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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat


I played Ninja Gaiden as a child and remember how well the game aged over the years. It had interestingly designed snow levels and bosses. It was also difficult, which in my opinion can immortalize a game, which is why it is so important. Years later, I observed a friend purchase Ninja Gaiden for Xbox with caution. I thought they might ruin the game, so after he beat it and showed me the amazing graphics, I still was skeptical. I eventually broke down and bought NG for the Xbox. To my surprise, the game was intact with its roots and very martial arts oriented. I loved the combat and the levels were well done. I felt accomplished after beating it and went on to beat part 2 for the Xbox 360.

Then after beating 2, I saw Ninja Blade on the shelf for a very cheap price. I kept hearing about the Ninja Gaiden clone that it was and felt that it could be a good thing. I purchased it and found that to be somewhat true. It is like NG, but it is more streamlined and has additional elements.

One of the first things that will stand out to you is the fact that it is loaded with QTE's. Some people hate this, but I think it helps give an interactive feel to the cinematic heavy experience. Also the QTE's are very well integrated into the combat so they don't feel like add-ons. Another thing that you will notice right away is the fact that the level are like huge movies. There is no saving in between. You better just have the hour it may take to clear the level, because you only save in between them. I didn't mind this that much, because the level were so epic, you really don't feel like playing more than 1 at a time. The story in this game is very convoluted. The city and world are slowly being overcome by parasites that infest people and turn them into monsters. The hero's father is soon found to be infected. The first level is like a huge movie where the hero is almost killed. The story is not explained well, yet the game almost tries to flaunt its depth which is stupid.

The boss battles are huge and can be very frustrating. One particular boss you fight a couple of times, and I dreaded facing him. The levels are sometimes straight forward, and sometimes call for you to back track with no real clues. The weapon system is simple. You have 3 main weapons, different distances and strengths. You upgrade them. You have 3 ninjutsu spells that you also spend points upgrading. The game isn't really super deep like NG. You can customize your look which I love, with clothing, emblems, etc that you find throughout the levels.

In the end, the game is a very well done clone. It has its own style. It's difficult simplicity with a lot of style. The difficulty rounds the game off and helps keep it from being somewhat mediocre. It's all about gameplay with this one. The ending tried to tie up loose ends that it never even properly developed. The poor story telling kept me from being gripped by the game. Thankfully, the fun gameplay, cool customization, graphics and difficulty saved the day.

by Jokatech19
Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:16 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

I'm trying to get people to follow my music on SoundCloud. Not sure the best way to go about it. If you can, and are into music, follow me- Jokatech on SoundCloud and if you like the stuff let people know. Thanx
by Jokatech19
Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:18 pm
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Re: General Anime Discussion

I just finished watching episode 84 of Rurouni Kenshin. What I always loved about this show is the historical practicality and social undertones. This particular episode got me to thinking about how society has tended to degenerate over time. It's sad, but in the episode, the leader of a ninja group puts Japan in a vulnerable position allowing foreigners to dominate them, in hopes of getting power for herself. That simplistic and backwards thinking is something that plagues a lot of cultures and societies around the world. Countries ripe with resources will allow foreign powers to rape them in hope of a little money and power that lasts for just a generation. Because of greed, the United States is actually doing worse than in the past. In the days of less medical technology, healthcare and the economy were doing better, which makes no sense.
by Jokatech19
Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:41 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Today is finally the pre-release of my album- "Those Silent." Soon it'll be on ITunes after I iron it out. I like the CD, but had this urge to cram a lot of new ideas on it towards the end. I started listening to so much new music and have a lot of inspiration now.
by Jokatech19
Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:29 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

OL wrote: Cool. What name do you go by on there? I typed in Turning Point and came up with a ton of stuff...

