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Sega reviving major IPs strategic planning

Following their end of fiscal year, Sega reveals plans to revive major IPs in their latest strategic planning document titled "Road to 2020".

Shenmue 1 & 2, Skies of Arcadia, Power Stone anyone?

Source: Sega Sammy
by sand4fish
Mon May 15, 2017 6:50 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

Just to add some fuel to the rumors/assumptions fire:

For context, "Les Illuminati" is one of the 63 Twitter accounts followed by... Cédric Biscay.

The original tweet from Romain Mahut is likely to be linked to this one from April 2nd:

New interesting post from Romain Mahut.

Quick translation:
Koopa Tweet - "There are rumors about a #Shenmue 1 & 2 HD annoucement during Sony E3 conference along with a new #Shenmue3 trailer." (Note: No idea where this rumor comes from. Maybe it's just a guess coming from the newly bumped GAF thread about Rice Digital rumor)

Romain Mahut Tweet - "Chances are that there will be "talk" about Shenmue during E3, but i didn't hear anything this specific." (Note: R.M. answer isn't that easy to translate for me. Risque ≠ risk & "parler de" isn't exactly "talk about" in those case.)


Guys don't get me wrong. I don't want to prove anything or convince you about anything.
I'm just trying to put pieces of the jigsaw together before E3, which in either case, will give us all the answers.
by Kiske
Mon May 15, 2017 10:12 am
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Re: Ryo's face

I don't think I'd describe the style of Shenmue as photorealistic. Most of the textures are hand-painted (digitally, I assume) so everything has more of a painted or illustrated look, although the sheer amount of detail provides an aspect of realism. I think this has helped Shenmue age more gracefully than most other games of the era that used photo textures. Something that's thoughtfully stylized usually looks timeless in the years to come, while things that seem photorealistic now almost inevitably look badly dated ten years later.
by Centrale
Tue May 16, 2017 11:46 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

I was talking with Adam Sipione earlier and he can relate to this more so than I can, but with the Twitch channel and plans/preparations I am putting myself under for that really takes a lot of the hype away. It's work. It's great work, but it's still work nonetheless. I am starting to understand the misconception professional streamers are placed under, in that their lives are sweet playing videogames all day etc, but it's actually a job.
And I only stream once a week! With the E3 supershow though, I am putting in a lot more work, feeling a lot more stressed, and a lot more pressure, mixed with the stress and emotion of E3/Shenmue fan also.
I can't imagine the effort and pressure Adam has with the documentary. As much as I am sure he enjoys it, travelling to all these places to interview people, it must take it's toll, and some of the hype he would experience as a fan of the series. Having to deal with the constant gripes from fans asking where is the documentary and when is it coming etc.

Sorry guys, I cant jump on the hype train as of yet. Maybe at one of the stations down the line.
by Peter
Wed May 17, 2017 10:21 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

Peter, we can only imagine the huge amount of work, preparation and energy the Twitch stream requires, especially now that the super E3 stream is coming.
What we can tell you is that we are grateful for what you did, are doing and will do with the stream, including what you do for Shenmue and this Community.

Whatever happens during E3, but also before or after, we are grateful to you.
Don't put yourself under too much pressure, don't jump on the hype train if you don't feel the time is right.
by Kiske
Wed May 17, 2017 10:43 am
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Re: Ryo's face

As far as I remember the faces ( at least the passport ones and I bet some others too) Are digital scans from some handmade busts.

Those busts were used not only in the passport but in the Shenmue online trailer and official artwork.


Shenmue online


Passport Face ( tweaked +Into a new model)

And as some of you may know I have used those passport faces as base for new models, they are fully rigged

Left original artwork, right reconstruction using the ripped face from the game.

Every single model uses the passport faces as a base.

Sorry for the overload of images, I know it seems I always try to post my pics when this topic surfaces....

Bu t my point is, the excuse of old models and new tech incompatible is... well... BS.

So the real reason why they aren't using faces close to the originals is beyond my comprenhension...
by Esppiral
Wed May 17, 2017 3:48 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

About "Just Add Water" CEO messages on NeoGAF.

It's not unlikely that he's not trolling Shenmue fans but simply being (very) unprofessional...

Anyway, he kind of confirmed that Shenmue HD is real on his Twitter account:

I didn't notice that. Romain Mahut did.

