Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: It's time to party

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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: It's time to party

Postby Cave Johnson » Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:57 am

This should have been the real Far cry 3. I havn't been hyped up about a game like this one in a long time. I watched the leaked footage, and the game pays a lot of homage to 1980's movies, plus it's being voiced by Micheal Biehn. Also, it looks like its going to be a standalone exclusive which is a plus (no need to have FC3).
Here is the sneak peak trailer
There's a leaked footage of gameplay but I can't find it at the moment
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Re: Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: It's time to party

Postby OL » Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:32 pm


So basically they've just re-skinned and re-lighted everything to be all neon-colorful.
Can't say I'm even slightly interested. How did this even get the greenlight? It looks like it may as well have just been a fan-made project.
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Re: Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: It's time to party

Postby Bluecast » Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:42 pm

Look the Double Dragon Neo worked because it was a game from the 80's semi remade to be silly and made more sense. This just looks stupid. Makes no sense for a game like FC3. Can we please be done with the 80's shit. If you want to put a tribute in gaming at least have it make sense with the game and let's go 90;s now. 80's have been done to death. Less Micheal Jackson gloves and Wham. More LA Gear and Offspring.
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Re: Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: It's time to party

Postby Tuffty » Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:50 am

I think it looks fun. Gotta take into account that this was done in 6 months, so what would you rather have them do? A few new weapons and multiplayer maps? Why not take the time to just take an established formula, which already makes a good game in itself, take whatever little time or money there is and just go crazy with it? Low risk, gives the opportunity for the developers to go nuts and just have fun. The setting's ridiculous! I mean in this world, the apocalypse had an apocalypse. This is set after Vietnam II. Don't ask why, just revel in it.

To me, I view this as the same vein as AC4. Would a seamless, open world pirate game have necessarily got the funding without the AC name attached? Maybe not, but who's gonna complain if they end up getting a game based on a concept they've always imagined for so long? Blood Dragon is the same way. Would you have gotten this neon lighted, knowingly culturally irrelevant shooter without the Far Cry name? Probably not. Red Dead Redemption and inFamous have also done something like this, so I don't see the issue.

It looks to wear it's influences on it's sleeve (I've seen plenty of Terminator/Predator/Robocop references in 10 mins alone) and if you watch the tutorial, is knowingly self aware that it is also a game. At least it's not so self serious as most shooters pretend to be lately. I don't see the harm, looks like it'll be a blast.


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