What movie are you watching right now?

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby joka » Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:01 pm

Watched Paper Towns earlier.... Kinda generic tween coming of age film but decent acting including Cara who was surprisingly good which bodes well for suicide squad.

I saw Me and Earl and the Dying Girl the other day which was is kinda the same genre and was a lot better- I'd recommend.

P.S. I'm one of the people who hated the new Fantastic 4 and nothing to do with wanting Marvel to have the rights- it was just a mess of a film and people involved in the film have alluded to troubles with filming, rewrites/reshoots which comes across IMO.

I was really hyped for it considering Trunk made Chronicle which is up there as one of my fave films ever...
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Ash » Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:16 am


This was quite a sad film, and gives a look into the darker side of life in Japan if things work against you.

I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable with the way the other three all blamed everything on Gates at the end. I know that's what Gates wanted, that's why he gave the other three fake tablets, and filmed part of Metabolic's birthday celebration to make it look like he was threatening them, but the whole reason Gates ended up the way he did was because everyone had turned their back on him in his last job.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:14 pm

joka wrote: Watched Paper Towns earlier.... Kinda generic tween coming of age film but decent acting including Cara who was surprisingly good which bodes well for suicide squad.

I saw Me and Earl and the Dying Girl the other day which was is kinda the same genre and was a lot better- I'd recommend.

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl is a great film. John Green also did Faults of our Stars, which was a steaming pile of shit, so it doesn't surprise me Paper Towns is no better. He's a humongous hack. Shame his "kids with cancer" book and film are more hyped than ME&TDG, because he doesn't know how to write characters. Yet he has a YouTube channel, so therefore instant audience.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:30 pm

Finally saw Remo Williams the other day. I'd always heard of it as a bit of a cult flick in the past, and being that it's also an 80s movie, I always expected that that meant it would be a bunch of silly cheese. But surprisingly, that's not entirely the case. It deals with some silly concepts here and there, but the way it's filmed actually helps make things seem pretty cool. Bullet-dodging and hilariously well-trained attack dogs and fights on the statue of liberty... it's all pretty fun, and shot in such a way that it doesn't all look stupid. I liked it, which I didn't expect at all.

Also saw Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. It's certainly missing something... the original movie just felt better. Felt a little bigger, almost a little more natural. It's pretty unfortunate that they had to trade out Clive Owen for Josh Brolin. Not that Brolin is terrible or anything (he's got the gravelly voice and the weathered face which are both perfectly suited to the way Sin City ought to sound and look), but when Dwight gets plastic surgery and a makeover late in the story, Brolin almost looks like he's just doing cosplay of the original movie. He doesn't look right, and it feels a kind of silly. Would have been a much better surprise if they actually switched Brolin out for Clive Owen mid-movie, and it would have tied in better to the original too.
But yeah, there are numerous problems further than that. The structure of the movie barely makes any sense at all (starting with JGL and Jessica Alba's characters, then switching to Brolin for no particular reason, then back to JGL and Alba; there's no cohesion at all). And even though he starts out ridiculously likable and cool, Joseph Gordon Levitt's character literally serves no purpose whatsoever. They make him all smooth and likable, then show how much of a badass he is, then at the end
he wins his poker game and gets shot by Rourke (the villain, not Mickey Rourke). It's as if the only purpose he's there to serve is to make it almost conceivable that Rourke might actually kill Jessica Alba at the end. That's the only reason I can come up with for him being there. But even then, they spend an awful lot of time on this character only to have him get his head blown off. It feels completely needless by the end.
And it just has to be said: why in the honest fuck can't they get Miho right? One of the biggest scene-stealing characters from the original comics, but they can't seem to figure out how to properly implement her in the films. Devon Aoki just had a weird-as-fuck face in the original, making me tune her out almost immediately, while the new girl is just too tall and grown-up-looking, with way too much makeup and absolutely no talent for action (and that's saying nothing of the awful wirework they have her doing). I would have thought that, of all characters, Miho would have been the easiest to put in the movies. An icy-glared young Asian girl with a knack for the sword. What's so damn hard about that?
All that being said, there is some good stuff. Mickey Rourke is, of course, still unequivocally perfect as Marv. There's simply no better actor for the role, and he's fun to watch and listen to every single time he pops up. And even though I wasn't quite sold on her casting when I first heard about it (since I'm an old fan of the comics, and I'm a picky bitch about this stuff), Eva Green is actually really, really good as Ava Lord. She actually does this very slight, very subtle bit of a South American accent which I didn't expect, but it totally works for the character. Also, y'know, boobs.
Likewise, Dennis Haysbert proves a good replacement for Michal Clark Duncan as Manute. I'd personally say he's even better for the role. And Powers Booth plays a good badguy, but then... when doesn't he? He's Powers Booth.
And, much to my surprise, I actually liked Jessica Alba's parts quite a lot. I always thought the one part of the movie destined to fail would be whatever new, original content that Miller decided to put in. But her little spiral into revenge is actually pretty good, especially for an old fan of the comics like me, who's been wondering for years how iconic character Nancy's story might turn out.
So yeah, immensely flawed movie, but I got at least bit of enjoyment out of it. I don't hate it, though it doesn't really match up to the original at all.
Unfortunate that the movie did so bad in theatres though, since there are a lot of other great Sin City stories I'd like to see in live-action (and A Dame to Kill for was never exactly my favorite of the comics to begin with). Almost no chance of that now, as badly as this bombed.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:24 am

