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Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue 3?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:04 pm
by Amir
Long-time lurker (seen this site go through multiple URL changes over the past 14 years or so), first-time poster.

One thing I've often thought about when fantasising about a Shenmue III is how it would play. I know we all dream of it running on the most powerful hardware imaginable to fully realise Yu Suzuki's vision (apart from the times we dream of it being released for the Dreamcast :P ), but I've always thought that Shenmue games should push gameplay mechanics themselves as well.

I love the QTEs in Shenmue I and II, but even back then I thought it'd be great if there was a more dynamic input scheme that allowed you to perform martial arts moves and the like on the fly. I thought maybe the Wii was the answer to that problem, but I was woefully mistaken. The Kinect... does anyone even use it for anything other than switching their Xbox on and Netflix? I'm not saying motion controls are the answer, but wouldn't it be awesome if Shenmue III had you performing moves in semi-cutscenes that were not preordained by the game designers? I guess its usefulness might be limited to martial arts masters... Still, something other than a flashing button on a screen seems appropriate.

Dialogue trees are another one; having a Mass Effect-style multiple-choice dialogue tree for each conversation would make it feel more interactive and dynamic as opposed to just randomly going up to NPCs and pressing A to advance the plot.

Shenmue II introduced fast travel and time-skipping, which I think were great additions (the few additions I'd like to see to a remastered Shenmue I).

Maybe a more advanced pet simulator than the cat in Shenmue I? More nuanced sparring in dojos would be cool, one idea I just had would be to visit various dojos/martial arts schools and train with the students there to specifically train certain moves/skill-sets.

Return of the bicycle?

More variety in odd jobs to get money? More types of gambling?

What would you like to see? :)

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:43 am
by MiTT3NZ
All great n almost exactly what I woulda said. Although QTEs should be more along the lines of multi-choice like the harbour chase scenes (telling you when to press as opposed to what to press), and fuck the fast travel/time skip. Personally, I loved the mundane aspect of the games, but at the same time don't wanna be tempted/prompted to do shit that I otherwise wouldn't.

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:39 am
by Peter
After currently replaying Shenmue after quite a while, I have been going for the full notebook and all I can say is fuck that!

Make it a bit more easier to complete a notebook, or at lease make it a worthwhile task. I gave up on Shenmue 1 notebook completion because not only is it beyond mundane, but it costs you a fortune in Lapis, at ¥300 a pop per reading! That bird has been eating in Ajijicis every night of the week since meeting Ryo.

And having to get a certain amount of negative replies to unlock this and that.... nah. Sort that out. The game isn't hard. Nowhere near it, and some of those clues honestly were for people who have serious life problems. Even if there are few difficult bits, then that's good! I'd love a task in Shenmue 2 for example, where I had to find someone, and they could have been located in any room in any building in Kowloon. That would have been good! Yea, long, tiresome and mundane also, but at least it would have been forced exploration, and there was also a reward at the end of it! Not try 3 doors and the fortune teller will tell you which building and room.

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:16 pm
by Amir
I think I've been to the fortune teller all of 2 times in the years I've played Shenmue :P

Was thinking now with open-world tech being advanced (i.e. no loading times), you could take bus rides from village to village, with option to either time-skip/fast-travel or to listen to music on a walkman and/or talk to other passengers, and catch the scenery, too. Maybe even get a job as a bus driver (lord knows we need a next-gen sequel to Tokyo Bus Guide, one where you can actually look in your rear-view mirror!)?

The unknown element would be the introduction of magic as seen at the end of SII, not sure how that would/should play at all, any ideas?

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:05 am
by south carmain
More sidequests that are actually worth completing. My main complaint with Shenmue II was that it felt a bit pointless collecting all the side stuff as they just sat in your inventory with no real use (in the first game at least you could play the games you won on your saturn) and that it had too little sidequests for such a detailed bustling world.

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:47 am
by Latin King
I would like to see more meaningful side quests and side stories. Not having to obey a curfew, just staying out as late as I want and exploring. I know Ryo's outfit is iconic, but I would like to see some more clothing options in Shenmue III, doesn't have to be extensive, just a few new shirts and different options for pants. More in depth dialogue choices like Mass Effect. Like South Carmain said, make items in the inventory actually have use. I'd definitely like to see fast travel and time skipping again in S3. I know some may be opposed to this, but I would like to see the story get a little grittier. More intense fights, darker villains, harsher language, stuff like that. I also would finally like to see Ryo get romantic or intimate with a woman, not really a game feature or mechanic but it's something long overdue IMO.

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:21 am
by elfshadowreaper
I'd like the ability to run without holding the trigger. In today's gaming world I think the would be a no-brainer change they would make.

Shortcut moves. I've never been good at fighting games because I can't ever seem to train my fingers and thumbs to hit the correct sequence, especially when I'm in a high pressure fight. So I'd like the option to shortcut specific moves.

Better way to level up moves. Every time I set out to start Shenmue 1/2 I ALWAYS say I'm going to fully level up my moves. I NEVER finish because it's SO tedious and time consuming. And when you do level them up you barely see any progress. Plus it's nearly impossible to level up throwing moves by practicing in the park or wherever.

More side quests(as many of you have also said). I want to help people along the way. People who have intriguing stories themselves. I want to solve mysteries, find secret areas, get special objects, all unlocked only through side-quests.