Gameblog posted an article about it:

(Guys... remember I'm only a messenger, please :mrgreen: )
by Kiske
Thu May 18, 2017 7:51 am
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Re: Doing something nice for Shenmue III team

i assume we are getting awesome japan a crate full of fanta?
by Aimless Gamer
Thu May 18, 2017 6:56 pm
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Re: Doing something nice for Shenmue III team

I'd go for something more practical like a nice bottle of alcohol as I know Japanese in general love their booze.

I know for sure Yu would appreciate it. RIght Mr. Suzuki?

Anyway I'm more than glad to help out on the GoFundMe for anything you guys are deciding on.

Edit: Never mind. Just saw the other page. I'm in.
by sand4fish
Thu May 18, 2017 5:30 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

The Gamblog journalist Romain Mahut is on fire...

It looks like he struggles to remain silent about Shenmue HD (See the last tweet picture, from yesterday night).

For those who have no idea who he is, Romain Mahut is a journalist working for the second most popular gaming website in France (behind Gamekult) and he is also a huge Shenmue fan.

This below is the first time he did a tweet about the Shenmue series, at the beginning of April.

The next screen-cap is taken from the comments section about the "SEGA plans to revive major IPs" news.

Romain posted a Tweet shortly after JAW CEO comments about Shenmue HD on NeoGAF.
(No N.D.A. but he has been asked to keep some things for himself.

JAW CEO "kind of confirms" on Twitter what he wrote on the NeoGAF forum.

New Tweet from Romain, yesterday night. This is not an answer, that's a spontaneous tweet.
Although Shenmue HD isn't mentioned, it's seems very very likely that this is about our beloved franchise.
"It's coming out. The real mystery is the announcement date."

It's interesting to note the change of "tone" since the JAW CEO comments.
I assume he no longer feels obliged to keep some things to himself.
To me, this is the closest thing to an actual confirmation of Shenmue HD existence.

Why does Romain write so much about Shenmue?
He's a Shenmue fan, but also a journalist and as journalist he probably doesn't want to miss the "scoop" if the opportunity arises. (By the way, he and Julo, another journalist AND Shenmue fan from Gameblog will attend E3. It's definitely worth checking their Twitter accounts during E3...)

That said, Shenmue HD could exists as a "project", it can be at the beginning of the development or simply far away from completion. It's SEGA, no doubt they can be late. Officially, we don't even know if the project has been greenlighted.
Although the chances for an announcement during E3 are real, they mathematically are still not above 50%...
It may come later, during the PSX or the TGS. It all depends on how far they are with the development and how early before release, SEGA wants to make an announcement.

As Shenmue fans, as a Community, I think that all we can do is keep the pressure on SEGA to release Shenmue HD before Shenmue 3 comes out. About that, TeamYu explained way better than me, where we stand right now.

Let's make the June 3rd #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon the most vocal of all time! :mrgreen:
by Kiske
Fri May 19, 2017 4:47 am
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Shenmue as a teaching tool

Ever since I orignally got Shenmue I had thought how great a teaching tool it would be if you could mod the game (Or remake it from another game, say Half Life 2 or what have you.) and have it where you basically step off the plane onto Japanese soil.  The reason I chose Shenmue as the game is due to it's original setting is Japan, so all the building blocks would be there from the start.  Also the way the virtual city just breathes life, I still think it does a better job then, than most games today. =D>

So you are tested while on the plane or greeted by your guide, with your knowledge of both the speaking and writing of Japanese.  Perhaps by a narrative asking if you are proficient in N3 or in case you are not sure, a quick test of your general knowledge.

If using your guide they will speak to you in English (or what ever language) with little spritz of Japanese to gauge your comprehension.  If you do not answer quickly or correctly, the guide and other NPCs (those coded to speak English or "better" English) will act accordingly to you, but still push you into speaking Japanese.

When you are finally left on your own or you immediately go that route, (second play through or you are just that good.) the city is free to be explored at your leasure.

You can interact with people and they will in turn interact with you.  Depending on what you said your level of understanding of the language (can be changed at any time) or actually tested for proficiency wise, determines how many people can speak to you or how intelligent they interact with you, as in bigger harder words if you are good or talking to you like you are a small child. :mrgreen:

The Japanese landscape however does not change what so ever.  So something written in Japanese will always be in Japanese, be it a billboard, a shop's sign or even a news clipping.  However you can easily press a button and see a translation into English or a break down of the Japanese structure like if zooming onto a residential house name plate on Shenmue, except you have to press the help button, it is not freely given to you.

