Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby Stromer » Sat Sep 30, 2017 3:26 pm

Sonoshee wrote:
Yu never plays video games, even his own. He made this very clear in one or two of his past interviews.
He claimed that by not playing them, he is not influenced by them and as such can bring something original & unique to his own works.

At Gamescom 2017, I asked Yu Suzuki if he has played through Shenmue I privately, after it was released. His answer was yes.

(As I don’t speak Japanese, I can’t be certain that the interpreter translated my question correctly. But the interpreter repeated the question to make sure that he catched it correctly, which he did, so I have no reason to doubt it.)

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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby colacube » Sun Oct 01, 2017 9:45 am

The story is still intact but i had to adjust some of the extra elements and details. We talked about the 200 people in that village - maybe we will even have 400 in the end, i didn't decide yet. You have to remember that all the city / village residents in 1 & 2 had a "real" simulated life, thats a really complicated and tough quest and the budget for Shenmue 3 is probably not big enough to do that again.

This makes me sad, because it's something so unique to shenmue. I'd personally prefer 70 village residents with a schedule than 200 without.

Other games on relatively small budgets have given their NPC's realistic routines, like Kingdom Come, so I hope there's still a chance.

Here's how they do it in Kingdom Come: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kA8rTyIO0 ... e=youtu.be

Edit. I just read that Kingdom Come is also being published by Deep Silver! Unfortunately it's being developed in CryEngine, so there's no chance they could share/license their amazing AI tech with Shenmue's team.
Last edited by colacube on Mon Oct 02, 2017 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby punkmanced » Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:33 pm

^ That and full voice acting.
A mostly text-based Shenmue just sounds....weird.

Truth be told, I find it hard to believe that, in the 21st century, Suzuki & co wouldn't be able to include full voice acting in the final game. Sure, it probably cost an arm and a leg in the 90's, but come on. We live in a different century now, which should make the process much cheaper, easier and more convenient.

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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby VukBZ2005 » Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:04 pm

Mr. Suzuki knows how important voiced NPCs are. He's clearly speaking in context, i.e., the number of NPCs will depend on how much they can afford to spend on VAs. What gives me confidence here are the words "You have to remember." He wouldn't have said them if he had no consideration for fully voiced NPCs.

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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby shenmue852 » Sun Oct 01, 2017 4:55 pm

Hazuki00 wrote: Everything sounds really good from the interview, however this part...

You have to remember that all the city / village residents in 1 & 2 had a "real" simulated life, thats a really complicated and tough quest and the budget for Shenmue 3 is probably not big enough to do that again.

Question 3 to Yu:
Will there be voices and sound for everything in the game?

Yu's answer:
We don't know yet. To tell the truth - the amount of text is getting bigger and bigger and not all of it is planned, so we don't know if all of it will be available with sound.
It will be very rare seeing a lot of NPCs in the villages but few of them doings their rutines or none of them, standing in their positions. Will they be there at night too?

Another thing is voices, Will Ryo ask a question to a NPC and this one would not speak and only a text will be displayed?

it sounds worrying, but if you think about it Shenmue II only had individual schedules for a few characters- Fangmei, Joy, Eileen, etc. I don't think you saw Jianmin anywhere except the park, you wouldn't see him walking home. Most shopkeepers, unlike Shenmue I, didn't have names, and were pretty much only seen at their shops and then they'd be gone at night time

In the first game you'd see the shopkeepers and all NPCs go about their personal lives, eating at specific restaurants etc, and since Shenmue II was structured around traveling rather than living in your hometown, you didn't really notice the difference, and mostly just noticed the few characters that did have schedules. another difference was that Shenmue II had quite a few characters that mostly couldn't be found during regular gameplay, like Xiuying and Ren.

also, I think Shenmue III was always intended to be a departure from the environments of the first 2 games, and the lack of detail in the NPC's would be made up for in the depth of interaction between Ryo and Shenhua. Hence the idea that the game would expand inward rather than outward. I think nostalgia for the first 2 games compelled him to make Choubu the size of the areas from the second game when it was intended to be set in pretty small scale settings.

if none of the characters had schedules that would suck. but i'm pretty sure that what he means is that it'll basically be like wan chai in shenmue ii in terms of character detail.

as for voices, the lack of npc voice in Yakuza is one of those things that makes it feel less special than Shenmue. So I hope they voice as many characters as possible.