You can use Jason K. Addae and it should work. The title has to be typed - The Turning Point.
by Jokatech19
Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:38 pm
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

I just downloaded Wolf Fang, an old Data East game. I'm really getting into digging into old, and challenging classics, after all of these discussions I have with my friend reminiscing about the golden age.
by Jokatech19
Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:26 pm
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

I'm going to review The Red Star when I beat it.
by Jokatech19
Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:11 pm
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Re: What are you currently playing?

I'm trudging my way through The Red Star on PSP right now. It is one of those historically hard games. It has received very little attention. The only things I find are isolated little threads of lore speaking of how certain bosses are unbeatable and the few who have braved the game are stuck. I feel like it's 1995 all over again, and there are no walkthroughs or strategies for the game I'm playing. It's this unknown beast, that I plan on being the first to write reviews and guides on. Kind of cool.
by Jokatech19
Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:10 pm
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

I'm on the last stage...Pray for me.
by Jokatech19
Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:31 pm
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat


Wow. Where do I begin? This is the biggest review I ever wrote. This is such an unknown and uncovered game, that a review and analysis are needed. This game came out in 2007 if I'm not mistaken. Originally it was on the PS2, but then transferred over to the PSP after some time. When I downloaded it, it was as part of the reparations package for those of us who got our accounts hacked in the big PSN scam. I really didn't expect that much, but upon seeing the premise of the game, I was somewhat attracted to it. The graphics are good-looking and the game has a nice mixture of RPG, Shooter, Beat-em-up elements. It's like Killzone meets Samurai warriors. Usually, games that combine such an array of characteristics tend to damper them down and be underwhelming, but the combo system, as well as the upgrade system and shooting mechanics are great.

Originally, I was going to fill this review with a profanity laced rant to start off, but I've calmed down now. You see, this game's lasting quality is that I can honestly say, it is the hardest game of all time. Somewhere, I swear, a little vessel of evil shattered when I conquered the last boss. This game's difficulty is so historic, it makes the plot feel important. The game is about some Neo-Soviet Government in the future. you are part of a militia set to take down the evil Troika who is a cyborg, and his robot army. The enemies are very varied, and require the full use of your arsenal. You have a blade and 3 guns- a machine gun, flame thrower, and rocket launcher. They can all be upgraded with points you receive at the end of each mission based on your performance. You get a pop us icon that gives you a strategy page, if you choose, that explains how to tackle key enemies you approach in a stage. You will need it. They even give it to you if it’s been a while since you faced the enemy, and it is much needed. The action on the stages is melee combat with top down shooting which is like a hectic space shooter in it’s mechanics. The shooter portions rival Gunbird 2 on max difficulty after a while. There are even a couple of space shooter stages when you are inside of a ship taking out a tank. That was actually a reasonable stage. Old school gamers appreciate legendary boss battles, and will not be disappointed with this game. The bosses are huge and tough. Some have extra forms.

That’s all I’ll get into as far as the setup. The major thing is the difficulty. Most games are designed to challenged your reflexes and endurance. However, this game adds the twist of making you change the way your brain is wired. In even the most difficult shmups, you have to learn patterns and strategize accordingly. In this game, the bosses and enemies are so frantic and insane, you learn methodologies not patterns. You have a shield that overloads after 1 or 2 hits. Your guns overheat if fired for too long. Enemies alter their patterns and strategies, so there is no safe zone, or pattern to memorize. You will find yourself in boss fights where you have to see the entire route you must maneuver in split seconds. It’s not reasonable in the slightest. I didn’t see the difficulty taking a real turn until around level’s 12 to 14. That’s when I began to look online and see that there were no codes or guides. The only video is of some autistic kid ripping through the stages like a maniac untouched. You can’t call that a strategy for a human to follow. I saw some legends whispered quietly on message boards about how the game is unbeatable. The only 1 or 2 people who did beat it used 2 players on PS2 and no one has used the male character. The girl in the game has a dash, excellent guns, and quick speed and combos made for the game. The guy has none of that.