You play a foreigner or perhaps you could play it as a visting friend or even a resident.  But what that means is how "polite" you are expected to treat others and in turn should expect to be treated.  So if complete strangers I suppose the polite way and with good friends the normal or less polite way.

Also you are tested through out the game naturally with how you interact with others by your body language/actions.  The game would teach you to bow, how to slurp noodles, how to wait/ride the train.  I mean the lists goes on. Plus if the city (cities) could realistically be shaped like Japanese cities all the more better.  (But with out perfect detail like real shops being used, since that would obvioisly need permission from each to do so, although Google Maps is allowed to show them...)

Basically there is no fighting to be had, you are not Ryo or even on a mission to find the mirror.  Just some random visitor, although there could be fetching, traveling, collecting and others quests. 

Originally I thought as far as consoles go, that the Nintendo Wii would be the best idea.  It was powerful enough to run Shenmue and had the added bonus of the microphone for speech and the remote/nunchuck for the QTEs and general ease of navigating, pointing, writing kanji, zooming, etc.

Plus at the time the Wii was kicking both the XBOX 360's and PS3's butt, so more people had the opportunity to play and it was a more friendly, family oriented, casual person type of game console.  Plus Nintendo had a slew of other language and brain games at the time as well, just this would of been a lot more fun and a lot more interactive and Nintendo and SEGA seemed to be getting chummy with one another.

Anyway, that was always a fantasy of mine.  One I am likely never to see fulfilled.  I my self for sure can not code.  But maybe if Shenmue 1 and 2 comes out to Steam, or even 3 and like most good PC games are allowed to be modded, a game like this could materialize... [-o<

And you could potentially with more work make/visit virtually any part of the world whether it be China, (China would be easier than the others mentioned due to Shenmue 2.) the Middle East, Africa, Europe or even America as a destination and language teacher.
by RyoShenmue
Fri May 19, 2017 1:14 am
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Re: Great Videogame Boxart

Funny you should mention that, since I was just looking at his work on Front Mission 2 the other day since so many great artists worked on that series, his work probably stood out as my favourite even against the likes of Amano (FM1 and Gun Hazard) and Yusuke Naora (FM4 and FM5), both of whom I am a fan of too. Speaking of Jun Suemi, who I've liked for a while now, I tended to get his work mixed up with Shinobu Tanno who worked on games like Culdcept, Vandal Hearts 2 and Bladestorm: Hundred Years War. He's definitely one of the most...underutilised artists in Japan, I feel. His day job now seems to be as an artist for the covers for the Guin Saga novels.

When said artist can roll out artwork like this:

More here:

...Why isn't Shinobu getting more work?

Art gallery here (I was constantly wide eyed by this guy's work):

Guess guys like these (like yourself and Thief both posted) don't draw "kawaiiiii desu uguu uguu" [under age girls] enough for most Japanese game companies nowadays. :roll:
Good art sure is a hard sell now in that country, dunno what the fuck happened over there.

EDIT: Thief - Yoneda also seemed to be the illustrator/artist for Silent Bomber (PSX) and Elemental Gearbot (PSX) too.
Also just found his artbooks on

It's absolutely beautiful art.
by Henry Spencer
Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:38 pm
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Re: Great Videogame Boxart

Just stumbled upon this one.
Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna, or Project Setsuna. I don't know a whole lot about the game, but gad dang if that ain't some of the most gorgeous boxart I've ever seen. I love the understated type. Better if you click on it and see the details.
by OL
Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:34 pm
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Re: Great Videogame Boxart

^^Same. My only experience with steelbooks, the discs are unnecessarily difficult to get out and put back in, and the cases don't seem to close as well as a regular plastic snapcase.

So from what I've heard this game itself isn't quite as hot as some were expecting (what, unsatisfied gamers?! Unheard of!), but this is still some pretty badass artwork for the US cover.
by OL
Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:47 am
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Re: Great Videogame Boxart

:) Another World. It was one of the first videogames I ever played.

This item is not mine, but this is the EXACT same version I still own after so many years :cry:

:) Here's the original artwork by Eric Chahi himself:|1024:*

Interesting game to pop your cherry on.
by TwiceFriedRice
Fri May 19, 2017 3:13 pm
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Re: What TV series are you watching?

Definitely watching the first 2 seasons of Twin Peaks is a must to understand this new one. Overall I find the new series a must watch for anyone who appreciates film. Which other TV series had a gap of over 25 years, and it still presents you with the same original actors in it and the best part, it all ties in perfectly in narrative as if everything was a deadly premonition?

