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Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:52 am
by Arach666
I really hope this will lead to something but after so many years of false alarms I don´t think I can be excited about anything but a concrete announcement anymore.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:43 am
by AdamKoralik
I made a video about this, it's nearly an hour long (yes really) so I'll totally understand if you guys don't want to watch it or sit through it all, but none the less here it is.


Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:42 am
by Rakim
Watching that now. Always love a good hour long rant to play in the background.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:10 am
by south carmain
great video Adam but I think you should double check European sales of the 360 and PS3 as last I remember the PS3 was selling more than the 360 here. I can only find figures that date back to 2010 though
Europe sales figures
Wii – 24.9 million as of December 2010[59]
PlayStation 3 – 19.7 million as of December 2010[59]
Xbox 360 – 13.7 million as of December 2010[59] ... es_figures

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:08 am
by mue 26
Nice Video, Adam. Though much like your last vid the only thing baffles me is when you said "the worst case scenario wouldn't be if they didn't make Shenmue 3, it would be if they released a Shenmue 3 without the ability to continue a save from Shenmue 2". :s It's probably one of the most incidental features in the series, nothing much of any consequence will come from it. Shenmue 1 and 2 are fairly linear games with no signicant branching paths or moral choices to be carried into Shenmue 3. Sacrificing your completionist inventory would surely be a most small consion to make?

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:09 am
by Who Really Cares?
Euro numbers are hard to find. Think Sony has a slight lead in Europe while the 360 has a lead in the UK but its odd that Sony always treats the UK/Europe poorly when it tends to be their best selling area.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:16 am
by Who Really Cares?
mue 26 wrote: Nice Video, Adam. Though much like your last vid the only thing baffles me is when you said "the worst case scenario wouldn't be if they didn't make Shenmue 3, it would be if they released a Shenmue 3 without the ability to continue a save from Shenmue 2". :s It's probably one of the most incidental features in the series, nothing much of any consequence will come from it. Shenmue 1 and 2 are fairly linear games with no signicant branching paths or moral choices to be carried into Shenmue 3. Sacrificing your completionist inventory would surely be a most small consion to make?

I agree with that. While i liked carrying over stuff from 1 to 2 the XBox version showed me just how pointless to the story most of that stuff is seen as.

Only 1 or 2 things are carried over by default.

Its not like say the Mass Effect series where story elements carry over based on how you played.

But as i said before coming into the 3rd game of a story driven game would be a problem for many. The best thing they can do IMO is bring the whole story out again via XBLA, PSN, PC and the Wii U.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:44 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
I haven't watched this video yet, but I understand what Adam was saying in his last one about the significance of certain choices not becoming apparent until later in the series, with the example of which photo you give to Nozomi and which one you keep.

That would certainly be a cool feature, but it's far from essential. Just because it was once the plan to base a turning point in the story on something you did in Shenmue 1 & 2, doesn't mean it has to stay that way. Even if the series had been completed on Dreamcast as planned, there's no way they could have relied on all players having saves carried over from previous games. There'll have always been a default scenario that was good enough to warrant playing without a ported save. So if it was good enough then, it's good enough now. Not ideal perhaps, but certainly not a deal breaker if it were to become the only way of playing Shenmue 3.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:50 am
by Who Really Cares?
To be honest i wouldn't be surprised if Ryo never sees Nozomi again. Think it was just a simple touch for Shenmue 1 seeing as she clearly likes getting the closer together one.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:25 am
by AdamKoralik
First, thanks for watching guys!

mue 26 wrote: Nice Video, Adam. Though much like your last vid the only thing baffles me is when you said "the worst case scenario wouldn't be if they didn't make Shenmue 3, it would be if they released a Shenmue 3 without the ability to continue a save from Shenmue 2". :s It's probably one of the most incidental features in the series, nothing much of any consequence will come from it. Shenmue 1 and 2 are fairly linear games with no signicant branching paths or moral choices to be carried into Shenmue 3. Sacrificing your completionist inventory would surely be a most small consion to make?

