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30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:17 am
by Erevador
I think this was the best day this community has ever seen. What a display of discipline, effort, and enthusiasm.

1. 335,960 dollars in one day.
2. 1276 new backers in one day.
3. Twice as many Kickstarter comments as any previous day.
4. Love from Kavinsky.
5. Peter's dreams of meeting Suzuki came true.
6. Kotaku tried to go negative, but their own news editor called the writer out for it in the comments. Upbeat rebuttals dominated the comment section. The tide of public opinion has turned.
7. Apologies from Awesome Japan and much better handling of everything today. Cedric Biscay heard us, and continues to engage with the community.
8. Great new tiers. Limited ones are selling out. Physical PS4 copy was a game-changer.
9. Unprecedented noise made on Twitter.
10. On the verge (only about 10,000 left, will make by mid-morning on the west coast) of overtaking Torment as the 2nd most funded Kickstarter game ever made.
11. Great Q&A with Yu.
12. Have had bunch of people saying to me on GAF today that even though they haven't played Shenmue, the fan passion has inspired them to pledge for the game.

You are all incredible. This is an amazing moment.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:32 am
by joka
Bit confused by your title- I don't disagree with what you've said but none of it was to do with the 30 on the 3rd campaign.

Well maybe some of the increased funds but very difficult to tell how much considering everything that happened.

Was a great day for the campaign- period.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:39 am
by Erevador
joka wrote: Bit confused by your title- I don't disagree with what you've said but none of it was to do with the 30 on the 3rd campaign.

Well maybe some of the increased funds but very difficult to tell how much considering everything that happened.

Was a great day for the campaign- period.

I don't think it is a coincidence that all of the campaign updates went up on the same day. They knew about the fan campaign and were designing their strategy to coincide with it.

When I speak about the plans that lead up to this moment I am speaking of everything the fan community did, including sharing thoughts with Biscay, and making noise all across the internet. It all culminated in the 30 on the 3rd event that was scheduled for the day.

It was a rebirth for the campaign, and it came right on the schedule set for it by the fan community.

It has been beautiful to watch and be part of.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:42 am
by joka
The 3rd was already going to be the day for the #saveshenmue tweetathon- 30 on the 3rd and the KS campaign aligned to that.

I'm not hating on the 30 on the 3rd campaign but your title suggests all the success was due to that which isn't true.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:45 am
by Reprise
Erevador wrote:
I don't think it is a coincidence that all of the campaign updates went up on the same day. They knew about the fan campaign and were designing their strategy to coincide with it. .

I agree, I think it was all, as a whole, planned very well.

Continuing the trend of the 3rd being the #SaveShenmue campaign was a great idea from both the fans and those involved with Shenmue 3 to have maximum impact on that day.

Unfortunately things will slow down again, but hopefully some more rewards and/or updates towards the campaign will see the usual 'end of campaign' surge that Kickstarters usually have.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:56 am
by ConanTheKing
It's been great, that PS4 physical reward will probably increase the daily average in general also and it looks like we are going to get a fully fleshed out Baisha village now as a result.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:00 am
by Axm
And the first official Shenmue Cast podcast was launched!
But kinda got burried in all the news.. hah!
Overall it was a great day for Shenmue fans.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:01 am
by Jackie Fhan
Overall happy with it, but I want us to push to 10 million as best we can. Now, want to get some physical ideas going. I'm going to try to make some images for it

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:10 am
by Axm
As we've discused in the other thread,
While we all probably dont like PewdiPie that much..(and I dont either)
We should really get him to play it or link it or something..he has a massive fan base.
The simple mention of it would give us a few million I think.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:12 am
by BlueMue
I think most of the success on the third comes from the physical PS4 reward but still we have to pat ourselfs on the back for what we've reached with the campaign and constant requests to improve the Kickstarter.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:23 am
by joka
BlueMue wrote:I think most of the success on the third comes from the physical PS4 reward but still we have to pat ourselfs on the back for what we've reached with the campaign and constant requests to improve the Kickstarter.

Agreed- ps4 physical was clearly the most requested reward but takes the comments, feedback and involvement of the community to make that known.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:08 am
by Supa
Great day for the campaign. If we can make half of the game's budget in a month, surely we can make $11 million in less than two years with PayPal!