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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby KidMarine » Sun Oct 01, 2017 5:13 pm

Yeah the (potential) lack of NPC routines doesn't really bother me at all. Not being fully voiced would be a deal breaker though. It needs to be fully voiced, having text would take me out of the game so much. Especially if some NPCs are voiced and some aren't. I'd rather some NPCs were cut or the amount of dialogue was scaled back rather than have use text like in Yakuza. It's one of the reasons Yakuza feels like merely a (good) video game, whereas Shenmue feels like an immersive and remarkable experience.

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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby sutoji » Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:14 am

KidMarine wrote: Yakuza feels like merely a (good) video game, whereas Shenmue feels like an immersive and remarkable experience.

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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby Truck_1_0_1_ » Mon Oct 02, 2017 1:29 pm

shenmue852 wrote:
Hazuki00 wrote:as for voices, the lack of npc voice in Yakuza is one of those things that makes it feel less special than Shenmue. So I hope they voice as many characters as possible.

As of 6, they are all voiced. Completely. Cutscenes, NPCs on the street, all fully voiced (took them 12 years, but at least they did it! lol)

KidMarine wrote: Yeah the (potential) lack of NPC routines doesn't really bother me at all. Not being fully voiced would be a deal breaker though. It needs to be fully voiced, having text would take me out of the game so much. Especially if some NPCs are voiced and some aren't. I'd rather some NPCs were cut or the amount of dialogue was scaled back rather than have use text like in Yakuza. It's one of the reasons Yakuza feels like merely a (good) video game, whereas Shenmue feels like an immersive and remarkable experience.

And yet again, that isn't the case anymore, as everything is fully voiced, as of 6.

As for 'mue, I'm with most people; schedules aren't a big deal, but not having fully-voiced characters would indeed be a deal breaker.

Its a staple of the series and therefore, necessary.
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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby elfshadowreaper » Tue Oct 03, 2017 6:57 am

I guess I’m not a real Shenmue fan because I never took the time to follow people and observe their daily routines. But if It’s between all NPCs having routines and full voice acting I’ll choose voice acting.

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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby colacube » Tue Oct 03, 2017 11:49 am

^ Well ideally the routines factor into the gameplay, like when you're searching for a particular person.

Even if it doesn't affect the gameplay, routines help to build atmosphere. Seeing the same NPC on the same street corner day after day breaks the illusion of a living breathing community (for me at least).
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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby Hyo Razuki » Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:00 pm

Still, I'd prioritize voice acting over NPC routines if it was either one or the other. It's probably too late to think about that now, but maybe they should have done Japanese VA only, just like Sega does with the Yakuza games.

If it ends up not fully voiced, I'd still be happy but I really hope they can do full voice acting for both Japanese and English.
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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby Shenmue_Legend » Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:07 pm

Hyo Razuki wrote: Still, I'd prioritize voice acting over NPC routines if it was either one or the other. It's probably too late to think about that now, but maybe they should have done Japanese VA only, just like Sega does with the Yakuza games.

If it ends up not fully voiced, I'd still be happy but I really hope they can do full voice acting for both Japanese and English.

No! If it was Japanese only, that would be a game breaker for me and many other players. The English version is the one I grew up with. If Ryo and the others didn't have their English voices, it would kill me inside.
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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby KidMarine » Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:42 pm

When the KickStarter was first announced I assumed it would be Japanese VA only. I was very surprised when Corey Marshall said he was taking part. It seemed to me that with a more limited budget they'd want to scrap the non-essential stuff. Every time I'm given a chance between an English dub and the original Japanese I always go for the latter.
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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby VukBZ2005 » Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:59 pm

If what Mr. Suzuki says about Deep Silver is true, then there should be full VA. His statement about making the game we've dreamed about doesn't make sense otherwise.
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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Postby KidMarine » Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:25 pm

^ That's what I thought too. When Yu said he could make the full game we all imagined, all my anxieties about the game disappeared. Now he says that it might not have full voice-acting. Maybe he's just being overly cautious, but I'm getting mixed signals here.

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