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Re: Feminism

Postby Himuro » Wed Oct 07, 2015 1:21 pm

Thief wrote: I don't have any desire to speak with you anymore. Take care and good luck in life.

But in any case, I remind you that is was you who said this:

"Fuck off -- heres some advice for people experiencing prejudice: toughen up, stop identifying with your race or gender, and excel as an individual."

Stop identifying with your race or gender, two things that literally impossible?

Telling a poster to fuck off and following it up with a ridiculous statement?

And you wail on *me* talking trash about the content of your character? You showed that already, Thief. You're the one who tainted your character.

In the case of gender, without a gender identity, people literally crack. It's partly why Alan Turing killed himself. A woman conducted a social experiment where she lived as a man for a year, and ended up cracking because the human psyche is not built for living outside of our pre-existing identities, in that case, gender.

Yet you deem yourself above others in that they identify with things that make up a large part of human identity and expect yourself to get off easy?

You don't want to talk to me because you know I'm right.

Take the psychopath test linked in the article I posted.

You talk about people being "weak" but can't take criticism and act like a spoiled child when it was YOU who posted those things.

Who's weak now?
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Re: Feminism

Postby shredingskin » Wed Oct 07, 2015 1:53 pm

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Re: Feminism

Postby Henry Spencer » Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:36 pm

Himuro wrote:I didn't call Europeans ignorant mongrels. I'm well aware of it in Europe. Did I say it didn't? For someone who's mad about people getting offended you sure do seem offended.

Maybe not, but this message wasn't your finest moment:

Himuro wrote: Holy shit, this thread is an abortion.

Not shocking that the Europeans who flex their superiority to American ethics espousing some of the backwards, cringeworthy, first year university student opinions.

Fucking :rotflmao: but this is exactly why I don't fuck with gamers and most nerds. Nerds end up thinking they are owed because they are so socially isolated they become entitled and bitter. And male nerds on top of that? :rotflmao:

The dudes in this thread belittling people just because they have different ideology is nice. The dudes belittling transgender identity and ceremoniously shitting on their fellow Dojoers at the same time is double nice.

No offence but you're just spewing a lot of hateful, prejudice comments there, just so you know.

What kind of reaction did you expect after parsing your question?

What kind of reaction do you think? One where people don't get all irate over confusion about people getting angry about first world problems, for one.

There's a lot of reasons it crept back up. Smart phones. People can now record a cop killing someone for no reason - even just running away - and upload it on to the internet with ease now. What did you think was going to happen in a more interconnected world? Another reason is because a huge amount of people online are American, and we elected President Obama. Ever since electing President Obama what people have kept hidden behind doors is coming out in public. That's only naturally going to have a reaction. In America, we have a Congress that refuses to pass laws because our President is Black. Many people feel attacked in every area of their lives, because they are. This shouldn't be too hard to understand.

Nah, the reason why Congress refuse to pass laws from Obama is because he is Democratic and Congress is full of corrupt liars. That's all politicians are; liars in expensive suits who want to keep their pockets lined with money and their gold toilet seats so they can take a metaphorical dump on everyone else underneath them. Every so often you may get one who cares but they can't change the system; as is the case with Obama.

Ehhhhno. We also have ways to make new friendships around the world.

Ehhhhyes. People have new ways to piss each other off now.

Yes, people should just be happy we live in a "free world" that has black sites on citizens, where you can get shot, arrested, or killed for doing nothing because of the color of your skin, and where people whose natural response is killing you because you simply exist. Pretty much every "outrage" thing you're seeing now is the result of decades of inaction, and in the case of Police treatment of Black Americans, a literally century long relationship. People should just take that lying down while being on the Internet, the best use of mass communication ever made apparently. A free world where Edward Snowden does the lawful thing and reveals government spying on its own citizens and has to flee to Russia. Sure. Free to express themselves however they like. =D>

You're freely expressing yourself on here. Do you think there's cameras in your room watching you all of the time? We're free to travel around the world. There's got to be some system in place. Things can be better, but things can always be better. We've just got to make do with what we have. The sooner people just accept themselves for who they are, the better off they will be. There's no use moping about things, just being miserable all of the time leads to depression. I'd rather be happy with what I've got. I've found my life has gotten better the more optimistic I am about things, despite naturally being a cynic.

What you described isn't the way humans are. Well, it is for some humans. But calling it naturally human is beyond incorrect. But it's especially that cute "I just call it human" part that makes me chuckle. You're just rationalizing your own not giving a shit about other peoples struggles and getting into your own life stream.

