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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

Guys I am too hyped and my tits cannot contain this excitement

Hold on to your butts.
by Himuro
Wed May 17, 2017 3:34 am
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Re: Doing something nice for Shenmue III team

I like that. We could make a concession due to expense.

Ideally I'd like to:

- buy the fruit basket AND the flowers from there
- card addressed to BOTH Ys Net and Awesome Japan
- wine but not from there

We should pool our money together. I want to make a gofundme so we can make this really be a Shenmue fan effort. It'll be easier to pool our money too.

How about,"To the Shenmue III team and Awesome Japan, thank you for all of your effort, love, and everything you do. We recognize the team is working hard and sacrificing much to bring us their best. You have our full support and love. From your friends at Shenmue Dojo"?

We still need to do something nice for Cedric. We would not be getting this game if not for Shibuya and they have done this at a great risk. Do they have offices in Japan or just in France? If they have offices in Japan, we can add them to the card. We can ask Cedric when the next time he'll be in Japan to check in on YS Net will be and have it shipped during that time frame.
by Himuro
Wed May 17, 2017 1:16 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

I never said anything about Shenmue being at E3. My post is related to the status of the IP, not Shenmue's appearance at E3. It could be at E3, it might not be at E3. At this point, it doesn't matter. What I'm most convinced of is that there is movement within the series IP which is not related to III.
by Himuro
Thu May 18, 2017 11:07 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

Hey everyone, just checking in an... holy mother-chedding smokes! I was only gone for 24hrs! :p

But a few things come to mind (warning: heavy speculation): How would this CEO know of this sweet intel? Let's think of his connections shall we: he ports games, therefore may know of other independent port-houses in the UK. If we look at that list of those untitled E3 games at SEGA's booth from a few weeks ago, one stood out from SEGA Europe. It was listed as 'adventure' (or 'rpg', doing this off the top of my head) for PS4, Xbox One and PC. These platforms in particular stood out as sega europe rarely produces anything outside of of PC and strategy/simulation games.

May be a stretch for some, but I think those two can be linked. Which potentially means this 'port' or 'remaster' (depending on what they're actually doing) is happening in the UK or Europe by one and/or a combination of these studios:

- Blitworks (Jet Set Radio)
- Modern Dreams Games UK (House of the Dead Overkill)
- That other UK dev that ported Valkyria Chronicles and possibly Bayonetta/Vanquish to PC (forgotten their name; can't find their website)

I think he would have likely have known about it from them. Anyone noticed how a lot of these publications/rumour sources (RICE digital, that journalist, this CEO from Just add water) are all within proximity of the UK? I'm starting to think it's less likely that bluepoint's project is in relation to Shenmue HD.

Sorry if this seems like useless fodder, it's just the first thing that came to my mind hearing all this, as the picture gets clearer and the dots connect. As someone pointed out earlier, it could also very much be a case of my cognitive bias especially with everything that's out there xD so let's remain cautious as always. As Shenhua says: I'll await whilst praying...

I think it's highly likely to be Blit. Jet Set Radio HD was fantastic and they've expressed a lot of interest doing an HD version of Shenmue. I think most of us wanted Blit anyways, if Bluepoint couldn't make it Blit was always considered the number 1 or 2 pick to do it. I know for me at least, I always wanted Blit to work on it.

No absolutely. Inside I am wanting to scream out loud, both with what I know publically and privately. But until I see something in my TV screen, I have disciplined my head to think that nothing will be shown. That way, I can handle my emotions better and despite feeling a wide range of negative emotions inside if there is another no show, I can up on a brave face, and handle it with dignity and respect for YSNET. That's what I am asking. PSX was a learning experience so let's learn from it.

It's also good to hear you have changed also. :nice!:

We must have strength, discipline, and patience.

Group hug.
by Himuro
Thu May 18, 2017 12:03 pm
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Re: Doing something nice for Shenmue III team

shredingskin wrote: Fruit is pretty damn expensive in japan.

