Top 10 Lists

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Top 10 Lists

Postby Mr357 » Sun Oct 11, 2015 1:11 am

I don't care if it's dumb; I want to see what your favorites besides Shenmue 1 and 2 are.

1. Shenmue II

2. Shenmue

3. Deus Ex (2000)

4. ARMA: Cold War Assault

5. Snatcher

6. Skies of Arcadia

7. Panzer Dragoon Saga

8. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

9. System Shock 2

10. Metal Gear Solid
Last edited by Mr357 on Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby Monkei » Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:43 am

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Shenmue I&II, The Last of Us, Portal 1&2, Red Dead Redemption, BioShock 1 & Infinite (or maybe the whole trilogy), Half-Life 2, Mass Effect 2, Tetris, I don't know. No particular order.
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby south carmain » Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:47 am

We already have this thread somewhere but in no particular order:

-Shenmue 1&2
-Skies of Arcadia
-Jet Set Radio Future
-Yakuza 4
-Halo (the first one)
-Pokemon gold
-Final Fantasy 8 (it was my first FF)
-Sonic Adventure 2
-Persona 3 FES
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby Yokosuka » Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:12 am

1) Mario Kart Double Dash
2) Football Manager 2007
3) Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Xbox or PC version)
4) Skies of Arcadia
5) Total Annihilation
6) Sonic until Adventure 2, can't chose
7) Virtua Fighter 5
8- GTA Vice City
9) Goldeneye
10) Skyrim
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby Hyo Razuki » Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:32 am

OK, so Shenmue 1 & 2 are sort of running outside the competition (above the competition). I'll try to name 10 games. No particular order intended in terms of how much I like them. Numbers are only there for the sake of counting.

1. Sid Meier's Pirates Gold
2. VF 3tb
3. Persona 4
4. Phantasy Star 4
5. Silent Hill 2
6. Jet Set Radio
7. Killer 7
8. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
9. Ninja Gaiden (Master System version)
10. Nights into Dreams
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby Shibiryo » Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:38 am

1. Shenmue 3 PS4
2. Shenmue 3 PC
3. Shenmue 2 DC
4. Shenmue 1 DC
5. Shenmue 2 360
6. Shenmue 2 Xbox
7. What's Shenmue DC
8. US Shenmue
9. Shenmue Gaiden
10. Shenmue Passport

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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby Thief » Sun Oct 11, 2015 12:26 pm

1.) Chrono Trigger
2.) Super Metroid
3.) Earthbound
4.) Zelda: A Link to the Past
5.) Soul Blazer
6.) Shenmue
7.) Metal Gear Solid 2
8.) Mystical Ninja
9.) Mega Man Legends
10.) Riven: Sequel to Myst

Something along those lines.. it changes often though... so who knows?
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby Hyo Razuki » Sun Oct 11, 2015 2:03 pm

Great to see a lot of people still remember Skies of Arcadia. I need to replay that masterpiece again some time. It's unbelievable how many incredible games the DC had. Even Ikaruga and Rez could have easily made my top 10 list but I'm not a big fan of shooting games in general and I thought one shooting game - Killer 7 - was enough for the list so I didn't put them in.
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby OmegaDawn » Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:31 pm

Last edited by OmegaDawn on Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:04 pm

1. Shenmue I and Shenmue II
2. Xenogears
3. Final Fantasy X
4. Suikoden II
5. Final Fantasy VII
6. Fable
7. Xenosaga Ep I-III
8. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
9. Resident Evil 4
10. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby Henry Spencer » Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:06 pm

Besides Shenmue? In no order:

1. Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne/Lucifer's Call (PS2)
2. Metal Gear Solid (PSX)
3. Nier (PS3/360)
4. Gravity Rush (Vita)
5. Fatal Frame 3/Project Zero 3 (PS2)
6. Flower, Sun & Rain (DS)
7. Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX/PSP)
8. Dark Souls (PS3)
9. Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
10. Snatcher (SEGA CD)

Runners up [games that could easily settle into my top 10, just depends on my mood on the day, really]: Zero Escape: 999 (DS), Vagrant Story (PSX), Mischief Makers (N64), Resident Evil 2 (PSX), Front Mission 3 (PSX), Tactics Ogre Remake (PSP), Ocarina of Time (N64/3DS), Star Fox 64 (N64/3DS), Rocket Knight Adventures (Mega Drive), Ristar (Mega Drive), Gunstar Heroes (Mega Drive), Shinobi 3 (Mega Drive), Time Crisis 2 & 3 (Arcade/PS2). Probably forgotten something.
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby Riku Rose » Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:58 pm

10. Final Fantasy X


The first game that made me think games could be more then just collecting coins and getting a high score was a Final Fantasy game. I've always had a soft spot for the series and this is one of many times I'll include it in this list. It did something I loved and did it really well. Tidus wasn't from that world and everything he was seeing for the first time you was also seeing for the first time. RPG's are normally set in crazy worlds where we're expected to know what's going on or are told so much that it makes you feel stupid, as Tidus has no clue about this world that doesn't seem as bad.

If you play the game for the first time now it may not have the same impact but 10 year old Riku was rushing home every day to find out what happens next.

9. Uncharted 2


This game was getting 10's and rave reviews everywhere when it came out but I waited a year because although I really enjoyed the first game that didn't compel me to buy this day one. When I decided to finally get around to buying it I don't think the Dualshock left my hands for most of the weekend.

The first Uncharted set up this group of characters and while I don't think the first game is as great as the next two in the series we can thank it for that. Nate and Sully need no introduction and it feels like you've ran into two old friends in the pub who just talk you into going somewhere crazy with them. While your friends may just take you to that dodgy nightclub Naugty Dog end up taking you on the craziest adventure. I didn't know my PS3 could handle some of the stuff it was doing, a shoot out on top of a moving train, escape a building a helicopter is destroying and a sexy Australian woman.