I felt like I was screwed and I just played a broken game. I was close to giving up, but decided to grit down and continue. The game has 19 levels. I got to level 18, and hit another wall. That level is another legend on the boards. Many called it the Waterloo and they were teamed up. Here I am on the PSP which has no 2 player and I’m using the useless male character. I kid you not, this game gave me an ulcer. I had cramps, strained blood vessels, and sleepless nights. It’s a game that physically affects you with its difficulty, and blights you life. I knew I’d be in a foul mood quitting near the end, so I pressed on. When I got to the last level, I thought I was home free. However, the last boss is a freaking summation of the entire game if there is one. He has 3 stages and like many enemies gets more frantic, the better you do. I was at a friend’s house and literally broke down in near tears. My friend’s son is a child prodigy. He’s one of those kids who yawns through Megaman 1-10. I figured I’d train him to help me. Even he was overwhelmed by this game. I eventually broke down and told him I’m retiring from gaming and give him the crown. I sat in silence bitter tears. I cursed the fact that I decided to start playing the game. He actually gave me a talking to that I couldn’t quit things in life just like that. I decided to try alittle more, and just when I was throwing my hands up, I got a slight break in the fight that allowed me to take out the boss with my last sliver of life. I was speechless. The production quality needs improvement, but I don’t think they expected people to beat their little game. No music on the credits, no ending sequence. However, it’s hard to be mad. You are part of an elite club if you beat The Red Star and deserve the extra arena mode it unlocks. It's good and very rare for a game to be eternally remembered, even if just for difficulty. I recommend this game not for being great, but for the fact that I know it will shake you to your foundation, and I’d love to see everyone suffer as I have. Enjoy- 7.5/10
by Jokatech19
Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:49 pm
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

That's the thing. I've played a few Bullet Hell shooters that look more insane than The Red Star. But the reason it trumps them all by far is that all of those games have patterns and reason to them. The Red Star doesn't. There isn't a repetitive dance you can use to weave through the bullets. You have to attack it with a methodology, and constantly use your reflexes and intuition. Some enemies and most of the bosses- especially later ones, attack frantically with a move set in an opportunistic fashion. It's one of those games you have a window of time to beat. When you reach an age where your reflexes slow down a hair, I can see it being impossible. I do want to find that comic.

I was looking at the vid link you posted. Really nice looking game. Looks familiar. I kind of chuckled, because normally I would have considered that pretty hectic, but after playing Red Star, I'm scarred. The collision in that game is super forgiving compared to Red Star. It basically is a matter of sticking with the pattern and outlasting the boss.

If you play Red Star, I suggest using the guy for full effect. No one seems to have used him. It reminds me of when I was playing Phantasy Online episodes 1 and2, in how the character feels like they aren't designed for the high octane action in the game. I remember fighting Dark Falz in that game and feeling like I was in quick sand.
by Jokatech19
Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:37 pm
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Re: Eurogamer: 'Shenmue 3 as close to being announced.....

I hear what Eurogamer is trying to say, but I disagree in large part. First of all, to call yourself a Shenmue fan, and then to see the Skyrim generation of games as a replacement to it, is beyond hypocritical. The demographic that Shenmue touched is still untouched. There hasn't been a game that has put a young Japanese boy into an open 3d world set in the mid 80's, using only martial arts, as he uncovers the mystery of his father's murder. The only gaming that exists today targets the lovers of FPS's, fighting games, demon-conjuring games, and War Sims. None of those are up the alley of the purists that love Shenmue. You can say the target market is relatively small in today's world, but don't sit there and say in this demon-infested game world, that the premise of Shenmue has been done over and over again over the last 12 years- because that's just nonsense. And the progression of technology isn't an issue with a game that is more about the story and execution than the flair. Shenmue wasn't a mindless action game that relied on captivating you with it's visuals and speed. Those were just perks at the time. Shenmue 3 could come out today looking like Shenmue 2 on the Xbox, and I'd be just as interested.

