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Re: Unpopular film/TV opinions post yours!

-Escape from New York is pretty uninteresting, and even though it's a rip off, Metal Gear Solid is much more entertaining.
-Nolan's Batman movies are really not that great, especially the third one.
-Jedi's are the most uninteresting bunch in all of cinema and people only like them because they have lightsabers. The Sith are just as boring. The Star Wars Universe is not that interesting overall.
-Star Trek, as a whole, is a bunch of interesting philosophical ideas with very poor production values and story presentation. The episodes are largely not very fun to watch... so I like the new movies best.
-I don't watch Doctor Who but it's also probably pretty stupid.
-Game of Thrones is not very good. The author kills off characters because he doesn't know how to end plot threads, so he just uses shock (of death) to distract his audience. Everyone will dislike the show when it ends in a very mediocre way (see Lost).
by Thief
Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:00 pm
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Re: How to Change Someone's Mind?

Tell your friend QTEs are just a mini game and that the game is mainly a 3D beat them up RPG with a strong narrative.

Well... that's not really what it is either, if we look at it honestly.
The beat-em-up elements are only as prominent as the QTE sequences, so you may as well call them a minigame as well. It's no more a beat-em-up than Indigo Prophecy/Farenheit was.
And calling it an "RPG" is, especially in the modern videogame sense of the genre, wholly misleading. It was a branding that the devs put on the game back in the day mainly because RPGs were the top-selling genre in Japan, so just about everything was being advertised as "RPG." The only RPG-esque thing about it is the fact that you can improve your moveset through use, but nowadays everything from Devil May Cry to Call of Duty to Dead By Daylight to Assassin's Creed has that.
It's always been strange to me that the series' fans rarely ever refer to the series with the most obvious genre label available: Adventure.
It's vague, sure, but it's far more accurate than most other labels the series tends to get saddled with. I'd say the series really has more in common, from a pacing and progression standpoint, with old point-n-click adventure games, just with more freedom and variety.
by OL
Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:24 pm
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Re: Fun With Screenshots (Post Yours)

Shweet. I'll have to check out and see if the PS4 version has that, and maybe I've just missed it all this time. Messing about in Arkham Knight with that would be amazing. Spent hours doing that in Mad Max.

Another Arkham Origins one. Not exactly posed by me, but the timing of the shot was good.
by OL
Fri Sep 29, 2017 10:17 pm
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Re: Wishing Shenmue 3 the best

Original logo looks better, but I can live with Yu Suzuki's new logo.

by Kiske
Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:36 am
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What you up to nowadays?

Off the back of what Riku posted in Random Thoughts I realised that a shitloada time's passed since we all knew what's goin on with each other, and for a lot of you I don't have a fucking clue. I'm close enough in touch with Kenny n (to some extent) SC, but the rest is a mystery.

So for the sake of conversation n all that shite...

My fiance and I parted ways in a manner you wouldn't call amicable a few years back. I may have posted on here about that but I ain't sure. I often miss my cats (she kept em), and I've recently put to bed the debt she left me with (though now I'm havin to sort through my own) Moved into my brother's flat. Became his PA of sorts as he's fucked off to join the army, but his ex n two kids are gonna be homeless by the end of the month so I have to move out and back in with my mam (happy days...)

On a more positive note though I went to uni, studying game design atm, and I'm as awesome as ever. Not really starved of birds but eventually wouldn't mind one that I actually like, coz I do kinda miss the dynamic of havin a partner at times. More often than not I waste my time off goin to the match and ending the night in a drunken haze. Got a season ticket so won't be giving that up but I'm considering cutting down on the beer so my assignments don't suffer as they did last year.

In the last few years I've learned to stop planning for the future and just "live for today" (which essentially means gettin rinsed at every available opportunity), and I've been disgruntled for the last month about missing out on both Liam and Noel Gallagher tickets. I mean seriously, I had presale access every time and they sold out within thirty seconds every time. Touts are fuckin cretinous cunts.

Oh, and I'm finally gettin the mole on top of my head removed and Marmite is fucking delicious.

Kind Regards,
Nick Tyndall
by MiTT3NZ
Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:58 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

My 2009 Toshiba did a great job with 240/288p signals and had RGB Scart so I never felt the need for one of these.
Since I got my OLED about a year ago that all changed and I simply needed one.
I don't like like converters but this thing is a whole different beast and made for games. The scaling and picture quality is truly incredible. With it's filters and picture adjustments even NES composit looks clean and very nice. Not to mention it does it all with minimal processing time. The price is steep but it's absolutely worth it!
by BlueMue
Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:13 am
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Re: What you up to nowadays?

I seriously think Mitts is a friend of a friend (of a friend), going by the description of the game design course he did which was in manny Manchester.

I'll just keep my bit brief: my girlfriend has somehow convinced me to do salsa dancing. I'm such a bad dancer and told her this as a warning but she doesn't seem to care, so will probably end up looking like this on the first session: \:D/ (and then crawl into the hole in the floor out of embarrassment).


