31.000 in 3 days....

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby Shenmuehua » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:42 am

Some stretch goals are coming and new tiers and/or new rewards are coming too.

They are going back to work after a crazy week.
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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby LucBu » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:52 am

Seems Cedric Biscay is acknowledging a problem with his retweets.

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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby Luke_09 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:05 am

I've spoken to a few people who are streaming Shenmue in Twitch. So many people I've messaged in the chat stream seem to feel that because the game has reached it's target, we can now stop donating!

There's a huge amount of apathy about the whole situation! It's quite frustrating. People seem to think that the KickStarter doesn't need anymore money because it's reached it's goal and others seem to think that 'everything will be fine' because there will be other companies investing.

There are a LOT of assumptions and that is negatively impacting upon the KickStarter.

Ys Net needs to do more to advertise the fact that the primary source of funding is KickStarter.
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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby drunkensailor » Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:55 am

Shenmuehua wrote: Some stretch goals are coming and new tiers and/or new rewards are coming too.

They are going back to work after a crazy week.

they said that for days now but it's been like what 5 days without an update? this thing should be updated 20x a day or something. the whole site looks quite amateurish as well
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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby Shenhua-Nani? » Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:05 am

There's no easily accessible way to play Shenmue 1&2, that's this Kickstarter's biggest problem imo....

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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby mrandyk » Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:00 am

This whole thing has been handled so poorly. So frustrating to see our one shot at Shenmue 3 suffering from pitfalls any PR firm worth a damn would have seen coming a mile away.
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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby benayun88 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:15 am

we need to reach out to yu suzuki - cedric biscay and the like to tell them we are not happy with how the kickstarter page is being handled.
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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby Shenhua-Nani? » Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:16 am

mrandyk wrote: This whole thing has been handled so poorly. So frustrating to see our one shot at Shenmue 3 suffering from pitfalls any PR firm worth a damn would have seen coming a mile away.

(this is the last post i'll do against the kickstarter page today, sorry i am extremely frustrated)

Yep, exactly.

All it would have taken to make a decent page was:

1) Story section with a brief recap, 2 images of the mirrors and maybe a short video

2) Character section with MOST of the important characters with a brief description for each and the images they are using for the latest update (fave characters poll)

3) Gameplay section explaining what Shenmue was and what you are aiming for, with a clear explanation that the more they get from pledges the more they will be able to do. Maybe put a video here too

4) Stretch goals explained, what is Baisha village? What is rapport system? Why should we care?

There you go, i never did marketing but it took me (and anyone else with half a brain) to figure out how the page should have been handled.

But no, instead we got a japanese based team, that can barely type correct english, in charge of marketing campaign aimed mainly at the western countries.

So damn infuriating.
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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby mjq jazz bar » Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:18 am

If we're going to be negative, can we at least report actual facts? This type of thread lowers morale.

I agree with everything described in the above post, though. The fact they haven't even changed the layout of the main page is really annoying.
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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby alexironaek » Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:16 am

Luke_09 wrote:
Hyo Razuki wrote: $57,244 on June 21; $44,669 on June 22; $31,074 on June 23.

Thanks for those values! It's handy to keep track of stuff like that.

I'm just wondering, is there anyway we can find out how Shenmue III is doing at this point compared to Bloodstained was?
Is it making more money per day that Bloodstained does anyone know?

The main reason I ask is so we can accurately predict whether Shenmue III will surpass the $5 million mark or not.

Well, here is a shenmue 3 - bloodstained comparison picture ,unfortunately we are behind on the money per day basis..(except the first 4 days)

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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby life_247 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:20 am

Well this was always going to happen, Shenmue has a very hardcore fan base that are dedicated - furthermore the announcement came during E3 when gaming news hits the mainstream and every gamer has a peek at the news. Therefore the initial influx was of the Shenmue faithful. Unfortunately the series is around 15 years old - I myself got the game for Christmas 2000 (after pretty much getting a Dreamcast to play the game alongside Jet Set Radio) and I was 12 - Im now 26.

