Far Cry 3

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Far Cry 3

Postby Golf Wang » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:56 am

Has anyone played this game yet? I just bought it yesterday and it's awesome! It even has alligators! Doesn't sound like a big deal, but that really impressed me lol.

This video sums up how I felt when I first got attacked by the alligators in this game:

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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby OL » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:14 pm

Yeah, I'm loving it so far. I've done incredibly little in the main story so far, because it seems like everything else is pretty much open from the start, so I've just been taking over bases, activating radio towers, finding relics, crafting better gear, etc.
And I had pretty much the same experience with the aligators (are they crocs or gators? I don't know). Also had an experience like that with a shark while underwater. I haven't jumped like this while playing a game in years.
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby MiTT3NZ » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:34 pm

Just started Far Cry 2 myself recently after sitting in my collection for 7 months or so. My best buddy went "missing" after I saved her life, second best buddy went missing after she saved my life, and when I went on a rescue mission for my one remaining buddy, I saved the guy (therefore completing the mission parameter), only for the game to decide it doesn't want to progress past that point.

Game save broken.

It's a shame, I've read about game breaking bugs in the past, but I've never fallen victim to one. Felt pretty damn shitty. I liked it too, in spite of the wank stealth system and disappointing absence of hostile wildlife. I could get past the fact that guardposts respawned a mere twenty seconds after clearing it out, but for this bug to not be patched... I dunno.

I really want to go on it again, but it seems like too much of an effort to keep multiple saves and do so each time I progress a little in a mission. It just doesn't seem fair. And I know that sounds bratty, but I could deal with it if you could save at any point. When I first played it, I actually liked the fact you couldn't, coz it makes missions that much more dangerous (something lost on most games nowadays), but I want to fear dying, not the game breaking.

I hope Far Cry 3 doesn't suffer any such bugs, coz I'm looking forward to that n'all when I get round to buying it.
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby Spokane » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:38 pm

I want this but I am just going to skip Far Cry 2.
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby OL » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:48 pm

It's all good, Far Cry 2 isn't necessary story-wise or anything. I do want to play it eventually though.
But yeah, so far one of the coolest things about this game is how unpredictable the wildlife can make some situations. Tigers are one of the most end-all, dangerous-as-fuck animals in it, and while trying to stealthily take over a base, a tiger found its way in and started attacking the enemies.
I didn't have to fire a single shot; the tiger killed everyone, and the base was left for me to take over. :lol:
It was one of those totally random, unexpected kinds of situations that people went on about loving in Skyrim. That quote in all the commercials for this, that it's "like Skyrim with guns" doesn't seem too far off.

Oh, and the bow & arrow and knife in this are awesome. I've been playing a lot of this like I would the last Turok game; sneaking around, picking guys off with an arrow to the spine, or stealth-killing them with the knife.
I've wanted a sequel to that last Turok game for a while now, but this seems like the next best thing. Only things missing are dinosaurs and one-hit knife kills against wildlife.
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby Bluecast » Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:39 pm

The game is very pretty. Interesting the tower AC bits and using the ACIII quote. Vass very well written. Music when you meet Dennis is fucking awesome.
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby Golf Wang » Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:22 pm

I just finished the game and Jesus Christ. The ending was insane, this game is something else. (in a good way). SPOILER:
The game offers two endings, essentially, save your friends or kill them and stay with the tribe. I chose to kill my friends at the end, idk why, it just seemed fitting since Jason was delving into insanity the whole game.
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby OL » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:01 am

I have no clue how far I am from the ending. I just got to the mission that was in the initial gameplay demonstration for it a while back ("Did I ever tell you the definition of the word 'insanity'?"), and I've sunk a good 20 or 25 hours already.
Just loving it. Getting much better with the bow during combat situations, but then they have to bring in those heavy armored guys. :lol:
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby Who Really Cares? » Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:51 am


Does look good but i think it will be one to pick up next year for me.
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby Golf Wang » Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:55 pm

OL wrote: I have no clue how far I am from the ending. I just got to the mission that was in the initial gameplay demonstration for it a while back ("Did I ever tell you the definition of the word 'insanity'?"), and I've sunk a good 20 or 25 hours already.
Just loving it. Getting much better with the bow during combat situations, but then they have to bring in those heavy armored guys. :lol:

Savor the story. I kind of went through it too fast, so I'm liberating outposts and doing quests now (which is still great fun), but the story is an experience. There is an incredible sequence with Vaas, not going to get into details as I don't want to spoil it, but it's something I rarely experience in a game. It was insane.

