my theory on why we are getting no info on shenmue III

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

my theory on why we are getting no info on shenmue III

Postby waser2 » Fri Jan 16, 2004 2:27 am

this actually seems too obvious to be just me, but I was thinking they were using this as advertising. major publications are starting to take notice. if this isnt new, lock this.

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Postby Rhayno G. » Fri Jan 16, 2004 4:11 am

locked. (just kidding) :D

No really, my personal opinion is that sega hasnt quite decided whether they are ready to take the financial risk again and cant announce it untill they do. I really think that sega dosent actually want to fund the game, but will do it for suzuki....eventually
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Postby CloudXenon » Fri Jan 16, 2004 6:38 am

I *somewhat* agree with andrew,i dont think Microsoft,Nintendo or Sony..any of them want to fund the game in anyway for any of they're consoles and i dont think Sega wants to either but would do it for Suzuki..unless of course he gets screwed over or decides to can it.
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Postby jrathbun05 » Sat Jan 17, 2004 12:14 am

Thats a very interesting idea waser. I never thought about it like that, but waiting to release shenmue 3, getting fans wanting it badly and getting publicity from the petition and what not, could be a way of getting shenmue attention, so shenmue 3 doesn't go by quite so unnoticed, underappreciated and a retail "failure" as its predacessors. Im not saying I buy this at all but its definately an interesting idea.
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Postby code l name » Sat Jan 17, 2004 1:52 am

I've seen topics like in the past, and while I mean no disrespect to the thread starter let me be the first to say; that’s absolutely, positively untrue and if you use common logic it's becomes a rather preposterous idea.

I know we want Shenmue III bad folks, but that doesn't mean Sega have this 'grand scheme' and are sitting back being sly and cunning and plotting this whole deal. In fact the lack of confirmation regarding Shenmue III has meant many long term fans growing disinterested with the series, while others pass it off as a dead franchise. And I think Andrew pretty much summed up the logical reason for the lack of news, and it's simply Sega haven't decided themselves.
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