If we say the core gamer is around 16 (and by that I mean most immersed, playing the most titles and purchasing although the average age as crept up over the years to somewhere around 30 ~35) those gamers are now 30! With nothing new released in well over a decade there is a whole generation of gamers who have missed this title.

Furthermore the orignal game sold somewhere in the region of 1.2 million, which while healthy is not a huge fan base to draw on 15 years after the fact. The game is a cult sensation, the first day of the kickstarter proved that as people couldn't pledge fast enough, however it has very little currency in the wider gaming world anyymore.

Finally the problem with Kickstarter, especially with Sony lurking around is that we're being asked to fund development. We may never see the game, many many many kickstarters fail (EG Dont deliever the goods)- which is fine - but if its sucessful all you get is the product. Your being asked to shoulder all the downsides of investment with none of the positives. If the game is successful the people who put up 20/30/40/50 (up to 100% in some cases) percent of the budget recieve only the product at the retail cost. So while the hardcore fans may be willing to stump up many wont. Additionally there will be no oversight of our investment (if we can call it that) and that can lead to two horrible scenarios:

1. The game will take a long, long, long, long time to appear - the first game was hardly swiftly put together and was beset by delays.

2. YSNet runs out of money, no one else is willing to dig into their pockets and save them so the product ships under developed as no one was keeping a realisitic view during development. Im all for having umpteen mini games and every Sega arcade title from the 80's present but not if it delays the project by 2 years and they run out of money to finish it - Im looking at you suspicious ending of Shenmue 2.

Personally for this reason I have always had issues with the kickstarter model, especially when there are large companies sniffing about. However since its Shenmue 3 I will be putting down some cold hard cash come payday at the end of the month (just bought a flat in London - I am dead broke), but I cant say im too happy about it.
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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby Hyo Razuki » Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:38 am

I totally see your point. Every one of us would have preferred Sony or another big publisher to straight up foot the bill for the game without us having to go through Kickstarter. But please keep in mind that this is very likely to be our last shot. This is probably the last chance Shenmue will ever get.

A lot of Shenmue fans would also be willing to contribute like a montly $30 to Shenmue in order to at least ensure some steady influx of cash for Ys during the next two to three years, while developing S3. I think Ys will establish that option through Paypal sooner or later.

Especially since Ys probably won't be putting out any other games during that time span and don't have a lot of other sources of income, it will be a hell of an uphill battle they will have to fight. If we really want to see the saga concluded some day we will have to put in all we can. The only way to ever have a big publisher fund another Shenmue game is to make S3 the best we can and make it successful. If S3 turns out to make a good profit, Sega or Sony might very well jump in and fund number 4.

But for now, that's up to us because right now, the sad reality is that no publisher on this planet believes in the franchise enough to fully fund a game, even if Sony believes in it enough to give the Kickstarter some prime time at E3.

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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby JohnBlack » Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:52 am

Guys, this is really good numbers to the game. You keep comparing it to Bloodstained, but Bloodstained have much more fans. Who the hell never played Castlevania? And Shenmue is going very well to beat Bloodstained record. You just expect too much, kickstarter for videogame cant get 10m - its obvious and its not awesome japan problem. Just game is not really as popular as you may expect. Look, first pebble watches was around 10m and every major magazine give ads for them, articles was all over the place. And more then that - its a real product, not videogame. So 10m is impossible, but 5-6m will be a really good result for Shenmue.

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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby Shenmuehua » Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:55 am

I understand your points guys and I pretty agree with some/all of them...

But, please, remember where we are coming from... Shenmue III is now a reality!

Like the world, nothing is perfect and things could have been greatly managed....

BUT let s get positive, not blind, but positive and fight until the kickstarter is over. Maybe for a reason things can flip around and create some huge hype on Shenmue III again.

We are gonna get it, we fought during years for that and maybe some people more than me so let s believe in it.

I know the money is important but what we want, in the end, is Shenmue III so lets focus on that and money will gather around the project.

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Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

Postby Jeff » Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:03 pm

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