Random Thoughts! v2.0

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Kenny » Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:47 pm

Riku Rose wrote:
Sonikku wrote: America has always had guns. But everything seems so much... crazier compared to when I was a kid. What the hell happened?

There have and always will be crazy people. The news are just reporting on this stuff more at the moment so the world seems crazier then normal at the moment.

That or someone put bath salts in the drinking water.
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Bluecast » Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:50 am


Kenny might like this. This video brings so many nostalgic trips for me.

One of the few things I loved doing with my dad was renting movies. He was a member to ALL of them in the city.So we went to all of them. It was an event it was fun. Like in the video I liked to look at the covers and read them.Smiths a local grocery chain used to have 47 cent rentals so we often went there. One near us was Movie Buffs and they had a huge NES & Horror section. That was when I first learned of Mega Man but never rented them just wondered what this game was with 6 sequels. I remember renting all of Star trek TOS and watching for the first time from Goodtime video. Also the place I rented Chucky films Jason and Follow that Bird. I remember being in that store and saw "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" in new releases and had no idea what it was but looked cool. Video verns was massive. It was costco of video rental. Faces of Death from there.

Later I started going with my then best friend and we rented SNES & N64 games. He was hyped for a game called Mario Party and Later Smash Bros. We played the hell out of Mario Party and ruined our palms. Blockbuster was also selling SNES games and N64 games so I bought a few then plus some star trek stuff. Blockbuster in 1996 and 97 are good memories. Dad rented a N64 with Mario 64 and how floored I was with Mario in 3D and the analog stick blew my mind. Next year I saw a demo for this game Mario Kart 64 and fuck me I went almost daily just to play the kiosk.
My last experience with Blockbuster was a cool promo rent so many movies in certain amount of time and get LOTR free on DVD. So I got that but got exhausting trying to rent movies for 30 days in a row or might have been 20.

I love Netflix and love the convenience but still have great memories.

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Sonikku » Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:25 am

I remember going to Blockbuster all the time. I still remember the day they first opened in my town, because Sonic the fucking hedgehog would be there to herald the day personally. Being the dope I was, I couldn't bring myself to walk up to him and shake his hand. One of my many life regrets. :sad: I did notice they had a rare copy of FF4 that had long since gone out of print and was never seen at retail anymore when I would rent it over and over. I asked the rep if I just never returned it what would the fee be and he said it would be full price, which was about $80. For a used game with no box and no manual. :mad: I just didn't have that kind of scratch back then. Then Square announced they were bringing over FF Anthology for the Playstation that had 4, 5 and 6 in it. :D But, being the assholes they were, they figured why not strip down the US version of Anthology to just be 5 and 6. :sad: But I digress.

If I wasn't going to Blockbuster video for the video game rentals, I was going to play the Super Mario 64 kiosk. I remember the tv was so high up from the ground and I was so young and short at the time that my neck seriously felt out of whack by the time other kids had finally mustered up the strength to tear away the controller from my righteous dinosaur tossing finger tips. I also recall scooping up old Robotech VHS tapes when they were clearing them all out. TWO episodes a tape. >.<

Those were the days.

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Yokosuka Martian » Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:00 am

Very nice reminiscing there. Brings me back to my good ol' childhood days
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Henry Spencer » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:34 am

Just had a cold caller trying to fob me off with ad space in a magazine nobody has ever heard of. Supposedly it's one that gets passed around various emergency services, which is strange since I had never heard of it despite working in the emergency services myself for 5+ years and worked in security for around 2 years. This is how my conversation went:

Me: Hello?
Him: Hi. We're calling from the emergency services, we've got a magazine that will advertise your company in our magazine
Him: We'll give you ad space for £1.50 for the whole year.
Me: Where are you calling from?
Him: We're called Blue Lights Magazine. A publication service that is distributed mainly to law enforcement but also to other emergency services from time to time.
*thinking to myself that I have never heard of such a publication*
Me: Never heard of you before.
Him: We're just starting up now, we haven't officially published any material yet.
Me: Bye.

