Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby shredingskin » Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:53 am

Am I the only one that thinks that most of the games today don't look bad ?

Like there are a lot of games I just go "this looks fucking beautiful", but I never go "this looks so fucking bad", even when looking at the hilarious andromeda videos, those are just glitchy and wonky, but not "bad".
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby O Rei do Frango Assado » Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:32 am

shredingskin wrote:Am I the only one that thinks that most of the games today don't look bad ?

Like there are a lot of games I just go "this looks fucking beautiful", but I never go "this looks so fucking bad", even when looking at the hilarious andromeda videos, those are just glitchy and wonky, but not "bad".

No, I've thought about that myself quite a few times before. We've reached a stage in technology where even the most average and unremarkable games can look, if not impressive, quite good graphics-wise.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby myshtuff » Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:14 pm

Occasionally, I look on ebay for random dreamcast shit to see what rare stuff pops up. I took a look today and found this oddity. Has anyone ever heard of it before? $25000 seems pretty steep, but then again I have never seen it before. I know the Divers 2000 DC is super rare, but this thing may blow it out of the water.


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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby Calshot » Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:02 am

I'm wayyy better at Typing of the Dead than I am at House of the Dead.

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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby shredingskin » Fri Sep 15, 2017 10:38 am

Any way to see a full walkthrough (or movie of the important events) of persona 5 ??

Really, this game is just too much of a timesink, I've poured around 30 hours, trying to be quite fast, but most of the game is repetition and more repetition, it's adictive as fuck, but I can't see myself pouring 60 hours more of a lot of flavor(less) text for nothing, day to day grinding, level grinding, just no. It's too much fucking time to spend.

Really 30 hours and this is pretty much what I got:
You got kinda framed for a petty crime, you got to school and met some guys that funded some thieves guild with the persona lore. You got a teacher to confess being a dick, then you made a painter admit they stole paintings from his pupils and befriended one of them. Now I'm being blackmailed by a drugdealer.

In the same ammount of time that I could have watched 15 movies, it's not a good use of time.

The shit if addictive for sure, but it's the type of game I would say a lot of input(time) for little output.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby Mr. Frozen » Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:31 pm

Wow, the final dungeons of the main story in FFXIV are completely ruined by speedrunners. The game builds stuff up to an epic level but once you get in the dungeon you will always end up in a group that is WAAAAY too fucking overgeared who doesn't even need you there. I sat and watched the cutscenes while the rest of the party literally cleared the entire dungeon in like 10 min (it is supposed to be a 1 hour dungeon). Stuff like this are what turns me off to MMOs, and the absence of high level players ruining the fun of lower levels is why I liked FFXIV so much. Hope they fixed this problem in expansions.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby Calshot » Sun Oct 01, 2017 12:17 am

I'm playing Assassin's Creed: Unity.

Unity has the worst freerunning in the series next to the very first game. 3 and Black Flag's freerunning may have been a bit too streamlined, but it worked most of the time. Unity's attempt to make freerunning less streamlined and more accurate just made everything more complicated and less functional. Arno can climb and leap much greater distances than past protagonists, yet has trouble making tiny steps off of ledges or into windows. He also has trouble climbing up obstacles that I KNOW he can do and has done before, but for some reason he refuses to make the effort.

All of these problems are amplified during this freerunning segment of a mission. It frustrated me so much I finally used the co-op feature. Unfortunately my PS Plus trial expired and they kicked me out the mission right after finishing the freerunning segment (didn't help that the co-op members kept fucking around and not doing the objective). So now I'm back to square 1 tearing my hair out and attempting the freerunning section alone once again with nothing to show for it.

Combat also is a chore. Combat may have been a bit too easy in the previous games, but the worse way to raise the difficulty is to make the player weak and level scale everyone else. If I'm using a sword and the guy isn't wearing armor, I shouldn't need to cut him 20 times to kill him. ESPECIALLY when I can kill him in a single hit with a tiny knife. Combat only reaches the lower difficulty of the previous games when wearing high level equipment (which I bought via the tried-and-true "buy all the real estate and leave the game running" method). I think the camera is also worse since there always seems to be someone offscreen that you don't see until after they hit or shoot you.