Actually I believe I said "worse case scenario, other than them just not making Shenmue III, would be if they released a Shenmue III without the ability to transfer your save from Shenmue II."

south carmain wrote: great video Adam but I think you should double check European sales of the 360 and PS3 as last I remember the PS3 was selling more than the 360 here. I can only find figures that date back to 2010 though
Europe sales figures
Wii – 24.9 million as of December 2010[59]
PlayStation 3 – 19.7 million as of December 2010[59]
Xbox 360 – 13.7 million as of December 2010[59] ... es_figures

As I said in the video, I was mostly talking about North America.

Let's Get Sweaty wrote: I haven't watched this video yet, but I understand what Adam was saying in his last one about the significance of certain choices not becoming apparent until later in the series, with the example of which photo you give to Nozomi and which one you keep.

That would certainly be a cool feature, but it's far from essential. Just because it was once the plan to base a turning point in the story on something you did in Shenmue 1 & 2, doesn't mean it has to stay that way. Even if the series had been completed on Dreamcast as planned, there's no way they could have relied on all players having saves carried over from previous games. There'll have always been a default scenario that was good enough to warrant playing without a ported save. So if it was good enough then, it's good enough now. Not ideal perhaps, but certainly not a deal breaker if it were to become the only way of playing Shenmue 3.

I'd argue that if Sega thought Shenmue could yield a profit with the bloated budget it had, that the 32X was a good idea, and so on that they may very well have "expected" players to use that feature.

The feature isn't required for the game to function obviously, but the game becomes a far superior experience.

The brilliance of it is how subtle those impacts are.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:58 pm
by lavrentis
We're a picky bunch on here Adam! Nice video

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:23 pm
by Mitsuzuki
You know what would be killer?

If the entire Shenmue story were to be released as a single game on a next-gen platform and simply call it Shenmue. No need for HD versions of 1 and 2 as they would be built in to the new game. No need to worry about inventory you want to carry over from game to game. Just put the whole bastard together on to two blu-ray discs and call it a day.

I wouldn't care if all the voice acting needed to be re-recorded or even if other actors were used. A complete saga with a seamless story and a consistent look and feel under one release would be absolutely epic.

I know in all likelihood it'll never happen, but tell me something like that wouldn't sell. Hell, Suzuki would probably need to come up with sequel (or prequel) material after the success of something like that.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:09 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Ive said that before but slim chance of it happening. If Sega do bring it back it will be HD remakes via digital download and then maybe a combo disc if it does well enough.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:32 pm
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
Not so sure about that combo. I believe the best option is to make HD ports of SH1 and SH2 for all consoles and PC. Leading new gamers into the franchise, there's tons of people that heard good things about the game but never had a chance to play it. First you get them hooked in the saga, then you make SH3.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:09 pm
by mue 26
Actually I believe I said "worse case scenario, other than them just not making Shenmue III, would be if they released a Shenmue III without the ability to transfer your save from Shenmue II.

Ah, my mistake then!

The feature isn't required for the game to function obviously, but the game becomes a far superior experience.

The brilliance of it is how subtle those impacts are.

Upon reading Sweaty's post, I can kind of understand why you would care so much about this now. But let me just clarify, I have never completed Shenmue 1, and so never even knew about that choice of Nozomi photos thing! I've also never heard that the carried over saves had any impact on Shenmue 2 other than inventory, so could you tell me about these?

I guess carried over saves also makes a bit of sense in regards to the fact that Yu has gone on record saying that wants Shenmue 3 to be a less linear affair (an prospect I'm slightly dubious of, and also slightly excited by), so I guess carrying over saves makes sense, though I still can't see quite how the saves would have much impact on the game due to the linear nature of the first two. Anyway, if Shenmue 3 does ever come, I don't think getting an downloadable re-release of the original games will be too hard to secure.

A physical copy of what would be "The complete Saga" would seriously be enough to make me go all teary :oops: