Europe's immigration crisis

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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby Mr. Frozen » Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:35 am

One of the youtuber's I am subscribed to posted a video about the refugee crisis:

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I didn't check most of his sources, but I do agree with everything he said, except for the biased ending. I don't think turning away the refugees is that bad. Yes, people will die, but that is honestly a part of life. I didn't take into account all the refugees that were not actual refugees (which I knew about, just didn't consider...) in my previous post, and since many of them are people just jumping on the refugee bandwagon, the potential for terrible foreign relations for European countries is lowered a bit.

Oh, I did check one source of his, the one that backs his claim of immigrants not raising crime levels. The source for that claim is based off an article on Mexicans illegally immigrating to the US. The European immigrants are different people who are immigrating for different reasons and I do not think the same data can be applied to them. Perhaps the data can be interpolated to these refugees, but it will require further analysis.

EDIT: On an somewhat related, but totally unrelated note, my ex girlfriend was a Somalian refugee who came to the US with her family. She was a bitch that cheated on me with some other guy behind my back. Girl thought she could be slick, but I literally spent the past 8 years of my life literally tracking the activities of people. Can't hide shit from me, I made sure I broke in when that guy was balls deep in her and broke up with her right there. She was a goddamn terrible succubus. She just wanted a man who made a lot of money and would cater to her needs. I guess I was too independent for that succubus. Not saying all Somalian refugees suck, but damn that one sure as hell did. She did have that big booty, tho, as succubi do have.
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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby south carmain » Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:03 am

Yeah that video is ignoring a lot of things to make a point.

Even though I'm not against taking in refugees (although the most vulnerable not the millions of opportunists trying to enter Europe) to say we are just the same because we both have smartphones is pretty stupid. Syria also had a birthrate of 3.04 pre civil war and the population shrinking was only due to emigration because they had a 10 year drought so that was kind of misinformation too.

Also saying we are rich and can handle them ignores that most of our countries have a housing crisis, our public healthcare systems are being stretched passed their limit and a lot of Europe still hasn't recovered from the financial crisis (countries like Spain have 25% unemployment rate and 50% youth unemployment rate)

Also he calls them educated but they're not educated to western standards meaning a lot of them will need to redo their education here (at our expense) and have to learn the local languages before they can be properly integrated in to the workforce. When saying they will be integrated in to the workforce it also ignores the fact that many EU members have no workforce to integrate them in to unless if they prioritise the migrants over their own people and those that do the only reason why they would chose them over locals or highly educated southern Europeans (who have up to 50% youth unemployment so a lot of them are coming north to look for work) would be so they can pay them less driving down wages for the locals too.

And like you said he used Mexican immigration as an example which doesn't apply to Europe. Sweden for example has had a 300% increase in violent crime and 1472% increase in rapes since they started accepting non European immigration. Of course this doesn't mean every immigrant is bad and a lot do contribute to society but he's trying to portray them as near perfection as if immigration doesn't come with its issues too.
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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby Ziming » Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:28 am

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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby redline » Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:30 pm

Ziming wrote:
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all well and good but when schools in germany where the refugees are located are telling girls 16 and under "cover up" & not to walk home alone in fear of getting raped and german police not reporting the sexual abuse of children in refugee camps you start to wonder what sort of people (men) are coming into Europe?

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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby Shenmue_Dojo » Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:36 am

Ziming wrote:
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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby Himuro » Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:11 pm

"I don't think turning away the refugees is that bad. Yes, people will die, but that is honestly a part of life."

Jesus Christ, dude.
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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby beedle » Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:14 am

Death is a part of life therefore Mr Frozen will now demonstrate his consistency by telling us all he has never bought medicine or took a vaccination.
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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby south carmain » Sat Oct 10, 2015 11:07 am

Why would anyone vaccinate? That's how you get autism.
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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby beedle » Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:33 pm

it's how mue died (RIP)
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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby Ziming » Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:21 am

Thousands of left-wing protesters took the streets of Cologne on Saturday among heavy police deployment to protest against fascism in Germany and call for improved asylum seeker's rights. Protesters carried banners reading "fight racism", "we don't have any space for Nazis" and "solidarity with all refugees."

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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby KiBa » Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:20 am

Stream of consciousness:

Affixing the word 'crisis' to 'immigration' is inefficient. Just use one word: 'migration', if you like them, or 'invasion' if you don't.

If imperialism was bad, then why is mass colonization in the other direction good?

Elite European theorists say people have a right to self-determination, yet the concept is applied to individual Europeans only, but every foreign group.

I don't buy any of it.

This is probably the first porn caused migration in history.

Doesn't land just belong to whomever can take it and keep it by force?

Bottom line, this crisis is rather insulting to the other rich people on this planet (east Asians), since apparently nobody wants their bodies or their stuff. Or the Moslemmings are afraid of them.

Offended yet? This is why this issue cannot be discussed. A migration, or invasion, can only be dealt with by either letting them have your home, or by violence that everyone in the west has been raised to fear since WW2, to the extent that the nation-state is essentially an offensive concept. Even self-preservation thereof is deemed 'fascistic', which can only mean ahhhh NAZIS!!! But then, without borders, our votes mean nothing. Isn't territorial integrity and more or less permanent residency essential to determine a general will?

This happens in sci-fi a lot. Enlightened aliens always prefer to die out than harm the human invaders, even when they are technologically superior.

Even so, I choose to believe all human beings are of equal value, and all people have good in them, and I want to save refugees and provide healthcare and livelihood to the poor, particularly women and children, especially the attractive ones, most especially if they are good-natured too.

Maybe Europeans can let in all the beautiful and good women and children, all the sick for treatment, and send all the healthy men away so they can save and build up their own countries for a change.

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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby Mr357 » Mon Nov 09, 2015 6:49 pm

This has gotten absolutely out of control, and it's only worsening.

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I'll be praying for those of you who live in Europe. It's looking extremely grim.

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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby south carmain » Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:00 pm

So it's been confirmed that one of the terrorists in yesterday's attacks was a Syrian who passed through Greece a month ago. I guess that securoty threat I was talking about a few pages back wasn't that irrational after all. ... ks-killers

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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby Ziming » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:07 pm

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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

Postby Mr357 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:08 pm

Another great video. I hope I'm not treading the line of what's allowed here. Just remember that these weren't made by me, and I support the facts above all else.

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