What time in the story will Shenmue III start?

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

What time in the story will Shenmue III start?

Postby Himuro » Tue Oct 11, 2016 11:51 am

Ryo arrives in Hong Kong at the end of February according to non-save transfer files. That gives us three months since the murder of Iwao. Assuming Ryo stayed in Hong Kong and Kowloon for a month each, this puts us at the end of April.

Where am I going with this? Iwao's birthday is the third of May.

In other words, just in time for Shenmue III.

Assuming Ryo gets to Guiin before May, we will experience Ryo's regret and depression as his father birthday passes. I truly feel it may be the most heart breaking moment in the series so far and it's too juicy of a story to pass up. How do you expect Ryo to react, Dojo? I'm really hoping this is the case so we can see Ryo grow.

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Re: What time in the story will Shenmue III start?

Postby James Brown » Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:09 am

Interesting topic, forgive me if i'm wrong, I half have a recollection that the Miao Village loading screens were scrapped from some part of Shenmue 2? Although screenshots wise, they appear to be from Guilin?

Possibly Yu already had the date in mind...however it could also just be a placeholder since the date on them is 23/24 Feb 1987 which seems too early considering Fangmei's bday is March 3rd and alot of stuff happens in Shenmue 2 after Wan Chai even for video game passage of time :) -


Just thought i'd throw that out there though, it's still interesting :)

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James Brown
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