Buying skills sucks. I could see how it'd be useful if you can choose what abilities to get without having to wait until you get far into the story, but the bulk of the upgrades are all story-locked anyways so it's pointless. There are also things that are skill point-locked that you got just by default in past games. Do I really need to level up in order to learn how to roll on the ground or sit on a bench?

Ubisoft's general greediness annoys me. Uplay ads, microtransactions, and the annoying companion app features that I'm never going to use that are plastered everywhere (which have all already gone offline years ago). I also seem to have run into more bugs than I have in any other Assassin's Creed game. It's a series known for bugs, but I've always played them after they've been out for awhile and all patched up.

A lot of people have complained about the sameness of the past games, but at least they worked. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Ubisoft tried to fix it and just made it more broke than before.

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Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby Axm » Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:21 am

Ok so after much deliberation and trying Gran Turismo Sport, Forza 7 and Project Cars 2.
I decided to go with Forza 7 because its an actual fun game with also the best graphics on PC.

But thats not what I want to talk about now..

Check it.

Not only can I play the new Forza 7 in 1440p/60fps/ultra or 4K/30fps/MedHigh settings on my iMac, with an Xbox One controller, with all the Xbox features achievements, cross-play with friends who are on Xbox One..

BUT I also don’t have to pay for Xbox Live aswell? It just.. works.

I haven’t had Xbox Live Gold service in years.
And on PC even though I am using the XBL multiplayer, I don’t need to pay for it.
And because it’s a “play anywhere” title, I have the Xbox One console version also.
But when I go into Xbl multiplayer on the console it wants me to buy gold service.
Why the fuck would I ever do that? HAH!

Ok so it’s settled then. The Xbox One goes in the closet until lord knows when.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby ShenGCH » Thu Oct 19, 2017 3:44 am

Couple of spare Steam keys for y'all motherfuckers:



(Hint = The only vowel not in 'Dobuita', twice.)

Hand of Fate


(Hint = Dou Niu is fat, whereas Ryo is...?)

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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby shredingskin » Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:24 pm

I'm the only one that doesn't wants to look at any more media of Mario Odyssey ?

I stopped watching after the awesome E3, and I think I've already spoiled 80% of the game. I hope there is a lot more than what they've shown.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby south carmain » Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:24 am

The only thing I could think of when watching Detroit: become human gameplay was "press x to start riot".

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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby Mr. Frozen » Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:58 am

Apparently they are bringing back WoW classic. Definitely doing everything to milk the game for all it's worth.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby Sonikku » Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:31 pm

I disagree with that sentiment. The fans have been begging for this for years and years. It comes up every single Blizzcon. And Blizzard at every turn has said no. If anything, I don't think they had any intention of every launching a Vanilla server and caved solely due to mounting pressure from the player base. Hardcore fans launching their own private vanilla servers and making money off their property was probably the last straw. If they don't provide it, a fan will.

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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby Mr. Frozen » Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:14 am

Yes, it is what the players wanted but I still think it is a lazy solution when it comes from blizzard's standpoint. Expansions require artists, writers, programmers, and whoever else is needed to create new content. Maintaining an older version of a game is nothing more than a technological accomplishment. If they do not choose to include the quality of life changes (such as the dungeon finder) that were added over the years, then even less effort is required. People manage old game versions for free. I don't think maintaining an older version of WoW will be taxing on blizzard's resources.

I do think it is a great thing that they are doing it, though. I have to admit that I am just a bit salty from SWG, where the developers absolutely screwed the fanbase over because they weren't getting the profit they thought they deserved. I'm sure if SWG lasted as long as WoW they would've went with a classic version as well.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Thu Nov 09, 2017 1:01 am

phpBB [video]

Really charming news from gamings biggest... :roll:

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