Nostalgia City!

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: Nostalgia City!

Postby Radar » Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:16 am

Battle City (J)
Duck Tales
Chip'n' Dale 1,2
Kyatto Ninden Teyandee(J)
Dr. Mario
Flying Hero(J)
Darkwing Duck

Mega Drive\Genesis:
Contra Hard Corps(J)
Jungle Strke
Comix Zone
Sonic the hedgehog
Streets of Rage
Dune:the battle for arrakis
Earthworm Jim 1,2
Toy Story
Zombies ate my neighbors
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe
:-k Probably forgot something..
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Re: Nostalgia City!

Postby KRaZiGLiTcH » Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:56 am

OL wrote:
KRaZiGLiTcH wrote: I have alot lol but here is my number one fave its
Metal Arms Glitch in The System

Niiiiice. Such an underappreciated title. Just as much personality as a Ratchet & Clank game, except hard as nails. Felt like a real accomplishment beating that one. Shame there was never a sequel. Had so much potential to become a series.

I think my PS1 experience was a little different than a lot of people's. Apparently, from what I hear, there was a lot of promotion for Final Fantasy VII before it came out in the US. Or at least it was a lot for the time. Supposedly it was all over the place to the point that if you liked videogames, there was practically no chance you wouldn't know about it.
I, on the other hand, wasn't living in the US at the time. Nor was I living in Europe or the UK. Nor was I living in Asia. Nope, not even Australia.
No, I was in good ol' Israel. It's not a third-world country or anything, but it's removed enough from the rest of the world that if I wanted to know about something that was popular elsewhere, I really had to actively seek that knowledge out.
So while it may have been a big-shit trendy kind of thing everywhere else, my discovery of FFVII -- and by extension, Squaresoft -- was a much more personal thing than I think it was for many other people. It wasn't based on advertising or widespread chatter from a bunch of kids at school.
A friend mentioned FFVII while he was looking through a magazine. He probably showed me pictures, but I didn't remember them or anything. Didn't even know what kind of game it was. I just remembered how excited he was for this game I knew nothing about, so I asked my dad to pick it up while he was on an official trip to the US for a couple weeks. I only wanted it so that, in all my dickheaded childishness, I could brag to my friend and say "look what I got before you."
It turned out to be my first real JRPG (of the purer menu-based variety), and it absolutely shocked the shit out of me just how immersive, cinematic, and eye-opening it ended up being. I knew nothing about it beforehand, and of course that just made everything even more surprising . This wasn't some commercially-viable trend I was buying into; it was this fantastic, beautiful story I'd discovered that most people I knew hadn't a clue about. And like I was talking about earlier, that made it feel even more personal.

Sure is,It is part of my games that never got a sequel or ended collection lol hence like shenmue with the 3rd.
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Re: Nostalgia City!

Postby elfshadowreaper » Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:28 am

These are by no means my favorite or what most people would call great games but my friends and I played the heck out of them...

We played multiplayer a LOT for 1 and 2. I picked up the one on the DS. It was fun but it didn't have the same charm as the South Park looking characters.

I loved being able to race around the cities and take alternate routes, doing jumps and stuff like that. A friend of mine and I used to play a game of hide and seek where we'd turn the radar off and change our display to first person so all the other person saw was a wall. It was fun. I really need to go back and play Rush 2049. I don't think I ever got very far on it.

Anyone played any of the newer Gradius games? Are they any good? I love games where you collect power-ups that build on each other and make you a tank unless you get hit by one little bullet and then you start over.

I also loved to play this game but didn't have a Genesis. So from time to time I would get my parents to let me rent a Genesis and I'd rent this game. Again, I liked being able to power-up in the game.

And of course I played Mario 1, 3, World and 64 for hours upon hours upon hours. When we first got it only my dad could get to the first castle. When he would get to Bowser I'd run out of the room because it was so tense.
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Re: Nostalgia City!

Postby Raithos » Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:54 am

I'm 5 years older than my brother, so when we were young (late 80's to early 90's) we preferred playing coop games. It started with Rambo on the master system then to Contra, TMNT the arcade game on NES and so on til this very day with Borderlands 2. But he always loved watching me play RPG's. We would sit for hours on end enthralled by the story, characters and music. We would each pick a party member and read their dialogue out loud so that he would feel included when I played. So the most nostalgic game to me is Secret of Mana. I remember getting it for my birthday, and being floored when we found out it had multiplayer. For the first time we got to go on this grand adventure together, with him fighting at my side. Cheesy I know, but that's how it felt. We got so lost in the story and that bright vivid world, that is was all we talked about for weeks. We've beaten that game so many times over the years that I've lost count. All it takes is one song from that soundtrack, and I'm instantly 10 years old again saving the world with my brother.

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Re: Nostalgia City!

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:50 am

I think I speak for everyone when I ask... What the fuck were you doin in Israel, OL?

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Re: Nostalgia City!

Postby OL » Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:22 pm

My dad was a Hebrew linguist in the military, so he got stationed there for a while. Didn't appreciate it when I was a kid, but I look at it now and wish I would have taken advantage of it a bit more. There's a lot of amazing stuff to do/see/eat there, but I was too busy lamenting the fact that I wasn't back in the boring old US of A.