On another note I went to Japan for the first time end of last year which was amazing, just been working and working and working since then for various organisations. Aside from that, just been listening to lots of synthwave (AKA the NEW new-wave/synthpop movement nowadays), darkwave (as in edgy edgelord dark synth music, some retards call some of it "witch house" - some of which sounds fantastic, regardless of the wanky and pretentious sounding name) and watching shitloads of crime/mystery TV shows. Life's just swell.

I finally took the courage to start doing martial arts again (Jiujitsu). I did a lot of Karate and Kickboxing before entering college, but after so many years in the workforce I felt a bit uncoordinated and too old to go for it again. What really got me to do it is the fact that I started to show symptoms of depression over the years and I don't often exercise as much as I used to.
Sure, I hit the gym here and then but it was not enough to instill a sense of discipline and motivation in me.

I used to do Jiujitsu for years as well. It's one of the most "fun" martial arts out there, I think. Did Judo for a very long time as well and took part in competitions which were brutal. Shame that for Judo the sensei passed away and for Jiujitsu the sensei moved away. Just go gym nowadays which is a nice time waster but like you say, it isn't the same as doing martial arts. Good on you taking it up again.
by Henry Spencer
Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:21 pm
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Re: Disney in Talks to Buy Fox & Get Back X-Men

Ugh. I actually think Fox is on a pretty good path with the X-Men franchise at the moment. Giving it up to Marvel would seriously fuck all that up. Marvel is obsessed with their continuity and accessibility. If Marvel had owned the X-Men a few years ago, we never would have gotten movies like Logan or Deadpool, or tv ventures of the caliber of Legion. They would want it all to fit in with their shite little Avengers universe, and force it all to have the same PG-13 sense of humor and mega-mainstream appeal.
Fuck all that.
Some people blow their loads at the thought of Wolverine and Captain America teaming up, but I've always, ever since I was a kid, thought that the X-Men works much better if treated like it's in its own little universe. Even in the comics, crossovers with the rest of the Marvel universe always felt strangely crowded and ill-fitting to me.
Really hope this doesn't happen.
by OL
Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:28 pm
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Re: What Song Are You Listening To Now?

phpBB [video]
by Mr357
Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:56 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts


Compared to this, that Gotham By Gaslight movie DC is coming out with soon looks like absolute dogshit. Actually, that looked like dogshit even before I had this to compare it to, but this just drives the point home even further.
Can't wait. This looks amazing.
by OL
Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:51 pm
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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

Riku Rose wrote: Snatcher is always one that people love the soundtrack to but I never see Jamie’s theme get mentioned. I find it so soothing.

I could post Snatcher tracks all day, especially since the various versions of the game have such different tunes.

phpBB [video]
by Mr357
Thu Nov 23, 2017 1:18 am
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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

Was just looking through my PS3 games, trying to look for ones that might have also been released on PC. On kind of a kick lately, getting games from that era and seeing how well they run on my system.
Well one game I ran across that wasn't released on PC was Asura's Wrath, and just seeing it made me start thinking about how goddamn much I always loved it back in the day. Only about five years ago now, but it strangely feels older, probably because of how quickly it built up nostalgia for me.
Being a game all about an angry god punching things, it very easily could have been just a flat, goofy actioner, but I always remember the soundtrack really giving it such a great emotional backbone.
This is basically just the theme, but man... every time I hear it, it's friggin magic.

Gimme a damn remaster already. The graphical work was insane in that game. Would be amazing to see it running on all cylinders on current tech.
by OL
Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:51 pm
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Re: Riku not posting what's important! (SoulCalibur VI)

This looks like a prequel. Or a Midquel, of sorts. I say this as Sophitia's breasts aren't of a modest size like in Soul Blade, but they also aren't quite GAD ZOOKS big yet like they were in Soul Calibur 4. For reference please consult the soul calibur boob chart. Would you just LOOK at Soul Calibur 4 Sophitia?!

Wow! How Big! How great!!
by Sonikku
Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:26 pm
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

This is probably the last time I'll be logged in until after Christmas so I wanted to drop a note wishing you all the very best over the next couple weeks. 2018 is looking to be promising for at least some Shenmue news of some kind if not the release of the third game.

I also wanted to say thanks to most members of Shenmue Dojo for being a great group of people. There are many (most) gaming related forums that are full of trolls, jerks and much harsher words than that. It's generally really easy to come on here and speak your mind about something; be it Shenmue related or not. Thanks for that guys/gals.

Merry Christmas and again, Happy New Year.
by Telekill
Sat Dec 23, 2017 9:16 pm
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Re: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy holidays Telekill, and the rest of you SOB's as well! :D

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hopefully filled with family, friends and good food.
by Raithos
Sat Dec 23, 2017 10:19 pm
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The 2017 7th Annual Dojo Award Show Hosted by Jeff Goldblum

Pre Show Red Carpet
Welcome to the red carpet coverage for the 2017 Dojo Awards which is promising to be the biggest ones yet! There's been a record amount of votes this year and the party has been going on all day, Just earlier today we had the Sonikku girls dancing down the red carpet.

