 2 again on PS4 before Shenmue 3, the people intriged by what they've seen of the 3rd game might buy it, the fans definitely will buy it. When the sales of the HD games start to dwindle, they are released free on PS+, millions of players will download them, many curious or new to the series, or people that play any game regardless just because it's free, imagine how many people will fall in love with the series when it's given to them for free! Thus making loads of new fans who then pick up Shenmue 3 when it's released, and Sega profit even more off the sales of a game they had nothing to do with.

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:42 pm
by Yokosuka
Giorgio wrote: I believe Shenmue III will sell more than one million copies, provided Sony will really do a good job with the marketing. For example, Quantic Dream's interactive movies, the resent Life Is Strange interactive storytelling, have sell one million plus copies, so why not SIII? The hype and intrigue is there already.

Sony recently gave TV advertising to Street Fighter V too. If we could get a glimpse of that support plus the promised E3 spaces, it's a cool job from Shibuya Prod.

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:53 pm
by GYO6161
The best way to ensure SIII selling 1mil will be obviously a HD of 1 and 2, looking back at other Sony IPs, they brought Uncharted 123 on ps4 to introduce new people to 4, they brought Gravity Rush Remastered to ps4 to introduce new people to GR2, and i hope that just like how Sony teamed up with Sega to localized some of the Yakuza games, they can do the same again with Sega and get Shenmue 1 and 2 off the ground. The fact is, there has never been a Shenmue game before on a PlayStation platform so it would be smart for Sony to push Sega to do a collection for new players so that 3 can be a bigger success.

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:05 pm
by Hyo Razuki
I wouldn't give up on Shenmue 3, in case Shenmue 1 & 2 don't get released on PS4/PC. If Shenmue 3 turns out to be a great game and the right marketing and PR moves are executed by Sony and Shibuya, we may well make the 1 million units.

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:28 pm
by Spaghetti
Shenmue III can still sell without the first games on modern platforms, but it'd be nice if people could try the series. Some might not like it, but I have a feeling a game like Shenmue resonates more with modern audiences and could pick up a lot of new fans.

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:57 pm
by Yokosuka
Three screenshots have been found in a slightly better resolution (1400x648) :




Other news (source : Twitter and Gamersflag) :

- 600 people were present at the conference in the 800-place Salle Prince Pierre.
- Cédric does not know about the alternative logo situation.
- The publishment of the teasers on Youtube is not certain.
- Yu said he's completely busy with Shenmue III and does not have the time to think about making other games.
- Yu views Shenmue Online as a "Gaiden", something apart.
- Yu stated there will be certainly an "alternative form" to end the story if Shenmue III is not a success.

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:41 pm
by Spaghetti
Nice. I'm going to nab those higher res images for the GAF thread. Shame the full set isn't there.

Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:26 am
by Tsubasa
Yokosuka wrote:- Yu stated there will be certainly an "alternative form" to end the story if Shenmue III is not a success.

In view of Shibuya Productions' others activities, I assume that "alternative form" would be an animated movie/serie. I am fine with it.