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Shenmue III Preview/Research

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:21 am
by Yama

Re: Shenmue III Preview/Research

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:10 am
by Yama
Unlocked topic. It will be fun to theorize again seeing as we'll actually be playing the product in the near future. Feel free to discuss or add more resources.

Re: Shenmue III Preview/Research

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:34 am
by sand4fish
I was saving my own questions for the time I would somehow meet Yu Suzuki in person and ask him myself but well... Now I see this thread, and so here goes my little research about the origins of the Shenmue Mirrors.


The mirror in the picture above is a replica bronze mirror (三角縁波文帯四神二獣鏡) found in the Archaeological Research Center in the Gifu Prefecture, Japan. There were specific round bronze mirrors called "Deity and Beast" mirrors (神獣鏡), such as the one mentioned, that were decorated with images of gods and animals from the Chinese mythology (such as the Phoenix and the Dragon!). One side was polished for practical use just like a glass mirror, while its back had representations of legendary Chinese creatures, Shen (like in Shenmue, as 神 meaning god or spirit) or Xian (仙 for immortal).

That style of mirror was common during the Han Dynasty, the three kingdoms and dynasties between the first and sixth centuries in the common era. Japan started producing such mirrors after the spread of the Chinese bronze casting technology through trading. There are records of Emperor Cao Rui of China gifting Queen Himiko of Wa (Japan) with "one hundred" bronze mirrors in 239 CE.


The characteristics of the Deity and Beast mirrors resemble the ones found in the Shenmue mirrors, as both had a circle in the middle of the mirror's backside and feature engravings of deity figures and animals in the surroundings of that circle (Phoenix and Dragon in Shenmue's case).