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Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:54 pm
by spinksy
I wanna take part in the $30 on the third so I'm going to be doubling my pledge from $250 to $500.

Who else is upping their pledge on the third out of interest?

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:55 pm
by Yama
Hopefully everyone here.

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:06 pm
by johnvivant
I hope they sort out the ps4 physical reward by the 3rd. It will really help the push.

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:13 pm
by JaySw34
I've already pledged $300 but today I won $1,000 on a scratch ticket!! I'm gonna pledge a lot of it on the third. Maybe $700 to bring my total contribution to $1000!! Today is a good day

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:19 pm
by mue 26
I know what I say here will make no difference as the whole of this site seems to be intent on this "$30 dollars on the 3rd thing". But I really think this has been a misguided idea and not thought through particularly carefully because:

1. Most Shenmue fans aware of the kickstarter will have already have pledged as much as they can afford
2. Even if they haven't, just yelling at them to up their pledge will unlikely provide much motivation for them to do so
3. The whole thing is insulting for the fans who can't afford to up their pledge
4. It will come across as pressurizing, and may even put people off pledging at all
5. Since this new initiative is essentially hijacking the long established tweetathon which uses #SaveShenmue, a slogan Yu Suzuki and his team now also embrace, people may assume this initiative has Yu and his team's blessing (when it doesn't), or was even organized by them themselves, and as such, this runs the risk of reflecting badly on them.

As I said, I'm sure no one here will listen, but this idea smacks of desperation and lack of forethought.

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:22 pm
by KidMarine
I am. $1000 to $1030. I'll be adding every other penny I can get a hold of on the last day of the KS too.

JaySw34 wrote: I've already pledged $300 but today I won $1,000 on a scratch ticket!! I'm gonna pledge a lot of it on the third. Maybe $700 to bring my total contribution to $1000!! Today is a good day

Damn, that's awesome!

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:31 pm
by Shenhua-Nani?
mue 26 wrote: I know what I say here will make no difference as the whole of this site seems to be intent on this "$30 dollars on the 3rd thing". But I really think this has been a misguided idea and not thought through particularly carefully because:

1. Most Shenmue fans aware of the kickstarter will have already have pledged as much as they can afford
2. Even if they haven't, just yelling at them to up their pledge will unlikely provide much motivation for them to do so
3. The whole thing is insulting for the fans who can't afford to up their pledge
4. It will come across as pressurizing, and may even put people off pledging at all
5. Since this new initiative is essentially hijacking the long established tweetathon which uses #SaveShenmue, a slogan Yu Suzuki and his team now also embrace, people may assume this initiative has Yu and his team's blessing (when it doesn't), or was even organized by them themselves, and as such, this runs the risk of reflecting badly on them.

As I said, I'm sure no one here will listen, but this idea smacks of desperation and lack of forethought.

Mostly agree with you, maybe some people have taken that day as the official deadline for when they'll up their pledge?like an official call to arms day?

Aside from that, im not sure how it will get new people to pledge, or get fans that reached their limit to increase it.

But hey, it's harmless so its all good. :)

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:47 pm
by johnvivant
Hopefully it can inject a bit of interest and enthusiasm into the campaign during a quiet slump period, and also gives direction to the fans who want to do something extra to help but have so far been undirected. its about upping your pledge so it is mainly directed at committed fans who have already pledged BUT there is NO PRESSURE. it has always been emphasized that you only pledge IF you can afford it. all donations are made under anonymity, so no one will ever know if you decided not to take part.

its going to be fun to see a spike in the pot, especially since its slowed down so much recently. it might help us get over the 4 million mark which might ignite the news sites again about the campaign. hopefully the campaign won't feel so stagnant after it takes place, which can create some optimism leading into the final couple of weeks.

If anyone has any fantastic new ideas about ways of drawing in new people then please open a topic or submit them to the kickstarter suggestions thread.

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:51 pm
by RiGoRmOrTiS
I've already pledged $500, I could push to $750 (absolute max) but there isn't a tier at that level, it jumps straight to a limited quantity of sold out tiers starting at $1000.

I think the $30 on the 3rd campaign will have a small effect on the pledges, maybe give us a small 5-10k boost over our current daily average (25k and dropping, 10k yesterday.. >_<) but that'll be about it...

johnvivant wrote: . it might help us get over the 5 million mark which might ignite the news sites again about the campaign.