This year Yama has also been kind enough to invite retarded kids who like colours from a local special needs school.

All the stars are here tonight and we now go to Thief who is interviewing Emma Stone.,c_limit/emma-stone-justin-timberlake-photo-bomb.gif

Thief: Hi Emma, just how happy are you to be here?
Emma Stone: The Dojo Awards has to be my favourite event of the year and I'm always honoured to be here.
Thief: It looks like Anime Gamer behind you is excited.
Emma Stone: Oh, his just never been this close to a woman before.
Thief: Well it looks like everyone is heading inside as Jeff Goldblum is already pissed and singing inside.

So come on in everyone and strap yourselves in.

The 2017 7th Annual Dojo Awards!!!

Welcome ladies and gentleman to the 2017 7th Annual Dojo Awards live from the Kodak theatre. We've got a heck of a show for you tonight so let's get started.

*Riku Rose walks out on stage*

Riku Rose:
Welcome all. Last year was a quiet year yet again due to the delay of Shenmue III which we're all looking forward to but hopefully 2018 will finally be the year. Outside of the Shenmue forums it's been pretty quiet but I believe it's the members who have been here through thick and thin that keep me coming back.

We've gone all out this year by getting in Jeff Goldblum so to be honest with you we couldn't get the most in demand people to present the awards, still I'm sure everyone will have a good time.

On with the show.

Please see below for the list of previous winners:

Game of the Year :
2010 : Deadly Premonition
2011 : Batman: Arkham City
2012 : Assassin's Creed III
2013 : The Last of Us
2015 : Bloodborne
2016 : The Last Guardian

Buzz Killington Award:
2010: Ryudo and Dorian
2011: Dorian
2012: Ryudo
2013: AnimeGamer183
2015: Himuro
2016: Himuro

Biggest Bully:
2010: Ryudo
2011: Ryudo
2012: Ryudo
2013: QWERTY
2015: Riku Rose
2016: MiTT3NZ

Biggest Punchbag:
2010: Jokatech19
2011: Jokatech19
2012: Ryudo
2013: Animegamer183
2015: Animegamer183
2016: Animegamer183

Funniest Member:
2010: Kiba
2011: Spokane, OL, Animegamer183
2012: Kiba
2013: QWERTY and Let's Get Sweaty
2015: Riku Rose
2016: south carmain

Coolest Member:
2012: OL and MiTT3NZ
2013: Rakim
2015: St. Elmo's Fire
2016: OL

Worst Member:
2010: Jokatech19
2011: Ryudo and Dorian
2013: Animegamer183
2015: Brosause
2016: Animegamer183

Member of the Year:
2010: Kenny
2011: OL
2012: Peter
2013: MiTT3NZ
2015: Ziming
2016: Peter

Now please put your hands together for our host this evening, Mr Jeff Goldblum!

Jeff Goldblum:
Wa-welcome to the um, err, Dojo Awards which is, just, umm, err, fantastic. To get us, umm, err started is a nice, umm man to present the best, umm, err game award.
Woody Allen:
If anyone sees my daughter, sorry I mean wife let her know I'm looking for her.

In 3rd Place - Super Mario Odyssey
In 2nd Place - Yakuza 0
In 1st Place:
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Jeff Goldblum:
For the umm, biggest buzzkill award we have, umm a man who is no fun for the umm ladies:
Louis CK:
If anyone wants to come to my room for a drink hit me up:

Buzz Killington:
In 3rd Place - Kintor
In 2nd Place - Shenmue_Legend
In 1st Place -

Jeff Goldblum:
For the umm biggest bully award we umm got the biggest bully we could umm find and a woman who doesn't umm want to be with him:
Harvey Weinstein:
It's so nice to be able to be out in public again:

Biggest Bully:
In 3rd Place - Shredingskin
In 2nd Place - South Carmain
In 1st Place -

Jeff Goldblum:
The next award is umm biggest umm punchbag which isn't umm nice but we have umm the biggest punchbag recently to present it:
Kevin Spacey:
I understand how tough it can be guys, I recently got fired just for just revealing I'm gay:

Biggest Punchbag:
In 3rd place - Animegamer183
In 2nd Place - Kintor
In 1st Place:

Jeff Goldblum:
For the umm funniest award we have a man who umm was kinda funny in that parent movie:
Dustin Hoffman:
Hey lady, want me to buy you a drink?

Funniest Member:
In 3rd Place - Riku Rose
In 2nd Place - Mittens
In 1st Place:
South Carmain

Jeff Goldblum:
The next award is the umm coolest member award. Our next umm guest can't actually umm enter the country so we have by umm the power of the umm internet:
Steven Segal:
Before I present this I just want to thank Mr Putin for allowing me to present this award.

Coolest Member:
In 3rd Place - South Carmain
In 2nd Place - Mr357
In 1st place:

Jeff Goldblum:
As umm always we have umm Kiba for the worst member award:
Net neutrality is the beginning of the end for us all!

