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Re: Demul - Now with a new What's Shenmue fix - 31/07/15

OP has been updated with the latest build of Demul, this one has a few nice improvements and fixes and one nice fix for What's Shenmue.

I would like for you to give it a test with Shenmue, Shenmue II and What's Shenmue, and please provide feedback on any issues you may find.

There have been rumors on a "dialogue skipping" issue when playing emulated Shenmue games (on NullDC, Reicast and Demul) so please let me know if you encounter such issue with NullDC or Demul. I'd very much appreciate it if you could provide a save file at the spot when you notice such bugs if possible.
by masterchan777
Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:22 pm
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Re: What would you want changed for a Shenmue HD?

ShenGCH wrote:- Replace the rotary dial with keypads on the phones



[-X [-( =;
by Himuro
Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:33 pm
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Re: A shame there will never been HD remaster of both games

Yeah, and we won't get Shenmue III either. =D>
by Mr357
Fri Jan 01, 2016 5:19 pm
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Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

I got a lot of support on my way to Monaco through reactions on this Twitter Image:

It's not easy to have a trip from the Netherlands to Monaco by plane with a young family at 3:30AM on Friday 26th.

My most valuable moment of MAGIC was during the signing session; My eldest daughter was showing the Ryo Statue to Yu Suzuki (before she had a bad feeling about drawing with a permanent marker on her statue :P )
Yu pushed his Golden iPhone 6Plus to our side of the table and asked to make picture with him and the kids.

The interpreter took some pictures; 1,5hours later we discovered this tweet from Yu himself:

Thankful for the support I got from my beloved wife :heart:
by rdk_nl
Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:27 pm
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Re: Monaco Magic 2016 - Official Discussion Topic

Yu Suzuki interview at MAGIC Monaco 2016 by

Julien : Hello Mr. Suzuki. I'm glad to meet you again today, even more in these fortunate circumstances where Shenmue III finally happens!
Yu Suzuki : Thank you very much!

What progress has been made in the development after 7 work months?
YS : Nothing has obviously been done properly. At the story writing level, I can tell you that the story is done at 95%.

You've been clear about the fact that Shenmue III will not conclude the complete story of the saga. But what will be the percentage of what remains to be told in Shenmue III ?
YS : The Shenmue story in its entirety will be normally divided, from the beginning to the end, into 11 chapters. Shenmue III will cover chapter 5 and 6.

Even a Shenmue 4 might not be enough to conclude the saga. Ideally, do you think a fifth or even a sixth episode would be necessary at this rate ?
YS : No, I wouldn't go that far ! Rather than going until Shenmue 6, I would like to rearrange things in order to reach the end sooner, even if it means to take some shortcuts... No I don't want to go until a sixth episode.

Five is the ideal ?
YS : I can't tell you more. Anyway I would like to especially focus on the third at the moment !

In the Kickstarter, a "trial version" has been mentioned. It's a playable demo which will be offered to the backers before the Shenmue III release. Have you an idea about when you will be able to bring it to us?
YS : This year, I fear that will be pretty complicated. It will be next year.

Can you tell us when Shenmue III will begin exactly?
YS : It will be just after the Shenmue II end.

Do you mean it will begin exactly there? In the cave?
YS : All I can tell you is that I don't want to skip a chapter. For instance, it might be the day after the Shenmue II end.

You talked about a lot of stuff during the conference like the combat system but not the QTEs. How will they evolve in Shenmue III?
YS : Yes that's true, I would like to add a new system to the QTEs. I will test different things to see what happens, then I keep the best. It's difficult to tell you more before the tests end.

But could these new systems change our habits?
YS : No, not that far. It would rather be an "advanced" QTE system. What would be revolutionary is to create QTEs in a world where they don't exist yet. Here, they do. The idea is more about adding things to what it exists. Ideally, I would like to create revolutionary things beyond the QTEs level. But with a release planned for 2017, the time is limited. I wonder if introducing them would be possible.

Can we get some precisions about these possible new features? Are they linked with the free battle for instance?
YS : Yes it might involve the combat systems. But above all, there is a new interface system and I'm thinking a lot about it. But I'm not sure yet if I can implement it in time. So I'm unable to tell you more.

