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Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:52 am
by arwinjohn
Everyone should get the rewards regardless of kickstarter or paypal. If they want to make kickstarter exclusive, than they should include something similar value that is only exclusive to paypal as well. That way, everyone will be happy. Making it only kickstarter exclusive is disappointing to say the least. They should have just added other bonus that are only for paypal when they made paypal as a funding option.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:01 am
by VukBZ2005
arwinjohn wrote: Everyone should get the rewards regardless of kickstarter or paypal. If they want to make kickstarter exclusive, than they should include something similar value that is only exclusive to paypal as well. That way, everyone will be happy. Making it only kickstarter exclusive is disappointing to say the least. They should have just added other bonus that are only for paypal when they made paypal as a funding option.

Exactly, even out the playing field so that contributors don't feel cheated. If they can, again(!), be creative about it, a lot of the negative reactions will stop and goodwill for the series and the people behind it will be created.

EVERYONE ELSE: The points made about those who voted for the Kickstarter staying exclusive are legitimate. However, the people behind the slacker backer should have had something lined up as a compensatory mechanism to prevent the negative comments being made in the first place.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:04 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
arwinjohn wrote:If they want to make kickstarter exclusive, than they should include something similar value that is only exclusive to paypal as well. That way, everyone will be happy.

Except they won't, will they? There'll then be Kickstarter backers complaining that they'd have waited for the PayPal campaign if they'd known it would have different rewards they prefer, and they can't afford to back twice, and all backers should have equal rewards...

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:15 am
by arwinjohn
Let's Get Sweaty wrote:
arwinjohn wrote:If they want to make kickstarter exclusive, than they should include something similar value that is only exclusive to paypal as well. That way, everyone will be happy.

Except they won't, will they? There'll then be Kickstarter backers complaining that they'd have waited for the PayPal campaign if they'd known it would have different rewards they prefer, and they can't afford to back twice, and all backers should have equal rewards...

hahahha Ain't that the hard truth :D ](*,) :cry:

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:17 am
by Kintor
VukBZ2005 wrote:Exactly, even out the playing field so that contributors don't feel cheated. If they can, again(!), be creative about it, a lot of the negative reactions will stop and goodwill for the series and the people behind it will be created.

EVERYONE ELSE: The points made about those who voted for the Kickstarter staying exclusive are legitimate. However, the people behind the slacker backer should have had something lined up as a compensatory mechanism to prevent the negative comments being made in the first place.

I agree, giving the PayPal backers access to as many of the exclusive rewards as possible will certainly help to make the slack backer campaign feel worthwhile. Those who voted 'no' shouldn't feel cheated in anyway, this is all supposed to be about getting Shenmue 3 funded, any extra on top of the game itself is entirely incidental. I put forward my money towards the creation of Shenmue 3 itself, the fact that my Kickstarter tier entitles me to several exclusive rewards is beside the point - I would have pledged exactly the same amount of money even if all I got was a copy of Shenmue 3. Of course, I see no reason to deny exclusive rewards to those that want them. Which is why I wanted the rewards to continue for the PayPal backers; if physical scarcity isn't an issue then by all means keep the exclusive rewards available now.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:25 am
by ShenSun
What a stupid dumb ass company.

Lets launch another Kickstarter to fire Awesome Japan.

They haven't got a clue. Damn.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:29 am
by Monkei
alexironaek wrote:
Monkei wrote: I don't really get all the hate for AJ. Sure, they're a bunch of tools in general, but here, in this specific situation?
Those Kickstarter rewards were introduced as exclusive stuff, and that's what made a lot of people decide to support the campaign in the first place. "Give money, get exclusive stuff in return". That's a promise, it's a deal YS Net made with Shenmue fans. They can't just go "thanks for the money, but what we promised in return is now something else, it's no longer exclusive. Because 6000 people don't care". I think 4000 out of 15000 people being against the rewards going to Paypal backers is more than enough to not do it. It doesn't really matter if another 10000 people don't care or if those 4000 people are assholes or not - AJ's decision to not screw these guys over is legit.

The 10000 who voted "yes" or "don't care" are in no way screwed by this decision, while 4000 "no"-voters would have been screwed the other way round.

I fail to see how the KK backers will be screwed if the exclusive rewards goes to the paypal backers too. the kickstarer backers are still getting what they were promised, its not like they are loosing their rewards , and the rewards would have remained exclusive to the backers (PP and KK backers) , in my opinion the ones getting screwed are the paypal backers , because for the same amount of money they are getting less rewards. I would have said the same if the situation was the other way around (exclusive paypal rewards). We all have been waiting for 15 years , we all supported the shenmue 3 idea all those years , we all should get the same rewards. It does not matter if we choose paypal or KK to back the game. The paypal backers are still backers. They are not buying the game in a store in 2018, they are giving their money 2 years in advance just as the KK backers did.

