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Shenmue II Special Trailer HD Remaster

I've always wanted an HD version of the "Shenmue II Special Trailer" that Sega released at some point in the middle of 2001. I remember back then IGN usually had 640x480 versions of most of the trailers, but those have been lost to time. The only remaining copy that I can find is the low res-version on Disc 4 when you place it in a PC. This project was to remaster the trailer in HD.

Version 1 completed trailer:

My primary video source has been Mr357's Shenmue 2 movie, but there are several clips that are either from the wrong time of day, different in the final game (the lighthouse scene in Beverly Hills Wharf for example), or just aren't part of the 9 hours that Mr357 recorded. (7pm night transitions, Fengmei scene in the diner, etc.) Also, the font used in the trailer doesn't appear to be publicly available. A font search engine found me one that's close, but as you can see some letters are slightly different.

There are also some interesting differences to be noted in the scenes that do match. For example, the scene with Yuan and Duck Race Man in the basement of the warehouse, one of the random henchmen is different in the trailer. In some cases characters blink at different times.

This project has given me new appreciation for the time and effort required to produce a trailer, and it make sense now how time consuming it would've been for YSnet to produce a Shenmue 3 trailer for MAGIC this year. Putting together what you've seen so far took over 8 hours, and it's less than 2 minutes long. There are several scenes where things are chopped together not only in small bits, but out of order that they appear in the game. I wouldn't be surprised if the original version of this trailer took someone a few weeks to make.

I'm hoping to have a finished "draft" of the base trailer using the clips I have already have finished in a few weeks, then I can go back and replace some of the stuff that's inaccurate. I might also consider using something like SVP to interpolate the source footage to 60fps, but my current video editor actually only does 30. (There's a newer version that does 60, I just haven't had a reason to buy it yet.) I wanted to post the WIP here in case anyone's interested in helping to improve the accuracy at all. I can replace the font for example, if someone either finds the original or wants to recreate the existing text as vectors. Or if someone is interested in recording more 1080p source footage, it would save me time. Either way, I plan to finish this since it's over half way done.

What do you think?
by Sappharad
Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:36 pm
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Yu Suzuki's Conference at MAGIC 2018 [ENG]

Subtitles have now been completed for the video footage of Yu Suzuki's conference taken by Peter Campbell at MAGIC 2018.

(Translations by & Shenmue Forever.)

There is also a full written transcript up on the Phantom River Stone blog:
by Switch
Fri Mar 16, 2018 1:25 am
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Corey Marshall currently set to record VO in late May

Thanks to mjq jazz bar for finding this out. It seems to have slipped through the net.

A few days ago Corey posted a status on Facebook, and a fan asked him when VO recording for the English dub begins. Corey replied that currently the plan is for him to begin in late May.

While it's possible things could slip, seems the intention is to begin recording ASAP.
by Spaghetti
Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:01 pm
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Shenmusings (My Shenmue blog) UPDATED 3/7/18

Hi all! I've recently started my own Shenmue blog. I am intending this blog to be my space to share my thoughts, reflections, trivia and little known facts about the series - writing is the other passion I have in life, and I have wanted to somehow combine these passions for a long time now, hence Shenmusings. Some posts will get into my own personal history of the series, and of course my experiences with this very forum.

I hope you find the blog informative and enlightening to read - here are all of the posts I have made so far:

Discovering Shenmue (Part 1 of 2)
Discovering Shenmue (Part 2 of 2)
The Shenmue II Character Database
Antiquity Trees and Flower Girls: Symbolism in Shenmue (Part 1 of 2)
Antiquity Trees and Flower Girls: Symbolism in Shenmue (Part 2 of 2)
Men in Black Mix Up

The Phantom Teahouse Lady (And Other Devious Guidebook Lies)

Also, keep up to date via the Shenmusings Facebook and Twitter pages:
by Miles Prower
Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:33 am
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(APRIL FOOLS) Project Update #81: Shenmue 3 by Ys Net

Greetings backers!
Today we have something very special indeed for you.
Throughout this campaign, many people have voiced their concerns that newcomers to the Shenmue series may feel alienated. Currently, there is no easy or convenient way to play Shenmue I and II without original Dreamcast/Xbox hardware and that's something we'd like to change.