Fruit in itself is considered a luxury item in Japan. ... 05105.html

Combined with the wine and it's the perfect gift.
by Himuro
Thu May 18, 2017 5:23 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

By modern standards, how likely would a Yakuza Kiwami situation be? The games were ahead of their time at the time, but would a remake of 1 and 2 be remotely possible? Someone like Kidnocon recreated the environments with modern tech pretty easily, at least for 1.
by Himuro
Fri May 19, 2017 8:44 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

Hmmm. So a remaster would be the best thing to get. Not that I'm complaining.
by Himuro
Fri May 19, 2017 9:19 am
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Guilin is the best part of any game to me

The Guilin section of Shenmue II is my favorite section of a game ever made. It's so beautiful in its contrast to the rest of the series with its sights AND sounds. The fateful meeting, the ambient music, the conversations, the easy-going tone of it, the mystery of the stone cave. I just love it so much. Watching the Game Informer video of it has been a big reminder of that. Anyone else feel similarly?
by Himuro
Sat May 20, 2017 11:39 pm
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Re: Guilin is the best part of any game to me

Shenmue II is easily my favorite game of all time. When I list my favorite game I say Shenmue I+II or the Shenmue series. But really, the only reason I is there is because it's tied to II and makes II even better. I consider 1 to be garnish and II to be the actual meal. Not to say I isn't great, because it is. But my passion and love for I doesn't nearly touch my love for II. And yet they wouldn't work with the other. Such a beautiful complimentary duo of games. With III, I believe I'll finally be able say Shenmue trilogy as my favorite game. :)
by Himuro
Sun May 21, 2017 4:04 pm
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Re: Guilin is the best part of any game to me

Since it seems like Shenmue 3 will start at the beginning of the Guilin section of Shenmue 2, are you guys gonna rush through it to find out as quickly as possible what happens after the cave or will you take your time to take in all of the sights remade in modern graphics?

The second one EASILY. The Shenhua house video made me tear up because I was so happy. It was like seeing an old friend again, except this time they've grown up. I am going to fully explore Shenhua's house again, every nook and cranny!
by Himuro
Sun May 21, 2017 5:00 pm
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Re: Guilin is the best part of any game to me

There's no guarantee they're even remaking the sections from Shenmue II. Yu said they'll start the game sometime after the ending of II. I think you are doing yourself a disservice as disc 4 is an amazing preview for III, and there's no possible way or reason the team would remake the entire disc just for III. Where did you get that they're remaking the stuff from Shenmue II? From the rock jumping QTE and the fireflies cutscene? It seems to me those were made for conceptual basis rather being something that'll be in the final product. There's a high chance you will have skipped the best preview for Shenmue III, go into Shenmue III and not have it. Then you'll be mad you didn't do it.
by Himuro
Sun May 21, 2017 6:22 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

I like how you make the x's thicker each new day as if you're growing more and more impatient as each day goes by. Expecting the last day to have the entire calendar x'd out at this point. :lol:

You also missed an opportunity to draw a Dreamcast logo as the target there. :shock:
by Himuro
Mon May 22, 2017 4:13 pm
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Re: Guilin is the best part of any game to me

I don't think it's a contest. Without Guilin Shenmue would be dead. If the game ended at Kowloon, who literally gives a shit what happens next. It's just a game where dude conquered and doesn't look inside himself, at all, and then rides into the sunset in the search for treasure. Pretty much every mystery in the series is grounded in Guilin. Who is Shenhua? What are the big stone mirrors for? What about the sword? What's with the cave? What's with Shenhua's powers? Ryo doing tai chi? A hint of him looking inside of himself and reconsidering his revenge? Who made camp before them, Lan Di? What about the Shenmie tree? It must have a significant role. Why does Ryo feel like he knows it? Are they siblings? Are they lovers? Is Shenhua a mystical being that has been reincarnated? Or is she hundreds of years old?

These mysteries and more, from three to four hours of one gameplay section.

No Guilin, no Shenmue III. Without Guilin who gives a fuck. It's just a generic - although fantastic - game where the hero wins at the end. Yawn.

Shenmue Dojo would have been dead by at least 2010 if Guilin weren't in II. What's there to talk about? Ryo beating Dou Niu? Without Guilin, if you beat disc 3 and it was the end of the game you'd probably think,"ah, I know how it ends. Ryo will beat Lan Di in the end, who cares." But Guilin changes the map, the stakes, and resets the board.

Without Guilin I don't see the fanbase give nearly as much of a shit about Shenmue. It'd have its fans and everything but it wouldn't have a fanbase grasping for something new as much as does now. It would have been a dead series like Suikoden or something.
by Himuro
Tue May 23, 2017 9:21 am
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Re: Religion

I think most atheist arguments are poor.

