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Debunking Sony Funding Shenmue 3 Theories & Rants...........

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:29 pm
by Dream Project
We all heard about this shit by now.. ... y-by-sony/ :agrue:

When we know this is the real truth - ... money-129/ said by Yu himself...

So I am making this topic for us to debunk anyone that said and rants about Sony funding Shenmue 3 which is not true and disgusts me :mad: since this false theory is making some people think twice to donate to this sequel we all been waiting 14 years for and not going to allow that ruining it's development for us all true Shenmue fans that trusts Yu's word!

I keeping an eye on all social sites from Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Youtube and many more and going to debunk all that shit in the nicest matter to show we are a great compassionate community here...

Facebook -

Twitter -

Youtube -

DA - ... -543813734
And the 1st one I found had to be on DA, (which I closed my account years ago after seeing for many shit there making as bad as tumblr and not opening an account there again.... So someone with a DA account can debunk him...)

Re: Debunking Sony Funding Shenmue 3 Theories & Rants.......

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:08 am
by Tommy30
With all the comments I've come across in relation to people thinking Sony are funding it it seems to be haters of the series or just trolls mainly that choose to believe lies and misinformation..those people had no intention of contributing abnyway so I wouldn't stress too much over it