Here is a quick 5 minute recap of the first 2 seasons:

by sand4fish
Mon May 22, 2017 12:38 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Just for the record, the YsNet website recruit section has been updated.
The only notable difference is that the mention "urgent" disappeared from the point 6 (Cut scene artist).

March 8 2017 (screen capture).

June 1 2017.
by Kiske
Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:20 am
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Re: Why is Shenmue II better than Shenmue I?

What I'm about to post here might seem a bit biased compared to what I wrote in the topic regarding the first game since it's going to include a lot more stuff. I do like Shenmue II quite a bit better than Shenmue and I think it's well known how often I have been speaking up for it in the past. But there is just so much refinement in Shenmue II that needs to be mentioned so I'm trying to make this my definitive "what's better" post.

As mentioned in the other topic I do feel that the changes in Shenmue II made it more streamlined wich leads to it becoming more (even if only slightly) of what's typical for a video game. Some of the things I'll mention here are very much doing that but I think that they make the overall experience more enjoyable, especially when you replay the game multiple times.

I'm not going into the story or the characters and how they are written. Shenmue II obviously has a lot more to offer in that regard but I think it's unfair to compare the two games here. The first one was only ever intended to be the opening chapter, almost just a prologue of the whole saga so naturally it's not as full and rich yet.

- Much bigger game world
- More NPCs
- More dialogue options
- More things to collect and play with
- More secrets and sidequests to discover
- More gameplay elements that always introduce something new (rock smashing, leaf catching, etc)
- More instances of failure leading to a branching path instead of a retry
- More fights, more QTEs
- QTEs are more varied and inputs better represent fighting actions
- Better cinematography, better action scenes
- Overall more refined graphics and a more vibrant look
- NPCs blink and have more natural looking mouth movements
- Drastically improved sky box
- Larger and more diverse soundtrack (it's extremely hard to say if it's better overall)
- Better Jukebox music (that I can say for sure)
- Money plays a bigger role and comes with lots of ways to earn and spend it
- Costumizable move set (at the expense of having some moves at the same time)
- Improved camera respone for zooming and especially turning
- Faster capsule toy animation
- Enemies have life bars
- Submenus that make the overall menu less cluttered with items
- Shenmue collection easily allows access to fights and minigames
- Maps and leading NPCs (I just wish there was a way to turn off owned maps)
- Cutscene skip option (after clearing the game and also after fails)
- Time skip option
- Save anywhere
- Uninterrupted disc swap

"More" really is the keyword here as Shenmue II simply has more to offer in just about every aspect. Shenmue II simply is a game of a much bigger scope. In order to reach this goal it made some sacrifices in areas that made Shenmue groundbreaking and unique but I feel that this is a good thing for Shenmue aswell. It makes it worth to always go back to it, just for the different feeling between the two games. I really hope I have cleared this up for me now...
by BlueMue
Wed May 31, 2017 6:39 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

If there is one person within the community whos work gets overlooked, and doesnt get nowhere near enough praise as he should, its Kiske.

There are a lot of people who do great work for Shenmue, but he really is one of the silent heroes since Shenmue 3 became a reality. His passion is unmatched, and his ideas and support across all of the Shenmue community sites is something that is to be absolutely commended.

Just wanted to give him is due live and respect.

Bravo sir, and thank you for so much hard work! =D> =D> =D> =D>
by Peter
Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:03 pm
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Shenmue 3 Predictions

Let's play a little fun game. All you have to do is say Yes, or No, (no maybe's allowed!) for each prediction. Let's go.

1. Will Ryo and Shenhua kiss?
2. Will there be a love interest besides Shenhua?
3. Will Ryo fight Lan Di?
4. Will Ryo kill Lan Di?
5. Will any major character die?
6. Will there be any type of racing mini game?
7. Will Ryo finally eat something!?
8. Will there be a Tomato Market?
9. Will there be street fighting gambling?
10. Will you be able to cook the fish you catch in the fishing mini game?
11. Is this an annoying post?!
by ShenmueTree
Sun Jul 02, 2017 3:14 pm
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Re: Analog or D-Pad?

by OL
Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:59 am
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Hi there people, I´m Sebastian Riera, aka SebasRD82 in the social media, and I´m working on a Shenmue manga. Just opened a Patreon to help make this possible. Maybe some of you may be interested, or not. Just in case, I´m sharing the info ;)
This is the Patreon link:

Here you have some of the manga pages:
by SebasRD82
Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:03 pm
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Message to Suzuki-san @ Gamescom

For next month's Gamescom event, I've plans to make a motivational banner for YsNet on behalf of all of us here (and other fan groups), and will deliver this to him during the show, as Switch mentions in his post: ... .html#more

I will be going to the show Weds-Fri, and hopefully can meet some of you guys there for you to sign it before I hand the thing over. I'll be hanging around Asia Wok restaurant in the showfloor (see here:, and timings will be dependent on when the meet and greet with Suzuki-san is.

