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should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:57 am
by south carmain
would you want SEGA to die if it meant another company buying the shenmue IP and continuing the series? or would you rather they stay in the industry even if it means that Shenmue 3 will never see the light of day and all they make is Sonic, total war and FM

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:22 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
Obviously I wouldn't wish unemployment on every member of staff, so that kind of weights the argument on a practical level. But hypothetically, if that were taken out of the equation, then I would gladly throw Sega under the bus for the future of Shenmue. Other IPs would be picked up by interested companies too, so it wouldn't be the end of everything else Sega created - in fact Nintendo picking up Sonic would probably be the best thing to happen to that franchise since the '90s.

The Sega that I grew up with died a long time ago, so I've no sentimental attachment to the failing company that bears its name today. If they couldn't give me Shenmue 3 and someone else wanted to, then they'd just be getting in the way.

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:27 am
by Bluecast
No. They offer many IP's I enjoy. Shenmue being the biggest yes but be very selfish to want an entire company to die for a single game and have thousands lose jobs over it. The needs of the many outweigh the wants of a few.

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:52 am
by MiTT3NZ
No, Yu Suzuki should die instead. I have a feeling SEGA feel that he's brought too much shame upon them, so his punishment is not being allowed to complete his work. Besides, have you read what Shenmue III's supposed to be like? Call me Mr. Pessimistic, but I don't think gamers will flock to the shops to buy a game based around choosing what you want for breakfast.

As said on numerous occasions, Shenmue III can only exist if either:

- HD remakes or ports of the first two are released in the run-up.
- Same again but packaged with the game.
- Reboot.

...given the light-hearted nature of the topic though, I'd kill SEGA myself with my own bare hands if it meant getting my mitts on Shenmue III. Hell, if I could kill a corporation with my own bare hands Incould probably make Shenmue III with them too. And an automatic Haagen Dazs Cookies & Cream ice cream maker and despenser. All I need now is a theme song and I'm off!

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:33 am
by Rakim
This thread just gave me an idea for a twitter campaign.


Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:46 am
by myshtuff
Rakim wrote: This thread just gave me an idea for a twitter campaign.


Every capsule toy would by a micro transaction DLC

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:31 pm
by Schiff
Sega of Japan is doing an awful job in my opinion, so.... why not? Of course, I don't wish anybody to lose the job (except for those dumb ones on top of the hierarchy) but the two only Sega IPs I care are now Shenmue and Virtua Fighter.

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:53 pm
by shenmuefan2
they should just let yu suzuki make shenmue 3... i think that we are closer to seeing shenmue 3 now more than ever because theres so much fans out there that want that game made and with the new consoles coming out and how they are pretty much equal its going to come down to the console with the best exclusives will win.. like i pre ordered my ps4 but if xbox was to do an exclusive for shenmue 3 i would go out and buy one so from a business perspective it would make sense for sony or microsoft to get that exclusive...

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:28 pm
by Axm
Like Lets Get Sweaty said, if job losses were taken out of the equation, yes.. I would choose Shenmue 3 over Sega's existance. Im sorry but past Phantasy Star Online and Jet Set Radio nothing Sega is doing these days makes me value them more then a satisfactory rendition of Shenmue 3.

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:41 am
by elfshadowreaper
MiTT3NZ wrote: I have a feeling SEGA feel that he's brought too much shame upon them, so his punishment is not being allowed to complete his work.

I've always thought this is the main reason why we've never seen Shenmue 3.

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:31 am
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
Shenmue is a thing because SEGA made it. Do not forget that.
They just need to get rid of some idiots that got into the company like parasites.

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:41 am
by south carmain
killthesagabeforeitkillsu wrote: Shenmue is a thing because SEGA made it. Do not forget that.
They just need to get rid of some idiots that got into the company like parasites.

and how do you suggest they get rid of sammy?

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:29 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
There must be some kind of spray they can use.

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:45 pm
by elfshadowreaper

Re: should SEGA die if it meant continuing shenmue?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:35 pm
by ryo-san93
Why not buy shares of the sega company?