We don't have the budget to fund fully fledged HD remasters of the first two games. But we're not going to let this stop us from bringing new fans a way to enjoy Shenmue I and II.

After much hard work, we proudly present to you: Shenmue HD: The Choose Your Own Adventure novel!

A Story Retold:

Shenmue HD: The Choose Your Own Adventure is a complete retelling of the original two games in interactive novel form. Story and progression awaits you with every page turn. Much like the original video adaptation of the game, you can directly control Ryo's decisions and effect the way in which the story plays out.

New Features:

Shenmue HD: The Choose Your Own Adventure will also include extra features that were not previously available in the original games. An example of this is the ability to save anywhere in Shenmue I with the included 'Save Anywhere' bookmark!

Modding API:

And finally, here's something all you modders and hackers will love. For the first time EVER , an official modding API will be available for Shenmue I and II. With this powerful and flexible API you can do almost anything; from tweaking the story to your liking, to using our advanced 'book engine' to make something completely different. The possibilities are endless. The only limit is your imagination!

That about wraps up our special announcement. We hope that you're just as excited as we are for Shenmue HD: The Choose Your Own Adventure .
Be sure to catch us at E3 this June where we will have a playable demo available for the public to enjoy.

Many thanks for your continued support:
- The Awesome Japan Team and YS.NET

As always Dojo, have a great April!
by Jibby
Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:01 pm
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Re: (APRIL FOOLS) Project Update #81: Shenmue 3 by Ys Net

Yokosuka wrote: It's so cool that I added the game to my "collection".



Shenmue Paranormal sounds exciting! Is that the one where the Hazuki Dojo features on an episode of Ghost Hunters because Iwao won't stop haunting the place? :lol:
by Jibby
Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:06 am
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Re: (APRIL FOOLS) Project Update #81: Shenmue 3 by Ys Net

Carrot-obsessed martial arts ghost would be the best episode of Most Haunted, ever.
by Spaghetti
Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:11 am
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3D - Ryo's Room remake [ Updated : 04/17/2018 ]

Hello everyone,

I'm doing a remake of Ryo's room, everything is done from scratch, I don't reuse models and textures of original game, I used models only to respect the proportions

Do not hesitate to tell me what you think or if you have suggestions to improve my work.

Work in Progress ! ;-)

Render 04/17/2018:
by Rafik
Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:41 am
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Re: Ryo's Room remake - 3D [WIP]

Absoloutly phenomenal work. Im sure every Shenmue fan would love to explore various area of the game in VR.
by ShenSun
Fri Apr 06, 2018 8:40 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

It's $50 a game and the rule is...
by Chaikilla
Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:39 am
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Shenmue 1 & 2 game developers

Haven't seen this mentioned much yet so figured id post here. D3T's the company porting the games from their original code. Seems to be a small company based in the UK. If you look into their history, one of their bigger/most relevant accomplishments seems to be an award they won for helping port The Witcher 3 to ps4.

If you look at this opportunity from their perspective, this seems to be a pretty big deal for them as a company. Depending on the quality they deliver on this project, this could potentially set them up as a possible runner up or direct competitor to BluePoint. They seem thrilled to have this opportunity and have repeatedly mentioned on facebook the possibility of having developers diaries if there's enough interest. Instead of speculating about potential shortcomings, id love if we could come together and support these guys as much as possible. They're just people, and support goes a long way. Here's a link to their Facebook page. Cheers.
by TheThreeevils
Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:58 pm
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Recently Created Gaming Mug in Celebration

Hey guys!

In the excitement I decided to paint a new coffee mug for myself. I did this two weeks ago but thought you guys may like it.