Worst Member:
In 3rd Place - Animegamer183
In 2nd Place - Kintor
In 1st Place:

Jeff Goldblum:
This is the umm, final umm, award. So please put your hands together for umm, the present of the best umm, member award. The President!!!
Donald Trump:
Thank you everyone. I've won many of these awards myself, more then anyone.

Member of the year:
In 3rd Place - OL
In 2nd Place - Mittens
The Member of the year is:

Jeff Goldblum:
Wow, big wow. Amazing. Thanks umm everyone, now to finish up I want to umm welcome umm my favourite band. TOTO

See you all next year
by Riku Rose
Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:45 pm
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Re: The 2017 7th Annual Dojo Award Show Hosted by Jeff Goldb


Woah, member of the year! Thank you so much.

It's an honor!
by Switch
Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:55 am
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Didn't know they were working on a new tex murphy game.

The latest one (tesla effect, backed on KS) was suuuuch a throwback, and quite an amazing game, sadly all these new reviewers and press that don't know shit threw it under the bus.

EDIT: hm is a remake of overseer. It was a great game though.
by shredingskin
Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:47 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Lately I've been reminiscing about gaming and pondered about why after so many years of gaming (including skipping a couple of console generations) I still regard Shenmue as my personal greatest of all time.

I was doing the same thing the other day when I was explaining to a friend why I was so pumped for 3. I remember going to Blockbuster not long after 1 came out and I rented it. Had no idea wtf it was, but seemed interesting enough. I got it and honestly stopped playing after disc 1. I couldn't bare to finish it. I guess it was too boring for me. However, that was one of the first times I got into Japanese culture and started learning about it. About 3 months later I went back to Blockbuster and it was summer so I had more time on my hand. I saw it again and figured I would give it another shot and I remembered it too. I brought it home and for some reason I was hooked after I became more open minded. From there, I became fascinated with Japan and started reading more manga and watching more anime than before. That spiraled into me learning basic Japanese in school, eventually going to Japan for multiple vacations (one of which was to visit Yokosuka/Dobuita), and even working in Okinawa for 6 months after that. I of course love both games now and can't wait for 3. However, at this point, I think I love what the game did for my life more than the game itself which is why it will always mean something for me. This is also why 1 will always be my favorite over 2 and most likely 3. It started it all for me and every time I go back to start a new run of the game, it takes me back to that same time of learning about Japan for the first time.
by myshtuff
Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:27 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

For me the reason I hold the game as my favourtie of all time is because it is the first time I actually felt invovled in the story of a game.

Don't get me wrong I loved Zelda OOT on the N64 and other RPG type games but none felt alive like Shenmue did. You felt a part of the journey the whole way through, had the freedom (which games take for granted now) to do as we pleased and work through the story at your own pace. It taught values of respect, friends and being brave to do what is right which I still hold to this day. Shenmue changed the way I play games and still influences the games I enjoy to this day.

I remember all the various Shenmue 3 is coming then not posts/news and each time it went quiet it would improve the resolve that we would get 3. Also what Shenmue did is indirectly form one of the most active and best communities I've been involved in.

I cannot wait for 3 to finally hit the shelves and to continue what is for me a great story.
by spud1897
Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:00 am
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Re: Phantom River Stone Articles [Updated Regularly]

Great stuff as always. Thank you for all the work!
Thanks sand4fish - here's the latest batch! Sightings Near Dobuita That Made a Shenmue Fan Look Twice Sakuragaoka Park in Real Life Examining the 3 New Shenmue III Screenshots | MAGIC Press Conference Kickstarter Update #79: Shenmue III Conference at MAGIC 2018 Showcasing the Shenmue Guide Map | Video 1999 Shenmue Promo Leaflet A Visit to Yokosuka After Snow | Photo Gallery
by Switch
Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:03 am
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

phpBB [video]
by redline
Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:06 pm
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Re: The Good Life

You might want to take another look over the content of the KS page.

There's a section that explains why they're asking for less (because they have partners who've agreed to front 60% of development cost), who those partners are (currently only indie label Unties has been announced, but they seem the key player), and why the partners aren't just funding the game completely.
by Spaghetti
Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:34 am
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Re: Your captured video game screenshots (merged)

Few new shots. As before, spoiler tags are just there to keep the post from taking up too much space. No spoilers present, really.

The ones from Atelier Sophie might not seem like much, but I made a little game for myself; there's usually dialogue on-screen at all times, so I've been trying to time my presses of the share button just right so I catch the images in the split-second between when a dialogue box disappears and the next appears. Tough getting it right, but they look great when you do. I like how the characters in Gust's games really "pop" against the backgrounds. They certainly aren't triple-A, but they tend to look nice anyway.

Some Dishonored 2 ones. Like my ones for the first Dishonored, none of this is from cutscenes or anything; It's all in-game angles with the HUD dropped. I like how they turned out.

Kazuma never killed nobody. No sir.