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:26 am
by elfshadowreaper
It was a victory for Shenmue fans. That's the most important thing. And they didn't coincide thre event with $30 on the 3rd. It was #SaveShenmue. And the physical PS4 was the big money maker. I'd say $30 on the 3rd would have pulled in $60k on its own. But it's so hard to say. Again the important thing is we couldn't have raised $300k+ without the fans devotion to getting the word way! Very well done everyone!

We do need to come up with one more campaign but not devoted to asking people for money. Mail thousands of capsules to the White House? Joking!

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:02 am
by Anonymous81
As I said over on the actual KS comments section yesterday, #30onthe3rd is the proudest I've ever felt to be a gamer. I feel like we achieved something real, something meaningful, and an act of sheer defiance against the odds.

Everything stacked against this campaign - from the nature of the game itself (we don't like to admit it, but it's becoming clear that the games really only hold niche appeal despite the great sales of the original at the time, imo) to the gaming media distortions (creating the impression that Sony is either benefitting from or fully funding the project) to the high goals (high sticker price Kickstarters for video games are a fairly new invention and don't always do well) to the arguably less than ideal campaign presentation - all made yesterday's "victory" even sweeter.

I feel like we secured the game's future yesterday, ensuring that it will, whatever else it may be or not be, at least be something more than just the bare minimum now.

I now have no doubt that we will:

  • Reach 4.2 million (probably today)
  • Reach 5.1 million (probably thanks to more forthcoming rewards and media coverage, IF the media can get off their figurative kiesters and report on what was achieved yesterday in a balanced manner lol) but if not, then certainly in the final push

I have some lingering concerns about the physical scale of the game, and how substantial it will feel if we don't hit at least 8 million. And I do fear that without another announcement to rival the PS4 physical release, and some in depth, hard hitting promotion on major sites, we will never break 6 million.

But all of that is negligible to me next to the awesome feeling of pride and joy I harbor at having been a part of what happened yesterday. Yes, the new rewards put it over the top, but #30onthe3rd came straight from the heart and soul of the hardest of the hardcore Shenmue fans, to sprinkle miracle dust on the gaming world. And that is awesome. And that is almost not even hyperbole because of how awesome it was lol.

Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:04 am
by ianpm31
Anonymous81 wrote: As I said over on the actual KS comments section yesterday, #30onthe3rd is the proudest I've ever felt to be a gamer. I feel like we achieved something real, something meaningful, and an act of sheer defiance against the odds.

Everything stacked against this campaign - from the nature of the game itself (we don't like to admit it, but it's becoming clear that the games really only hold niche appeal despite the great sales of the original at the time, imo) to the gaming media distortions (creating the impression that Sony is either benefitting from or fully funding the project) to the high goals (high sticker price Kickstarters for video games are a fairly new invention and don't always do well) to the arguably less than ideal campaign presentation - all made yesterday's "victory" even sweeter.

I feel like we secured the game's future yesterday, ensuring that it will, whatever else it may be or not be, at least be something more than just the bare minimum now.

I now have no doubt that we will:

  • Reach 4.2 million (probably today)
  • Reach 5.1 million (probably thanks to more forthcoming rewards and media coverage, IF the media can get off their figurative kiesters and report on what was achieved yesterday in a balanced manner lol) but if not, then certainly in the final push

I have some lingering concerns about the physical scale of the game, and how substantial it will feel if we don't hit at least 8 million. And I do fear that without another announcement to rival the PS4 physical release, and some in depth, hard hitting promotion on major sites, we will never break 6 million.

But all of that is negligible to me next to the awesome feeling of pride and joy I harbor at having been a part of what happened yesterday. Yes, the new rewards put it over the top, but #30onthe3rd came straight from the heart and soul of the hardest of the hardcore Shenmue fans, to sprinkle miracle dust on the gaming world. And that is awesome. And that is almost not even hyperbole because of how awesome it was lol.

Agree 100% about yesterday...

But I will say the stretch goal from 5 to 6 million will be the true test. It's such a huge gap