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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby PirateMuffins » Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:01 pm

I was hoping you'd get something awesome for taking over all the bases/towers but nope, finished the story anyway, was good but i enjoyed exploring the island and doing the sidequests more.

Golf Wang wrote: I just finished the game and Jesus Christ. The ending was insane, this game is something else. (in a good way). SPOILER:
The game offers two endings, essentially, save your friends or kill them and stay with the tribe. I chose to kill my friends at the end, idk why, it just seemed fitting since Jason was delving into insanity the whole game.

I chose the other way, i did just watch the bad ending though :lol: Really wish there was an option to kill Dennis Rogers aswell since he turns into a complete moron in the good ending
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby Vyse Hazuky » Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:07 pm


I was a bit skeptical that 3, doing away with those bits that gave 2 so much character like the jamming weapons, malaria attacks and real-time map, would feel bland and indistinguishable. Thankfully, while I regret those omissions, being attacked by animals seem as much of a thrill, seeing as it occurs in a non-scripted fashion. So, you're always on your toes, and that's what Far Cry's all about. The conflict is not as dramatic or deep as Africa, but much more beautiful. It all seems like it's become a better game, in the true sense of the word, overall.

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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:28 pm

Never seen that advert OL mentioned ("Like Skyrim with guns"), but that's quite a powerful line for an ad to use, since a lot of "casual"-ish sorta gamers like me did geek-up a lot of hours in Skyrim. Skyrim with guns (and from the sounds of it, potentially the same game-breaking bugs. ;-)) really does appeal. :D
I only clicked on this topic today 'cos a guy at work who games a lot (he is a Skyrim fan too) was describing it as such, so I watched a few videos on Youtube (and yeah, I can see the parallels. It reminded me a bit of Just Cause 2, also.) before coming to see what you guys thought of it. :)
Looks like this could be one of the things I buy for myself in January. I'm playing Oblivion right now, notched up about 70 hours so far but still have so much to do. Will almost certainly be above the 150 hour mark before I'm finished with it. Will then have to go back to Skyrim (currently on the second playthrough, at about 170-odd hours so far), finish the DLCs and the main quest, so don't really need another mammoth of a game to get started on soon. ;-)
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby OL » Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:00 am

So I beat it, and I have kind of odd feelings about it.
Not about whether I like it or not; I absolutely loved it. There's no question about that.
Just some odd gripes here and there.
The side-missions (the blue exclamation marks on the map; I don't mean the outpost liberations, supply drops, or exploration) are completely inane and uninteresting. I feel like they could have done more with them. But alas, they boil down to dumb things like casually searching the ground for a specific item, or sitting by a window while a conversation takes place. Pretty much the least exciting things to do in the whole game.
Despite the game being generally well-written regardless, the latter half of the story feels kind of random in a way, and unfortunately the last several missions don't really feel like they're building to a proper climax; they just kind of feel like more action, just like what you'd been doing before.
And my biggest gripe is that (major spoilers)
Vaas dies only halfway through the game.
He was easily the most intriguing, most entertaining, most defining character in the entire game. There's a reason he's on the cover of the box. He's the face for the game. And every time he shows up on-screen, it suddenly feels like "now we're talking".
He's a bit like the Joker in the Dark Knight. Not in the fact that he's insane (they're very different characters otherwise), but rather in the fact that he's so well-written and so well-performed that he totally steals the show every time he appears. He's the character that, if the game does well enough, will be remembered years and years from now as the sort of "iconic" image and personality for the game. He's that guy.
And yet you kill him only halfway through.
Sure, there are a couple of other good characters after that (Sam comes to mind, though he too dies an untimely, disappointing death), but the second half of the game just feels like it's missing something once he's gone. In a really weird way, it felt like the game had kind of ended after that halfway point, and the second half was actually an expansion or direct sequel.
I'm just really disappointed that he had (what felt like) such a short presence in the game. It's like killing off Jack Sparrow at the midpoint of Pirates of the Caribbean. The second half might be good, but it'd obviously be missing a key part of its appeal.
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Re: Far Cry 3

Postby Bluecast » Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:50 am

The sex bit is funny and dumb. What if it's a miscarriage you dumb bitch. What if his kids turns out to be retarded. Now his kid has aids thanks to bloody boobs. Dumb cunt :lol:
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