Gaming thoughts of the day

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Bluecast » Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:44 pm

I'm not a Wii or Nintendo fanboy. Manny his fave system this gen is wii does that make him a fanboy? So just because Some one likes the Wii over 360 & PS3 makes them a fanboy? Is that the popular thing now? Fuck off with that bullshit. FUCK. I worked to hard to get rid of the OLD image. If you really knew me which you don;t you'd know I'm a much bigger SEGA fan than anything.
I'm a Sonic fanbooy,A TMNT,Star Trek fanboy but as for gaming. I'm just simply a gaming fantatic and go where the games are. Not where the console is
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Jean Valjean
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Axm » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:00 pm

Bluecast wrote:I'm not a Wii or Nintendo fanboy. Manny his fave system this gen is wii does that make him a fanboy? So just because Some one likes the Wii over 360 & PS3 makes them a fanboy? Is that the popular thing now? Fuck off with that bullshit. FUCK. I worked to hard to get rid of the OLD image. If you really knew me which you don;t you'd know I'm a much bigger SEGA fan than anything.
I'm a Sonic fanbooy,A TMNT,Star Trek fanboy but as for gaming. I'm just simply a gaming fantatic and go where the games are. Not where the console is

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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Bluecast » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:04 pm

Whatever that means but fuck you guys. You are trolling me so I'm done here. Anyway bought some gloves today that remind me of Darksiders II

Some of the loot you pick up early has something just like this in fact I think these were in the promo CGI.
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Jean Valjean
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby MiTT3NZ » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:20 pm

Bluecast wrote: I'm not a Wii or Nintendo fanboy. Manny his fave system this gen is wii does that make him a fanboy? So just because Some one likes the Wii over 360 & PS3 makes them a fanboy? Is that the popular thing now? Fuck off with that bullshit. FUCK. I worked to hard to get rid of the OLD image. If you really knew me which you don;t you'd know I'm a much bigger SEGA fan than anything.
I'm a Sonic fanbooy,A TMNT,Star Trek fanboy but as for gaming. I'm just simply a gaming fantatic and go where the games are. Not where the console is


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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Bluecast » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:30 pm

I wear gaming shirts daily. None of them Nintendo. Almost all SEGA and some Capcom and some various. Daily wear a wrist band of Dante and one of MEGA MAN with my lanyard of Sonic.
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Jean Valjean
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby MiTT3NZ » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:31 pm

My god man, shut up, nobody cares. You're takin this well too far. You're a Wii fanboy. End of.
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Bluecast » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:35 pm

MiTT3NZ wrote: My god man, shut up, nobody cares. You're takin this well too far. You're a Wii fanboy. End of.

But I'm not. I won't stand by when people make up lies and accusations. Funny how none of my fave games or consoles are Nintendo. Ys ..Shenmue..PSP Dreamcast. Yeah so shut it. God no wonder Manny left the dojo
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Bluecast » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:42 pm

Fuck those guys just trolling me I know the truth they jusy have a head of misconceptions. Anyway in Chapter XIII I think in Bayonetta but only 6 hours play time but heard it's 12hours, Guess I'm half way. At lease the game is showing some character development at last.There are some small moments she reminds me of the more maternal Dante
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby MiTT3NZ » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:47 pm

Why the hell do you take it so seriously? It's not like we're assassinating your character, it's an observation, like saying I'm egotistical, or Dorian's arrogant, or that QWERTY's trollish. And when did Segata leave?
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Bluecast » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:50 pm

MiTT3NZ wrote: Image


You guys have a misconception tho . Also acting like trolls on me. He left last night after we talked. He's very annoyed.
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Kenny » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:55 pm

It sounds like you're in extreme form of denial. I mean really, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't react so strongly to WRC saying he didn't like SSB.

It's like if I reacted so strongly everytime I hear you guys diss Heavy Rain or Cage, cause I am a fan of QD's work. But even I joke about it cause I really don't care.

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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby MiTT3NZ » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:59 pm

It's not a misconception, really. You like the Wii, and constantly jump to it's (or most of the Wii's games at least) defence. Therefore, fanboy. It's like callin someone who has an iPhone and a Mac an Apple fanboy. It's nowt to be pissed off about. Kinda lame that you're takin it so seriously.

The question was kinda implied first time around, but c'mon, spill the beans, why's Segata left?
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Bluecast » Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:04 pm

but i'm not a Nintendo fanboy for fucks sake now leave me the fuck alone. I named my Wii Dreamcast in te settings since day 1. Background to 360 was Sonic and now Mega Man. I think I'm just b eing picked on as if anyone else defended it they would not be called a fanboy. Manny never got called a fanboy despite he always stood up for Wii being his fave system this gen. PS2 is my fave of last gen...after Dreamcast. I got to liking my Genesis and play it far more than the SNES. I'm a massive massive Sonic fan. Look at that poster and figures and clothes and merch I have. I fucking love SEGA to death. SEGA 1986-1999 SEGA. For the longest time I was only nintendo but I got bored of so much of it. I became a collector after being so limited to being a fanboy for so long. My fave genre is JRPG. SEGA/JRPG's is where most my gaming passion is. I also can't limit myself to one console. I have to have them all. I go where the games are period
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby MiTT3NZ » Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:12 pm

Yeah, but why do you care so much? We're callin you a fanboy coz you leap to it's defence, it's not an insult, it's not trolling, and we're not weighing up your level of bias between video game companies ffs, stop takin shit to the extreme. Do you honestly not see how ridiculous it is?

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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Bluecast » Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:15 pm

Masturbate so help breast cancer on Xbox! Someone get AG an Xbox now please

@Mitts because I worked too hard to erase the past. I was once but not anymore. Also you guys have selective memory. I bash them as much as I do anyone.
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Jean Valjean
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