It's so mysterious and exciting ! Let's go on to another topic. Can you give us precisions about the Shenmue I & II flashbacks which will occur in Shenmue 3?
YS : For instance, these flashbacks will occur at moments when Ryo touches objects that make him thinking about some things and memories. The kind of this.

So, will these flashbacks be videos captured from the previous episodes or fresh cutscenes powered by the new engine in order to keep a visual unity?
YS : I'm not sure yet but according the time it would require to make these cutscenes with the new engine, I fear that would take too much time. Once again, the remaining development time might be problematic.

I have a pretty specific question about something I loved in Shenmue 1 and disappeared in Shenmue 2. It's about the possibility to practice alone, for instance on the parking, then see the level of each move goes up... Will we be able to do so in Shenmue III ?
YS : Hmmm...

It was awesome! You have to make this happening in Shenmue III !
YS : I'll remember this!

I also would like to know if we will find back the same pace than the two first episodes. The same progression based on investigation where you had to ask questions to that person, who told us to meet another one, etc.
YS : Yes we'll continue in that direction. However the general feel is going to change as some systems will evolve.

Will you continue the idea of giving absolutely an identity to each NPC with their own house, workplace and individual schedule ?
YS : We will see if we can make it for all of them. In any case, that's what I want, yes.

My interview deadline has already expired. Here a little bonus question: at the Shenmue I end, Guizhang told to Ryo to leave Japan without him and said he will join him later... Does it mean we'll find back this character in Shenmue III?
YS : It's not planned at the moment.

Thank you Mr. Suzuki and good luck for the future!
YS : Thank you!
by Yokosuka
Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:42 pm
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Re: how does your gameroom look like??

here is mine:
my girlfriend made all of this for me, also the framed painting with outrun and other favorite games of me done on them (strijkkraaltjes, don't know english word ;)). she's very handy. all systems you see are hooked up at once and can be played at any time. my ps4 and other ps3 are in living room downstairs.

the painting of ico was made by my dad several years ago.

please post yours and also what you have for shenmue
Sick. I like how colourful and organised it is, very pleasing to look at.

Mine is in boxes at the moment and to be honest I'm not sure how much of it I will hang onto in future but set up it looks like this.
by Bambi
Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:05 pm
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how does your gameroom look like??

here is mine:

my girlfriend made all of this for me, also the framed painting with outrun and other favorite games of me done on them (strijkkraaltjes, don't know english word ;)). she's very handy. all systems you see are hooked up at once and can be played at any time. my ps4 and other ps3 are in living room downstairs.

the painting of ico was made by my dad several years ago.

please post yours and also what you have for shenmue
by drunkensailor
Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:44 pm
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Re: how does your gameroom look like??

Some truly amazing and inspiring setups here! Much more focused and in one spot then I have it.
So many systems bunched up under the TVs, magnificent!

I made some photos of my room, wich is rather uniquely differently constructed. Basically a clockwise toor around it.
It's a small room and I also have to sleep there so space has to be used wherever possible and as efficient as possible. So my stuff is spread everywhere and almost the entire wall area is covered. I'd rather have some nice shelves from the floor to the ceiling and all but the setup still has it's own charme..
by BlueMue
Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:51 am
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Re: how does your gameroom look like??

I'll post my games in a bit. The problem is, they're all in boxes since I'm getting ready to move.

The rest

Imgur album if you want a little context
by Mr357
Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:20 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

One day you kids will learn just how pointless ideological debates on a videogame forum really are. Or maybe you won't. I don't really care.
Either way, if you can't say anything nice...
Nah, scratch that. You don't have to be "nice," nor do you have to respect a religion itself. What you do have to do, however, is be mindful of the fact that some people here might subscribe to those religions, and therefore any vulgarity-infused insults directed at the religion might begin to look like personal attacks on an individual.
Avoid that, mmkay?
by OL
Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:54 pm
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Re: Shenmue Jokes Thread

Why does Ryo hate cookies?

Because everyone keeps saying to him "Oh hey Oreo!"
by SMDzero
Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:19 am
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