New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby Esppiral » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:30 pm

I hope they don't mess with other important "characters faces",

Including this beauty.


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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby shredingskin » Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:16 pm

WTF she had a black thong ?
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby darksniper » Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:47 pm

shredingskin wrote: WTF she had a black thong ?

mmmmm Xuying is virtual bae. Most attractive Sega character of all time.
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby adom11800 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:08 pm

Hang on a second, isn't there a chance that the new character models will not be the in-game models? Take a look at the Shenmue 2 xbox box art for example. ... boxBox.jpg. The characters looked NOTHING like that in the game, closest would be Ren I guess but like everyone, I'm itching to see the movie clips next week to see the difference. Even so, I still like the new models. It's kind of like the PS4 version of Ryo and Shenhua doesn't look bad at all.
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby Spaghetti » Fri Aug 18, 2017 7:05 pm

Nah, unless there's some weird fuckery going on, those are the in-game models*.

*for now.
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby Verderame » Fri Aug 18, 2017 7:07 pm

That particular Shenmue 2 cover was essentially an homage to all those 60s/70s kung-fu movie posters, and it was some kind of marketing choice because they thought that they needed to make it look more appealing to the prevalently American Xbox audience with a more gritty, completely not anime-looking hand drawing i guess...?

So far YsNet has never released any form of purely promotional, not-strictely-ingame cg artwork, and this makes sense since they're apparently using all their limited budget for the game development itself. I don't think they're going to change their strategy right now.
Last edited by Verderame on Fri Aug 18, 2017 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby Chaikilla » Fri Aug 18, 2017 7:08 pm

At least Chai's new model is an upgrade.

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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby mjq jazz bar » Fri Aug 18, 2017 7:40 pm

Remember when that Xbox cover had Ryo looking like a monkey man? What was that about?
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby fittersau » Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:32 pm

Esppiral wrote: I hope they don't mess with other important "characters faces",

Including this beauty.


If they mess with your beauties, they better be ready to eat a knuckle sandwich.
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby Peter » Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:34 pm

Chaikilla wrote: At least Chai's new model is an upgrade.


Which 100% highlights the absolute point of lighting in a game, which Suzuki-san toiled over as we have seen during the "making of" of Shenmue by NHK.

I respect and tolerate a lot what is said on these boards, but when I hear the likes of "fuck this", and "this isn't what I want" I can't help be reminded of the previous generation of videogaming where Joe public was not allowed to see this shit.

"But it's a Kickstarter Peter, it's a Kickstarter!!!!"

"Our hard earned money went into that game. It may not be much to you but it's a lot to me"

"Here's this small change ive made"

"Here's what I think the game should be"

These are not direct quotes, but it sums up this thread, and it absoltely disgusts me. The majority of you generally do. That's right, a staff member here said you DISGUST him with some of the things you post. Don't like it? Theres the door. Leave. Unless you cross a major line we won't ban you.

I shouldn't have to watch my mouth because I am a staff member here, and I won't. Fuck no I wont. Im a loud mouthed Irish cunt. But I mean it when I say a lot of you really disgust me. You apparently sat around waiting for this game to become a reality. Clamouring at any sort of scrap that came from Sega or any part time employee by Sega who uttered the words "SHENMUE". They would be the biggest topics with literally hundreds of people coming to the domain to see what the hell was going on. This was a dead forum, long before 500k and Team Yu really to the word going again. The franchise was dead!! Gone forever. Sonic and Sega All Star Racing was not Shenmue 3, but we rejoiced like it was.

Fast forward to today and what I've seen, again disgusts me. It's a complete representation of the internet age. My opinion is better than yours. This looks shit, everything is shit, life is shit. In the general media life is shit when we live in a world of privelidges. It's crazy to think that this is a videogame where I begged my mother to let me go on the Dreamcast Passport disc for an hour (at £1 a minute so an hour cost her £60 and I never heard a word of it to this day, nevermind we were a poor family) to trade toy capsules with "Shenmue fans".