I've said in the recent past that I wouldn't want Shenmue 3 to come out at this point, but for a different reason. Today's gaming is what is wrong with gaming. Shenmue stood for a time that was right in gaming history. I'm afraid that if it came out today, it would be influenced by current generation fads and lose the purity that made it great. Staying itself is the last thing that is wrong with it Eurogamer..
by Jokatech19
Sun Apr 13, 2014 5:47 pm
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Re: Eurogamer: 'Shenmue 3 as close to being announced.....

Honesty would solve so much in this world. People can't come out with the fidelity and identify with who they are. These days, the world is filled with simple-minded people who like simple-minded stuff, and hate artistic things being that they signify intellect. But no one has the guts to admit that. Rather, things that aren't indicative of the times we live in, and that don't cater to stupidity, are themselves called stupid. That childish, reverse psychology is old and on my last nerve. I know Shenmue's script writing isn't the best ever, and I've never called it a perfect game, but to call it's premise dumb, and to say that it's selling point is being an empty, yet graphical game, is stupidity defined. The premise is more purist material than stupid. It isn't commercially viable because it isn't demon play or gun-play. And no, Suzuki should NOT sully the series by incorporating those elements for the pleasure of the common idiot. If he is willing to make S3 for the few of us with brains left, all the power to him. If he wants to rake in money, forget it then. I'm sick of hearing "pop" referred to as great and progressive. Pop is whatever is degenerate and stupid.
by Jokatech19
Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:19 pm
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Re: What TV series are you watching?

I've been planning to get into some of the new series' out there like Breaking Bad and Orange is the New Black, but OMG

Me and my brother watched this as kids and used to hate how nosey Columbo would infiltrate and disrupt, at times, perfect murders. We often found ourselves rooting for the criminals in this show and in Matlock. I totally forgot how freaking hilarious this show was!!!

Super well written and directed though.
by Jokatech19
Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:25 pm
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Legend of Dragoon

I remember an age of golden video games, and a time that was still innocent. This game is one of the games that takes me back to that time. In fact, it's probably the only demo I've every played over and over back when it came out. LOD was a game that I initially didn't know much about. My best friend at the time got a copy on his PS and I went over to his house as usual to play games when he decided to show it off to me. I got my hands on a demo for my PS around that time and played it alot. When he was almost done with the game, he tried to get me to come over and see the ending. I went to his house, but instinctively didn't pay much attention to the last part of the game he was playing. I'm glad I did that. He would have spoiled it for me.

I'm glad to have played this game now after all these years and completed it, because I actually appreciate it more. Years ago, to have a game of this scope even on 4 Cd's was impressive. To have such a treat downloadable on PSN is amazing. I downloaded it for the PSP some time ago and enjoyed the last parts of the game with headphones and a quiet room. Hearing the surround sound brings me right back to that golden era of gaming.

Production wise, this game, to me, has not lost a single step over all these years. It's robust, and complete in it's execution. Alot of attention is paid to detail even in this old game, that modern games sometimes miss. I tend to shy from turn based RPG's these days, as they feel very rigid and predictable, but this is one of the rare exceptions. It has a decent enough story that is told very well. It feels good to master the combat system as it utilized a reflex based combo system that you have to master to enjoy the benefits of. The music in the game was incredible and worthy of a soundtrack purchase. That holds up as well today. It's one of those games I would play again. I spent 82 hours on this playthrough, and I missed some key things that I couldn't go back to.

One thing I pride the PSP and Vita for are being the handheld systems that I used to dream about as a kid. I always envisioned a system that would bring breathtaking gaming experiences to a portable platform. Certain games take advantage of that well. It is impressive for a PS classic to achieve that after all these years. I definitely like this game alot. If anything left a sour taste in my mouth, it was the voice acting at the very end of the game. It was beyond atrocious. To me, it feels like underpaid voice actors doing their best to sabatoge the developers' efforts. No one, let alone an entire group of people, is that damn emotionless an monotone. It's clearly forced and exaggerated. It almost deflates the experience, and if I were the lead developer on that team, I would have had the actors jumped for what they did. Other than that, it was an amazing experience. As I said, I'm more partial to real time RPG's as the challenge is more consistent. This game, like many traditional rpg's, to a seasoned gamer will become a movie fest after the first playthrough. That just comes down to your preference.

