New Famitsu Interview with Yu (Sept 8th)

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Re: New Famitsu Interview with Yu (Sept 8th)

Postby Zoltor » Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:56 am

strider16 wrote: Great second part!

Let's hope Yu don't think too much about forklifts... They are a fan favorite, and an icon for the game, but just some reference about would suffice, I'd rather not having them if it would mean removing a more compelling feature in game.

About fighting, I think Yu has a fairly good background about it, both in make games (as seen in VF series) and real knowledge (he may not be an actual fighter but Shenmue is the result of a lot of researches he did). If someone can think and implement a new way of fighting and not fighting in game, it is Yu.

I get somehow more optimistic too about the size of the game map, it isnt carved in stone yet. And a little concerned about recruiting UE4 programmers. Since he is not in AM2 anymore, how the team management will work? I don't think he is planning to hire a third party team, but having each member of the team with him... this seems "right", but is this really the case?

C'mon monthly updates! The game seems to be great!

At this point, if he does add forklifts in, it will in within a arcade machine, so I don't think he'll be worrying too much about that, It's more of a finishing touches kind of addition.

He's kind of throwing all his research out the window though, but whatever, all that can be possibly said about this fighting system, has already been said.

That does seem to be what he is saying, he's hoping to find individual programmers that have knowledge of Unreal 4. It's hard to tell if that is good news or bad news. Does he not have enough people who are knowledgeable about such or is he looking for extra people just for good measure? He was super vague about that whole part.

It could mean a bigger map/world, if so that would be awesome, but then again, remember when Yu was going to first announce Shenmue 3, and such. He wasn't sure if many people would be excited, and initially he planned the team around having 2m funds or so, so he's most likely adjusting the size of the team, to reflect the increased funding.
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