It's honestly a joke you people call all of the new material some of the names I won't repeat and I would like to reassure you, you won't be banned from here. Heck, you won't receive a warning. What I will say is I personally will absolutely seriously question you as a fan of this game. You may be here to fuck about, you may be here as a "casual" gamer, or you may be here for the craic. But honestly, from the bottom of my heart, sometimes something needs to be said. Go fuck yourselves. Go find something better to spend your life energy on because you are not wasting my time, you are wasting your own. We can argue all day over models and logos, but it's clear as day that there are those who passionately and diplomatically debate over this franchise. Who cares for it like Sonic and Mario fans who care for theirs. Who Superman fans get tattoos of their own fictitious hero, and who follow their favourite band around the globe for. But then there and those who love a one post deal. "Fuk dis. Being bak dem DC models fam". Really?

I don't regret this post. I love the solidarity amongst out community at the moment, and we are about to embark on an event which stands as the beginning of a very long future for Shenmue. I respect everyone within this community and want to work together, but sometimes, shit just needs to be said, and going forward, I intend to say it.

If anyone does have a problem with what Shenmue 3 is right now, maybe send an email. Let him know how you feel. That won't work? It worked with the initial fans grumbling about the models. It happens with the logo change last month. He is a 40 years experienced games developer with some of the highest selling games of all time, never mind record breaking gaming achievement both over coin-op and consumer. But you know better don't you? So email him.

Or better yet, book a flight, come and speak to the man face to face. He's been to Monaco in the past, and now Germany. Come on, what are you holding back for? Come tell this experienced video games developer that you know better. Please!

Experience is the key word there. Something which I don't a lot of people won't have, nor can they understand. Experience. It comes from making mistakes. From falling down. From fucking up! You don't get to be on his position without fucking up A LOT of the time. But you didn't see all of that. The point is, this is the man's LIFE! This is what he does. It's his thing. It's what puts food in his mouth and on his children's mouthes. What do you want him to do? Go work on bins? Take out your trash? Fuck you people. This is what he does best, and his career in what he does best is more than. What any of us will achieve in our lifetimes. You think I want Shenmue 3 to be a game that's had Yu Suzuki jumped to the beat of a few young Thundercats who spent 5 minutes on Photoshop?
No way. I want this game as Yu Suzuki intended it. It's that simple.

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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby fittersau » Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:47 pm

John Doom wrote: :?: Not convinced by Ryo's look yet, I think there's something off in his eyes and his cheecks, though I'm not sure what it is.
It may still be too early to judge, anyway and these may be older assets too: just look at how they're using a new logo, even though they they recently said they were going to use the original one (I doubt they could've changed their mind :D ).

P.S.: :) I'd love to know if Ryo and Shenhua's models already looked something like this at the time of the backer's dinner.

It's Ryo's hair. Too boofy. In previous models his side bangs were waxed down, now he looks like other Asian high schoolers with boofy side hair.

Heading in the right direction though, just still jarring because it's not the old Ryo we know and love.

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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby darksniper » Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:51 pm

Peter wrote:
Chaikilla wrote: At least Chai's new model is an upgrade.


Which 100% highlights the absolute point of lighting in a game, which Suzuki-san toiled over as we have seen during the "making of" of Shenmue by NHK.

I respect and tolerate a lot what is said on these boards, but when I hear the likes of "fuck this", and "this isn't what I want" I can't help be reminded of the previous generation of videogaming where Joe public was not allowed to see this shit.

"But it's a Kickstarter Peter, it's a Kickstarter!!!!"

"Our hard earned money went into that game. It may not be much to you but it's a lot to me"

"Here's this small change ive made"

"Here's what I think the game should be"

These are not direct quotes, but it sums up this thread, and it absoltely disgusts me. The majority of you generally do. That's right, a staff member here said you DISGUST him with some of the things you post. Don't like it? Theres the door. Leave. Unless you cross a major line we won't ban you.