I just liked the setting for this one.

This is just from a cutscene in Nioh, but I liked how it looked anyway. Wallpaper-worthy. Still absolutely love that Yuki-Onna was a boss in this.
by OL
Mon May 21, 2018 9:05 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Himuro was one of those old member who's been warned (under previous accounts) over and over again across several years to can it. He's one of those who tends to follow a pattern. The staff knew who he was and could have banned him on the spot, but in the interest of fairness he was left to continue in his new account. He seemed a bit more reserved, so why not?
But his basic patterns started to emerge once again, and the staff has seen where it eventually goes if left alone.
You really have nothing to worry about. This one is more a matter of him having an actual history of shitposting and obnoxiousness that has previously resulted in the forum being... shall we say, offputting . To phrase it mildly. The ban was based on that, and where we could see his current manner eventually leading to. It's just an old dance that nobody feels like going through again.
by OL
Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:28 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

So what you guys are saying is that since this site's inception the same few trolls/crazies keep crawling back under different names for a span of what, 15 years? What kind of nuthouse is this place I got myself into?

At different points in the history of this place, yes, and a few rare cases of it going on over extended years. This place was attacked and brought down a good few times in the more early years and I am trying to remember long it was down for at its worst. We even had a community divide and differences going on, and how many owners now? Part of it directly had to do with Shenmue going dark for over 10 years and obviously morale and activity dwindled during that time, but there was alot of differences in the earlier days of the series going dark that resulted in many different opinions about a number of different things even down to how the forums and site were run and the individuals in charge. The Shenmue community took a huge hit because Shenmue III essentially was silently canceled believe it or not, but some how this place has stayed here through the thick and thin, and that should be testament alone to how great Shenmue actually is. Ask some of the old veteran members to share a story or 2, as a whole everyone was extremely upset about Shenmue III in those days. Also ask about the epic stories that went on around here too ;-)
by AnimeGamer183
Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:47 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Mate, this place used to be much different. To the point where I wouldn't be surprised if even Peter or Spencer have been banned once or twice (though I don't think they ever have)
by MiTT3NZ
Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:33 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

I don't always get banned. But when I do, I drink Dos Equis then return years later like a normal human being and nobody is the wiser lol.

It really is crazy tho, the effort people put into trolling/shit posting whatever you want to call it. I think we were all guilty of it at one point or another, whether its this forum or another, but just to different levels. But when it comes to personal attacks that's where the line should be firmly drawn. If you are that angry you need some help. This place used to the the wild fucking west at one point. I for one hope it never gets back to that. There are a few people I wouldn't mind seeing come back, but others need to stay in the void.
by Raithos
Sat Jun 16, 2018 4:23 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

I can understand you are trying to keep excessive trolling out of the site, but may I ask what is exactly the level of shitposting acceptable in here from now on? The Haruto guy might have been a previous offender but the way I see it now his posts are pretty harmless specially when stacked with his contribution to the gaming section with new trailers and news. So once members are banned, will they be lockout for life? Do we get any warnings? Shouldnt the forum have some kind of guideline for tone and humour acceptable while posting? I don't get why even old time regulars Himuro and Bluecast were banned (or remain so). I'm asking because I'm kinda wary of attempting any lame jokes or even engage on any controversial discussions at the chance of being misunderstood as trolling or creating drama, when there were no such restrictions a year or so ago.

No... no....

The account that i personally banned...

First off, i really shouldn't be banning anyone whatsoever. I have selected the best staff that's ever been in place on these forums. We have an awesome mix of Shenmue die hards, casual gamers, and old skool veterans which keep a watchful eye over every aspect of

I shouldn't have stepped on their toes, but thanks to a member i wont name (they know who they are and have my humble thanks), i had info about them that made it more or less clear. Once i asked other members of staff for their opinion, it also became as clear as glass that this was what was going on.

The member "Haruto" was an old admin from here, who has a lot of history with the site. Now, in the interests of transparency, I would LOVE to go through all of that history. Its been backdated and recorded by various members of the Shenmue community. But, the reason i don't is because of the same reason i also don't rise to his bait, or any other bait that exists out there within the Shenmue community. From Youtube Channels, and their associations with fake Shenmue websites, to numerous banned members from here over the years. They crave attention. Its their fuel, and how they really achieve the attention they so desperately desire.

In your specific case Sandfish, no, of course have a laugh and a bit of craic! Enjoy yourself here! You have proven you are an upstanding member. What does that mean? Someone who has been here first and foremost for Shenmue! The reason the banner hangs high and proud above the door. Every member here shares that, and even if they dont, then ok! We have a general gaming forum for that. But, if anyone thinks they are gonna come in here, new member or old, and just start spamming 15-20 posts a day about anything that goes through their head, then that wont be tolerated. Let me reiterate that once again. 15-20 posts.... A DAY. That, is the definition of shitposting. They may be a post about Shenmue, general games, or current topics, but they are opinion-less, non engaging, words on a screen and nothing more posts. Thats it! aka... shitposting. That will not be happening here, and in all honesty, in 15 years, there has only ever been one person whos posts even define that, and thats the said member whom i banned.