Steve Jobs (2015)

Man, what a great film. I still prefer a full fledged biopic rather than three separate periods before the launch of the Macintosh, NeXT, and iMac with all the drama happening in the back room. But man, was it a great film about people creating drama in the backroom.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:12 am

American Hustle

This one got its hooks in me early and I was glued to the screen from the opening scene. So many intertwining layers, and just some really creative and solid writing and acting. Things get revealed slowly, you are guessing most of the movie, it keeps on adding depth through out the whole film. Even the way it was edited with the intro then goes into the past and progresses, then half way through the movie it goes back and continues from the opening scene and finishes the story. Also I would say this one of the more classy cops and criminals films, the main characters arent your usual and its switched up in a refreshing way, but its like the filth and the sickness from the criminal side is still there. Great film, one of the best I have seen in a while, and I have been watching a ton of movies lately.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Peter » Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:57 am

Went and seen Spectre last night at the cinema.

I was a bit tired going into it, but even at that, I was very disappointed with it. I think the scriptwriters are at fault, because the problem for me was the entire story. It just seemed to fall flat. You can't really fault Sam Mendes, the actors etc. They give it their all. But despite the story focusing in on modern day issues the 007 program would face.... It just bored the balls off of me.

I mean why it needs to be at the running time it is completely baffles me. Some scenes really really do drag out. So much so, that by the time the "reveal" of the movie comes around, you are getting tired because there hasn't been enough excitement to keep you on the edge of your seat. Trying not to spoil anything, but it's well known what possible thing was going to happen in the movie in relation to the bad guy, but even Christoph Waltz can't save this movie for me. It's the usual James Bond chemistry where the bad guy is the best part of the movie, but he isn't introduced for AGES, and is given nowhere near enough screen time as he should.

Maybe other people, especially bigger fans of the franchise may fap fap fap over this, but by the end of the movie, I was ready for bed.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Henry Spencer » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:00 pm

So it's Skyfall all over again, then. Yawn inducing Bond is the worst kind of Bond. A shame they've never matched Casino Royale (QoS was underrated). I do hope they don't bring back the same writer and director for the next one, no offense to Mendes, but I don't think he's right for directing Bond.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Peter » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:57 pm

Oh QOS is underrated, and Casino Royale is still the best one when stacked against Skyfall and Spectre. But Skyfall did have some positives like the shock ending, some excellent settings and camera work etc, but this starts off decently in Mexico and then rapidly goes downhill. Dreary, moody, dragging the thing out, and into Bondville cliché we go. It ruins the movie.

I'm wondering if Mendes fucked up his Skyfall contract, and was obliged to do this, since he publicly said he wouldn't do another one, only to do a complete 180 within a couple of months. Either way, it's a movie I've seen once, and to be honest, wouldn't want to see again.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Henry Spencer » Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:02 am

Well I just got back from seeing it and really enjoyed. Was pleasantly surprised, went in with really low expectations after not liking Skyfall. Thought the villains were much better and the action more frequent than Skyfall. Casino Royale is still the best Craig Bond film though. Still, felt it was solid despite the actual story being light.

That fight on the train, oh man, best part of the movie, easily.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby sand4fish » Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:00 pm

In the spirit of Halloween , I watched a horror movie... a great one for a change. It's called "It Follows" and it's totally awesome, one of the best in recent years. It has has an original premise, plays around with known genre troupes, contains parallel themes and it has an amazing atmospheric soundtrack to back all this.

But if anyone is checking this out, I recommend lowering your expectations as there's not much of jump scares or gory scenes. It's just not that kind of movie. Instead it's about tension and atmosphere.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Calshot » Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:23 pm

I saw Crimson Peak on Wednesday.

It was a decent movie (though I saw the twist coming pretty early), just not much of a horror movie like it was advertised. More like a Gothic Romance (with a few jump scares), which is what Guillermo del Toro said it was in interviews.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby myshtuff » Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:58 pm

The original Halloween. Got the 35th anniversary bluray. Looks really nice.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Thief » Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:20 am

I watched Big Trouble in Little China this year for Halloween -- it's not a scary movie, but it's a damn good one, so it'll suffice.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Henry Spencer » Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:59 am

Nice seeing all of the John Carpenter love. May give one of his films a watch tonight. Not seen Halloween 2 yet and that was Produced and Written by him so may give it a go to see how it matches up to his original classic.

I saw The Prophecy (1995) last night starring Christopher Walken as the Angel of Death, Gabriel. My biggest surprise was seeing Viggo Mortensen [playing a softly spoken Lucifer]...film was pretty damn strange and cheesy but the action was typical 1990's OTT violence. It was so over the top in places that it made me laugh, quite honestly. Hardly a horror film at all and more of a Terminator style film with Walken wandering around being a bad ass killing other Angels and chasing people. It was definitely a fun watch, even if it wasn't the best made film in the world.
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