Has Shenmue ever helped you through a hard time in life?

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Has Shenmue ever helped you through a hard time in life?

Postby ShenGCH » Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:32 pm

I would never claim to have had the worst upbringing (because I certainly didn't for the most part), but back in 2000, when Shenmue was released over here, I was slap-bang in the middle of a really shitty time during my life. I was being bullied on a daily basis at school; I felt terribly isolated and alien to my peers due to social anxiety disorder; my family was fragmenting and fucking up in ways that simply can't be put into words; and home life in general just wasn't stable or good. In fact, it was a down-right raw misery at times. The one sanctuary I had away from all of this, however, was video games. I started playing games at around the age of three, and while I adored them and they were a huge part of my life, the games I would play were all very A-to-B affairs; Metal Gear Solid, 2D platformers, fighting games, Tony Hawk's, point-and-clickers, etc.

Then, in (I believe) 1999, my older brother bought a Dreamcast, and some time after that came Shenmue. You'll hear this from plenty of fans of the game, but it was like nothing I had ever played before. There was an objective, sure, but the path leading to that objective wasn't a corridor; it was like a vast open field graced with a sense of freedom and being able to just live your life and go at your leisure. The very first time I played it, I didn't have a clue what I was doing; I was so used to pop-ups telling me what I had to do or obvious pointers directing me down the correct path. Shenmue had none of that; so much so that I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do or how to progress from the first instance where gameplay as handed over to you. (I even wasted an entire day because I got lost in the Hazuki house the first time I played :lol:) I eventually got to grips with what the game was about, and so the journey began.

It was during this journey that I started feeling things I wasn't feeling anywhere in the real world: a sense of place, meaning, importance, and a great sense of comfort and belonging. The game's world is designed to make you feel at home, and I honestly don't think they could have done a better job. Even though Ryo is very familiar with the locales and its citizens, you, as the player, aren't (at first), but you slowly start to familiarise with them as you progress further and further and spend more time around them, and you're able to form a connection with them. You start to make sense of things in your mind such as who would be the best person to ask about such-and-such and what the best course of action to progress would be, because the world makes sense. And when I feel like taking a break from going through the story? I can just say I'll do that later and focus on doing something else, whether it be training my moves, playing arcade games, or just conversing with the locals, whereas with a 2D platformer, for example, what are your options? Pause the game or turn off the system and come back later.

So, even though shitty things may have been happening in the real world, those things simply didn't matter as much any more because, thanks to the game, I knew I would greeted by all the things lacking in real life in the game world the second I stepped back in. I even started replicating Ryo's fighting style, pretending I was fighting against the bullies and emerging victorious. I never took it any further than my house, 'fighting' people who weren't really there, however, because I never plucked up the courage to actually fight back. As useless as hindsight is, to this day I wish I'd fought back and stood up for myself. I'm still eternally grateful for that slight spark of confidence it gave to me, though. Without Shenmue, I wouldn't have even had that, and I dread to think where I would have ended up. In all honesty, I think Shenmue saved me from doing something really stupid to myself, and for a video game to be able to help someone in that way is unbelievable.

Even to this day, when I'm feeling shitty, thoughts about Shenmue start to emerge in my mind. It's like my default happy place, and do you know what? It helps. It absolutely helps.

Thank you, Shenmue.

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Re: Has Shenmue ever helped you through a hard time in life?

Postby south carmain » Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:45 pm

When I was 12 and felt depressed I would always lose myself in shenmue II's world to feel better. Its atmosphere always helped pick up my mood and forget issues at the time.

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Re: Has Shenmue ever helped you through a hard time in life?

Postby Sonoshee » Fri Jun 17, 2016 4:01 pm

This is a really wonderful topic.

Shenmue has helped me overcome some very tough moments in my life. It is still extremely therapeutic to this day. For instants, just walking around Yamanose or hanging around at the start of Guilin is enough to help me cope. When I can't get to my DC and need those moments, I just fire up Youtube and listen to the soundtrack.

There just isn't anything like it in any other video game I've played. The sense of hope that Shenmue gives is both sincere and pure.

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Re: Has Shenmue ever helped you through a hard time in life?

Postby Iyo » Sat Jun 25, 2016 5:35 pm

Amazing OP. You and I have a lot in common when we were younger as I also was in the same situation at 16 leaving school and entering college. I had Shenmue and Metal Gear Solid to lose myself into and stay away from any stress in real life and be peace at mind. Growing older I just realised it's not all that bad if you just keep your mind off and stuff like the original Shenmue helped as that world felt real to me. It is truly masterful, thank you Yu Suzuki. I believe Shenmue III will do the same as beautiful China will help any troubled people immerse themselves in a majestic production that will engulf thier entire existence.

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Re: Has Shenmue ever helped you through a hard time in life?

Postby Hyo Razuki » Sun Jun 26, 2016 10:06 am

Absoulutely, yes. Even now, when I get depressed, I know there is always Shenmue. For me personally, it's not so much losing myself in the world of Shenmue but more like enjoying Shenmue's beauty that is key to me. I just deeply enjoy every moment of it. Shenmue to me is still the most beautiful work of art in the medium of video game.

Other games may have higher polygon levels, vaster areas, more characters and so on but from a point of art direction, Shenmue is still the most beautiful game of all time. The characters, the environments, the depth of the characters' background stories, the music, the set of colors the games use, the sound effects the QTE's. Everything fits so perfectly together it makes S1 and S2 stil unrivaled by anything I have ever seen, imho.

Just the possibility to enjoy Shenmue's majestic beauty is enough to cure my soul, always. :) No matter how many times I've played the games, I still stand in awe and have a wonderful time, every time I play them.

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Re: Has Shenmue ever helped you through a hard time in life?

Postby RyoHazuki84 » Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:17 am

It was part of the dreams of my youth. I had goals of one day making it to Japan and when even my own parents thought it would be impossible for me, I had the adventure of Ryo to prove to me that I could do it. Granted it would not be proof to my parents, but I felt the sense of community within the first game and wondered if the real life Japan was at all anything like that. I worked hard in school and got beyond a C average. After applying for a study abroad scholarship, my parents were accepting of my dreams. I went to Japan my first time in the summer of 2001 when I was barely 17. The real life Japan felt so much like the simulated world in Shenmue. I had a sense of things and I had a connection. The people were friendly, the food was great....and no trouble with sailors......

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