Hacking Shenmue II save files

(Chapters 3-6)

Hacking Shenmue II save files

Postby wuemura » Sun Dec 10, 2006 5:53 am

Hello guys, my second post here 8)

I wonder if some one have hacked an shenmue II save file, none of my efforts works... I just want to edit the part that stores the money.

I use BBA to download my VMS files (VMS-Tools 0.8.5, ipload-ip and DC-Tool gui version 2.0). The offset that stores money is 0x6f8, but looks like the save has more than one checksum.

One checksum is at offset 0x46, 0x47, the other i think is 0x6ad, 0x6ae.

But saving the game 3 times at the same place it gives changes at this offset's:

0x46, 0x47, 0x6A3, 0x6A4, 0x6A5, 0x6A6, 0x6A7, 0x6Ad, 0x6AE,
0x6B0, 0x6C0, 0x6C1, 0x6C2, 0x6C3, 0x149C, 0x144c, 0x14CD, 0x14CE, 0x14Cf,
0x14D0, 0x14D1, 0x14D2, 0x14D3, 0x14d4, 0x14d5, 0x14d6, 0x14d7, 0x14d8,
0x14d9, 0x14da, 0x14db

Using the vms_crc it correct only the offset at 0x46/47, at offset 0x6ad/6ae the values changes from 3539 in one save, 3600 and 360C in the last one.

Any Ideas?

If the offset 0x6ad/6ae is a checksum i don't know what is checksumed.
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Postby SSJ2 Dark » Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:52 pm

Though I'm not familiar with your method, you can try this address in Codebreaker:


The four bytes (or whatever you want to call them) after this address control the money.
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Postby wuemura » Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:16 am

I was following some tutorials that i've found over the internet:


But this was the only pages that i could find related with checksum and shenmue saves.

Sorry but i dont have Codebraker for DC :( (Only PS2)
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Postby javier himura » Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:27 am

Did you try to calculate the checksum alghoritm with a HexEditor ??

Probably all these offset are checksum, total time played, save time (real time and game time) and the position (maybe in the three saves Ryo isn´t exactly in the same possition , he can be move a little and you don´t notice but it has a small change in the data)

The 0x6ad, 0x6ae checksum it´s some type of 16 bits checksum probably in the range 0x6AF - Final of the save

The other checksum is the general CRC that have all dreamcast saves (in the .vmi)
Other guides with save hack


This game only have the general checksum buy marverl vs capcom have 3 checksum (generla + 2 particular checksum)
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Postby wuemura » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:39 am

Hello Himura.

Your link is broken here is the correct link:
http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/dreamcas ... ca_vmu.txt

I did tryed to calculate the checksum (checksum-16) with Hex Workshop and used the standard VMS_CRC tool, and the VMU-TOOLS hex editor and checksum fix.

Some of this offset's looks like are the time changes, and the 3 saves was made at the same spot, with difference of a few seconds btween saves at different slots. VMI files have checsum? Do you know the address?

I use the VMU-TOOL to download my saves from BBA as VMU+VMI.

I 've tryed to calculate the changes on a original save to match the changes at offset 0x6ad, 0x6ae but none match the changes.

The first save at this offset has the vallue 3539, second save has 3600 and the last save has 360c (??) since is increasing, looks like this is time values or system (not game) time values.

Well, i'm not a expert in this, but if any one here is up for the challenge, here is my saves from JP Shenmue II:
http://rapidshare.com/files/7154105/she ... u.zip.html

Saves are in VMU format.

Thank You.
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Postby SSJ2 Dark » Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:46 pm

Now that I understand hex editing a little, I think I can help you out here. I'm assuming that the three saves you've put here are mostly identical gamewise (you didn't do anything between saves). I've figured out a few of the offsets, so I'll post them here:

0x6A2, 0x6A3: Save Date (Month, Day)
0x6A4, 0x6A5: Save Time (Hours, Minutes)
0x6AA, 0x6AB: Game Date (Month, Day)
0x6AC, 0x6AD: Game Time (Hours, Minutes)

0x6A6 and 0x6AE might be seconds, since they are always bounded by 60.

You mind sharing how you found the differences between the two files? That could make this go a lot quicker.
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Postby wuemura » Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:26 pm

Hello SSJ2 Dark,

I used hex workshop to compare the files, very easy.
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Postby Dragon Light » Thu Jan 04, 2007 5:19 pm

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Postby SSJ2 Dark » Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:37 am

I don't want to cause trouble by reviving an ancient topic, but does anyone here know anything about the checksum for Shenmue II? That's really the only obstacle preventing me from hacking the game further.
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Postby shengoro86 » Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:52 pm

hey man pm me and ill help u w/ the checksum hex im typing with the wiimote llooll roflmao
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