Human beings are flawed creatures. why else are people so insecure and not willing to think outside of the box about things? And I'm knocking feminism how? It's a cause that means something to those it effects, it doesn't effect me and I have my own causes that I follow/pursue but I don't enforce upon others, since I believe in free thinking like that. People have to follow their own path in life and if feminism is something that I feel apathy about, then so be it, I'm not going to enforce my own causes upon you. Maybe I'll change my mind down the road and see some of just how badly treated women are and want to change something about it, but I just haven't. And let's face it, you don't know me, not really. I'm just another anonymous person typing a message on Shenmue Dojo. Anybody you come across in life you encounter who feels differently than you, just remember, they're not just "assholes", people are too complex to be straight up good or evil, there's more to people than that.
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Re: Feminism

Postby south carmain » Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:48 pm

Lol what a shitstorm this has become

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Re: Feminism

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:19 pm

shredingskin wrote: That's racist FYI

How would you describe this then?? :!: :?:

shredingskin wrote: Seems like Else Heart.Break() has some interesting systems there.

That I don't give a shit.

Also this forum if full of niggers and fags.

Internet is really fucked, it's scary how everything is anything, but some got your all.

=D> :lol:
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Re: Feminism

Postby shredingskin » Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:44 pm

That is called equality.

Cis people never get it, keep trying.
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Re: Feminism

Postby OmegaDawn » Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:59 pm

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Re: Feminism

Postby Himuro » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:30 pm

Lots of non-sensical garbage in that post. :???:

In the very least, it's a good reminder that the only thing anyone here really has in common in Shenmue. It's pretty odd too, given that Shenmue, for the most part, is pretty pro-woman, but the fanbase has a lot of blubbering weirdos who may or may not be virgins. When I streamed Shenmue I+II on Twitch, the whole channel was rooting for which female character they wanted to fuck, while the game gave them actual ideals, characters, personalities, and didn't fetishize nor place them on pedestals because they're women like how so many games do. Just weird, but it makes sense that different people get completely different things out of media. You'd think most of the fanbase were made up of adults at least 30 years old or so, but then you've got people like the guy above railing about SJWs and chicks who are all DIE CIS HET SCUM when I've never made an argument even approaching that.

The weird occupation with the CIS stuff is the worst too. Like, I've never seen anyone on this forum go on about CIS people - and I'm transgender - besides people making fun of people that do. And they're not even on this site. Insecure much? Definitely much so.

And the fisking! Fisking in 2015? Lord. You guys even made me do it. Stop with the fisking!
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Re: Feminism

Postby shredingskin » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:34 pm

You are so polar that bears think you are in extintion.
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Re: Feminism

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:35 pm

shredingskin wrote: That is called equality.

Cis people never get it, keep trying.

Yeah, "niggers and fags" = equality, you're right, I don't get it. Wanna try explain?

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Re: Feminism

Postby shredingskin » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:38 pm

Of course you don't get equality, you probably are a white male.

It's nothing bad, and I'm not making little of you or anything like that, it's just kinda a fact. It's good that you want to learn.
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Re: Feminism

Postby Himuro » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:42 pm

shredingskin wrote: You are so polar that bears think you are in extintion.


I think we found the person who thinks they know what they're talking about but doesn't have any idea what they're writing or posting or thinking or knows whether or not they're breathing right now.

I may not agree with OL, Thief, and the guy complaining about SJW's, but like, you're daft. Even the people who you agree with you, are all probably like,"What."

I can respect the other people. They have their own opinions. We all have our own opinions. We won't always agree on things. I still consider Henry and OL to be friends. Worldviews cannot change. I can't change Henry's worldview much like how he can't change mine, but do you even have a worldview? So far, you're just posting random tumblr stuff that you think is funny without any inclination on context. If I'm incorrect on my observation, I'm open to being told i'm wrong and being clued in.

Also, using the word nigger and fag does not make you deep, smart, insightful, nor particularly funny.
Last edited by Himuro on Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feminism

Postby shredingskin » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:45 pm

Himuro wrote: Even the people who you agree with you, are all probably like,"What."

Sorry, I don't speak SJW. Translation.
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Re: Feminism

Postby Himuro » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:46 pm

shredingskin wrote:
Himuro wrote: Even the people who you agree with you, are all probably like,"What."

Sorry, I don't speak SJW. Translation.

Wow you're so deep. Where can I find a boyfriend like you?
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Re: Feminism

Postby south carmain » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:48 pm

Lol since when can worldviews not be changed?

Stubborness is a sign of stupidity.
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