I shouldn't have to watch my mouth because I am a staff member here, and I won't. Fuck no I wont. Im a loud mouthed Irish cunt. But I mean it when I say a lot of you really disgust me. You apparently sat around waiting for this game to become a reality. Clamouring at any sort of scrap that came from Sega or any part time employee by Sega who uttered the words "SHENMUE". They would be the biggest topics with literally hundreds of people coming to the domain to see what the hell was going on. This was a dead forum, long before 500k and Team Yu really to the word going again. The franchise was dead!! Gone forever. Sonic and Sega All Star Racing was not Shenmue 3, but we rejoiced like it was.

Fast forward to today and what I've seen, again disgusts me. It's a complete representation of the internet age. My opinion is better than yours. This looks shit, everything is shit, life is shit. In the general media life is shit when we live in a world of privelidges. It's crazy to think that this is a videogame where I begged my mother to let me go on the Dreamcast Passport disc for an hour (at £1 a minute so an hour cost her £60 and I never heard a word of it to this day, nevermind we were a poor family) to trade toy capsules with "Shenmue fans".

It's honestly a joke you people call all of the new material some of the names I won't repeat and I would like to reassure you, you won't be banned from here. Heck, you won't receive a warning. What I will say is I personally will absolutely seriously question you as a fan of this game. You may be here to fuck about, you may be here as a "casual" gamer, or you may be here for the craic. But honestly, from the bottom of my heart, sometimes something needs to be said. Go fuck yourselves. Go find something better to spend your life energy on because you are not wasting my time, you are wasting your own. We can argue all day over models and logos, but it's clear as day that there are those who passionately and diplomatically debate over this franchise. Who cares for it like Sonic and Mario fans who care for theirs. Who Superman fans get tattoos of their own fictitious hero, and who follow their favourite band around the globe for. But then there and those who love a one post deal. "Fuk dis. Being bak dem DC models fam". Really?

I don't regret this post. I love the solidarity amongst out community at the moment, and we are about to embark on an event which stands as the beginning of a very long future for Shenmue. I respect everyone within this community and want to work together, but sometimes, shit just needs to be said, and going forward, I intend to say it.

If anyone does have a problem with what Shenmue 3 is right now, maybe send an email. Let him know how you feel. That won't work? It worked for the fans grumbling about the models in 2015. It happened with the logo change last month. Hi Suzuki is a 40 years experienced games developer with some of the highest selling games of all time, never mind record breaking gaming achievement both over coin-op and consumer. But you know better don't you? So email him.

Or better yet, book a flight, come and speak to the man face to face. He's been to Monaco in the past, and now Germany. Come on, what are you holding back for? Come tell this experienced video games developer that you know better. Please!

Experience is the key word there. Something which I don't think a lot of people understand, have, or don't have. Experience. It comes from making mistakes. From falling down. From fucking up! You don't get to be in his position without fucking up A LOT of the time. But you didn't see all of that. You are born privelidged. You know everything.
The point is, is that this is the man's LIFE! This is what he does. It's his thing. It's what puts food in his mouth and on his children's mouthes. What do you want him to do? Go work on bins? Take out your trash? Fuck you people. This is what he does best, and his career in what he does best is more than. What any of us will achieve in our lifetimes. You think I want Shenmue 3 to be a game that's had Yu Suzuki jumped to the beat of a few young Thundercats who spent 5 minutes on Photoshop?
No way. I want this game as Yu Suzuki intended it. It's that simple.

Damn man. Tell us how you really feel.

Well after next week the criticism will only get crazier. So brace yourself. Yeah I've got my gripes, but either way I'll be playing Shenmue III when it releases next year so idgaf what anyone has to say about the game really. I just want the game to do well enough to ensure that we get a Shenmue IV.
Last edited by darksniper on Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby Chaikilla » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:01 pm

Peter wrote:
Chaikilla wrote: At least Chai's new model is an upgrade.


Which 100% highlights the absolute point of lighting in a game, which Suzuki-san toiled over as we have seen during the "making of" of Shenmue by NHK.

