Yakuza series

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: Yakuza series

Postby Rakim » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:13 pm

Damn you guys are bitter. Just learn God's language and you won't have these problems. No need to start flinging fanboy hate around.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Henry Spencer » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:20 pm

Exactly. I wouldn't want them to make Shenmue III nowadays, since there would be a big chance we wouldn't see it localized. Now it's just pedo games and Sonic from Sega Japan, enjoy. *cringe*
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Crimson Ryan » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:33 pm

Rakim wrote: Damn you guys are bitter. Just learn God's language and you won't have these problems. No need to start flinging fanboy hate around.

It's not that I don't like you, Rakim, but that's a pretty silly thing to say don't you think?

Sega really are a complete shell after their 'digital' reorganising. The Western branch now looks like a completely different entity to Sega Japan.

Yakuza was the only title I really followed from Sega's complete lineup of games. Outside of DLC for Sonic Racing Transformed (another complete farce) and its sequel, I'm not anticipating anything Sega have in development. All they rely on now is mobile ports for iOS and Android and PC strategy titles from studios they've acquired. What a sad state of affairs. They're also run by a lookalike love child of Steve Ballmer and a prehistoric caveman..


"Durrhh.. we'll release Phantasy Star Online in the West at some point. Oogah-boogah.."
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Henry Spencer » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:39 pm

SEGA are dead to me anyway now. We aren't getting Phantasy Star Online 2 for either Vita or PC, we aren't getting Yakuza 5, we aren't getting Yakuza Ishin, we aren't getting Valkyria Chronicles 3.
Just dem boring ass Sonic games and pedo fapping games.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Crimson Ryan » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:42 pm

Incidentally, I traded my Sega games collection at Amazon a few days ago. Apart from Sonic Racing Transformed which they wouldn't accept for some reason. It'll all go towards either GTA 5 or PlayStation Plus while their extra 90 days offer is on..
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Rakim » Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:18 pm

Crimson Ryan wrote:
Rakim wrote: Damn you guys are bitter. Just learn God's language and you won't have these problems. No need to start flinging fanboy hate around.

It's not that I don't like you, Rakim, but that's a pretty silly thing to say don't you think?

Saying silly things is what I'm here for. That and to be a shill for Rosetta Stone.

Game not localized? Buy our software and we promise you will vaguely remember how to say Hello for the low low price of only $799.99!

Ok I'm done. Back to the rabble rabble rabble.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby johnvivant » Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:42 pm

well this is a huge disappointment. yakuza is probably the last remaining sega game that still has that 'sega magic' feeling about it, graphics, music, great story, lovable characters, arcade-esque gameplay, meta-game ala shenmue and self references to other sega heritage.

a game that was created by people who really understand and appreciate the sega magic. it will be a real shame if it never comes west as seems to be the case.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Thief » Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:23 pm

As much as I love(d) Sega, I really don't expect much of anything from them anymore. I'm slightly following Prope and hope Rodea: The Sky Soldier turns out pretty great, but Sega... bleh. The only thing we get is Sonic, and even though they're fun, the most recent games are completely devoid of any character or charm. They're just boooooring, completely lacking of style and intent on emulating the "even grandma will play" sense that Nintendo has been vomiting out. They'll be successful but they won't be interesting, and that sucks.

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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Samanosuke Akechi » Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:53 pm

Well that's disappointing...but it's sega.Bringing over that hatsune miku game says it all.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Bluecast » Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:54 pm

Last couple Sonic games have been fantastic and think it's silly to always resort to bashing Sonic as the first insult people do to bash SEGA. SEGA could do better but the market these days for games is always pretty focused on more western games with more shooting,GTA or movie like titles.Tho yes a lot of Japanese companies have lost touch,mainly Square and Capcom but don't think SEGA is as out of touch a people make it to be. VC did poorly in the west,Yakuza did moderate to crap. The diva thing I agree is shit but also probably cheap to make and a quick return.

Also people pissing all over them for canning the new Golden Axe and IMO it looked terrible..like most of these 3D remake of classic games. No personalty and just blech. Also same with SoR canned game. SEGA is still looking to being those back but it seems they just want to find the right group to do it right not just the most flash. SEGA will never be SEGA of the 90's. They just can't in order to survive. They are not great but they are not Capcoms level yet.

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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:55 pm

I bet I could make them a lot of money and use their ips wisely.