One of the games displayed is of course Shenmue. I didn't want to put the 3 because I hoped the HD collection would be announced. Luckily it was.
The others are Uncharted (favorite series), Ghost of Tsushima (highly anticipated), Assassin's Creed (also a favorite), Red Dead Redemption 2 (highly anticipated), and Soul Calibur 6.

Not pictured on the other side of the mug is the Nintendo Switch side displaying Zelda, Smash Bros and the upcoming Yoshi.

I may make a completely Shenmue oriented one after the HD collection releases.
by Telekill
Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:38 am
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Re: Remaster VS Original Comparison Video

In this promo videdo you can see Shenhua with the same dead eyes as in the HD version.

You can see the same scene twice one with her ingame model the other one is exactly like the HD trailer, none is the same as the final retail version, that is another of the concerns I wanted to talk in the thread I created.
by Esppiral
Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:50 am
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Re: Nice to have Features for HD Release

Can I get the option to play in Japanese audio for S1, but still have Goro's english voice? I'd really like that.
by myshtuff
Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:29 am
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Shenmue Comparison Thread

Started this thread as a catchall for general comparisons. The other thread seemed to be focused specifically on the comparison video that was posted.

Here's a comparison between the new forklift screenshot and a screenshot from 4k, 16:9 emulation.

Shenmue Tree - courtesy of Sappharad

Shenhua Promotional Comparison - courtesy of Jibby

Shenhua Retail Comparison - courtesy of Jibby

Shenmue 2 Street- courtesy of BlueMue
by TheThreeevils
Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:59 am
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Re: What trophies/achievements do you want to see in 1 & 2 H

Not sure how legit this so take it with a grain of salt (I don't know anything about but it does look to be pulling the info from the steam API) is but I thought it was very interesting either way. It's an achievement list pulled for the games Steam listing. Obviously probably a work in progress so far too, but cool to look at :P

Shenmue I (24)
Shenmue II (24)
by SheepheadCG
Mon Apr 16, 2018 5:09 am
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Re: Remaster VS Original Comparison Video

iyapol wrote: Shenhua could be cross-eyed for all I care - we're getting Shenmue HD!


are you sure m8
by dietsoap
Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:51 pm
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Re: Concerns about Shenmue HD.

While I agree, the Xbox version looks stunning emulated at 4k.

It already looks better than the HD port imho.
by Esppiral
Mon Apr 16, 2018 3:21 pm
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Re: Any chance of a Collector's Edition?

Spaghetti wrote:
Peter wrote: Tweeting Sega Europe is your friend. I'd be all over that in a heartbeat.

I guess we all just found something to do on the third of the month now...


hahahaha :rotflmao:
by celsowm
Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:00 pm
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Re: No Time Skip In Shenmue I

I like to mention the facts about how the Beta of Shenmue technically has both a time skip option and save anywhere with the aid of its debug options. Not everyone knows about them so it might be interstings.

The save option brings up the regular menu where you select a file and save, just as one would expect. It just isn't 100% on the spot though as Ryo will be standing at an entrance point of the area he's in. NPCs also have to respawn wich can mess up their routines a bit.

The clock can be turned forward and back at 3 different speeds each at any point. This definatly messes up the NPC routines as they just can't keep up with their schedules and thus the streets will be very crowded and stores open with no one inside to attend it. These results are amusing in their own way but not something that should be seen normaly. Of course messing with the time whenever you like goes much further than skipping time in Shenmue II.

These examples shows where the problems are and why these features were ultimately easier to pull of Shenmue if not the only way to pull them of at all at the time. That is not to say that it's impossible to make this work properly with todays technology. The save files can be much much larger and include all the necessary locations and routine points of the NPCs as well as Ryo's of course.