After I got off the phone I Googled "Blue Lights Magazine" and it appears they're a Liverpool scam firm that cold call pretty much every kind of business under the sun trying to flog this crap (and have done so since circa. 2009 and under various aliases) and no emergency service within 50 miles of Liverpool or Manchester have ever heard of them. Hmmm.
Fucking cold callers.
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Riku Rose » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:30 am

A couple week back we got some Indian call center calling my work asking to speak to the owner so they could sell us insurance. For some reason the guy asked how to spell the owners name so I just said it one letter at a time and he repeated after me as he wrote it down.
Then I just hung up on him.

Had another one trying to sell us electricity. Just told him we don't use it and just sit around a fireplace and have candles.

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Sonikku » Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:24 am

It's unbelievable how pushy people have become in peddling their wares and tying up the phone lines. I would not want to start up my own business in part because I don't think I'd want to deal with all the people trying to squeeze me for a buck.
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby KiBa » Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:05 pm

Behold how much more measurably articulate and intelligent and dignified Americans used to be, even on silly game shows:

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Who Really Cares? » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:29 pm


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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Bluecast » Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:37 pm

So a dude tried to kill me today. We were in a Joan's as my mom needed to pick up some thread on the way the bank. I didn't see it and bumped into a wet floor sign unaware at the moment and I needed my cane today as I was in pain. Well my mom jolted off to get the last cart from a woman who was done with it. I walked with her not knowing anything was really wrong. We get the cart and this old git is staring at me so I tell my mom wonder why this dude is staring at me then he turns to his son and says "now he's yapping to his bitch mom" that ticked me off so I said fuck you. Then he walked right up to me had his hand in his pocket for something said he's kill me and tried to stare me down. I honestly didn't give a fuck about the stare as I been through it before. Mom tried to break it up and I just said if you want to beat up a disabled person go ahead. I could have handled it better. I was going to report it but my mom was insisting we just leave the store and avoid further conflict and I agreed. Oddly other than a fuck you I was pretty chill through it and did not expect it as normally I would freak out. I'm sure he would have beat my ass. All that because I bumped something and could not pick it up as I was in pain. I worked in retail a long time and I never gave a shit when someone knocked something down. Jus a yellow plastic sign. Nothing to get angry about. I would have let it go but when he called my mom a bitch is when I got peeved and let out a calm "Fuck you" Eh...I still should have let it go. Oh well live and learn.

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Sonikku » Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:53 pm

I'm sorry to hear adam, that must have seriously sucked for you and your mom. :sad: Thankfully, I don't think killing you was anything he seriously considered for a second. He sounds like a wind bag and likely grasped nothing but lint in his pocket. A threat as empty as the words leaving his very lips. I've met people like that before that indulge in having a bloated sense of ego and expect everyone to bow to them. Most people like that are likely compensating for being insecure and are often the first to shrivel when confronted directly.

I can sympathize, at least somewhat. I'm not disabled, but I'm not as strong as I once was in getting someone off of me if a brawl were to break out. I know what it is like to feel more vulnerable than in the past. But I think meeting him in the eyes was the right move on your part and in your place I would have done the same. Not caving to aggressors is usually not about having the biggest muscles but in having the quiet strength to say in one voice I am not going to curl up into a fetal position. I'm not going to back down.

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby lavrentis » Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:43 am

Played a guy tonight who hadnt played fifa in about 5 years and lost all my matches FOR FUCKS SAKE
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Peter » Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:48 am

If i were out with my mum and some stranger called her a bitch, he would be on his back before he had a chance to look at me.

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby KiBa » Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:09 am

Honestly, do you live in Thunderdome, Blue? No wonder you hate America. I have rarely seen such idiotic behavior in public, yet you seem to attract all the nuts, like moths to light. Seriously, who tries to pick a completely irrational fight with a disabled guy and his mother in a store because they accidentally bumped into a wet floor sign? That is not normal.

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Samanosuke Akechi » Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:21 am

Should've whacked him with your cane blue.

Seriously though,fuck that guy.Glad it didn't get anymore serious.

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