If you are asking why Bluecast was banned, ive just explained to you why. But really..... if you need to ask why Himuro was banned then i really have to ask you why you are questioning that. I will go on my gut feeling you dont know the whole story.... but Himuro maintained a posting attitude that went well beyond the limits of what i would describe as a level headed mentality within a fan based community forum. From questioning every single aspect of a game in development, threatening other members with abusive content, to even rallying the questionable gaming journalists that may or may not read these boards (which i know for a fact a lot do) to provoke action against YSNET... for a game that was in early development!!!! Think about that for a second. Questioning Yu Suzuki.......YU SUZUKI and rallying the media against him during the first full year of development. Really???

Himuro was one of those old member who's been warned (under previous accounts) over and over again across several years to can it. He's one of those who tends to follow a pattern. The staff knew who he was and could have banned him on the spot, but in the interest of fairness he was left to continue in his new account. He seemed a bit more reserved, so why not?
But his basic patterns started to emerge once again, and the staff has seen where it eventually goes if left alone.
You really have nothing to worry about. This one is more a matter of him having an actual history of shitposting and obnoxiousness that has previously resulted in the forum being... shall we say, offputting . To phrase it mildly. The ban was based on that, and where we could see his current manner eventually leading to. It's just an old dance that nobody feels like going through again.

So it was Himuro? I thought it may have been some one else, actually deleted another post because I realized it wasnt them. Does the staff actually have to recognize post style and pattern of banned members trying to weasel their way back in? Man this place has a long history of that too, trolling has been more or less a life time long problem of this place so I can see why doing what has to be done :/

No i think OL got slightly mixed up there.

The member banned is "Haruto", aka Bluecast, Ryudo, and about 10 other high prolific accounts he has had here over the years.

So what you guys are saying is that since this site's inception the same few trolls/crazies keep crawling back under different names for a span of what, 15 years? What kind of nuthouse is this place I got myself into?

Ohhhh you have no idea. But that's why it was important for me to keep OL and Henry Spencer on the current staff roster. For shit just exactly like this. Who keep me right in times like this. Me banning Haruto isn't some snap decision. It was discussed at length in a private staff forum we have. Every forum decision is discussed in there. No moderator takes it upon himself to go rogue and pull some shit, unless its necessary! Almost all decisions are brought to a table and discussed.

Mate, this place used to be much different. To the point where I wouldn't be surprised if even Peter or Spencer have been banned once or twice (though I don't think they ever have)


A lot of us old timers shouldn't even be here!

So whats the difference? Simple.... we grew up! We realised we were a bunch of young boys who, despite becoming men, shared a love or a respect for this site. Yea, we can all talk shite, that's a skill that doesn't go away, even with old age. But we grew in our posting attitude. We learned things like respect and maturity. We knew what words we say carry weight for other human beings within ears reach... or visions reach. We calmed down. Even if posting here was a habit, we went off, got lives, got jobs, got hobbies, got humility. Learned that everything in life is in moderation. Spending all the live long day on here posting message after message, after message was not a good way to live a life, and whilst we welcome everyone here, the purpose of the site overtakes the personal needs of a user. I'm sorry but thats just the way it is. This site is a Shenmue fan forum. Not psychology 101 for the impaired.

At different points in the history of this place, yes, and a few rare cases of it going on over extended years. This place was attacked and brought down a good few times in the more early years and I am trying to remember long it was down for at its worst. We even had a community divide and differences going on, and how many owners now? Part of it directly had to do with Shenmue going dark for over 10 years and obviously morale and activity dwindled during that time, but there was a lot of differences in the earlier days of the series going dark that resulted in many different opinions about a number of different things even down to how the forums and site were run and the individuals in charge. The Shenmue community took a huge hit because Shenmue III essentially was silently cancelled believe it or not, but some how this place has stayed here through the thick and thin, and that should be testament alone to how great Shenmue actually is. Ask some of the old veteran members to share a story or 2, as a whole everyone was extremely upset about Shenmue III in those days. Also ask about the epic stories that went on around here too ;-)

I got that part a few years ago when I read a topic with you guys discussing about it. But I seriously had no idea that some of these oldest members were still playing bipolar up to this day. And here I was thinking that maybe from time to time some genuine newbies'd be interested in Shenmue and this forum in general.

Anyway, I apologize to the moderators and Peter if whatever I said sounded insulting. I just always wondered about what criteria was used to ban members in this place as I never really paid attention to it when I first joined in all these years. Thank you all for the clarification.

There's absolutely no apology necessary Sandfish. Like i said before, you are an upstanding member. Whats the definition of an upstanding member? Very simply, someone who posts here for Shenmue, and is a genuine person in terms of posting style and attitude. We have members who have been here 15 years, and 15 minutes. Whats genuine about them is that they were all brought here for the one reason we all share and love Shenmue. But whilst they are here, they all contribute in a civil way. I don't even think i need to explain what that means, and the members banned are being banned for a very clear defined reason.