The game doesn't try to be next Oscar winner, it knows it's the fun summer blockbuster and runs with it amazingly.

8. Yakuza 2


Just like Uncharted 1 the Yakuza series started out with a great game that needed a few tweaks. Yakuza 2 pretty much improved on everything that needed improving on and stuff that didn't. You can beat the crap out of punks in the street, go to the arcade or go to a brothel with a bunch of guys who like to dress as babies.

The game is a serious crime thriller at its heart but still manages to throw in some slow moments like a love story and some whacky moments like those man babies. It all ties together nicely and never feels out of place. Also you fight 2 tigers...

7. Mass Effect 2


I'm starting to realise I really like sequels. Just like the others I've mentioned stuff like combat got improved with Mass Effect 2 but the main reason I love this game is the characters. Between each mission I would spend half an hour walking around my ship just talking to my crew and learning about them, what they do, who they are and where they come from. Every member of the crew is interesting and has a story that's worth listening to. The majority of these characters aren't overly nice or overly evil and sit in that grey area. I'll always remember talking to Thane in the cockpit about how he hopes to make up with his son one day.

6. Final Fantasy IX


Final Fantasy meets The Princess Bride. Many bring up the fact that this game was made to try and be like old school Final Fantasy's but this really deserves to stand on its own two feet. While I think it falls into the trap all Final Fantasy's of this area does by getting worse after the first disc I think it stays beyond amazing for 75% of the game. I would put the start of Disc 3 as one of the best moments in gaming ever and wish it had ended there rather then feeling the need to go another 20 hours.

5. The Last of Us


I love myself a post apocalyptic world and this was everything I wanted the film The Road to be and more. Watching the bond grow between the two characters was one of the most well done things in the medium of video games, most games would show one cutscene and have everyone suddenly be friends. There are certain scenes I won't spoil that I would put up there with some of my favourites in movies.

4. Kingdom Hearts


I was a 10 year old who loved Final Fantasy and went to Disneyworld about twice a year when I popped in the free disc that came with Final Fantasy X. When I see the trailer for Kingdom Hearts I knew it was something I would love. I honestly didn't quite know what I was getting when saving up what little money I was getting at that age for the game. When I popped it in 80 hours of my life just flew by and I loved every minute of it (maybe not the gummy ship). People tend to pass on the spin off titles which I love but I think the main reason I love them is the nostalgia. Kingdom Hearts takes me back to summer when I was a kid and would spend all day playing football and not having to worry about bills or school when I came home and popped this game in, I had that sense of being carefree which is the main thing I miss about childhood. Kingdom Hearts takes me back to that time.

3. The Walking Dead: Season 1


I have a friend who outside of FIFA and Rockstar games isn't really a big gamer. His a huge fan of The Walking Dead TV show so I told him about this game when it was coming out. He started playing it soon after the whole season was done and then asked me if I had played it. I was waiting for a sale of the retail release as it wasn't the top of my list. What followed was a day of work where he told me I had to go home and play it immediately, which strangely I did as I normally ignore advise that nagging.

Before I played this game I really thought that I hated kids. This game had me caring more about a kid then any character in a game I had ever cared about. If the game told me I'd have to blow the brains out of every other character including Lee I would have done it. The game is buggy and doesn't run great but somehow it pulls you in and makes you fully invested. I'm still not sure how it does it but it does it bloody well.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


I'll admit this is mainly nostalgia based. Like some others on this list I'm not sure this game would make the same impression on someone who is playing it for the first time. Still when I load the game up I get the same goosebumps when jumping into the lake off the bridge.

Sometimes when I just want to zone out I still go back to that lake and fish for hours.

1. Final Fantasy VII


This was the game that made me realise that games are more then collecting coins and getting the best score. Before this I never knew a game could have an epic story. I was 6 when I first played this game and I really feel that it helped me learn to read, I wanted to know what was going on in that world even at a young age. I was hardly the best writer in my class but it wasn't long before when it was my turn to read out loud to the class I didn't struggle on a single word. My mum found it weird that I would write down words like avalanche and ask her what it said.

I don't think I've ever been that obsessed with a game and don't think I ever will be again. I've not played the game in what must be close to ten years as I feel like I could beat it with my eyes closed. The reason I'm so excited for the remake is that it may give me that feeling of playing the game again for the first time.

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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby ShenGCH » Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:12 pm

1. Shenmue
2. Metal Gear Solid
3. Braid
4. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
5. Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
6. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
7. Fallout 3
8. BioShock
9. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
10. Axel & Pixel
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby shengoro86 » Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:38 pm

No order:
DDR Supernova 2 (Arcade)
Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2/PS3/PS4/VITA)
DR. Wario (Wario Ware minigame) (GBA)
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (PSX)
House of the Dead 2 (Arcade)
Chess (Any console) :)
Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate (Xbox)
In The Groove 2 (Arcade)
Pop N Music (Arcade)
Project Berkley (Saturn) :P
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Re: Top 10 Lists

Postby Shibiryo » Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:26 pm

Okay I'll be serious.

1. Shenmue I and II
2. Halo 1, 2, 3, 4 (NOT reach, 5, odst and wars)
3. Dark Souls I, II and III
4. The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim)
5. Dead Or Alive
6. Resident Evil: Code Veronica
7. Assassins Creed I and II (not III, IV, Rogue, Liberations, Bloodlines or any other)
8. Street Fighter: 3rd Strike and Hyper Street Fighter II
9. Splinter Cell 1, Convictions, Double Agent, Chaos Theory
10. Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future
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