Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

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Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

Postby mrandyk » Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:53 pm

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense for it to be revealed to the backers first. The project must be at a point where a trailer that would appease us fans is available, simply going off of the backer dinners, but it just doesn't seem likely to me that a trailer worthy of a grand stage will be ready for a good long while. Everyone remembers the criticisms that followed the project following E3 2015. Let's make sure we give them as little as possible to complain about next time this project is on a grand stage by waiting until the project is nearly complete to go up against the biggest titles in the industry.

What are everyone's thoughts on the revelation of Shenmue 3's first true trailer? Will it be done as part of one of the monthly updates or on a big stage at a big event?
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Re: Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

Postby Sappharad » Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:04 pm

It's going to be part of a monthly update to backers. (Which is visible to anyone on the website) This was sort of answered over the last few days after PSX happened.

If the game is to appear at a show, the backers will be informed in advance like with MAGIC last year.
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Re: Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

Postby Hazuki00 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:06 am

For me, the most logial would be release a trailer for backers first. We were the ones who helped Suzuki to bring Shenmue to live again. Maybe in a big event they could reach more people and be more successful but the right thing is this.
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Re: Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

Postby Tsubasa » Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:19 pm

I think it is pretty ridiculous asking for a backers' trailer (even if will probably do it, due to high demand).
I mean... how long do you think YOUR trailer will be exclusive before popping up on every single videogame website around the world? 2 minutes? 3 minutes? Come on guys... wouldn't be much more smarter letting them the opportunity touching a wider audience with a public reveal?
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Re: Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

Postby mikec_ct » Thu Dec 08, 2016 2:46 pm

At this point, I only care about the game getting maximum exposure and being as commercially successful as it possibly can. If that means a global public release of the trailer, I'm all for it.

I didn't donate to the Kickstarter to get special treatment or perks (though I am excited about the backer rewards I will be getting), but because I waited 15 years for this game. I donated because I wanted to do everything I possibly could to ensure that the game was made, and made to the highest possible standard.

This is the same reason I was annoyed at folks who were opposed to certain Kickstarter rewards being offered during the slacker backer campaign -- shouldn't we want to cast as wide a net as possible to welcome people into the fold? This is particularly true if the saga isn't meant to end after three games. The more exposure and hype that surrounds it, the better chance we would see future installments, and not be left in limbo again.

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Re: Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

Postby sand4fish » Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:43 pm

I agree with the post above. Showing it only to backers is the same as limiting your target audience, and so forfeiting potential revenue that could contribute to investors and Yu's consideration on making a fourth game.

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Re: Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

Postby ShenGCH » Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:27 pm

sand4fish wrote: I agree with the post above. Showing it only to backers is the same as limiting your target audience, and so forfeiting potential revenue that could contribute to investors and Yu's consideration on making a fourth game.

It'll be uploaded to YouTube within minutes of going live to backers, followed by a decent amount of promotion on social media, so I wouldn't worry too much.

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Re: Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

Postby mikec_ct » Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:04 pm

For me it's not so much about worrying, but pushing back against the attitude that everything needs to be exclusive to our little club. For the health of the series, I really think Shenmue fans should want as many people onboard the hype train as we can get. An E3 trailer does that. A premiere to backers only, which then trickles out via word of mouth, doesn't really help our cause. I don't see any benefit in maintaining the public perception of the game as an "underdog" kickstarted title, rather than the big time release it deserves to be.

-- All that said, I wouldn't be surprised if we got a trailer first, and would be okay with it. I just don't share the feeling that we "deserve" it, and I don't really like that mindset.
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Re: Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

Postby Spaghetti » Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:25 pm

It really depends on what we mean by trailer.

After learning a bit more about the video Yu dinner backers in Japan saw, that seems like something that would be better premiered to backers than at a big event for various reasons.
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