PM me if you want to get involved!

Btw the message is literally "Ganbatte!", or "Do your best!"
by yuc02
Sat Jul 29, 2017 5:31 pm
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

well well i was here since yesterday reading all the debates going on with specifically the models and i will cite my opinion on the matter..

first of all both of the new models are on track and vastly improved upon and far away from being bad or unfaithful to the concept designs available from the past. they only and only need some small tweaking (which is to be expected since there is about 1.5 years left at least before release)
and maybe i will be first to say it here but i am more pleased with Shenhua's new Model than Ryo... yes you heard that right!

Shenhua has never had a consistent model artwork.
the one they choose to go for here is clearly something more akin to these 3D renders

i always adored those back in the day and i feel they are going to a similar direction here.
now don't get me wrong i absolutely love the original design used in SI and Shenmue Passport, the thing is and i might be one of the few to say this but i don't like how she looked like in SII at all.

so going from this

to this

is a step up in art direction IMO.

again those new models are not perfect but still very close from some of designs used in past materials.

i will not talk about the location seen in the picture (which is looking gorgeous BTW!) but damn i wasn't expecting the great wall at all! the events in this game are supposed to take place far from it!

as for the logos i don't know but i find them both great unlike the shitty one used from before, it's not a big matter anyway.
by Suzuki Yu
Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:18 am
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Its been a great journey.

by ShenSun
Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:52 am
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

:?: Not convinced by Ryo's look yet, I think there's something off in his eyes and his cheecks, though I'm not sure what it is.
It may still be too early to judge, anyway and these may be older assets too: just look at how they're using a new logo, even though they they recently said they were going to use the original one (I doubt they could've changed their mind :D ).

P.S.: :) I'd love to know if Ryo and Shenhua's models already looked something like this at the time of the backer's dinner.

It's Ryo's hair. Too boofy. In previous models his side bangs were waxed down, now he looks like other Asian high schoolers with boofy side hair.

Heading in the right direction though, just still jarring because it's not the old Ryo we know and love.
by fittersau
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:47 pm
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - Yu's in a park

How did Ryo manage to get that tanned after being stuck in a cavern for so many years? :D
by Verderame
Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:29 pm
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Re: Message to Suzuki-san @ Gamescom

The printed version shown below will be what I'll bring on Wednesday, hoping to find friends to sign before handing over during the Meet and Greet on Thursday 1pm-ish
by yuc02
Thu Aug 17, 2017 8:33 am
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - Yu's in a park

How did Ryo manage to get that tanned after being stuck in a cavern for so many years? :D
YS: He probably goes to a very expensive tanning salon. Probably not one of those cheap 100 yen salons in those communal baths. [Laughs]
:P :D


There's also a nice answer to show to all those smug smartass-wannabe shitposters on NeoGaf & co. that were so "concerned" about how Deep Silver's involvment was going to make the game sooo bad like MN9

JM: So, back to your plans for the future. I don't know if you've heard, but [Resident Evil creator] Shinji Mikami's studio, Tango, was recently acquired by Bethesda parent company, ZeniMax. Would you ever consider working with a Western publisher if you could get the funding to make Shenmue 3?

YS: That depends on the terms of negotiations. If we're given the freedom to make what we want , it doesn't matter where the company is from. I would take my family and move to the States.
by Verderame
Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:51 pm
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Shenmue III teaser is FINALLY HERE!!


phpBB [video]

(Credit to Kiske and SheepheadCG for getting the jumps on this. A few confusing posts and topics were deleted prior to this topic.)
by Peter
Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:16 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Loved the trailer. It actually calmed many worries. This is a trailer that should have been a Kickstarter update and not at a game show, however. The game show atmosphere gives it higher expectations and legitimacy, when all it really was is a sneak peek for supporters.
by ChiefNeo
Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:13 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts


The scene was begging to be captioned
by Rikitatsu
Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:09 am
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - Yu's at a party

It's an unwinnable battle the man has to face, and I feel sorry for him.