It's a simple burden of proof, and let me say this straight, most of the time the real reason is "because I want to". At a personality level both the believe of god and the lack of it, gives the person the sense of "knowing", and with that notion is easier to travel the path of living. Some people find the lack of a god comforting in the meaning that we are what we are and we get what we get. Some religious people also feel the same, but think of a non interventionist god that is so interventionist that is basically the same if it didn't exist. And some people find the believe in a god comforting.

For me is very simple to be atheist, simply because "god" is such a bullshit term that encompass "everything" and means nothing (and needs to be painstaking-timeconsuming endeavor to address in individual matters).

We are fucking thrown into the world that is full of danger, and aware of our mortality, different people cope with it by different means.

Oh ok, yeah I was more thinking in the context of the big ol image of "imagine no religion" in my face scrolling down the page.

I do think that no religious societies can exist, look at countries, you follow the rules (law) not because there's a god, but because it's tacitally agreed that they're in place to benefit you while not benefitting any/everybody else. Even if you don't believe that the state can/will guarantee that, there are institutions set in place to enforce those rules, and you can take a gamble on it.

Saying burden of proof is all you need is an example of the lack of humanization in many atheist circles. They just see theists as a target to show their intellectual superiority. In reality, leaving it to burden of proof and not creating a foundational layer for your worldview is intellectually dishonest as it is lazy.

But you're right. The burden of proof does lay upon us. This doesn't excuse bad, emotional arguments - from either side, I may add. But the burden of proof doesn't mean you've "won" the argument and even that you're right. It just makes the debate more lop-sided.

But it's funny you mention the burden of proof when humans have a natural capacity to search and seek God. Even atheists do this. I'm not even talking about this from a religious perspective. It was mentioned earlier how many atheists still have views that clash with their lack of belief. It's almost like we as a species are driven to seek this entity - whatever it is.

It's also funny you mention how we're thrown in to a harsh world. This is in no way an argument against religion, especially since it remains the core of so many religions, especially Christianity. And no, I disagree about our morals. We tend to know what is moral and betray our own morality. We know it's wrong to hate, but it's easy to hate. Humanity is completely inconsistent regarding its morals, and most of that cruelty you mentioned is man-made: war, rape, abuse, poverty. We could solve world hunger and poverty right now if we wanted to, but we won't. Because man is broken and betrays his universal morality. This is the core of Christianity.

As for your response to Unholy Bible, I'm not sure what good you think a society without religion would do. Only 7% of the worlds wars are started due to religion. It would be naive, especially after the 20th century, to think that getting rid of religion would solve anything, especially since that very century showed how powerful and good a force religion is and can be (civil rights movement for instance). Today's social movements are predicated upon a foundation of secularism and yet they treat humanity as nothing more than labels. You're a snowflake if you're a Trump supporter; you're a racist/misogynist/whatever if you're not. In all of this, we have forgotten the Golden Rule and this truly shows what a secular society can achieve: a society where everyone is all about getting theirs and nothing more. I personally find the shallowness of today's society to be endemic to its secularism; religion stands as the one alternative.
by Himuro
Tue May 23, 2017 2:48 am
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Re: Ryo's face

It's still a bad example because that's just Pacman character art. In actual Pacman games he still looks like the one on the left. And as said, the one on the right has been represented in Pacman character art for 30 years.

Here's how Pacman looks in a modern Pacman game.

I'm not seeing it. Pacman is Pacman. He says the character for Pacman has changed but within gameplay it hasn't at all.

Even then, the comparison doesn't apply since Shenmue wasn't made with pixel art and we have examples both in this thread and via Kid NoCon's HD work that Ryo translates to modern graphics.

Essentially, the point makes no sense within the context of Shenmue and the character model of Ryo. The conclusion that old game characters don't translate as technology grows seems to be reaching at best especially for Shenmue.
by Himuro
Tue May 23, 2017 1:05 am
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Re: Shenmue 2 - Game Informer Super Replay

I really liked the latest episode.
by Himuro
Fri May 26, 2017 3:34 pm
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Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

Dev Room Progress Report Vol. 3
Posted by Ys Net (Creator)
Greetings Everyone,

In this month’s update we present to you our third development report!
Who’s this new face…? Please check it out!

