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Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:52 am
by MoonStar15
So this is about the poem that Shenhua told at the end of the game. During the poem there is a part that say.....

A Phoenix shall descend from above, its wings will create a purple wind.....

phpBB [video]

Well I just thought that it's interesting how the fortune teller is wearing purple. She is able to makes stuff appear inside the crystal ball.

It's also interesting how on her table, she have what look to be like a bigger version of the Phoenix disc.

I think that she is probably not just a certain average character in the Shenmue series.....

phpBB [video]


Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:10 am
by zema
What a weird topic.

I think you're grasping at straws to be honest.

The fortuneteller really???

Are you a troll?

Anyway, i don't mean to sound like a jerk, but this seems like troll material to me.

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:56 am
by Jibby
I don't think it's fair to claim that he's a troll for suggesting this. He's not trying to bait or fool anyone, just sharing a thought.

Personally, I don't think the fortune teller has any relevance. Just seems like a hint system for stuck players, and obviously they'd want to make it look mythical explaining the similarities to the Phoenix mirror.

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:59 am
by Himuro
Pretty sure it's a table with a purple cloth on it like you'll usually see at fortune tellers in real life.

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:32 am
by Peter
Plost twist: The Fortuneteller is Niao Sun in disguiese. The sexy, stalking, siren she is.

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:35 am
by MoonStar15
Any Metal Gear fans that have play the most recent Metal Gear Solid game?

If Mr. Kojima could turn a random guy that you get to sort of design at the start of the game into the Phantom of the legendary Naked Snake then.....Probably Mr. Suzuki could make an average fortune teller that could make stuff appear inside a crystal ball into a major character?

That's how I got my purple Shenmue thought from after playing the recent Metal Gear Solid. Many Metal Gear fans thought that they would be playing as the actual legendary Naked Snake.....Some even wanted to play as Fox Ninja. Other thought they would be playing as Solidus. There was many discussion about that even before the game came.

phpBB [video]

I'm just trying to understand Shenmue as much as possible.

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:48 am
by Himuro
You're kind of reaching.

Also, Shenmue is not Metal Gear.

Stuff shows up in her crystal ball as an obvious visual clue to show the player what to do. In a game world where dreams and visions of destiny exist, it's not too far a leap that fortune telling is accurate. It's a gameplay mechanic. Let it go.

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:15 pm
by MoonStar15
Shenmue is not Metal Gear.... But Mr. Kojima and Mr. Suzuki are very great story teller.

Also in the shenmue project video at 1 minute and 27 to 1 minute and 35 second, it show what seem to be XiuYing doing martial art with the Moon.

phpBB [video]

Could that be showing that probably XiuYing is the fortune teller or somehow related to her?
I mean like if the moon was to be the crystal ball and XiuYing doing martial art waving around like how the fortune teller would wave around the crystal ball.....

Could XiuYing and Ryo have already met in Shenmue 1?

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:22 pm
by Jibby
The problem is, you're never actually forced to go to the fortune teller in Shenmue I or II. It's not somewhere many players have been or seek to go. So I just don't see what the point of such a twist would be when most people either won't know who it's about or won't care.

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:07 pm
by MoonStar15
But if Mr. Suzuki decide to make such twist in the story for Shenmue 3 and or beyond then I think he is probably wanting the gamer to play all the Shenmue games fully to unfold all the story of a major puzzle.... and to experience the full-on Shenmue experience.

I like how Mr. Suzuki said "When you choose to make it the full-on Shenmue experience".......when he announced Shenmue 3.
At 3 minute and 38 to 3 minute and 43 second.
phpBB [video]

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:46 pm
by Peter
Yes but the Shenmue Saga isn't necessary of a quick thrill twist. They are more layered mythological trusts and story elements rather than a cheap character turn.

If there ever was to be a character twist it would be one of the major characters we have invested our emotions in, like Ren for example. Not only would the twist shock, bit it's also plausible since he looks after himself and is primarily interested in "treasures" and "his cut". But a NCP from the first game having some sort of impact thousands of miles away in another country showing up as a plot twist would just suck ass, and I would feel it's a safe bet saying that Yu Suzuki would also know that.

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:07 pm
by sand4fish
We all know where this is going.=;

Thanks for the chuckles, but just like the fortune teller waving her hands around the crystal ball I see banning shots coming for you mate, directly from the "full-on" purple moon.

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:10 pm
by Mark James G
MoonStar15 wrote: So this is about the poem that Shenhua told at the end of the game. During the poem there is a part that say.....

A Phoenix shall descend from above, its wings will create a purple wind.....

phpBB [video]

Well I just thought that it's interesting how the fortune teller is wearing purple. She is able to makes stuff appear inside the crystal ball.

It's also interesting how on her table, she have what look to be like a bigger version of the Phoenix disc.

I think that she is probably not just a certain average character in the Shenmue series.....

phpBB [video]


You've got one crazy imagination! Anyways, I think i'm going to agree with everybody else here and also add onto what they've said.

It can be pretty confusing sometimes to throw everything we see into the story but I think it is evident and clear that the Fortune Teller is more of a game mechanic disguised to be immersive rather then being a major plot point.

However, if we're wrong then I think we'll be placing our foots in our mouths and quickly deleting our posts in this thread so we don't look like complete tools! 8)

And on the off chance that this is a troll thread well... shoot.

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:46 pm
by Monkei
MoonStar15 wrote:Could that be showing that probably XiuYing is the fortune teller or somehow related to her?
I mean like if the moon was to be the crystal ball and XiuYing doing martial art waving around like how the fortune teller would wave around the crystal ball.....

Could XiuYing and Ryo have already met in Shenmue 1?

Sounds legit! :lol:

Re: Purple Shenmue

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:36 pm
by punkmanced
LOL. I always knew there something shady about that fortune teller.

Granted, that could apply to any fortune teller.