2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby Bluecast » Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:38 am

OL wrote:
Bluecast wrote: I'm no comics nerd so I will be flamed for this from Mitts maybe. Outside of Superman & Batman who gives a fuck about the rest in DC? Marvel has more interesting characters.

Absolutely spoken like someone who knows nothing about DC (and, for that matter, Marvel) beyond the movies that have been made.
I haven't read any comics for a number of years now, but last I left off, DC was doing an incredible job of reinvigorating old characters without necessarily betraying their roots. Previously super-obscure ones like Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Guy Gardner, Ralph Dibny, and The Question are some of my absolute favorites now because of this.

Ironically, I've always perceived that Marvel is the more money-grubbing of the two (ironic because DC is owned by Warner Bros, so you'd think it was the other way around), while DC is more willing to stick to a certain "tradition" as far as superhero comics are concerned. Marvel thrives on controversy, shock value, and "pop" appeal, while DC tends to champion faithfulness to their characters' origins (they're guilty of shock value and attempts at mainstream appeal as well, but nowhere even near the efforts Marvel regularly goes to).
It's a very thin line to consider, but you could say that while DC adapts to the times, Marvel outright changes to fit the times.

This comparison is a little extreme, but as videogames develpers go, you could almost consider Marvel to be Capcom, while DC would be more along the lines of Falcom (not taking into account the size difference between the two, of course). It's not quite to that extreme, but that's the kind of difference I see between Marvel and DC. That's the difference in attitude and philosophy toward their medium that we're looking at.

And like Mitts said, DC doesn't mess with the fact that most of their superheroes are, essentially, God-like. Marvel has always tried to appeal to people with the "hey look, they're regular people like you!" approach to superhero characterization, while DC is essentially dealing with completely unrealistic Greek God-styled heroes, which makes it harder for some people to swallow.
Just my own personal preference, but a superhero grappling with alcoholism or a rocky marriage is far less interesting to me than a universe-patrolling law-enforcement army, or a character who moves so fast that he fears eventually getting stuck between miliseconds.
When it comes to superheroes, I'll take the fantastical over the mundane any day.

:lol: I was waiting for a nerd rant and I got what I wanted. Thank you.
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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby Sonikku » Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:38 pm

MiTT3NZ wrote:
- Aquaman's shit

Remember when they tried to "spruce up" Aquaman and make him more "hardcore" by having him lose his hand and replace it with a hook? :lol:
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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby OL » Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:27 pm

Bluecast wrote: :lol: I was waiting for a nerd rant and I got what I wanted. Thank you.

Nothing about that was a "rant" in the least. It was a thorough explanation as to why I prefer one over the other.
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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby Bluecast » Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:04 pm

:lol: Oh stop. It was a wall of text so it was a rant one way or another and a very nerdy one to boot
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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby Calshot » Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:07 pm

MiTT3NZ wrote:
- Aquaman's shit

Aquaman's not a bad guy. He saves the world every year from Cthulhu!

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If they're not willing to make a film for each of the League members, perhaps they could make a World's Finest with the new Batman and throw in a few cameos.
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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby OL » Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:36 pm

Bluecast wrote: :lol: Oh stop. It was a wall of text so it was a rant one way or another and a very nerdy one to boot

You apparently aren't familiar with the definition of the word "rant". By your thought process, I suppose every piece of writing in history that contains more that three sentences would qualify as one.
Damn that newspaper. Nothing but one big rant, apparently.

And what point are you trying to make by pointing out how incredibly nerdy it was?
This coming from Mr. "I spent 1000 hours on Xenoblade"?

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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby Bluecast » Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:36 pm

OL before you type another wall. I'm teasing you :P
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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby OL » Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:39 pm

Calshot wrote: If they're not willing to make a film for each of the League members, perhaps they could make a World's Finest with the new Batman and throw in a few cameos.

I personally always thought a "Brave and the Bold" movie would be cool, with Green Lantern and the Flash. They've always been a pretty common pairing, just like Superman and Batman.
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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby Kenny » Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:13 am

Bluecast wrote: OL before you type another wall. I'm teasing you :P

Backpeddling, backpeddling.

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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby KiBa » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:11 am

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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby Bluecast » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:17 am

Kenny wrote:
Bluecast wrote: OL before you type another wall. I'm teasing you :P

Backpeddling, backpeddling.

Huh? When I wrote those it was tongue and cheek and OL got upset. He didn't nor you get the sarcasm and just teasing. I wanted someone but hoping it would be mitts to say how wrong I was :P
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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby KiBa » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:31 am

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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby OL » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:47 am

Bluecast wrote:Huh? When I wrote those it was tongue and cheek and OL got upset. He didn't nor you get the sarcasm and just teasing.

You seem to have a knack for misunderstanding things. At no point did I get "upset". You made derisive remarks, so I corrected you and shot back.
Your "sarcasm" seems to misfire more often than not. I think you need to find a new shtick.

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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby Kenny » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:48 am

I don't see anything "upset" about it. Just passionate.

The "nerd rant" comment followed by "loljustteasingbro" sounds more defensive being disguised as kidding around.

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Re: 2015: Justice League VS Avengers 2

Postby Bluecast » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:59 am

But that's all it was. A tease. I should have kept the silly in the post where I said Oh stop but thought it might sound to gay. Oh well. Whatever I was having a tease from the very moment I said who gives a fuck about DC. Because I knew OL & MItts did.
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