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The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:34 am
by Contempris
phpBB [video]

They certainly aren't helping our cause.

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:50 am
by jay_mack

I dunno if I really care anymore. Shenmue was a series that never reached the mainstream. This is a youtube video for the mainstream, and they can think what they want - the fan base is big enough that the game will be made and we'll be happy with it.

The haters will move on to something else, and this will all be forgotten.

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:57 am
by Erevador
Most of the comments are quite negative towards the video and there are a lot of downvotes. I would encourage everyone who has a Youtube account to downvote the video and upvote the critical comments.

People may come for clickbait and end up actually being convinced by the opposite of the video.

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:59 am
by Yokosuka

Don't forget to like EAprima's comment.

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:06 am
by manuel tripero
At this point we only have to care about good press and pushing forward the KS. Even us getting mad at the video counts for a victory for them, they are just clickbaiting.

It's sad this is the state things are, but it's the world we live in (a world that a week before didn't have any hope about Shenmue III being real).

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:17 am
by chris1986
Yea but what they are saying makes sense, why are they trying to get all this fucking money off of us when Sony are more than financially capable of fully funding the game, the ps4 has sold exceptionally well, they have billions upon billions, trying to squelch 10 million dollars from fans is daylight robbery.

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:28 am
by HedlessChickn
chris1986 wrote: Yea but what they are saying makes sense, why are they trying to get all this fucking money off of us when Sony are more than financially capable of fully funding the game, the ps4 has sold exceptionally well, they have billions upon billions, trying to squelch 10 million dollars from fans is daylight robbery.

Well, to answer your question, the reason "they trying to get all this fucking money off of us when Sony are more than financially capable of fully funding the game" is simply this:

They want to gauge the true interest people have for this game. Obvs, the more money that is poured in to it, the more they will understand just how much people want it and can make a better decision as to how much they want to contribute.

It's not brain surgery, it's simple economics.

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:04 am
by TwiceFriedRice
Regardless of the subject matter of the video, I want to punch that dude in the face. What a douche.

Those two are so unlikable, I think the best step for me is to not even give them any potential of revenue by going to their Youtube page. It's not even worth it. They need to be removed from the Internet.

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:30 am
by MiTT3NZ
I couldn't even make it to the second minute. Is this the kinda shit you lot watch?

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:00 am
by Set12
Aren't these the guys who said Microsoft were going to buy Silent Hills and Phil Spencer had to come out and say 'this rumour is 100% false'?

I decided to check on reddit but somebody's already pointed out the problems. ... _the_know/

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:03 am
by south carmain
chris1986 wrote: Yea but what they are saying makes sense, why are they trying to get all this fucking money off of us when Sony are more than financially capable of fully funding the game, the ps4 has sold exceptionally well, they have billions upon billions, trying to squelch 10 million dollars from fans is daylight robbery.

Because it's not SONY's game it's being made by Ys NET. Why are people talking as if it's SONY's god given duty to fund a game that isn't first party? We should be happy they're giving yu any support at all considering no one else would.

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:43 am
by mjq jazz bar
Chris, perhaps you're on the wrong forum if you're upset that Sony is lending support to Yu Suzuki's small company so he can produce Shenmue III.

Why do people keep neglecting to mention the game is also coming out on the PC? Song is not developing the game and it seems like it's not exclusive to their console either. Hopefully Microsoft steps in so the bitter fanboy tears stop derailing our mission.

This video is worthless and I guarantee anyone persuaded by it wasn't going to pledge any money anyway.

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:58 am
by Hyo Razuki
There is no such thing as bad publicity. It's still publicity. Every kind of publicity helps our case. There might even be Shenmue fans who are not into gaming anymore and if those people don't follow gaming media anymore, any kind of mainstream attention for S3 could bring them to the kickstarter.

People who like the game won't give a damn about the negative comments towards S3. Every article, video or tweet out there, no matter how negative, brings Shenmue higher up on Google and might even result in some mainstream media coverage for Shenmue.

Haters make me laugh. :mrgreen:

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:41 am
by RiGoRmOrTiS
just posted this reply on the video, if we can get it up voted it'll stick at the top for everyoneto see (keep people informed):
wow this video is everything that is wrong with internet media right now. we are talking about a small company, YS-Net is a small consultancy firm started by Yu Suzuki who assists and advises small mobile games companies on their games and marketing strategy.. YS-Net has never made a game... this is 100% an indie title. The only reason Sony gave them stage time and are helping with porting to the PS4 (along with marketing) is because PlayStation fans hounded their third party relations team to make Shenmue 3 happen. You keep saying Sony are funding development, they have already come out and said they are NOT. You are actually lying in your video.... your journalistic integrity is pretty much null at this point.

its this ignorance that is now stifling the Kickstarter and its why the internet is such a toxic place, people seem to take some kind of perverse pleasure in finding controversy where there isn't any and never bother to do any fact checking, very clear fact checking wasn't high on "The Knows" agenda for this video. But then I guess you couldn't have had your click bait video if you fact checked could you?. Thanks for jumping on the click bait bandwagon, this proves you have no professional or moral litmus to measure your actions against....

.. but then again your the guys who said Microsoft were going to buy the rights to Silent Hills because you have a really reliable industry contact who says they will. What was his "creds" in regards to this? He correctly predicted the Kinectless Xbox One, something everyone across the whole internet was predicting.. if that's the level of "fact checking" you do.... then there is no hope for a balanced valid video from you guys I guess..

Re: The Know is going to ruin SH3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:03 am
by Axm
These guys are terrible. Down voted and left this comment.

Click-bait. Stop ruining the kickstarter. Yu Suzuki himself has already stated the majority of development funds are coming from kickstarter. You are actively detering people from contributing to helping us have a better game without having the facts to counter any existing facts. "The Know" is the Fox News of YouTube. Get your act together.