I respect and tolerate a lot what is said on these boards, but when I hear the likes of "fuck this", and "this isn't what I want" I can't help be reminded of the previous generation of videogaming where Joe public was not allowed to see this shit.

"But it's a Kickstarter Peter, it's a Kickstarter!!!!"

"Our hard earned money went into that game. It may not be much to you but it's a lot to me"

"Here's this small change ive made"

"Here's what I think the game should be"

These are not direct quotes, but it sums up this thread, and it absoltely disgusts me. The majority of you generally do. That's right, a staff member here said you DISGUST him with some of the things you post. Don't like it? Theres the door. Leave. Unless you cross a major line we won't ban you.

I shouldn't have to watch my mouth because I am a staff member here, and I won't. Fuck no I wont. Im a loud mouthed Irish cunt. But I mean it when I say a lot of you really disgust me. You apparently sat around waiting for this game to become a reality. Clamouring at any sort of scrap that came from Sega or any part time employee by Sega who uttered the words "SHENMUE". They would be the biggest topics with literally hundreds of people coming to the domain to see what the hell was going on. This was a dead forum, long before 500k and Team Yu really to the word going again. The franchise was dead!! Gone forever. Sonic and Sega All Star Racing was not Shenmue 3, but we rejoiced like it was.

Fast forward to today and what I've seen, again disgusts me. It's a complete representation of the internet age. My opinion is better than yours. This looks shit, everything is shit, life is shit. In the general media life is shit when we live in a world of privelidges. It's crazy to think that this is a videogame where I begged my mother to let me go on the Dreamcast Passport disc for an hour (at £1 a minute so an hour cost her £60 and I never heard a word of it to this day, nevermind we were a poor family) to trade toy capsules with "Shenmue fans".

It's honestly a joke you people call all of the new material some of the names I won't repeat and I would like to reassure you, you won't be banned from here. Heck, you won't receive a warning. What I will say is I personally will absolutely seriously question you as a fan of this game. You may be here to fuck about, you may be here as a "casual" gamer, or you may be here for the craic. But honestly, from the bottom of my heart, sometimes something needs to be said. Go fuck yourselves. Go find something better to spend your life energy on because you are not wasting my time, you are wasting your own. We can argue all day over models and logos, but it's clear as day that there are those who passionately and diplomatically debate over this franchise. Who cares for it like Sonic and Mario fans who care for theirs. Who Superman fans get tattoos of their own fictitious hero, and who follow their favourite band around the globe for. But then there and those who love a one post deal. "Fuk dis. Being bak dem DC models fam". Really?

I don't regret this post. I love the solidarity amongst out community at the moment, and we are about to embark on an event which stands as the beginning of a very long future for Shenmue. I respect everyone within this community and want to work together, but sometimes, shit just needs to be said, and going forward, I intend to say it.

I hope my post in particular didn't trigger this rant, I just want to post a mustached Chai.

The art style, while important, has never been the deciding factor in why I love Shenmue. I have always said that I will reserve all judgement until I have the finished product in my hands and that hasn't changed.

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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby Spaghetti » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:08 pm

A Yu Suzuki quote from that interview with Tekken's Harada that Switch graciously translated for us:

I want the next generation to practice trying new things, not just making things as prescribed on paper. After all, “failure teaches success”.

So I just want to tell the young generation “Don’t think about it too much!” [laughs] "Just go ahead and do it".

It’s OK to fail, just keep trying. The more you try, the more the way ahead will open up.

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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Postby killthesagabeforeitkillsu » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:18 pm

Yu Suzuki calls himself a craftsman, he doesn't seem to be the type of elitist dev that pulls the "I know better than you so shut up" card. So yes, if I happened to come across the man and he asked me what I think about the character models I wouldn't kiss his ass for the sake of keeping things positive.

I guess to some critiquing Shenmue 3 is blasphemy, especially when so many fans have an emotional connection with the franchise. But in my eyes, not giving accurate feedback is far worse. As a backer, I will contribute with my views in all outlets available to me including in person if necessary because I own that to the team making the game. They can't improve something if they think it's perfect.

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