The time skip wouldn't really mess up the NPCs the way they work in Shenmue II because you don't really see things moving about and the time will skip to the point where Ryo has to go to bed. Of course that means only points where Ryo has to wait for the next day are sure to work without issues but adding these would be enough.
Another approach to save some time would be to allow Ryo to advance time quickly in his bedroom until he can go to sleep. Or just make it possible to go to sleep whenever you want... though that approach really goes against the foundations of Shenmue.
by BlueMue
Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:00 pm
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Shenmue HD Fact sheet

I just put together this helpful fact sheet of all we know so far.

Shenmue HD fact sheet
includes both Shenmue 1 and 2

-1080p for consoles
-Scalable screen resolutions for PC
-Trophy/Achievement support
-Dual control scheme - updated or classic
-Dual audio language options - English and Japanese
-French, German, Korean, Chinese, English, Japanese subtitles
-New HD UI (user interface)
-Port is based on the ORIGINAL DREAMCAST SOURCE CODE – no emulation

- An artwork (?) poster comes with all standard physical copies of the game.
- NO collectors edition is planned
- Shenmue 1 will NOT include time skipping feature
- There are NO CURRENT plans to include a save transfer feature that carries over to Shenmue 3
- The version of Shenmue 2 included is based on the original Xbox port (the improved real-time shadows will carry over)

-Gameplay supports 16:9 widescreen but cut-scenes only display in 4:3
-New sky box for Shenmue 1
- New lighting

The following questions remain unanswered:
-What aspect ratio will the games run at? will there be a choice? -UNKNOWN
-Will the bloom effect be included in Shenmue 2? if so will there be an option to turn it off? - UNKNOWN
-Will the motion blur effect be included in Shenmue 2? (i'd rather it wasn't) If so, will there be an option to turn it off?- UNKNOWN
-Will the passport features of Shenmue 1 be included? - UNKNOWN
-Will the 'Shenmue collection' extras from Shenmue 2 be included? - UNKNOWN
-Will the photo mode option of Shenmue 2x be retained? if so will the comics still unlock when one has collected all the required NPC photos? UNKNOWN
-Will there be any enhancements for XBox one X or ps4 pro? - UNKNOWN
-Will the audio be improved over the original release, e.g. uncompressed dialogue audio? - UNKNOWN
-Will the Guilin intro music from the xbox port be corrected? (the wrong track was used in the original xbox port - the cut-scene where Ryo steps off the boat)- UNKNOWN
-Will the skybox from Shenmue 1 be improved? (original was very pixilated) - UNKNOWN
-Were there any licenced products that had to be removed from the games? if so what? - UNKNOWN
- Will the loading times be significantly reduced? - UNKNOWN
- Will there be a greater number of save slots available for Shenmue 1 and 2? if so how many? UNKNOWN
- Will the 'save and exit' option remain for Shenmue 1 or will a 'save anywhere' feature be added? UNKNOWN
- Will an 'exit to title screen' option be added (rather than having to hold down face buttons and start)? UNKNOWN
- Will controller vibration feedback be added to the games? UNKNOWN

Developer of the re-master:
-d3t - are located in Cheshire, England, whose previous work includes the PS4 port of Witcher 3, Little Big Planet 3 and Sega’s Mega drive collection.

“We can finally reveal that the d3t team have been resurrecting Shenmue from the original source code written over 20 years ago! We are bringing Shenmue and Shenmue II to modern platforms: Playstation4, Xbox One and PC. It's been a journey of discovery, delving into the original code, also an honour and a privilege to work on such high-profile titles, delivering this classic franchise to new platforms and new audiences.”

Release info:
-Release date - 2018 TBA
-PS4 & XBOX ONE – both Physical and digital release (EU and North America)
-PC – Steam (EU and NA)
-Japan – PS4 ONLY

Price :
-US$29.99 (£20 -£25)
by johnvivant
Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:44 am
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Re: No Time Skip In Shenmue I

A lot of people calling this decision "admirable". My money says that Sega is too lazy to implement a time skip. They're adding zero features to the game that require any real work. It would be in everyone's best interest for them to add the time skip, but this is about getting some of the free money strolling by - not an attempt to help resurrect the series.