You wouldn't feel screwed, and neither would I. But 4000 people would. Like I said:

Those Kickstarter rewards were introduced as exclusive stuff, and that's what made a lot of people decide to support the campaign in the first place. "Give money, get exclusive stuff in return". That's a promise, it's a deal YS Net made with Shenmue fans.

It was KS exclusive. Not backer exclusive. That was the deal. It's a matter of how things were worded and a matter of standing by those words. Those 4000 people might feel totally different about an item that could be aquired during the 30 day KS campaign (which is the item they gave money for) and stuff that could be bought via Paypal for months (and possibly months to come). They might have put hundreds of dollars into the game, and they might have justified that to themselves by thinking of those exclusive rewards. They probably would have felt cheated by the changed conditions. As a fan who mostly cares about the game itself I don't like how so many people voted "no" either. It's not really helping, it kinda sucks. But it's only fair that they were given the opportunity to do so, and that their opinion is being treated with respect.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:39 am
by Kiske
Well, that's a disappointing turn of events (and unexpected as far as i'm concerned).
Are they going to propose the PC rewards or upgrades for KS backers at this point? I doubt it.

I'm starting to think that the sooner they close the Slacker Backer Campaign and concentrate their time ONLY on the development, the better it is.

The money is not enough? Well, they are free to keep searching for external funds or/and they can try to do their best with the money they have.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:45 am
by arwinjohn
Kiske wrote: Well, that's a disappointing turn of events (and unexpected as far as i'm concerned).
Are they going to propose the PC rewards or upgrades for KS backers at this point? I doubt it.

I'm starting to think that the sooner they close the Slacker Backer Campaign and concentrate their time ONLY on the development, the better it is.

The money is not enough? Well, they are free to keep searching for external funds or/and they can try to do their best with the money they have.

I agree

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:54 am
by ShenSun
I hope something gets done about this company sooner rather than later. Right now, the negative effects of their actions isn't having "too much" of an impact on Shenmue 3. But we cant have these mistakes happen come 2017.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:55 am
by shredingskin
I don't think the slacker backer interferes with any of the time of making the game.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:58 am
by mjq jazz bar
Wait, so people who paid for Slacker Backer rewards that might have been Kickstartet exclusive items will no longer receive what they paid for? That's the sort of thing I'm seeing on Facebook. I don't see how that is possible.

Regardless, I feel many are overreacting. The Slacker Backer was meant to close a few days ago and is now up for an indeterminate period. That will at least lead to a little more funding all things considered. Do some of you truly believe they were ever going to make millions off this second campaign? I think they hit their ceiling the day the Kickstarter ended

Would much rather see substantive updates after a month of no news. How about the PC version, Aj?

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:00 am
by mjq jazz bar
ShenSun wrote: I hope something gets done about this company sooner rather than later. Right now, the negative effects of their actions isn't having "too much" of an impact on Shenmue 3. But we cant have these mistakes happen come 2017.

I don't think they're going anywhere. I doubt they'll have anything to do with the actual game's release.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:13 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
mjq jazz bar wrote:Wait, so people who paid for Slacker Backer rewards that might have been Kickstartet exclusive items will no longer receive what they paid for? That's the sort of thing I'm seeing on Facebook. I don't see how that is possible.

No. "Kickstarter exclusive" rewards were omitted from the Slacker Backer all along. The proposal was to add them in.

Re: Kickstarter Update 51: Poll Results & revam

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:14 am
by Monkei
Kintor wrote:Those who voted 'no' shouldn't feel cheated in anyway, this is all supposed to be about getting Shenmue 3 funded, any extra on top of the game itself is entirely incidental. I put forward my money towards the creation of Shenmue 3 itself, the fact that my Kickstarter tier entitles me to several exclusive rewards is beside the point - I would have pledged exactly the same amount of money even if all I got was a copy of Shenmue 3.

So an exact amount of money came to your mind, which then accidentally happened to be one of the reward tiers? I'm sure most of us adjusted their donations according to the desired rewards. Surely a couple of people will have put an extra $50 on top without it having any effect on their rewards, but I doubt that happened too often. Did you do something like that?
What I'm saying is that the rewards totally had a huge effect on donations and that they matter, to some more than to others.

Sure, it would be great and much easier if people wouldn't feel cheated. But it's okay for them to feel like that, nobody can really tell them it's not. I don't feel like them, but I can relate. We're not all feeling the same about all of this, that's impossible with 70000 people.

Sure, AJ could have prepared at least something for Paypal, that would have been smart. But guys, come on. Most of you are overreacting to an extreme extent, always so quick to predict the world's end and get out the pitchforks and torchlights. It's just some slacker backer period, nothing really depends on it. It's not doing anything bad to Shenmue III. The main funding campaign has been over for months now. Please consider chilling the hell out for once.