Score: 8.9/10
by Jokatech19
Sun Jul 06, 2014 3:42 am
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

N.O.V.A -Near Orbital Vanguard Alliance

This is my proud review of an ambitious title named NOVA by a developement team known as Gameloft. Many of you may have seen this series, which I believe is on its second part, on tablets. The company has actually made it a mission to fill in voids in the mobile market game libraries as well as for the Sony network, including the handheld systems and Playstation Mobile.

This game is a mobile answer to microsofts's Halo series. Now, there is a review out there that does a fair job reviewing this game, but I think that when it was written, the game was overly criticized and weighed against incongruent competition. The game starts off with the marine force kidnapping a you- a former marine, for a dire mission to save mankind. Aliens have launched an all out attack after a human disturbance of their maid citadel. The story is actually pretty intruiging and makes you think of the possiblities of a sequel as the game plays out. Your name is Kal Hardin, and you will travel across some surprisingly lush landscapes in a quest to find out information and stop the alien threat. Cutscene-wise, there aren't many movies to see, but there are a good amount of visuals to behold.

This game is a PSP mini that is just about the limit of 100mb in size. It is a title I thought they hampered with some bad reviews as it drew attention from the main market, to the cheaper mini market. I talked with indie developers for a while on the pspmini site trying to see if we could get more ambitious projects like this underway before the minis were shut down. I had some ideas, but unfortunately was unable to get them materialized.

The control scheme follows suit of Syphon Filter and other base FPS's on the PSP, which is serviceable. You use the analog to move and the face buttons to aim. alot of people complained about this when the system launched, yet we all enjoyed quite a few excellent games on the system using this setup. That's another area where comparisons blight the judgment. You have a nice array of weapons including a handgun, shotgun, machine gun, sniper rifle, grenades, and later a rocket launcher and an alien plasma rifle. Complaint-wise, I must say that the handgun is a bit weak, and the grenades have poor physics and do far too little damage within far too small a radius. It's ridiculous really. You character also has a power which allows him to freeze an enemy with a blast for a short time at the cost of some shield. You're shield and health are one. They regenerate, but when depleted, you are dead.

Later in the game, you face some very touch enemies. Some of them are humans that have been turned into aliens, and these huge bomb-dropping ogre-statues. Both of those enemies can be very annoying. The game is a bit like Halo in length having about 13 levels. The few bosses that it has are pretty interesting and epic, calling for alot of action and movement, which I like.

The thing is that the game has an unlockable hard difficulty, which is nice, but other than that only has a trophy system that, once maxed out leaves nothing else to do. There is an extra mode called levels which allows you to play any level that you have beaten, but in my opinion, that mode should have been scrapped for a small arena mode that let's you fight enemies from the game in a survival mode. That's a tried and true formula that people still don't seem to get! Those adjustments would have made this a classic in my eyes. I still believe they did what they set out to do in this one, and the execution is very good for a mini. It's games like this that makes you mad at the bigtime dev's knowing the great games they could have been giving us all along. I wish the minis lasted long enough for us to have seen the sequel on PSP, but oh well. I give this game the same score as the other reviewer did, but with a different reason. It really is a solid experience. 8.0/10
by Jokatech19
Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:06 pm
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

The Con is both an underrated and annoyingly difficult game. I'm not a bettor, but it's cool to learn something from a game, even if it's just how to work the odds.
by Jokatech19
Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:56 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Yes! My album review is up on Music Emissions! ... m_id=18040
by Jokatech19
Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:25 pm
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat


Wow. This game is a throwback for me at this point. I just finished it. Believe it or not, I actually logged over 200 hours into this game before I beat it. I must say that I not only enjoyed the game, but I grossly disagree with the reviews that I've seen out there on the internet.