If i had anything to wager in a game of high stakes, I'd bet it all on the fact we won't hit $5 million unless there is a drastic shift in kick starter leadership along with some earth shattering miracle levels amount of luck. AJ have already screwed the pooch so much.... even if they were replaced right now the toxic media sites like Kotaku and Polygon would jump on that with a negative spin for maximum clicks and whoever picked up the KS from AJ would face an insurmountable PR battle.

at this point we need to put our hands together and pray we can at least hobble over the 4 million mark before the end (which is not a foregone conclusion with the 10k a day we are pulling in now)

if there isnt a new higher tier i can move up to by the 3rd i might order myself a digital copy for the PS4 too. Thus adding my $30 to the movement.

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:53 pm
by Anonymous81
It's part of a larger tweet-a-thon and awareness raising effort. The 3rd of month has long been the Shenmue 3 thunderclap. Everyone is encouraged to at least tweet #SaveShenmue & #30onthe3rd that day in unison, and there's an autotweet site set up for it:

As for upping pledges, maybe everyone's already tapped out, maybe they're not. But if there's any chance at all, even a slim one, that even half of the current backers can increase their pledges by $30 that day, that gives us an additional 690,000 roughly. That puts us over the crucial 4 million dollar limit, hopefully generating buzz because it means we doubled the initial goal.

Maybe it will whiff and do nothing. But there's a chance. To that end, I'm upping from the 175 level to the 250 collector's edition that day, and also donating 60 to my friend so he can back. That's my absolute limit at least for now. But the final surge we all hope comes generally tends to be from fence sitters, not people who've already backed, so I don't think the two will conflict.

In my completely non-empirical, gut based opinion... it's our best chance of having two big surges before this is over instead of just one at the end. And that's worth trying for me.

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:53 pm
by sand4fish
mue 26 wrote: I know what I say here will make no difference as the whole of this site seems to be intent on this "$30 dollars on the 3rd thing". But I really think this has been a misguided idea and not thought through particularly carefully because:

1. Most Shenmue fans aware of the kickstarter will have already have pledged as much as they can afford
2. Even if they haven't, just yelling at them to up their pledge will unlikely provide much motivation for them to do so
3. The whole thing is insulting for the fans who can't afford to up their pledge
4. It will come across as pressurizing, and may even put people off pledging at all
5. Since this new initiative is essentially hijacking the long established tweetathon which uses #SaveShenmue, a slogan Yu Suzuki and his team now also embrace, people may assume this initiative has Yu and his team's blessing (when it doesn't), or was even organized by them themselves, and as such, this runs the risk of reflecting badly on them.

As I said, I'm sure no one here will listen, but this idea smacks of desperation and lack of forethought.

The tweetathon you've mentioned mostly likely reached its maximum function by now, so yes we are desperate. We had other ideas, but it seems the $30 on the 3rd is the one the collective fans agree to most. We are all adults here, so the idea of feeling pressurized by the internet is a bit silly IMO. Besides all of us, including the person who came up with this idea (elfshadowreaper), state clearly, while spreading the word, that taking care of yourself and your family should take precedence over a game. This is good community effort.

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:04 pm
by mue 26
It could end up being harmful though. I know you say there is no pressure, but trying to flood twitter with "#$30 dollars on the 3rd!!" will come across as pressurizing regardless. There is no logical reason why anyone would pledge more as a result of this aside from feeling like less of a fan if they don't. Even Yama said hopefully the whole site will up their pledges. They won't, but it's still pressurizing.

These kinds of desperate attempts to get people to dig deeper into their pockets has more chance of seeing people dropping their pledges as a result, rather than increasing.
Especially when people may make the assumption that Yu and his team are behind it themselves.

In my opinion it would have been better to just stick to focusing on the regular tweetathon as usual to help push Shenmue to the forefront of people's minds without all the "$30" nonsense.

But anyway, that's my 2 cents,

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:22 pm
by Mystere
mue 26 wrote:2. Even if they haven't, just yelling at them to up their pledge will unlikely provide much motivation for them to do so
3. The whole thing is insulting for the fans who can't afford to up their pledge
4. It will come across as pressurizing, and may even put people off pledging at all

There's a world of difference between 'encouraging' and 'pressurizing' and everything I've read on $30 On The 3rd is unassuming, well-meaning and polite. Unless you interpret a week-old News Update and a couple of topics proposing the $30 idea as 'yelling'.

As for being insulted - are we going to vet all of our Shenmue III donation ideas for 'inclusivity' and 'financial background representation' now? Or are we just going to do whatever we can? If someone can afford to help, they're welcome to and that's pretty much it.

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:25 pm
by Henry Spencer
Nevermind him, he questions everything. :P

Re: Others that are upping their Pledge on the third?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:28 pm
by Tomato Convenience Store
I'm upping my pledge by $30 on the 3rd and might go higher during the last couple of days. I figure there might be more tiers that are shown by then, and it helps build the HYPE!!@!