What Once Was

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What Once Was

Postby Jokatech19 » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:42 pm

This is a piece of the blog I just posted on my site. Feel free to share your thoughts on anything over 5 year ago, game, music, art, movies, shows, etc. Actually I'm getting ideas just typing this. LOL. I've been watching "Happy Console Gamer" alot on Youtube and he really gets me fired up. I really would like to add some episodes like his to my youtube show, but I'm so tired and lazy lately and just never make any more episodes. Probably going to cancel it soon.

It's hard to believe that I grew up with the same Pokemon that tiny kids are addicted to today. That fact alone is pretty precious and amazing. Gamecube came out shortly before I graduated as well as Xbox and we got to enjoy what was a very fresh age of new gen games and concepts. I will say that the Xbox 360 did a good job in it's life of extending some nuances of that great gaming era into the last few recent years. One amazing thought that I realize is the there was no Myspace, Youtube, Facebook, or any social networking at all when I was in school. That is amazing! It prevades every crevice of life now. Just try to imagine turning on your computer right now and not having those. In fact, we didn't even surf the web nearly as much back then, due to the fact that it wasn't the lounge it is today.

One of my favorite web bloggers did a video where he mentioned that back when we used to collect GamePro and the other elite magazines, there was no Google where you could search everything about the game up. You relied on the mags to get sneak footage of upcoming game. I can remember that so well. I really miss when we would get together over a strategy guide of say, Super Metroid, and decipher how to tackle the game. Or when we were in deep discussion over being stuck in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and for weeks we would battle with that and actually take breaks to go outside. That life has virtually no meaning now and I miss it. I must say that I appreciate the innovations that have brought such classics to things as simple as your phone or tablet. That is cool. But I would pay anything, to go back in time to the late 90's when Dreamcast was in bloom and SNES, PS1, Saturn, Genesis, etc were all at the height of their powers. There just isn't any time quite like it.

Jokatech19 has received 2 thanks from: Brothaman, Henry Spencer
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Re: What Once Was

Postby south carmain » Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:57 pm

being an adult sucks
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Re: What Once Was

Postby Bluecast » Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:01 pm

south carmain wrote: being an adult sucks

I may agree with you once I become one :P

Kidding but know what you mean
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Re: What Once Was

Postby Bambi » Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:13 pm

south carmain wrote: being an adult sucks

No doubt but I'm sure you know that it's all too easy to romanticise the past, it's the basis of nostalgia and I catch myself doing it all the time. Sort of off-topic but I sometimes wonder there's too sharp a contrast between the wonder of childhood and the reality of our lives as adults. It's not totally unreasonable to imagine that we would be happier, more well adjusted people if we hadn't been spoon fed such fantastic nonsense as children. Where you would draw the line and what the alternative would be, I'm not sure.
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