Absolutely with you here. My least favorite thing about all this mess is thinking of Yu getting discouraged. I know the man has been patient and perservered over the last 16 years, but it has to be frustrating to hear some of the backlash (constructive criticism is one thing - even with a work in progress - but the hate/toxicity/unreasonable idiocy...). As a fan, I can ignore a lot of it pretty easily. As the creator of the game who has devoted (along with his team of course) countless sleepless nights over the last couple years getting the game to look as good as it does (which I'm overall very happy and excited about), I'm sure it's much more difficult to ignore. Honestly, I probably won't bother giving them feedback on the logo, because I don't think it's worth it to distract him over. If he is happy with the newest one, I think I'm willing to just give in. It's not going to affect the in-game experience.

I know you will, given the chance, let Suzuki-san know how grateful MOST of us are for his tireless efforts. I could go on, but really, I just hope he knows that most (at least I hope most) of the Shenmue fanbase is still very happy and has faith in him. I want him to be happy with his game, he deserves it. From the looks of it, I'll be quite pleased as well (even if I'm not 100% loving everything about how things look in a WIP).
by squall
Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:11 pm
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Famitsu Interview w/ Yu Suzuki @Gamescom [Full Translation]

I've posted up a full translation of a Famitsu interview held yesterday with Yu Suzuki at Gamescom.

"Tortoises, ducks and frogs will be making an appearance!"

Link to interview:
by Switch
Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:14 am
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Re: Game Watch Japan Interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom 2017

A sample of the full interview:

We can put a name to the person who accompanied Yu in the backer dinner. His name is Hideaki Morishita and he's the executive producer of Shenmue 3.
by Yokosuka
Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:47 am
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Re: Game Watch Japan Interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom 2017

Any ideas about the executive producer's pedigree? Can't find any information on Google.

There you go. That's his Linkedin profile.

Started his career way back in 81, so he's probably around the same age as Yu-san, maybe a bit older. Held executive positions in Square Enix for two years and Sega for five years. Then he worked as a freelancer and now seems to be working for a company called Catch Media Inc. in Japan. However, his name is nowhere to be found on their website, neiter on the board nor in executive management.

Assuming he is working full time for YS Net now, YS Net would be his 7th employer since 2000. :| Talk about bumpy career paths.

Well anyway, let's hope for the best, the guy has held leading positions in companies like Square Enix and Sega for about seven years in total, so he's a video game industry veteran who should have a good ability to execute and deliver on projects. However, the guy seems to have focused more on digital entertainment outside of video games during the last ten years.
by Hyo Razuki
Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:49 am
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Game*Spark Interview with Yu Suzuki [Full Translation]

Here's a new article translation from Game*Spark Japan, interviewing Yu Suzuki and executive producer Hideaki Morishita.

I think it contains a lot of interesting insight. They speak about the fuss surrounding the teaser trailer despite the fact that many of the characters in the trailer are nowhere near their finished form.

Read the interview here:
by Switch
Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:05 pm
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - Yu's at a party

Oh man, I'm still a bit exhausted from the trip and the whole event.

It was amazing to meet you guys! I was just too thrilled to have the chance to get together with other fans and to see Yu Suzuki in person, shake hands with him. I must've looked totally freaked out all the time. And then out of all the people they had to chose me, posing with Yu Suzuki, as the first picture in the article on that Japanese website... 8-[

I'll post some of my photographic impressions of the Gamescom compiled into a little video later today. Still trying to process all of this and catch up with everything here. I'm just so happy that everything worked out so nicely! =D>
by BlueMue
Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:33 am
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - Yu's at a party

An spanish website will put a full interview with Suzuki, but at the moment, they have a few highlights:

"I'm afraid of not meeting expectations". "Not only do we have a budget and a limited team, but nostalgia is a dangerous factor. People can remember the game much prettier or better than it actually was."

- Suzuki wants to make Shenmue 4 after Shenmue 3.
- The scope of Shenmue 3 will be similar to Shenmue 2.
- The game will be oriented a bit more to adventure instead of more action.
- About 30h of gameplay.
by Hazuki00
Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:12 am
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - Yu's at a party

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but this tweet confirms the existence of an extended version of the Teaser published by Sony on Youtube.

I've just had the huge pleasure of viewing the extended Shenmue 3 trailer with Yu Suzuki himself! What an experience. Even gave him merch
by Kiske
Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:45 am
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