Lost Ember

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Lost Ember

Postby Monkei » Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:38 pm

It's on Kickstarter right now, already funded and supposedly coming out in 2018. Have a look at it:


phpBB [video]

Anyone else into this kinda stuff?
Last edited by Monkei on Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lost Ember

Postby Hyo Razuki » Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:13 pm

Yes, seems like an interesting concept to me, exploring the world through the eyes of all kinds of animals. I backed the digital version for 20 Euros. Let's see what those guys make of it.

But holy fuck, how does a small indie dev get like 150k Euros on Kickstarter in like 3 days? :shock: Somebody's been doing great guerilla marketing there, it seems. =D>
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Re: Lost Ember

Postby Monkei » Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:59 am

Apparently they're touring Europe in a camper, promoting the game to/via various Youtubers and the like. They also had a trailer for the game shown at Gamescom, so I guess they managed to generate some hype before launching the actual Kickstarter campaign.
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Re: Lost Ember

Postby Hyo Razuki » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:18 pm

Yeah, I guess Gamescom really went a long way for them. By the way, I received this email today. Great news. They've reached their first stretch goal (additional animations). Next stretch goal is extra languages (Russian, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish) at 225k Euros. They'll definitely reach that one as well. It's a no-brainer.

First stretch goal reached! And our tour is about to start!
Geposted von Mooneye Studios (Creator)

We reached our first stretch goal of additional animations at 150.000€!!! This is amazing, now we can work on better and more fluent animations for the wolf and of course the other animals either ourselves, hire freelancers or even hire an animator (well, for that we probably need a little more money, but let's see how far this goes :) )

Animations are a really important element in Lost Ember as we aim to make each animal feel natural and amazing and for that animations are key. We're really excited to be able to concentrate on that a little more!


With the next stretch goals at 225.000€, which is about $248,000, we can offer new languages, so that hopefully all of you can follow our story as easy as possible! Aside from English and German, which will already be implemented in the core version of the game, we plan to offer French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Russian.
If you want us to implement other languages as well, just write us a message, so we see which languages are needed the most!


Besides from our regular stretch goals, we still have our goal of 350.000€ ($390,000) that is the money we need to work on Lost Ember without any need for external funding! It would be a dream come true for us and hopefully greatly benefit the game, because reaching this goal would allow us to work on Lost Ember fully independent. At the moment we are still talking to publishers or looking at things like the IndieFund, which is basically a couple of successful indie developers who loan money to new, promising developers. And we have our list of customers who we did contract work for to finance Mooneye Studios in the past. But those things of course distract from Lost Ember. We are 100% certain to be able to raise the rest of the money with this, so even if we don't get to this goal, Lost Ember will definitely be finished! We wouldn't have set our minimum goal to 100.000€ ($110,000), if we weren't absolutely sure that we can finish Lost Ember with that! But getting us to to that next goal would of course be even more amazing! :) And let's not forget that we will be able to implement new animals at 400.000€ ($440,000) ;)


And in other news: our tour is going to start tomorrow! We borrowed this awesome camper from Tobias' mother and uncle and will hit the road soon!

Originally we wanted to start sooner, but unfortunately some of the people we wanted to meet had to cancel and we had to postpone the whole thing, but we are happy to announce that it's finally gonna happen! :) In case you don't know what I'm talking about: we will tour through Europe with our camper van to meet several youtubers, press and other indie developers to promote Lost Ember and our Kickstarter and film everything :) Every few days (probably every 2-3 days, we still have to see how fast we can cut everything in a camper^^) we will upload the videos to our youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/mooneyestudios and during the tour, you can follow us live on a map on our homepage at http://lostember.com/lostemberontour! If we are anywhere near you, feel free to drop us a message and if we have some time, maybe we can actually meet some of you :) The tour involves three big European games events: the PGA in Poland, Paris Games Week, and the Madrid Gaming Experience, where we will showcase Lost Ember and maybe meet some of you! So if you are on those events, keep an eye out for us ;)
Our first stop on our way to Poland is Berlin, where we'll meet some fellow developers on Wednesday!

See you then!

Your mooneye team :)

With the KS making more than 10k Euros a day at the moment and still 28 days to go, even the 400k stretch goal (7 extra animals) does not seem impossible. :spinnn:
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Re: Lost Ember

Postby Hyo Razuki » Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:31 am

Next stretch goal reached. So happy for those guys. :mrgreen:

We launched a Thunderclap campaign! If you don't know what that is: you can help us spread the word about Lost Ember by joining the Thunderclap via Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. If we reach 100 or more people you joined the campaign, a post will be posted through all profiles (that you signed up for Thunderclap), creating a huge boost all over social media!

We'd really appreciate all of you joining in and helping make the last days of our campaign count! So sign up for the Thunderclap and share the link: http://thndr.me/12aHWj!


We reached another stretch goal! Lost Ember will be translated to new languages! The available languages are now English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Japanese, and Chinese!


We are thinking a lot about how we can reach our big goal of $385,000 (§350,000) to be able to stay a fully independent studio. One way you can help us to get there is reach out to your favorite youtubers, streamers, journalists, or whoever and tell them about the game and that they now, during the kickstarter, have the chance to get their hands on the pre-alpha demo of Lost Ember! Write them on Twitter, Facebook, Mail, Youtube, or wherever you like! :)

Thank you very much!
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