The Con was a launch title for the PSP back in 2005. At the time, I was working at Modell's and going to X-ray school. I was graduating that year, but determined to get either the PSP or the Nintendo DS at launch. For long months, I looked at every game magazine I could, comparing both of the upcoming handheld consoles. I really was a Nintendo fanboy at that point, and wanted a reason to get the DS at launch, but I saw such a weak launch line-up and no real guarantee of system quality. I had the Gameboy Advance SP before that, and I was actually angry at how fast the game industry started to move at that time. That marked the end of the era where consoles were long-term investments by design. I also remember how at that time, video game magazines actually had information worth reading that you wouldn't see on the web. The internet, during the early 2000's, up until past 2005, was still somewhat limited. Social media wasn't fully in control yet. In fact, it's still amazing to think back to the fact that while I was in high school, none of that existed at all. We went online during those days, to take care of business, chill on chat rooms for a minute, play a few PC games, and then we were off. In those days, our lives weren't tied yet to computers or smart phones which didn't really exist yet. As a student in school, I remember selling a huge amount of my games to get the money ready to get one of the handheld consoles. I was mad that the SP was dead, and for about 2 years, Nintendo had been announcing the upcoming DS, and we all speculated as to what it would be like. I liked the library for the Gameboy Advance, especially towards the end, and I remember Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories being the last game I beat for it. I sat in awe, watching the ending, and hearing the entire them song being played during it. What an experience.

I looked at the footage for the PSP launch games, and it seemed more honest. They were also honest with their only weakness, which was the battery life. I soon found that it wasn't that big of an issue. That was the first time in history that Sony, a company I had hated, was actually the well wishing company. Nintendo was so used to dominating the handheld market, that they put little effort into the process of the release. They showed very little footage. None of it looked impressive to me, except for what looked like a cutscene from a slated Sonic game, which wouldn't actually be released until years after the system launched. It looked cool, but I knew it was a farce due to the scant images. Ultimately, I decided to get the PSP. I was super excited when I finally had the money together. Among the titles I got when it launched was Metal Gear, Wipeout, and I got "The Con" a bit later. When I got it, I was drawn in by the graphics and the very detailed combat I saw. Like other PSP titles, I didn't get into it until later. When I did, I didn't understand the mechanics or the betting system.

The game teaches you about the odds system, and how to bet against and for yourself in matches, and take dives, or pull out upsets. It follows a surprisingly deep story of a combatant who comes to the aid of gang leader who is nearly killed by an underground lord who runs a fight organization. The entire game is based around getting enough money together to climb the ranks and compete in his tournament. The ultimate plan is to then take him down. The way the cutscenes and story unfold are very good, and that will surprise you for the kind of game that it is. Also, the customizing options are very elaborate and involved.

I created my fighter, assembled and named my team, and began putting together my arsenal of moves. The game has very deep mechanics that will seem simple at first glance. That's the same thing that is the case with Smash Brothers Melee. I hear a lot of simple people state how simple Super Smash Brothers is, and also say that The Con isn't a full fighting game, due to your feet being planted during combat, and being unable to jump. If that's the case, then the deepest fighting game that I've ever played is shallow- UFC 3. There is no jump option in that game, but I can guarantee you that a button masher will not play that game long. The Con is exactly the same. you have the 4 face buttons that correspond to each limb, like UFC. pressing two buttons along with a direction, does one of a number of super specials. Tapping the face buttons during attack and specials, adds damage. The face buttons are pressed in various set sequences to perform combinations. You have to know your moves. That system reminds me of an early Xbox game by the name of "Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus." In both games, you cannot freely press random sequences and expect combos to flow out. I like that. It can take getting used to, but it requires you to develop skill. You can perform custom combos to a degree, but there is no getting around learning your character's style and moves. You have a reversal system where tapping the shoulder button at the right time can perform a parry which gives you a window attack, or if done right, a perfect parry, with performs a counter combo that you can add damage to by tapping the face buttons with the hits. You also have a grab move. The other shoulder button performs a "Con", which either makes you take extra damage to throw a fight when timed, or do very little damage with your attacks to fake a fight. Each style also has a specialized short combo move that is good for quick damage. Those have set button patterns. All of your other combos are made by you. You have to remember the sequences. In the game you have several styles represented- Street Boxing, Jeet Kun Do, Kickboxing, Wrestling, Tae Kwon Do, and 1 more I believe, that I can't remember. Each style is drastically unique as it should be.