Back in the early-90s, I was a Sega kid. My parents bought me a Genesis (slash Megadrive). And if you were a kid at the time, chances were that you either had that or the SNES (and you'd probably swear on it with your life, claiming that the other one sucked). It was rare that anyone had both.
So it wasn't until my early-20s that I actually managed to acquire an SNES for myself. I had previously messed around with some of the games a bit on an emulator (mostly translated Japanese roms), but I never really beat anything, so this was my first real exposure to the system itself. And the first game I set out to beat on it was Actraiser.

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I still think Actraiser is one of the most perfect games I've ever played. Everything about it is incredibly solid and high-quality for the time. The graphics and music are phenomenal, the gameplay is a surprisingly unique hybrid for the time, and the story was actually deep by the end of the game. Seriously, it's one of the earliest console examples of what I would personally call legitimate "art" in a videogame. It really is pretty amazing overall.

After that, I moved on to Soul Blazer, not realizing that it was by the same company and was based on a similar concept to Actraiser. It even reused certain sound effects and whatnot, despite being a very different game. It's actually really surprising to me that I was able to find it for only about ten bucks, as it's one of the more expensive games on the system nowadays.
Good game. Not quite as good as Actraiser, but there's a certain quality to the atmosphere that makes me want to replay it every time I see it.

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So there they are, my first two SNES games. Certainly made a good impression on me.

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Re: Nostalgia City!

Postby Rakim » Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:33 pm

OL's dad is a badass. That's so cool.

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Re: Nostalgia City!

Postby OL » Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:44 am

Been ranting a lot, so I'll keep this one short.
Parasite Eve was the second ingredient in making me fall in love with Squaresoft during the PS1 era. I still get chills when I see certain scenes or hear certain bits of music. It's still, to this day, one of the most mature sci-fi stories I've played in a videogame. And much like FFVII, I know absolutely fuck-all about it before playing it, which just made everything even more surprising. Learned a lot about cells from it, too, before I ever had to touch the subject in school.
Just a really special game for me. I've still got my original copy of it, and I'm never, ever letting that one go. Ought to play it again sometime soon.

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Re: Nostalgia City!

Postby Henry Spencer » Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:05 pm

Yeah, I love Parasite Eve too, but I only got into that series way after the fact, like most of Squaresoft's output during the PSX days.

Here's a game I personally feel nostalgic towards from Squaresoft. It was my first Squaresoft RPG and would forever be memorable as being the most charming game that I ever played on original PlayStation. It introduced me to the works of Hiroyuki Ito, who is nowadays a well respected game director/designer at Square and introduced me to Final Fantasy. That game was Final Fantasy IX. The opening scenes (through their distinctive and vibrant CG scenes) would forever be etched in my mind and the fun vibe of the game just comes through in sheer abundance. What stayed with me especially also, was Uematsu's music.

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Re: Nostalgia City!

Postby SaM_4000 » Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:40 pm

I am going to start mentioning nostalgic games for the first console my family ever owned which is:

Here in Australia nearly everyone had a SMS at the time. I never knew anyone with an NES and It wasn't until a couple of years after the N64 was released that I first saw a NES game in action.
I can remember my older brothers would go to school and trade/borrow different SMS games off friends so we had different games to play almost every week, it was amazing. For some reason I used to love just watching my brothers play more than actually playing the games myself, which is odd because I find it hard to watch people play video games now.

Anyway, I was going to ramble on about Alex Kidd in Miracle World, the original Wonderboy and Choplifter; which are all so nostalgic to me, but everyone has heard about those games a million times so I decided to talk about a few games that I grew up with that don't get mentioned too often:

I would play this game so often it is ridiculous, it almost as if this game was made for nostalgic memories. There is no way anyone who played this game as a 5yr old would not get an overwhelming sense of nostalgia when playing years later.... well that's how I feel anyway. It is such a simple action game with a decent dose of strategy and who didn't love throwing money at the enemy soldiers to get you to join them. I believe this game should be played by every kid as one of their first video games because it is a perfect introduction to video gaming.

This Sega Master System version was the first Sonic game I played. I still enjoy this more than the original Sonic the Hedgehog on the Mega Drive/Genesis, I just believe it had much more creativity in the level design and the levels are much more exciting. There was also more variety in the game play compared to your typical Sonic game, for instance; you jumped into mine carts, hang glided, jumped inside air bubbles to reach a higher platform and most importantly to me in this game was that the underwater stages didn't boring. Finding the Chaos Emeralds through the levels was always more fun than playing a bonus stage and I always thought that was a great idea and should've been implemented in the future Sonic games. One thing that lets this game down compared to other Sonic games is the boss battles which can be rather dull at times. Still this was a great introduction to Sonic and I believe it is still an awesome game.

This game is awesome and just does not get the credit it deserves. I think this game is well ahead of Castle of Illusion, World of Illusion and Legend of Illusion as the best in the series. I was fortunate enough to play this game when I was a kid and I just love every part of it. It had the amazing game play of Castle of illusion and just expanded upon it and brought in lots more exploration and secrets to the table. The Illusion series is one of my favourite video games series ever, each game is just amazing but this one seems to have been the forgotten one...well maybe apart from Legend of illusion...

...I will leave this as to be continued for now as there are plenty more games I would like to mention and not just for the SMS either.

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