Fully open world. I realize this would be tricky because there probably a lot of geography between the various towns, but it'd be cool to hop on a bike and pedal all the way from Dobuita to Yokosuka.

But the most important feature I want is SHENMUE 3!

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:10 pm
by Henry Spencer
Bring back the phones, since they add more interaction with characters close to Ryo and sometimes lead to hidden scenes. Also giving us the ability to modify the movesets during the fights would be nice. There's also the fact that they should have other kinds of moves in fights such as chokeholds, arm locks, that sort of thing, since there's loads of that in martial arts. And let us choose between the Shenmue 1 style of blocking attacks or the Shenmue 2 style of evading attacks (both of which initiate with the Y button).

I also feel that Shenmue 1 did a better job of making the Notebook matter than in Shenmue 2, whereby the presentation was different (more cinematic in Shenmue 2). Don't think I checked the Notebook half as much in 2. That's just me though.

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:02 pm
by Giorgio
In a dream world, I would like each unique character with an interesting background and story, to be featured in his/er own mini-quest, and (of course) be playable. Their story could go back in time, too; like, in the year 1954, and Dobuita looks different. - There are many ideas/examples that I/we can think of; which characters and what their mini-story could be.

As for Ryo's side-quests, they won't be a harm to the experience, if they're going to be relevant to the whole world building and according to known events around. - If a side-quest comes with no meaning at all, that is some random one to do with no connection to the main story, then it won't be ideal. It would be positive if side-quests will have consequences / to expand to the main story, and not be secluded from it.

Furthermore, contextual setting; (re)actions with the environment, to leave a mark to the playable character, and affect his memories/psychology in the future, and influence his (re)actions in some future event. [Something like this has been revealed by Yu Suzuki in an interview with Shenmue Master, where the answers of Ryo to Shenhua's deep in meaning questions (like a psychology test), could affect the future events, and who to meet et cetera. (This is just a glimpse; we don't know yet how it will work in its full form.)]

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:04 pm
by BlueMue
I was really thinking around what to write here but it has all been said here and numerous times before.
For a Shenmue HD I'd just want all the improvement made in Shenmue II to be available in the first game too.

Besides the obvious stuff like more conversation choices, more sidequests, more fights, more arcade games, more jobs and just about more of everything I' like to see an improved training system. One there you can practice on your own and also against various other people for the throws. And not so time limited like with Fuku-san or Jianmin.

The move list should be more costumizable as it was in Shenmue II. First of all there should be more different commands so you can have more of the moves at once and then you should be able to switch things around more. So you can have both Mud Spider and Crawl Cyclone. They should bring back at least one button to assign a move to. Maybe even a lock-on button so you can really focus on one enemy in larger groups.
Also, I'd like to see dodging, parrying and grapples to be more controlable, by different button inputs for example, not just by timing.

I'd also like to be able to buy some food that Ryo actually eats. At least make him eat the Shenmue snacks.
Change of clothes would also be a welcome feature. For me it doesn't matter much but the GTA addicts will want this.

elfshadowreaper wrote: I'd like the ability to run without holding the trigger. In today's gaming world I think the would be a no-brainer change they would make.

You know, you can already walk and run with the analog stick in Shenmue II.

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:52 pm
by Latin King
BlueMue wrote:
I'd also like to be able to buy some food that Ryo actually eats. At least make him eat the Shenmue snacks.
Change of clothes would also be a welcome feature. For me it doesn't matter much but the GTA addicts will want this.

I gotta admit, as a GTA addict these things would really please me. :lol: In all honesty though, I feel some features from GTA would work well in Shenmue. For example, being able to eat restaurants would be nice, but there would have to be some sort of incentive for it. Changing clothes would be great IMO, it would add some variety to Ryo's character, it gets boring seeing him in the same clothes all the time. I also think Ryo's friendships and relationships should be expanded upon more, with the ability to hang out with friends similar to what was seen in GTA IV. The more you hang out with someone, the more you could find out about them through conversations, it would all be optional of course. Imagine going to a bar and getting a drink with Ren :lol: Or taking Joy out on a date. 8)

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:33 am
by Esppiral
Either they improve the forklift racing or scrap it completely it is really infuriating the way it is right now.

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2015 4:19 pm
by Brosauce
I really have been thinking hard for the past couple of months believe it or not about Shenmue 3's potential features as being one of the most graphically gripping and epic game as the first 2 but next gen to the max of course.

I feel as though adding many viable options such as game based should definitely include Language and Subtitles (mix and match) English and Japanese etc is a must inclusion. Also the choice of having a Shenmue 1 fight system in Shenmue 3 along with Shenmue 2 fight system choice because the difference of them both (fast and slow) aswell would be top notch because most fans love it and mabye carrying over the EXACT practice feature from Shenmue 1 in Shenmue 3, Hell yes.

As for other things. Those mentioned above would definetly make Shenmue 3 as epic as the first 2.

Re: Game mechanics you want to see added/removed to Shenmue

PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2015 10:45 am
by Brian SII DC vs Xbox
Keep the QTE's and the mini games as they work well and are fun to kill some time. The map would be bigger like in GTA instead of loading each section. More places to train would also be good so you can practice those combo moves.

Maybe ride the bicycle, but not as part of the game but just if you want to ride around the city. Also drive a car for a short time would be fun.