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Longer the better....

Postby DisturbedLedZep » Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:18 pm

Allright, i know all of us here are dieing for Shenmue 3, and mannnnny of us arent sure if its gonna come out. in my oppinion it will come out but i dont think it'll be announced at E3 like all of us are hoping it will. i dont want it to come out yet anyway. if sega decides to get it out early just because the fans have been demanding it they might just figure "Hey! Tons of people want this game out! so lets give em it! if so many people are willing to buy it well make a few quick $" sega might just see the chance to make some money and make a quick shitty game. im not saying that i dont want it, because i do, very badly lol. its just the fact that i dont want them to rush it and make a shit game...its happened before (Devil may cry 2 anyone?) and hopefully, theyll confirm it but not do a quick job, and theyll take their time and put their hearts into it like the shenmue 1 and 2.
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Postby Silas » Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:30 pm

Good post, and Welcome to the Dojo Forums!
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Postby DisturbedLedZep » Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:36 pm

thanks :) im just hoping they dont screw us gamers over..its happened before :evil:
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Postby .::Oggie::. » Fri Feb 20, 2004 3:09 pm

Yeah, I hope they take as much time as they can making it. I would rather wait about 5 years for an absolute masterpiece than play a load of crap within the next year or two.

I actually hope it is an Xbox 2 title. That way the fans will know that there is no way to release it early. They will just have to wait for the Xbox 2 to be released. It will take a lot of pressure off the designers in my opinion and they will probably do a better job because of that. Loads of great features, mini-games, side quests etc...could be implemented, as well as awesome graphics.
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Postby code l name » Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:31 pm

If any members of the creative team return(Particulary Yu Suzuki, since Shenmue is his pet project), I can't see them rushing it.

However currently things look pretty bleak on the Shenmue front...
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Postby DisturbedLedZep » Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:47 pm

thats true, their is more hope if the same development team returns but like ive said...its happened many times before....take metal gear solid 1 and 2 for example. 1 was a masterpiece and 2 was pure shit....it was the same team..it all boils down to 1 subject: Money.
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Postby code l name » Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:01 pm

Money while playing a part, a substantial one at that isn't the only factor of importance. Production time especially when the game is as big and complex as Shenmue is jus as important, as is a talented team, vision by the producer along with countless other things.

For the record Metal Gear Solid was far from shit as you eloquently put it. Sure the story was slightly convoluted and lost itself near the end, but the gameplay additions were fantastic, and at the time the artificial intelligence were phenomenal. Maybe it wasn't as good as the original (Hype doesn't look kindly upon sequels), but it was a great game in its own right, but I am going off-topic here :)
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Postby Kidd » Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:03 pm

Naaa,I don't think MGS 2 was bad.Yes,the first was 10 times better,but 2 too was good(even if you control Raiden so much).Anyway,I think it that way too:they should do Shenmue 3 with their heart,like the other 2 games.But there is 1 thing I don't like:Shenmue started on Dreamcast.Why sholud I buy another console to see the end of the saga?It isn't right.......I don't have an Xbox,but a Game Cube.I hope they will do Shenmue for GC too(but I don't think it will happen.... :( )
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Postby Silas » Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:44 pm

Kidd wrote:But there is 1 thing I don't like:Shenmue started on Dreamcast.Why sholud I buy another console to see the end of the saga?It isn't right.......I don't have an Xbox,but a Game Cube.I hope they will do Shenmue for GC too(but I don't think it will happen.... :( )
Well, it was the same for me with Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2. And fans of Metroid Prime without GCs are bound to disappointment.

The Dreamcast passed its time too soon, I agree, but it passed.
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Postby sex machiene » Fri Feb 20, 2004 9:44 pm

that worries me because the longer we dopn't hear any news on shenmue the higher the possibility the production was stopped. The longer Sammy could cease production. I would like them 2 take there time but i would like them 2 confirm development
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Postby rome » Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:54 pm

I love the shenmue series like eveeryone else....so i can wait awhile....but the thing is if you dont think of Shenmue...the time goes by much faster.....the only problem is....trying not to think of Shenmue....so you tell me....
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Postby DisturbedLedZep » Sat Feb 21, 2004 1:05 pm

mgs2 wasnt what i wanted at all...i mean who wanted to control that raiden dude? he isnt the point of mgs solid snake is! but back to the topic, ive talked to a friend who works at a game company (rockstar) and he said that big companies usually let big series wait for awhile before sequals are announced because they want to see how many people they can get to pick up the earlier installments before making a new one.
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Postby asnozz » Sat Feb 21, 2004 1:14 pm

welcome to the dojo!
good post, i dont mind how long it takes as long as its confirmed and it will be released
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Postby Kidd » Sun Feb 22, 2004 8:22 am

Me too had the problem of Soul Reaver 1 & 2......damn,I know they must use new consoles,but if I buy a game for a console that I have it isn't right to continue it on a different console.......if Shenmue 3 will come out for Xbox (probably)I don't know how I can do....... :roll:
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