Like i said, its my fault regarding the ambiguity of why that member was banned. I didnt put a message within the post, as i have so strictly told staff members to do so whilst taking action to keep transparency. I acted and didny say why. For that im sorry. But, i would do it again tomorrow if i felt it was the right thing for this site. We are on the cusp of both Shenmue HD and Shenmue 3. Let that sink in for a second. Shenmue HD, available across all of modern day consoles, as well as Shenmue 3!!! That really was in impossible dream for a long ling time.

I will admit i have been quiet since taking over. I know i have. But that's because i am wasting no time at all to make changes. I took the week off work and have spent them more or less without sleep. A new site is on its way, completely backdated with news info since Shenmue 3. Up to date. Coherent. Organised. Simplified. A new logo. Clear. Defined. Signature. A new forum design. Updated, User friendly. Relationships with the community. Communicative. Easy to access. Beneficial. Clear. This is the future i always envisioned for this site, but it was never my place to do so. But now it is, and if people think i am bullshitting then come back to be in about 2 months time. I have never been more tired or stressed in my life, from working with designers, coders, community members, and other elements of the Shenmue team in general i don't feel i should name. Enjoy this old site, for it will soon be the last you see of it outside way back machine. I also know most people in general hate change, most of all Shenmue fans, but i have to follow my heart and believe that it's worth it for the self preservation, and continuation of this 15 year site. Am i ready for the backlash? Hells yea. Do i think its necessary and justified? OH HELLS YEA! Either weay i will live by my own sword and die by it. If people have an issue with the changes i bring, or the way i do things, then thats cool. Movements can be made to encourage to pass the site on. I will never have an issue doing that as long as it goes to the right person, much like it was decided beforehand that Yama should contact me to pass the torch.
by Peter
Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:15 pm
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Re: What level did you pledge at?

$400 on the KS. Multiple "$30 on the 3rd" donations thereafter for the Slacker Backer (which, hilariously, means I'm getting a ridiculous number of T-shirts since it counts every individual donation LOL.) That was all I could spend. I was literally finding change laying around to give everything I could, without hurting myself. Would have given more if not for medical expenses. It's Shenmue 3. I mean... it's SHENMUE 3. Lol.
by Anonymous81
Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:07 pm
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1999 Interview with Yu Suzuki "15 Secrets of Shenmue"

I've posted up a translation of an interview Yu Suzuki held with the media on 18th January 1999, soon after the successful Shenmue premiere events. Shenmue was still somewhat shrouded in mystery, so the "15 Secrets" this article refers to - while not representing special in-game secrets or the like - are an interesting reflection on both expectations from the media/public as well as Yu Suzuki's mindset almost a year before its actual release.

Not only that, but Suzuki mentions themes that he still holds with importance today with development of Shenmue III, such as "reality vs realism".

Link to the interview:

Part 1/2:

Part 2/2:
by Switch
Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:38 am
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Re: Adam Koralik explains the re-releases (4:3, audio etc)

My take on the technical "issues" in the HD collection pretty much come down to this:

Could they have done all the things we are requesting? Absolutely, there are plenty of options and routes they could have taken to achieve things like 4k, 16:9 cut scenes, 60 frames per second etc. The entertainment business is full of tricks and techniques to make things happen that shouldnt be possible and many people have made a name for themselves inside the entertainment industry for discovering things like that. But Sega didnt go that route, and why didnt they? Because it just wasnt in their initial budget and plan for this HD collection id imagine, this is Sega we are talking about they have always been hesitant and cautious about Shenmue ever since the first 2 games came out, they allocated X amount of money and said get it done with this and we'll go from there.

That being said if Sega had known that this thing was going to top the pre-order charts in multiple countries around the world, maybe they would have included some of these features but they took the side of caution, also the price point would have likely changed they wouldnt have been able to keep the $30 price point which would have probably hurt sales and they avoided back lash from the price being too much say if they retailed it at $60 and even if at that price point it had all these extra assests you know people would bitching about either price or lack of features at $30, seems to me they made the right choice based on the information they had at the time.

And lets not forget how much money they lost on Shenmue the first time, we dont know when the Shenmue HD collection project started work and any of the behind closed doors details to make this thing happen. I think its also very important to note that since this collection has blown up that it isnt out of the realm of possibility for Sega to maybe patch some of these features in with later updates to please fans since we came out in droves for this thing. We just need to give it time and even if we dont get updates we still have another version of the game playable on current hardware.
by AnimeGamer183
Fri Jul 13, 2018 9:49 pm
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Update #85: Survey Info #2: $7M stretch goal reached!

Hello Backers!

With the combined Kickstarter and Slacker Backer campaigns, we have reached the $7M stretch goal! Having reached this goal, the Battle System Expanded: AI Battling will be included! Thank you so much for your support!!  