So getting shenmue 1 & 2 hd and being able to play it on pc and ps4 and whatnot is not enough...We've got nothing to complain about really, a couple of years ago the idea of shen 1 & 2 HD and s3 being released, let alone on the same year, seemed ridiculous...
I'm ecstatic that we're getting a physical release of Shenmue 1+2 on modern consoles. Just don't give Sega any credit for merely hopping on the gravy train. The fans and YS resurrected the series. Now Sega will cash in with a minimal effort.

I will play the hell out of this port, but I'm a fan of the original games already. Newcomers to the series will be looking to these ports to determine if they want to purchase Shenmue 3. The moment they are inundated with Shenmue 1's requirement of wasting time they will be turned off. That's a scenario that affects the future of Shenmue and should be a concern to everyone here.
by mrandyk
Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:19 pm
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Re: No Time Skip In Shenmue I

Just read some explanations (both here and in other sites) on why a Time Skip ("Wait" option) feature can not be implemented in Shenmue I, from a technical standpoint. I don't claim to be an expert nor I want to debate, but here's what I believe:

About the concerns that it will break the game (in technical terms, not aesthetic):
We have experience from the BETA 0.400. If you use the Debug Menu and in/de-crease time, things will indeed start to break.
If we think how Shenmue II handles time skip we'll probably understand that it's not a big deal to make this to happen in Shenmue I, too.
The point is, every time ...time is increased/skipped, the game screen fades away and a cutscene/event starts. Basically, things are being reset .
Even in Shenmue I, when you do a Quick Save, and then you start/load the game again, things start from that specific time. So things has been reset, and start from the point of a specific time.

Therefore, Time Skip will work in Shenmue I, provided there's also a (hidden, that is only the devs can do it) Reset function, which takes account what time currently is.
And, if we think about it, there is already a Reset function, which indeed is being called (for example) after the end of a cutscene. So, the code for that already exists in Shenmue I.

tl;dr: Time Skip ("Wait" option) feature is feasible to be included in Shenmue I, because the code for both the 'time skip' and the 'reset function' (that is, put things to work again relative to a specific time) already exists.
by Giorgio
Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:07 pm
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Re: Famitsu Article

Welcome Allan. Pleasure to have you on the forums!
by Peter
Thu Apr 19, 2018 11:52 am
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Re: Famitsu Article

I think its best I don't talk about 4:3 vs 16:9. All I will say is that for technical reasons parts of the game are currently limited to 4:3. If you play the game in an emulator with a widescreen hack you will see some of the issues.

We've ported the xbox version of Shenmue II so yes it does have stencil shadows.

Hello, just wanted too ask you to clarify something. When you say widescreen hacks, are you referring to the option in like NullDC to turn on extra geometry, or referring to a true widescreen hack like found in this thread? We have pretty much solved making the games widescreen on Sega Dreamcast and fixed the issue with the geometry clipping where it renders things off screen differently.

Old widescreen hack

New widescreen hack
by Anthony817
Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:52 pm
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Re: Famitsu Article

***Mod note: This was proven false on the following pages. Please keep reading***

Hello Allan. Thank you very much for interacting with us.
You will probably get countless posts about fixing up the XBOX versions texture issues and horrid bloom, but that is because a lot of us are very passionate about the original Dreamcast game. There are some glaring geometry issues with the XBOX game.

Also, the aspect ratio is wrong in the remaster. You're most likely already aware, but just in case...
by brad86
Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:10 am
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Re: How many copies are you gonna buy?

I will buy 3 copies for me (PS4/XB1/PC) and if they release the game on Switch I will buy it too. I dont even have a XB1 or a Switch but I want to have one for each system as a means to show support and for my collection.

I also plan to buy some PC keys, Im planning to buy around 10 keys to giveaway so I can help the game reach new players who might be curious but are unsure to buy one themselves.

If I can make at least one new person fall in love with the game then I will be satisfied.
by Shuyian
Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:04 am
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