GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

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GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby Crimson Ryan » Sun Jun 07, 2015 5:04 pm

I'm posting this on his behalf since he can't access the Dojo.


Under the shadow of the streets

Greetings, everyone.

Circa one year after the solidarity of strangers prevented me from ending up on the streets, I see myself having to open a second gofundme campaign for the same exact purpose: rent money to simply have where to sleep.

This year was crazy but which wasnt, ay?
On a surreal twist, I even ended up in a different country where for a little while I thought I would meet the conditions to finally turn my life around. It went all down the drain in less than three months, sadly, but it was so unexpected, it was my first time abroad, such a different place... Even if it came to an end prematurely, it was quite the experience and even being back to the somber streets of my birth nation, an experience that gives me a little bit of hope regarding the future because I had came to a crossroad in my life that made me believe I would never visit another country much less try to start a life there.

Yeah, a crazy year indeed.

Full of ups and downs, like every other life.

Still, starting from absolute zero and with no support network whatsoever a couple of downs led me to the same dead end.

Im in a hostel. I have a room rented until next sunday. 20eur. And nothing else.

So, while I try to find any kind of work or odd jobs, Im trying to appeal to the compassion of the few good people out there that may give me a hand.

Im asking for 600eur but 600 is just a number.
At around the 250eur mark I will be able to rent a room in a shared apartment for a full month. Another 50 and I have the monthly transports cards, giving me mobility and a much bigger range of job opportunities. Some more change to eat and the truth is, 330eur or so will take me off the streets not just for 30 days but will also give me the minimum tools to get and maintain some sort of normal life and even more important a job that will support me from there on out, at least for a couple months, precious time to keep insisting on doing something with my life.

I have a room in perspective.
And a call center job too, 3 months contract.

Obviously, far from decent or life changing but giving me a fighting chance.

I just need to have where to sleep, what to eat. How to survive and endure.

If I had any other option, anyone to go to, anything that could help, I wouldnt be here.

It costs me greatly to do this.
Its not even the first time.

I still dont know, even if I end up getting this help, how to find stability on the long run.
Its been my quest ever since I came of age.
I still havent found the place where I belong.

I have no family, only a couple of good, humble friends. For better or worst, I was born in a country that doesnt care for you if you fall as deep as I did.

I needed a family.
A home.
A carreer.
A support network.
Tools to go beyond my paradigm.
Opportunities, honest ones, and the means to properly take advantage of them.

I needed this, not 300 or 600eur.
In the lack of those though, this money will allow me to live to fight another day, to keep looking, somehow, somewhere for those essentials things.
Instead of losing myself in the streets, yet again.

I thought about quitting it all before; damn, I think about it now and then.
But I dont want to. I cant. Something compells me to keep pushing, to keep trying, even if Im not sure exactly how.

I still want to believe there is a place out there for me, a role for me to play.
Am I a deluded fool?

Can you help me on this (lost?) cause worth (?) fighting for?

Cheers, from this shadow of a man looking for some light, and for his missing pieces.

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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby Crimson Ryan » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:14 pm

Apologies for the topic bump but I've been given an update.

Carlos needs to raise 150 Euro to pay rent for an apartment. He's found a temporary job that will start soon. At the end of the week his stay at the hostel will end and he'll have nowhere to go.
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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:27 pm

...epically bad timing.

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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby Master Kyodai » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:37 pm

If he comes across Germany then let him know to drop me a note, i might be able to fix him up for a while.
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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby Bettyninja » Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:55 pm

I thought long and hard about contributing here. After speaking to a man, (a person who has also helped Carlos) last night, who taught me the word “gaslighting” - a form of abuse Carlos used against me over the months he lived with me, that I decided that this needed to be done.

Carlos was NOT homeless on this date. I had given him more than enough for rent. I also sent him money for food. I have emails from him with his permanent address at this time.

Carlos lived with me from March until June. I agreed to book him a flight and move him here so that he could sign on to welfare and search for a job after he told me (amongst other things) that his landlord had stolen his only winter coat, resulting in an altercation where he was evicted. At this time Carlos had no money and was in dire straits. I now know this was all a lie.

Carlos lied to Ryan in regards to his reasons for moving in with me. Carlos told Ryan my Mother was going to give him a job. This was never disussed. Ever.

Carlos lied to me repeatedly in regards to reasons he would not sign on to welfare here, mostly in regards to his welfare in Portugal. He later admitted it was all lies.

Carlos lied to me about being in a bank raid, having his wallet stolen, and much more. I have emails from him admitting all these things.

When Carlos lived with me he treated me like absoloute shit. He never even washed a dish. He was extremely controlling. Our agreement was this:

He would move in, sign on to welfare, paint my front door and walk my dog daily. When he found a job (he didnt apply to one job until the last week of his stay here) he was to pay me rent, or move out, we had no set plan.