Battle System Expanded: AI Battling    

This control system lets you automatically unleash the perfect technique in response to the opponent's positioning and distance. R&D for this system is based on Yu Suzuki's concept for players who are not used to fighting games or for those who want a full immersion battle experience. This battle system is highly compatible with, and will be an extension to the current battle system.         

The Slacker Backer and Fangamer upgrade & add-on campaigns are still underway, so don't miss out!        

And please make sure to get your survey in! Thank you!!

Add-on & Upgrade Announcement

The Toy Capsule Box Set is now available through Fangamer! Get the Ryo, Shenhua, Chai and Forklift set as either an add-on or upgrade. Alright! Have some more fun!

Survey FAQ

We have received many inquiries concerning the survey for the following which we would like to address here.

*Please note that policies and implementation may change without notice depending on applicable quantities and content.     

Name Credit Input

There are three fields in which to input your name for name credit rewards. The first is English only and is required. The second and third are optional and accept other languages.

If you choose to enter your name in the second or third field in a language other than English, these optional names will take precedent.

*This will not apply if there would be a systems conflict or if deemed to be against public decency.

Concerning Pictures, Images and Text

Below is the list of prohibited content for survey responses. Should the dev team deem that survey responses contain prohibited content, or if responses are unfit for development or sales of the game, content may be edited or deleted.

*For example, offending text will be replaced with asterisks (***). Offending parts of images will be edited or deleted, or in some cases the content will not be displayed in the game.

· Content that infringes upon copyrights, trademarks or other rights

· Content that engages in slander, discrimination, or violations of human rights

· Content that is contrary to public decency

· Content where religious or political activities are included

· Content containing personal information

Game development will move forward based on your responses to go out to fans all around the world. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

PC & PS4 Physical Version Disc Data

We would like to address the many inquiries concerning the physical version disc data. Development is moving forward to have all necessary data to play the game contained on the disc. Please rest assured that the disc will not be just a prompt for an internet download.

*An internet connection is a planned requirement for the purposes of game updates and reward activation.

That's the breaking news! The team would again like to thank you all for your wonderful support! See you next update!

---------- General Information ----------

Shenmue 3 Backer Survey

Backer surveys are now underway. For information on your survey, please see the email sent to you by Fangamer. Shenmue 3 can only be completed with your responses! Thank you for your cooperation!!

Please complete or make any necessary changes to your survey by these dates.

・August 13 (MON) 2018: Last day of Slacker Backer campaign, reward upgrades and add-ons

・September 30 (SUN) 2018: Surveys close

Choosing the PS4 or PC platform

We have a few notes to consider when choosing your platform. Also, if there would be any major changes in the requirements for either the PC or PS4 versions, the platform selection question of the survey is scheduled to remain open.

Choosing your PS4 region

Your PS4 region will be decided with your "Country" selection. Please note, if the disc region differs from PS4 system region, the unit itself, PlayStation™Network online services or DLC may not function properly.

System Requirements for PC Version


OS: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64, Windows 10x64 (64-bit OS Required)

Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.40 GHz) or better; Quad-core or better

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti or better (DirectX 11 card & VRAM 2GB Required)

DirectX: Version 11

Network: Broadband internet connection

Storage: 100 GB available space

Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

Additional Info: Requires Steam Client to activate.

*Game is currently in development so system requirements may change without notice. We thank you for your understanding.

Fangamer and Third Party Use of Personal Information

YS NET has a written contract with Fangamer to carry out the backer surveys. Fangamer is a formal representative of YS NET to help process and fulfill all backer's orders through the surveys. Personal information is handed over and treated in accordance with the privacy policies of both companies for the purposes of conducting the surveys and reward delivery only. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

YS NET Privacy Policy
Fangamer Privacy Policy

Looks beautiful!!!
by FlagshipFighter
Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:13 am
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Re: Concerns about Shenmue HD.

Not really, but the negative impression for failing to adapt modern standards such as a 16:9 aspect ratio will definitely have people talking negatively about Shenmue, which is much worse than if the remake just got a "neutral" reception. Shenmue has a reputation for pushing technical boundaries at the time it was released so the least thing you could expect for a "remastered" version is to be modernized for modern aspect ratios.
I think it's important to bear in mind that Shenmue III isn't happening because of newcomers, it's the result of a passionate but relatively small fan-base that refused to stop asking about it and when presented with the opportunity to help donated generously.

Shenmue does not and will never have the biggest most commercially attractive audience, I wouldn't worry about what impact reviews of the re-release will have on the future of the series. I certainly don't agree that it's worse than nothing, even an up-scaled port with a less desirable aspect ratio will give people a solid introduction to the series.

It has a lot going for it, name recognition as a (not so hidden) gem, it's available across a good number of platforms and is priced well. I certainly think it's a better accompaniment than Shenmue The Movie was when the second game got ported to the Xbox.

If you don't believe that then I think we'll have to chalk that up to a fundamental difference of opinion. Personally I'm looking forward to being able to play my favourite games without worrying about buying a 4th Dreamcast.
by Bambi
Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:36 pm
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