It'd only last a year, because then I'd die of exhaustion, but people would really enjoy that year.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Henry Spencer » Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:15 pm

Ryudo wrote: Last couple Sonic games have been fantastic and think it's silly to always resort to bashing Sonic as the first insult people do to bash SEGA. SEGA could do better but the market these days for games is always pretty focused on more western games with more shooting,GTA or movie like titles.Tho yes a lot of Japanese companies have lost touch,mainly Square and Capcom but don't think SEGA is as out of touch a people make it to be. VC did poorly in the west,Yakuza did moderate to crap. The diva thing I agree is shit but also probably cheap to make and a quick return.

Also people pissing all over them for canning the new Golden Axe and IMO it looked terrible..like most of these 3D remake of classic games. No personalty and just blech. Also same with SoR canned game. SEGA is still looking to being those back but it seems they just want to find the right group to do it right not just the most flash. SEGA will never be SEGA of the 90's. They just can't in order to survive. They are not great but they are not Capcoms level yet.

At least Square-Enix & Capcom are bringing their games over in the West. The only disappointment off them has been the lack of EX Troopers & FF Type 0, when it comes to localizations. With SEGA, it is many games.

And how are SEGA bringing those IPs back? They're not. They're dead. You're speaking as if you know about something? Oh, and the new Sonic looks boring as feck. Are Sonic games better than they used to be at the start of the generation? Sure, but they're still boring now, like Thief says.

I mean, what else are you looking forward to from SEGA aside from Sonic? Oh, nothing, that's right, 'cos there's nothing else coming out from them.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:24 pm

Well its hard to say whats worse, having a lot of good stuff thats not being localized or not having good stuff at all. Square-enix does have a bunch of great 3ds games (theres three dragon quest games on the 3ds alone that are great) Capcom pretty much isn't making anything. Most people didn't even realize lost planet 3 came out, dead rising is being handeled mostly by microsoft capcom's not really developing stuff right now.

If you look up "upcoming sega games" theres literally 2, and yea thats sad its no worse then anyone else. as hype as I am for FF15 and MGS5 thats it for them too. Bravely default is being localized by Nintendo and theres no guarantee we'll get drag on dragoon 3.

The industry as a whole isn't in a great place, I totally get being upset but its not like Sega is any worse then Capcom (which has gotten so bad a new megaman game is coming out as mighty number 9) or Square-Enix (which is prepping sequals to theatrythem and all the bravest)

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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Crimson Ryan » Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:26 pm

Ryudo wrote: Last couple Sonic games have been fantastic and think it's silly to always resort to bashing Sonic as the first insult people do to bash SEGA. SEGA could do better but the market these days for games is always pretty focused on more western games with more shooting,GTA or movie like titles.

They tried that and no one needs to be reminded how well that went. To be honest, if it wasn't for regular Sonic games, Sega would have no discernible identity than a bunch of other budget publishers.

To be honest, I don't even think latest Sonic games have been stunners. Colors and Generations may have broke the cycle, but more than ever Sega just bloat out rereleases of the older games for every console on the market. It's even on Ouya for fucks sake. Don't even bother with those poor money grabbing 'free to play' games on iOS.. The latest game on Wii-U is basically a reskin of Mario Galaxy!
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Bluecast » Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:36 pm

I can't say but they are trying to bring back some older games. Capcom yeah they localize western developed games..how Generous or Street Fighter games but re-release it yearly then lock DLC on disc then start a game blame the fans for it's cancellation and say there is no market for Mega Man and then patronize the fans with no new games but keep throwing out new merch to just capitalize on the fans sorrow. Make terrible reboots and hire terrible after terrible western dev to handle thier IP's. Tell us they can't make a MM now..then a spiritual successor announced and gets 1 million backed by fans in a single day. Wayforward can do a MM game with great love but Capcom is too damn blind to see it. Square shoves FFXIII garbage and all the Bravest down people's throats and pushes a bunch of western games out (and they flop financially). No the last 2 Sonic games are fantastically made games and some of the best in the series. Yes. Thief thinks Werehog is fantastic so um yeah...

SEGA at least tried..they by no means innocent but they tried with the deal with PG and put out 4 Yakuza games in the west and VC 1&2. The Racing games have been great. SEGA could have put tons more effort but they put more effort in than Square or Capcom..esp Capcom. Last several years anyone who has left Capcom has not left on good terms. Prope even worked with SEGA...not seen any former Capcom names work with them and some refuse to as well. May not be much at SEGA but it's more than the other 2.
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