Sonic Moments

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Sonic Moments

Postby Shibiryo » Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:04 pm

Until Sanic debuted on the Genesis, a fat plumber somewhat inexplicably served as the game industry's most recognizable icon. All of that changed when gamers saw SEGA's blue blur careening off springs, zipping through loops and wagging his finger disapprovingly at people still playing "baby games" on Super Nintendo. After several failed mascots (Alex Kidd, we hardly knew ye!) SEGA scored a major hit with Sonic, and he as remained the company's spokes-hedgehog for two decades, appearing in dozens of titles across SEGA platforms. Even after the failure of the Dreamcast, Sonic endured, finding new life on Microsoft, Sony and even -- gasp -- Nintendo consoles. An early SEGA advertising campaign stressed that Genesis did what "Nintendon't," but no amount of "blast processing" could hide the fact that collecting rings, busting blocks and running from left to right were moves straight out of Mario's playbook. What set Sonic apart? Certainly speed, but back in 1991 "attitude" (or 'tude, for you 90s enthusiasts), went a long way, and Sonic had it in spades.

Do you remember these days? And what were your sonic moments?

I have to say that Sonic Unleashed is the best modern sonic game ever.

I can't believe you didin't even make a thread regarding Sonic Sonikku, ya knob' :P

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Re: Sonic Moments

Postby OL » Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:17 pm

^^Take into account that the Dojo has been around for about fifteen years, and Sonikku has been here for many of them. There have been lots of Sonic topics before, they just lost activity long ago.

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Re: Sonic Moments

Postby south carmain » Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:05 pm

Everything between SA2 and Colours minus the racing games just kinda disappointed me. I thought they had somewhat found their way again with Colours and Generations but then sonic boom happened so I guess not.

Overall though I haven't really cared about the blue guy since heroes left me going "ehh"
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Re: Sonic Moments

Postby Shibiryo » Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:09 pm

^ Really? I thought Sonic Adventure was really flawed since you'd have no clue what to do next and travelling to action stages were the Christmas pisser indeed.

Unleashed got it right though, the speed, the evil Sonic (night stages) and lengthly gameplay just stunned me. It's really great fun. Generations is 10/10

Godamn Sonic Boom.
Last edited by Shibiryo on Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sonic Moments

Postby south carmain » Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:12 pm

I guess it was a product of it's time and in no way perfect (especially the big stages, idk wtf they were thinking with those) but the time it was released allowed you to forgive those flaws. SA2 didn't have an overworld though.
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Re: Sonic Moments

Postby Sonikku » Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:48 pm

I'm tempted to dig up every single sonic post I've ever posted since the Dojo began, thus making this brutal rebuttal, but I'm getting old and just can't be bothered any more. :sad:

On the topic of Sonic,
I still look back fondly on the 90's. I had been a Super Nintendo kid for the longest time. I actually bought Sonic 3 when it first came out before I even had the system to play it on. My mother asked me why I needed the cartridge so badly when I wouldn't get my Genesis until my birthday. ("BECAUSE, Mom! ughhhh") I still remember when I saw the Model 2 Genesis w/Sonic 2 pack in in her kart at Hills. I just about freaked! A little embarrassed, she told me I wasn't supposed to see it but the damage was done. :lol: I had a total Sonic overload that birthday. I ironically would not get the original until I saw it used for $7.99 much later at Electronic Boutique. Those were the days. :sad: I still miss that store.

I remember thinking it was a little odd getting all the Sonic's in backwards order, but I was just glad to have them. They were all amazing. I was such a Sonic nut that I would go on to get Sega CD just for one game, plus a 32X for Knuckles Chaotix. So great was my Sonic fervor that I got a Sega Saturn just for the promise of Sonic Xtreme. It never came and I had to make do with Sonic 3D blast. :sad: To it's credit, the Saturn version of the title has the best soundtrack of any Sonic Game ever in my opinion. But it was still very disappointing. It seemed to be the beginning of what would be the end for the little guy.

The character is nearly dead to me in his modern form. Oldschool Sonic will always be better. He was so cool, he didn't even care that he was cool. He just didn't give a fuck. Newschool Sonic tries too hard to be hip and remain relevant to today's kids. He just falls flat. Sonic Generations was the only Sonic title I bought since Sonic Heroes. (Though I did get Unleashed as part of a free game promotion Gamestop was running with every new purchase of a Nintendo Wii) These days his games kind of suck. And while I enjoyed Generations, the final boss still hardly managed the energy and excitement Perfect Chaos or Shadow did in the Adventure titles.

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