Thank you for watching and we hope you enjoyed it!
We have also been receiving questions from our backers regarding our plans to participate in upcoming game shows. While our schedule has yet to be finalized, we will be devoting June to game development and as a result, will unfortunately not be participating in any game shows. On the other hand, we look forward to bringing you our monthly updates and hope you do too!
Thank you!
From the Shenmue III Team
by Himuro
Sun May 28, 2017 11:14 pm
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

I had a problem with it looking cartoony as well, but then I realized that there's no lighting or detail at all on the model. Also, characters like the yakuza boss and Goro also looked somewhat cartoony despite the realistic aesthetic.
by Himuro
Sun May 28, 2017 11:42 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

That blue text is making me blind. Make it stop, please.
by Himuro
Mon May 29, 2017 12:11 am
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

Again, I'm fine with this model. But if they make it entirely like a stylized manga like Spaghetti is proposing...
by Himuro
Mon May 29, 2017 12:10 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

I'm not expecting to reach December 2017 now. But I hope we get to see some thing before then. Unfortunate, but I can deal.
by Himuro
Mon May 29, 2017 4:36 am
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Re: Best Shenmue forum signature

Mine is the best.
by Himuro
Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:49 pm
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Re: What would make you not play the game?

I'd have to be dead before I don't play this game.
by Himuro
Mon May 29, 2017 6:51 pm
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

Lurking for now, but I have not seen a single piece of this thread have anything remotely worth moderating? Why is what ChiefNeo and Darksniper says considered to be hostile and not Dojo worthy but Peter is allowed to call pieces of the conversation bullshit? I thought we were supposed to be talking about this topic without emotion, but Peter is allowed to call it bullshit. Pardon me for asking, but I'm really confused on what the line is?
by Himuro
Tue May 30, 2017 6:32 pm
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

So then your rationale as a mod is to make the situation worse by calling posts in an already tense thread bullshit? Under your own rules you should get that 30 day ban. You have made the situation worse by threatening bans without justification when you're just as emotional as the people you threaten. If you're going to make threats and ultimatums state the base line. If you're going to moderate then don't call posts bullshit without stating what you find to be bullshit. You talk about how people aren't comprehending people's posts, but you are doing an awful job explaining your posts, making them easy to be misinterpreted. As a staff member you can and should do better.
by Himuro
Tue May 30, 2017 8:23 pm
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Re: Guilin is the best part of any game to me

it's surprising, yet inspiring, to see your love for Guilin. Here are the main reasons you said you love it:

It's so beautiful in its contrast to the rest of the series with its sights AND sounds. The fateful meeting, the ambient music, the conversations, the easy-going tone of it, the mystery of the stone cave.

Urban vs rural; the physical vs mystical; patience vs impatience.

The music is probably the most staying part for me.
The hawk scene still gives me chills when I see it.

Pretty much every mystery in the series is grounded in Guilin.

Which of those reasons (or another) is the cherry-on-top of your love of Guilin?
Did you love Guilin that much 10 years ago?
Have you visited Guilin IRL?

I think the urban vs rural and material vs immaterial is my favorite. It really changed my perspective on how I viewed things, such as rural life which I considered inferior to my suburban living when I played it. It literally changed my world view and made me hope for something more in nature and in this world. I remember one part where they're talking about cows and how in Japan, they eat cows. I thought that was natural because I was American and hey, we eat burgers. But Shenhua talked about how they couldn't eat cows because otherwise they'd have nothing to fertilize or help till their land. It truly showed the disparity between lifestyles Ryo (me as a stand in) had in contrast to Shenhua. And while it seems obvious, it really opened the mind of a naive 20 year old city kid's mind to a different way of living. I learned that there's some things that the city doesn't and can't offer. It has inspired me to want to go camping out in nature and just look at the stars some time. I've been planning on doing that once a year, actually.

Yes I have felt the same exact way about Guilin since I first played it in 2006.

I have not visited Guilin but it is one of my goals to do so someday.

Why is it surprising I love Guilin so much? Almost all of my Shenmue related avatars are Shenhua doing something rural in Guilin and it's deliberate - I am in love with the area so much and I cannot wait to explore it in III.
by Himuro
Thu May 25, 2017 4:00 am
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