Carlos did none of this for the 8 weeks I let him stay rent free. He would tell me he didn't move here to be a slave. He told me I made it difficult for him to do anything because I was getting angry at the way he was treating me and my dogs. I did threaten to kick him out several times as the stress of supporting him was too much, especially in my small apartment, he always manipulated me into letting him stay.

Carlos would complain if I did not feed him enough.

Carlos was physically and emotionally abusive towards me, gaslighting was something he often did in regards to rent, money and help he was supposed to give me around the house in return for his rent, food, electricity, heat, gas and clothes I bought for him.

I was very isolated at the time, after a difficult year. I have no close connection to family and had lost a few friends. I was very vunerable and lonely, looking back, he ppicked up on this. Carlos would tell me often that I belonged in a mental asylum, he told me I had memory lapses, he told me my mental state was why my family avoid me. Gaslighting.

In April Carlos told me about Diogo Cuhna, a rich Portuguese Media mogul who had offered him a campaign to discuss his homelessness the previous december. He was offered free rent, food, phone, clothes, etc. He had turned it down. Carlos told me Diogo had said that the offer was always open, and now he was thinking about doing it.

The first half was true.
Carlos decided to write Diogo and ask if the campaign was possible.
Carlos FORGED a reply email telling him it was. It was to begin in June.
Carlos took over 500 euro from me the day he left – a few days later Ryan posted this here.

It was mid June. Carlos told me Diogo treated him badly. I suspected that he was lying. I contacted Diogo. My suspicion was confirmed. Carlos had not spoken to him about the possibility of the campaign and he certainly was not filming one.

I have emails to back up dates, times, money, everything. Carlos was NOT homeless or even in danger of it when he asked Ryan to post this and was far from it.

Carlos is a liar and a fraud.
The last message I got from Carlos was last month. He told me it was from a psychologists office. He told me the psychologist set this new email and password and he could only access it from the psychologists office. He told me he had sent ten euro towards the debt he had with me,a nd that he was starving as a result.

Sounds real legit. Not.

So believe what you will – I would advise nobody gives this man money. There are far better causes.

Ryan - I have edited out some parts after a friend read this and advice from forum readers. You know what it was in regards too.
Last edited by Bettyninja on Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby south carmain » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:01 pm

Wait wut
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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby Bettyninja » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:03 pm

I guess this post is long - and the main thing people need to know is I have proof that he was not homeless at this time, and had me sending him rent and food money.

I have kept all the emails.

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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby south carmain » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:05 pm

Some clarification on who you are would be cool though.
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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby Bettyninja » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:09 pm

My name is Sheena. I am not a gamer. I googled "thydarkangel" in august while trying to gather more information on Carlos after all I had found out(as you can see that is when I signed up) and came across this post. As I knew it was all lies I signed up to write this post. In the end, It has taken me until now.
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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby south carmain » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:14 pm

Ah ok. The GoFundMe is already down though.

I guess you know Ryan seeing your post so you might want to pm him about all this as there seems to be some pretty personal stuff in that post concerning him that doesn't really belong on this public forum.
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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby Bettyninja » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:17 pm

The go fund me may be down, but he has had several. I know people from here have helped him a lot from our conversations - and possibly may again. If so that is obviously their decision if they know the facts that Carlos lies about being homeless or close to streets.

I dont feel what I have written about Ryan is unfair. He was the person who posted this so I felt clarification to him was important. He has me blocked on whatsapp. Yes I knew him and I know he has given Carlos a lot of money.

Either way, if this post is deleted fair enough.
Last edited by Bettyninja on Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby south carmain » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:18 pm

I'm not saying it is unfair just that it seems like it is kinda personal so would probably be better discussed through private message. That isn't aimed at your entire post either simply about the things concerning ryan's personal life.
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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby Bettyninja » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:28 pm

I have edited it out - my reasoning was that Carlos lied to Ryan. That is why Ryan did what I mentioned. No disrespect to R no matter my personal feelings on him. He is a good guy. It isnt his fault Carlos was not in a hostel but a permanent room, had not found a job, and lied through his teeth in this update.

I have said all I can.
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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:37 pm

Well that was quite the can of worms that got opened and shaken!

Glad I never contributed to this, he always did seem a bit weird in some way...

Be interesting if he replies...

EDIT: I saw what Ryan did! [-X ;-)

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Re: GoFundMe page for ThyDarkAngel/Carlos

Postby Bettyninja » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:47 pm

I am sorry I posted that part about Ryan here. I was just trying to be thorough. Ryan is a good guy who goes to work. I cannot fault this no matter my personal feelings. It was not an attack on Ryan. He did what he did because Carlos is extremely manipulative and knows how to get what he wants.

Carlos can reply. I doubt he would. He knows the truth and now so does the forum he has made close to 1000 euro from including last October.
Last edited by Bettyninja on Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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