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PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:59 am
by Lan Di-sama
Lol, Nice one andrew.

I think it would be silly to all send in 5 bucks. It'll ensure it get there without being stolen, but it'll all get there at different times. BUt if we all make it a huge group effort, and trusting the person does indeed send it, what's if something happens? What's if it never makes it? What's if some mail ladies steal it? What if Yu looks at it and finds the solution to his hooker debts?

But we could always try more than once. If it gets lost, it's only 5 more bucks from each of us. But it would still suck.

But I think we can trust LanDC or someone. We'd have to write a check, I don't think Lan DC is old enough? (do you have nice parents?)

Maybe we could send it to Kiyuu. If she gets the money, we'd know it made it japan okay. I'd trust her to get it to the right people.

THis could be a good idea, and I'm for it if you're for it.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 1:10 am
by Samanosuke Akechi
sounds like you are serious about it lan di sama

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 6:57 am
by Silas
Yu Suzuki: Hey, look at this. The Shenmue Dojo just sent us a load of cash!
Shin Ishikawa: Let's take the team out to dinner. Hey, guys, the Dojo have just paid for us to take everyone out for a meal, some drinks. I'm sure there'll be money left over for some hookers!
Team: Go Dojo!
Yu: Let's do something for them in return. Why don't we call the muecas site to fob them off with some fan art, like we do every Christmas?
Shin: Good idea!

As I have said at previous threads of this nature, if you have $5 please give it to the deserving poor, not a multimillion dollar international corporation. Buy their products, don't just give them money.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:53 am
by LanDC
The reason I think it should be sent to one person is so we can know the exact ammount that we brought. If they started receiving mail after mail, that would be good I guess.. But it may become frustrating keeping up with it, don't you agree? I would be willing to take responsibility on getting it there too. If we got it as big and noticed as I want it to be.. Perhaps there would be an update on about it.. Kinda like for the Shenmue Only event. That would be great confirmation that it was actually sent. I sure wouldn't keep the money for myself. Jeez, that's theft from hundreds or thousands of people that could land me in some serious prison time! What do you think? Everyone should mention it to people.. See what kind of reaction it gets. If we get enough support, then we could really kick into high gear on getting this thing going.

Oh Silas.. They have put more money into Shenmue than anyone can imagine, and work.. They deserve alot for that. They deserve money. This isn't really that they NEED it.. But imagine the support. Not only would this story get shine in gaming news, but it would give Digital Rex more FIRE in creating Shenmue III. I am afraid they have lost the fire..

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:20 am
by Silas
I think if we start a strong mailing campaign, we look like dedicated fans who love the game and understand what they are trying to do in creating their work of art. If we send money, we look like sad, sad losers. We would lose whatever respect DR and Sega have for us (assuming they have any).

You're a popular and well respected member of the Dojo and the Forums, LanDC. Exactly how would you feel if Hellraiser, say, expressed his appreciation by sending you a ten dollar bill? How would your opinion of Hellraiser change?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:43 am
by Mr. Frozen
I say its a good idea. If there's a website andw e get users all around the world to send the money to a paypal account then yea, they would get a decent amount of money.

Now we dont have to literally send the money to them in an evelope. That would just be stupid. It either can be wired to them directly (which would be kinda hard without contact from them) or just make a big ass check sent out to sega, RE: Shenmue. They'll get the message.

It sure beats the hell out of a petition.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:46 am
by Silas
Man, the whole world has gone crazy!!

Please take it from a guy who's perhaps seen a bit more of the world than most of you. This is a bad idea.

I don't know why I'm arguing, I know it will come to nothing, anyway.

Incidentally, whiteShadow, I refer you to this thread.

···wh¡teShådow···[µ] wrote:
Silas wrote:Hmmm.... millions starving round the world, urgent funds needed for AIDS and Cancer research,


Your most deserving cause is a Japanese conglomerate which has made an absolute shitload of money in the last 49 years and just happens to be in some financial straits at the moment.

Some people need to get a sense of proportion. It's a commercial enterprise, please by all means support SEGA as much as you like - in the usual way, by buying their products.

Even though if I had such an amount of money I would probably give them part of it, I agree. There are so many causes one could think of. Sega is a company, not people starving to death.

I'm with you, Silas.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:49 am
by Kiyuu
Silas wrote:Man, the whole world has gone crazy!!

Please take it from a guy who's perhaps seen a bit more of the world than most of you. This is a bad idea.

I don't know why I'm arguing, I know it will come to nothing, anyway.

Incidentally, whiteShadow, I refer you to this thread.

···wh¡teShådow···[µ] wrote:
Silas wrote:Hmmm.... millions starving round the world, urgent funds needed for AIDS and Cancer research,


Your most deserving cause is a Japanese conglomerate which has made an absolute shitload of money in the last 49 years and just happens to be in some financial straits at the moment.

Some people need to get a sense of proportion. It's a commercial enterprise, please by all means support SEGA as much as you like - in the usual way, by buying their products.

Even though if I had such an amount of money I would probably give them part of it, I agree. There are so many causes one could think of. Sega is a company, not people starving to death.

I understand what Silas means. What they need is support, not charity.
As an enterprise they would be puzzled if they get money from the fans.
It's true that the fans should support them by buying their products.

If you want to show your support, why don't you send them your picture
with their products, your Shenmue collections? That would definitely be
more encouraging for them than sending money I believe! They would
feel like a million dollars, surrounded by your smiling faces! :D

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:36 pm
by Yama
I would easily submit twenty something, it's for a higher cause than just a game to me. Though it's a multi million dollar production so it wouldn't really help them all that much, though it'd show we care, and Sega are big fan pleasers.

Are there 1K active users though, or just registered?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 1:16 pm
by Lan Di-sama
1000 registered.

Silas has a point, but I don't think sega will think lower of us. It's not really charity, it's just to show how willing we are to keep the series going. Get the fire back, as LanDC said. I know we cant raise 1 millionth of what they need, but money is a sign of support-But Kiyuu also has a good point-there may be better ways to show support.

But we still have to remember-with all the recent hints and stuff, it appears shenmue III maybe be on its way, if DR is 6000$ richer or not. But it'd still be a nice way to support them.
A picture of our shenmue collection would be nice too, and we can send a letter to them. But if we send money it could get a little more attention-even though it seems like we're almost begging them...but I trust Digital Rex will take it the right way, not in a way that makes us seem like assholes (We'd need to tell them that we really don't intend the money to help with too much, more as a sign that we still believe in them)

It's still a pretty good idea. But no matter how we show it-any support will make Digital Rex or Sega happy.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 6:15 pm
by - Guizhang Chen -
bill gates should give some money

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:07 pm
by Rhayno G.
Listen to Silas on this one. I have been in the business world long enough to know this plan makes no sense.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 1:15 am
by Samanosuke Akechi
- Guizhang Chen - wrote:bill gates should give some money

i think he should to

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 1:31 am
by ShOzO MiZuKi
ya he should, he can spare a billion dollars, he would have 66 billion left

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:06 am
by santino
me and my friend had a debate on how much we would pay for shenmue 3 and the totals were up to like 500 bucks........ i think i would seriously pay 500 for shenmue 3