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Re: Relationships in Shenmue III

I think it's quite obvious that romance is not one of the main topics of Shenmue and probably never will be. Xiuying, Fukusan, Master Chen, Gui Zhang, Yuanda Zhu, Lan Di, etc.. There's no allusion to their potential partners or wifes/husbands or to any kind of interest towards them. It's like if rom...
by jcjimher
Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:15 pm
Forum: Shenmue III
Topic: Relationships in Shenmue III
Replies: 58
Views: 13142

Re: Would be great if the franchise ended on a bookends endi

I think (and hope) the scope of the story will go much beyond the initial motivation of Ryo for instant revenge. There have been some hints that it actually may be about overcoming those feelings, and I don't discard at all that Lan Di might be not so bad after all, but a victim of a greater evil. M...
by jcjimher
Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:02 pm
Forum: Shenmue III
Topic: Would be great if the franchise ended on a bookends ending
Replies: 6
Views: 1672

Re: In all of this can't we atleast give a thumbs up to Sega

I read somewhere that Shenmue HD has been finished and ready to go for a while now, but there's some legal confusion as to who owns certain technology that is used in the game. The company/companies that SEGA licensed the technology from no longer exists. Allegedly, I don't know how true this is. Y...
by jcjimher
Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:54 pm
Forum: Shenmue III
Topic: In all of this can't we atleast give a thumbs up to Sega?
Replies: 58
Views: 9862

Re: How was Shenmue II released on Dreamcast in Europe Anywa

Yeah I imagine the game running at laughable resolutions, plenty of jaggies and with N64's texture quality, thank god it never released on that system. Yeah but I can also imagine it selling a couple million units and getting a Shenmue III and IV in the enormous PS2 userbase that was going to grow ...
by jcjimher
Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:48 pm
Forum: Shenmue II
Topic: How was Shenmue II released on Dreamcast in Europe Anyway?
Replies: 50
Views: 15549

Re: Shenmue II too big ?

I don't think it was too big, but I did miss the familiarity and density of the first game. For example, even though I know it was like that in real HK, I missed stores closing at night, and having deserted streets. I also tried to use the NPC guiding as little as possible, and of course I refused t...
by jcjimher
Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:34 pm
Forum: Shenmue II
Topic: Shenmue II too big ?
Replies: 37
Views: 10760

Re: In all of this can't we atleast give a thumbs up to Sega

Well yeah, thumbs up for Sega from me. They could have buried the Shenmue license forever. Or they could have tried to revamp it without Yu Suzuki's involvement (like Konami seems like going to do with Metal Gear). Now if they released the first games remakes on time I would upper my tier towards th...
by jcjimher
Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:25 pm
Forum: Shenmue III
Topic: In all of this can't we atleast give a thumbs up to Sega?
Replies: 58
Views: 9862

Re: Big update to the Kickstarter coming today!

Betting (and hoping) for the PS4 physical release too. And I don't even have a PS4, but it looks that it could be the most beneficial for the Kickstarter. In addition to that, I hope they add other easy and non-physical tiers, like a new set of dinners (maybe dinner with that Jeff guy who is becomin...
by jcjimher
Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:22 pm
Forum: Shenmue III
Topic: Big update to the Kickstarter coming today!
Replies: 41
Views: 10001

Re: Response from Joel "The Red Shirt Guy" Tess & Awesome Ja

$4 million is easily feasible (we're only 230K away); we should reach this organically. Beyond that is a bit more...uncertain. So far, the road to $11 million includes the following pit stops: - 30 on the 3rd; Corey Marshall/Conan; etc. - Last minute push by non-backers like myself. - AJ and YS get...
by jcjimher
Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:07 pm
Forum: Shenmue III
Topic: Response from Joel "The Red Shirt Guy" Tess & Awesome Japan
Replies: 72
Views: 20119

Re: Really hope they can bring back the original English voi

As most European players, I played I with English voices and II with Japanese ones. And as much as I appreciate Corey Marshall and the rest of the English VA commitment, I would pick the Japanese voices if I had to get only one set. It adds to the "exotic" character of the game (Chinese vo...
by jcjimher
Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:34 pm
Forum: Shenmue III
Topic: Really hope they can bring back the original English voices
Replies: 35
Views: 9879

Re: Will Shenmue 3 conclude the story?

What I really hope is that III doesn't end on a big cliffhanger.

Make a semi-satisfactory ending with some open leads to exploit if chance happens to make a Shenmue IV.
by jcjimher
Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:16 pm
Forum: Shenmue III
Topic: Will Shenmue 3 conclude the story?
Replies: 26
Views: 8668

Re: Yu Suzuki Interview: Shenmue, From Prototypes to Today

Yeah, I'm not giving up either. I'll be first in line and buy whatever system is needed if a new Shenmue game ever comes. But sometimes I'm afraid there's nothing more than the "typical" Japanese vagueness and pride (with all due respect for that wonderful culture) behind many of Yu Suzuki...
by jcjimher
Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:57 pm
Forum: News and Updates
Topic: Yu Suzuki Interview: Shenmue, From Prototypes to Today
Replies: 42
Views: 16703

Re: Yu Suzuki Interview: Shenmue, From Prototypes to Today

The interview was really interesting and informative. The tidbits about development and future plot elements were great...but at the same time I'm disappointed reading about Yu Suzuki's managerial plans to continue the series. I would have preferred to learn about some new or better strategies than ...
by jcjimher
Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:58 pm
Forum: News and Updates
Topic: Yu Suzuki Interview: Shenmue, From Prototypes to Today
Replies: 42
Views: 16703

What I remember the most from both Shenmue games is the music and the beauty/charisma of the surroundings. More than the story itself, which was passable but not much more. So, in order to enjoy new music and admire the new scenarios, I would prefer a movie. If it must be a book, at least they could...
by jcjimher
Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:05 pm
Forum: Shenmue III
Topic: Another medium for the Shenmue saga.
Replies: 20
Views: 1843

Virtua Quest first month sales in US: 579 copies

Or that's what I've read on Gaming Age forums (, where they usually comment official sales data.

I don't know what to say...

Edit: Perfect Dark for the N64 sold more than 1,400 copies on the same month...
by jcjimher
Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:58 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Virtua Quest first month sales in US: 579 copies
Replies: 15
Views: 1370

Just as Oni-ninja says, a direct-followup Shenmue III is quite unlikely to ever materialise IMO, it has been too long since II was released. A global remake on new systems (in one or more games) is slightly more likely, but now, afetr all this time passed, and the current situation at Sega and the g...
by jcjimher
Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:20 pm
Forum: Shenmue III
Topic: Do u think shemue 3 will ever materialise?
Replies: 53
Views: 6178

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