As you work through each league, you have to build up $100,000. At first, that seemed impossible, but as you advance to higher leagues, you can wager bigger bets and place bigger cons. This game taught me about odds. I never understood how that math worked. I always hear gamblers talk about it like it's nothing, but I'd just sit there confused. Now, I understand better about underdogs stuff like that. Not that it's super useful knowledge. At the end of each league, you face the boss. That fight is not open to bets, and is for superiority over the league, so it's last man standing rules. The game was very hard at first, and remained very hard until the end. It was only after I was very powerful as a team, that I was able to handle the tough CPU fighters that were thrown at me. In fact, the last boss was no problem. Getting to him was something else though. As you go through the game, you unlock clothing and custom items to use in other modes. This is one game that I feel it is too hard to unlock things in. The requirement you have to meet are ridiculous. You have to win fights as a huge underdog at one point, or beat a tough boss without using your left leg or left hand. Or you may have to beat a certain character while using a certain technique a given amount of times. It was beyond impossible to me. I definitely has me wanting to come back though. The ending was pretty poetic and the game allows you to continue your new game where you left off, so you assemble another team and try to get items again. The only gripe I can think up is that it would have been nice to do other activities in the game, like minigames to break up the fighting action. The bottom line is that the game is very solid. It reminds me of Samurai Warriors for the PSP. That was another game that got very few ratings, and of the ones it got, they were all ignorant and biased. These games deserve better that that. The Con is definitely a must own for Vita or PSP owners. Don't listen to the idiots who played 20 seconds of the game when it came out, and wrote their reviews off of that. Check it out.

by Jokatech19
Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:24 pm
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Greatest Youtube Video Ever!
phpBB [video]
by Jokatech19
Thu Mar 19, 2015 6:58 pm
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Re: Boxing

I'd be remisced not to bring up the biggest boxing match in history, at least as far as money is concerned. Finally, we have Mayweather stepping into the ring with Manny Pacquiao on May 2nd. Just when I was getting excited, and trying to believe in 2 fighters vying for supreme greatness, I'm brought back down to earth, and the present times we live in, where people are cowards, and no one wants to challenge himself beyond the comfort zone. In fact, most athletes are really just putting on an show these days. The fight is still on, but it has been tampered with in a most disgusting way. I'm reserving extreme decisions right now, but you may want to boycott this fight, and I wouldn't blame you. It's a $100 million fight, but if you know what I've learned, it will be very difficult to carry that into the event along with your hard earned dollars.

I'll leave links below to my blog that elaborates on the mess, as well as a Youtube video that is well informed.
by Jokatech19
Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:46 am
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Just beat Crisis Core and Assassin's Creed 3. Wow. Both epic and amazing.
by Jokatech19
Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:50 pm
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Re: Why is today's Music so "crap" now?

It's also about what's being predominantly pushed. I used to say the same thing, but there is an amazing underground scene, and a select few artists that have amazing ideas. I took a liking to Esperanza Spalding, and I met a few local musicians at venues near me that have some amazing projects.

Also, if interested, here is a link to a project I just completed. My first experimental foray
by Jokatech19
Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:42 am
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